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ITT: Post animes that are lost into oblivion.
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You are currently reading a thread in /a/ - Anime & Manga

Thread replies: 122
Thread images: 38
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ITT: Post animes that are lost into oblivion.
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>there are people posting on /a/ RIGHT NOW who've never seen Urotsukidouji
Shirobaco is popular though, they even named a cafe after it in Aquarion LOGOS
I vaguely recall one about a football team turned into Arthurian knights
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ouran phone crush is as timeless as /a/ itself
I was just using a reaction image in response to keit-ai.
can only memes contend with each other in battle?
Well, I'm gonna remand that back to your hand and draw a card.
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Pic related was my second choice

Fucking dark bribe
Deserves recognition.
>most harrowing death scene in animu grave of fireflies btfo

The majority of those who have seen it, have probably only seen the butchered western versions.
You know where to get another one?
Wait, was uncut one 5 episode long?
Think I've seen it long ago.
>"this isn't anime"
>"What do y- WHY?!"

I will never forget either one of these. I saw Legend of the Over-Fiend when I was a kid, it blew my fucking fragile little mind at the time.

Saikano still gets mentioned around here once in a while. It had some unforgettable scenes, and the manga end is a really nightmarish scenario if you think about it.
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You don't know anime if you haven't watched this.

I know that there was an uncut version of the first 5 OVAs released on DVD Murrica, which is long out of print now. Most people are probably familar with the 2 movies (legend of the overfiend/ legend of the demon womb) which combined and butchered the first 5 OVAs of actual plot as well as the sexual content.
Years ago, there was an anime craze in Brazil and someone thought it would be a good idea to broadcast a dubbed, uncut version of Urotsukidouji on non paid, free access TV (at midnight, but still. That time slot featured anime, suddenly LOL Overfiend. And there were reruns). This probably is quite infamous here.
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/a/ doesn't like to mention it because it reminds them of how they cried like a little bitch.

Pic related.
I'm old enough to have witnessed that become a legend and be forgotten
Am i lost in oblivion too?
I've always loved this theme, but it's a blatant ripoff of the original Star Trek.
I watched it when i was a kid
why am i so fucking old
where all my time did go holy shit
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2006 was 10 years ago
Stop torturing me like that
You wasted it like us, watching anime.
I watched the 3rd season of Yamato when it was airing in Japan (it was so successful in my country that they didn't wait for the American version and bought it straight from Japan. Suddenly Argo became Yamato and shit, it was hilarious).
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I loved it at the time.

Babbys first nine-tailed fox fetish.
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18 years between the first and second watch.
What country?
Brazil. The ship was called Argo in the heavily cut version they aired in the US with the name of Star Blazers. Derek Wildstar, pfft.
Shit /a/ i'm an old lonely alcoholic, can't we just meet one of these night and drink togheter crying off our wasted lives?
In my country they used the same adapted names, but i'm not sure the third season came before the anime boom
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We had here this extinct TV network, Manchete (not the knife, the word means "news"), who was fond of anime before the boom. We got even several dubbed tokusatsu series from them.
Me too, but hanging around our own kind is too draining.
Holy shit, that's beyond sad
its like the epitaph of a whole era
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Chibi Hikaru.jpg
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Y'all so fucking underage on /a/. Don't even mention the classics that aren't meme tier anymore.
>there will never EVER be a high quality Daicon IV vid
I've got Counterbalance out anon, and i've got some bad news about the top card of my deck.
There is still hope.
Do you have a decent life?
did you manage to find some kind of love?
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I bet no one on /a/ has watched this.
There was never hope.
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Raws exist but no one will ever sub it.
What are some fansub groups who work on older, unsubbed shows?
Okay, you got me
You have and you're on /a/.

Toshio Maeda is my idol anon, I'll never forget him.
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> Innocent 14 year old boy
> only access to anime is the local video store
> rent out everything
> urotsukidoji isn't rated
> rent it out because its one of the only anime left I haven't watched
> start watching
> ohmy.jpg
> keep watching for the PLOT
> disturbed but intrigued
> later start downloading hentai
> watch it in media player
> shared computer
> parents use computer and open media player
> hentai comes up as last played
> parents have a 'talk' with me about my deviancy
> 'It was hackers I swear'
> mfw they believe me

Hackers. Putting hentai on your computer since 1999.
Watching every OVA out there is not an outstanding achievement.
It's too bad Hyouge Mono ended up getting subbed to the bitter end. It would've been great to have a modern legend of a god tier show that simply can't be understood by pleb tier weebs.
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I have. Pic related is my counterattack.
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One of my favourite OVAs
I mean, my Japanese isn't nearly good enough for me to be comfortable watching without subs so I appreciated Hyouge Mono. You're right though, that kinda thing never happens anymore with HS and the various streaming sites.
Yeah, fucking hackers filling your mom browser history with evangelion doujin pages
I forgot how that place with scanlated doujins was called
you know the one i'm talking about
Would be nice if it had more than a hardsubbed VHS-rip available.
How's the Akai Kiba manga? If you've read it, I mean.

Even less spoken about is the sequals, especially the third. It gets v weird.
Nice, I should have thought of that
Are you that guy who kept posting this around Halloween?
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I've got the Manga UK dubbed tapes. It's a shame how rare it is, it's got a great story.

I've not read it. I'll have to try and track it down. Have you read it?
Yeah, but I only posted it once in one thread. Never seen anyone else mention it.
No I haven't read it. I'm always tempted to pick up the manga after watching those types of OVAs. Blue Sonnet's been on my backlog for a while but I'm on an OVA binge this week and plan on finally watching it tonight or tomorrow.
>Yeah, but I only posted it once in one thread
You sure this isn't you? http://desustorage.org/a/search/image/S82RFqrDzjzUmIDnnEEFzA/
Not that guy but I think we can forgive the occasional shilling if it's something no one's ever heard of.
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Nope, don't see mine there. The image in this thread is the first off google. One I used before was a screenshot. Glad someone else obviously likes it, though.
oh hey this is Junichi Sato, love this guy
I'll have to watch it
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Nigger, please. That ran on late night TV here in germany. It was cut though.

This too.
Right? Shame the 2008 manga is in such a different style. The OVA feels like it's setting up a series that never came about, sadly.
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>Don't even mention the classics that aren't meme tier anymore.

That would be like bringing up escaflowne or el hazard. They were all mainstream hits in the west in the 90s.

Cat-eared Hikaru was on every single angelfire site back in the day.
Stop. I can't deal with this nostalgia
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Surely you must be capable of better articulation than that.
It hurts man.
Now I'm interested.
any good? synopsis is lacking but it looks like a fun sci-fi

90s Sato too, the best one
holy shit that trailer made me jump

I don't recall. Back then I might have been a teenager easily impressed by an all-female main cast doing superpowered combat and a bit of grittyness.

Not that that has changed much
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Doesn't mean it can't be talked about now? Apply the same to anything. "SBY was decades ago, we can't talk about that, but we can about the new one. P.S. - Love Live is my favourite anime!"

this looks so baller
> mfw they believe me
Did they? Parents aren't always stupid you know. They just might have wanted to confirm that it was you and not someone else and then let you off the hook because it's embarrassing to talk about.
I think his point is that the non-underage people still aren't likely to discuss shit they saw fifteen years ago or more all that often.
How's Dracula penis doing? Its years that i don't check his page
the most memorable shows have been discussed to death
everything else blurs together in memory anyway
I dl'ed a torrent of this like 2 years ago. I don't think it can be "lost into oblivion" if it has working torrents.
>P.S. - Love Live is my favourite anime!
Love Live is actually better than Rayearth. Not than SBY, though.
>everything else blurs together in memory anyway
You can't pretend forever you're not feeling time pass, i guess
Love Live is complete garbage even for this age

>Doesn't mean it can't be talked about now?
No, but it means it won't be talked about as much now. Inb4 "But people talk about Evangelion!", you should be able to tell that's an exceptional case, and it's supported by a combination of circlejerkers and constant newfags, because it is monstrously popular.
We're closer to 2030 than we are to 2000.

How many of you fuckers have seen Iczer-One, dubbed or subbed?

I saw that shit when I was 13 and just getting into anime. I had no idea it would get so fucked up. That was an interesting weekend, to say the least.
Oh, please, this age is perfectly fine, and LL is nice, happy entertainment.
>adult characters
>not moe at all
those must be from a different era
>Nagisa is a schoolgirl with schoolgirl tendencies
picked up

Oh you are in for a TREAT.
I remember Inukami.
You're mixing things up. what you mean is Idolmaster
LL is pure shit
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Lost and found
Also digital memory - be it complete shows on HDD or a screenshots folder - is biased towards recency.

Shows you've seen on TV or VHS are something that you're less likely to have on disk.
Looks right up my alley. Should I watch the OVA or the movie version? Looks like the movie doesn't cut anything, but has a slightly different color tint.

I only ever saw the OVA version, so I'd go with that one.
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That don't deserve to be forgotten
>kids thinking that anime that got domestic releases are obscure
Man you are a really special person and I wish I was as cool and knowledgeable about anime as you.

>recommendation thread

Yet some people are still going to respond seriously and spoonfeed.
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I'm probably one of the only ones who still remembers this. Not surprising since it was an original show which only aired on a pay channel (WOWOW), and I don't think it even averaged more than a thousand copies. Then again, Animax aired a lot of obscure stuff back in the day.

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Good point anon.

It might be, but you need to remember that this was in 2002. Very few people were computer literate, and my parents didn't know much about the internet.
Lot's of good and bad shows from recent years got forgotten as well.
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a webm for ants.webm
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Good thing this masterpiece is still remembered

Wow, that takes me back.

Not anywhere good, mind you, but it takes me back.
Thread replies: 122
Thread images: 38

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