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ITT: Explain an anime or manga plot badly and others have to
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ITT: Explain an anime or manga plot badly and others have to guess.

I'll start easy.

>MC is dude
>Dude is every species ever
>Too many swords
>"It was all apart of my plan"
>WW2 Germans with superpowers invade feudal Japan with supwerpowers

Fuck off you crossboarding fag.
Teenage girl teams up with this edgy immortal dude to help her grow stronger so she can get revenge on the group of men that killed and raped her mom while forcing her to watch.

Not to defend OP that is a huge faggot but you must be really new to not know that ITT has been here in /a/ for a long time you retarded autist.
>highschool girl has the ability to transform into a little child
>is talented at sports despite never practicing, smart despite never studying, attractive despite eating shit
>has her wageslave brother buy everything for her
>has at least one female friend that lusts over her
An asshole, an idiot, Michael Bay, and a masochist go adventuring.
In the future, there is still no cure for autism, and it causes a political scandal

A transfer student takes up flying, boring events and lack of character development ensue.
>Boy wants to be a Seigi no Mikata
>He can't be Seigi no Mikata because he's normal
>Biggest Seigi no Mikata takes him under his wing to become a Seigi no Mikata
>He goes to school for Seigi no Mikata's to become a Seigi no Mikata
>MC is a sword
>lol, no he is actually a sheath
A guy uses his right hand to promote gender equality.
This is a good explanation.
>People have nothing beyond easy mode
A crazy psycho who just killed his best friend chases an incontinent "rabbit"

Correct, except for the boring part.
A pirate protects Earth from plants.

>MC is a sword
>MC Kills his girlfriend
A boy falls in love.

he is gifted with by luck a girl's phone number. He calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
You should seriously stop posting that. It's not a thing and never will be, no matter how many times that Fictionpress thing is posted or that edited OP is posted.
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>Titans attack MC's home town, he sees his mother die
>MC joins resistance group fighting against the Titans
>MC eventually gains power of a transforming giant
U.M.R is best (not really)
Annie is shit
Annie is shit
A boy falls in love.

he is gifted with by luck a girl's phone number. He calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
Madoka Magica?
cmon no one?
this is easy mode
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Clue: the psycho is voiced by Sugita.

I said it doesn't count.
An amnesiac dude with "hidden" superpowers wants his memories back so he and two friends raid some vaults.
Frozen: the anime
A shota, an angry guy, another shota, a giant girl and a princess clear their names.

Also demons.
Code Geass?
A gay guy rapes his best friends girlfriend
I'm thinking DBZ.
A spectral being has a thrilling time on a certain piece of playground equipment.
The seven deadly sins?
Fibers get lost
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you got it
But his mother dies after he joins the resistance. It's Zeta Gundam.
Local beta ruins everything
Life is Strange, but with an older man as the MC.
Can't help but think of KLK here.

Miho best girl
"I gotta teach you all to kill me"
tough guy here
Spook Chute
Yep on KLK
a female hero works in a call center and stalks a burger joint employee
>I'm thinking DBZ.
A psycho voiced by Sugita? I don't know it, but it sounds interesting.
Hataraku Maō-sama

Too easy

MC goes on a journey but doesn't accomplish shit.
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You've killed me. I'm done.
Wait, I might know it. Is it Corpse Party?
Best girl for sure
ikki tousen
Do you need more seiyuu?

The said show also has Hiro Shimono, Rina Sato, Asami Imai, Eri Kitamura, Yuuka Nanri, Tetsuya Kakihara, and Ikue Ohtani.

You got it! How did you know, by the way?
Honestly I thought this was Zeta Gundam until the last line
you got it senpai, yeah I couldn't find a way to make it more difficult.
Pokemon? He ain't becoming a master.
Now that you are dead. You can go down the slide too.
I was thinking of roles he had, but I totally forgot about Corpse Party. I played the game on psp, so once I remembered it all came back to me.
Middle School Girls all become cripples
Alien took my hand
A NEET needs to accompany a girl to the toilet. He then proceeds to sing songs that his friends don't recognize.
you're not living your life correctly and i'm gonna punch you really hard to prove it
Fucking bitch gave me her job cause she sucks, now I gotta go save her.
>MC tries to kill himself
>best girl dies
The thing they were searching was him all along. Also, pretentious
Zetsuba Sensei
Yes, bless Kubo
Johnny Bravo in space.
Space Dandy
A shy girl from northern Japan has a crush on some salaryman and becomes friends with his sister.
Food Porn
no Soma
Perhaps a smidge too easy.

yes ;_;
>tfw lost my dick
Unforbidden love but with bears.
Space retards leaded by emo jesus.
He's a big guy

it's a easy one
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You got it.
MC dies, becomes civil servant.
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Cross Ange
A girl meets some edgelord, forgets all about it, gets raped and then lives happily ever after
everyone is dead and has to find a purpose to move on
It's never getting a 2nd season.
glasses get adjusted

mp gets redistributed
Couple of dudes get kidnapped by women and are forced to work for them, eventually they gain their trust. One of the women wants to fuck the shit out of one of the captives, then everyone wants to fuck the shit out of said captive when they figure out he can do something really cool.
The Zeta can transform into a space plane.
Akiba is a forest, and burgers have no flavor.

You're favorite anime
A kid goes to an important political building.
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Do the men break out while the women get out in jail and then more sheenigans happen?
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Log Horizon
>gets raped and then lives happily ever after
>MC is a failure
>Enrolled in magic academy
>Got bitches left and right
A girl and two guys go on a journey thanks to a coin flip.
indeed. this as well >>137505545
Dagashi Kashi
Saya is best girl
Pretty sure they break out of their cells at some point, been a while since i've seen it though.
Digimons fight so their master gets money.
Someone says hey, and then proceeds to start dash
>Mc is a bored ass faggot traveler that happens to be expert on super natural phenomenoms
>look mom I posted it again!
The teacher is dead.
/lgbt/ + /soc/
Angel Beats?
MC inserts his key in a girl to get magic books.
Yup. I haven't watched it in a while so I was afraid I explained it incorrectly.
eblin, sir
My right hand is the girl for me
Some guy takes up a new hobby because of a girl and proceeds to do okay at it
A girl who wishes she was the MC of bleach, a Yuki Nagato wannabe, and a schoolgirl talk into mics.
For some reason I'm thinking of Slam Dunk.
MC is about to finally learn magic but then the manga gets axed.
>Life is suffering
>Everything is meaningless
>Humianity is will die out
School Live
Girl fuses with main character and both sing to use magic.
MC sends millions of people to their deaths for his gay crush
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Sadly that's not what I had in mind.

Clue: it's actually a SoL. Oh, and the teacher isn't literally dead. If you were here during November you would know this.
Saliva = Wikipedia
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Girlfriend X or something like that
No, but that works too
a homosexual decides to cosplay as Kamen Rider, becomes president of the world. Meanwhile his best friend demonstrates that Japan thinks it's a good to let schizophrenics be police officers
eat foes
get powers
acquire harem
hero academerica
Bit of a clue since no one seems to know it.

It's in space and there was a literal gender war.
Japan starts letting foreigners in.

MC has to host like a few eccentric bitches.
Monster Musume
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Homosexual? Please, anon.
Marry and reproduce.
Engaged to the Unidentified
Correct, the whole gender war might have made it too easy.
Best knight is killed by bees.
I've not actually seen it, but I'm assuming SamFlam?

have a snek
They play a game.
They win.
They take a bath with the loser.
A boy and his lucky cat release all their Pokemon.
Thanks for the snek.
nope, read that wrong
>Forced sex, with a bucn of rats watching it.
Scientist is baffled by a man's ability to fuck up every time.
No geimu no laifu
MC is one of the few normals in a world that every kid has magic eyes.
This guy from Japan and his pet visit France, befriends a girl with a crush in him, an inventor, and the inventor's sister. The girl with the crush also becomes some kind of entertainer.
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MC ignores the obvious as he repeats the same scenario with slightly different circumstances
Edgy guy likes to cut a girl's hair.
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Ding ding we have a winner, truly your heart is filled with justice
Kyon-kun and the Denwas
That's what spiderman is.
tatami galaxy?

Legend of the galactic heroes?
MC teaches why rifles are better than muskets.
A pedophile helps a rich brat avenge his dead parents in exchange for a taste of him.
correct on tatami though endless 8 fits too
Nisio Isin
Black Butler
Local student fights against Green Berets.
Looks like I've got to finish that series because I need to find out how it goes from the homosexual cosplayer adventures of the first episode to what the fuck your just described.
/fit/ guy marries a loli mangaka.
Mc stalks some dude with an exposed nipple and stumbles upon the Zenithian Sword.
A dog bravely fights against a zombie invasion
A boy falls in love with a girl, unable to confess he gets really hungry and leaves the house.
Autist throws a match
Detective is turned into a child and plot happens once a year.
>replying to him

1. A red-haired seiyuu succeeds in fulfilling her dreams.
2. A red-haired seiyuu fails in fulfilling her dreams.

Taroumaru did nothing wrong

>MC is beta as fuck
>LOL no, we are humans.
MC gets cucked by his grandfather
It was supposed to a gag manga
>MC goes into the future (or some shit)
>MC tries to save a bitch with a shit name
>need water
>other chick gets raped
>kids start dying
Still mad
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Also sore ga seiyuu
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Anime original is pic related.
Stop shitting up the thread please.
X-Men visit the Philippines and Beijing

#2 is correct.
X-men vs Greenpeace
Worst Guy in-universe is Best Guy IRL
Witches aren't real.
Samurai Champloo?
I stalked some dude with an exposed nipple and stumbled upon the Zenithian sword?
Yes to both.
I am a doll
/r9k/ becomes inexplicably popular with women.
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Great job!
Grandfather has to cope with the loss of his only surviving daughter and his family from the near same cause of death his eldest son years had and after moving on from the death of his wife a year back.

Goes on a cross country journey with friend he hasn't seen in 55 years, his elder sons fiance, a former politician's lover and his neighbors deceptively young parrot to bury his families ashes at his ancestral burial grounds.
Ayy that was quick.
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Initial D with tanks
A girl hangs out with a shota. She's kind of a cold bitch.
Two bros must pull a macgyver against giant balls.
Boy genius finds those responsible for giving him a roofie with nasty side effects. He now resides fighting crime for a clueless woman and his idiot father.
black bullet?

Heavy Object or Terra Formars?
salaryman has an npc harem
Nope. Tip: eternal hiatus
Heavy Object
>Every battle harem
Nop, here's another hint.

She has morbid interests.
A boy falls in love with a girl

Unable to confess, he attempts to kill himself a couple of times
>Senpai noticed me.
No, kill yourself retard.
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