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Ooyasan wa Shishunki
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>[HorribleSubs] Ooyasan wa Shishunki! - 05 [720p].mkv
My landlord can't be this cute!

My dick can't be this hard: the anime.
I want to be her friend, then secretly rape and impregnate her and as his friend say to her that I will marry her and help rise her child (my son) and spend the rest of our life together.
Being this cute should be illegal.

I really wish this show was longer.
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You haven't been an anmie character for very long, have you?
Waiting for kaitou.
Surprisingly one of the best openings this season
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meme girl.jpg
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it's the shinkansen girl.
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I want a middle schooler to take care of me.
This won't get any doujin will it?
My sources say it will
Anybody scanning?
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you'd be surprised
Luckily nope!
Go wasted on other place!

Nope, only about 10 minutes so far.
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She sure is.
Why does she always hang out with an old guy? Doesn't she have any friends? If I was MC, I would be worried about her, and try to help. She is daughteru after all.
There's something exceptionally cute about her that I can't quite put my finger on. Big ears, maybe?

She is a business owner. There is no possible way her middle school friends could relate to her.
MC clearly only wants to fuck her so he really doesn't care.
It's the eyes and eyelashes. Also the blush. Also the smile. It makes you want to protect but also violate.
What a faggot. I can't self insert into this shit.
He has his priorities in order, I see.
how could anyone bully this cutie?
The episodes are just too short!
>2 minute episodes
>having an opening

Its really cute.


It's a great OP. Well worth the time it takes up. Part of the show's charm is how it packs so much moe-ness into such a ridiculously short run time.
It's going to be painful waiting a full week just for a minute and a half of content to conclude this 2-part. Our grandparents never experienced hardships like this. I'm being teased with the promise of seeing a cute little girl form friendships over kawaii bento.
I still wish it was at least 4 minutes long. Teekyu time for something like this is kind of sad.
Another question mark for the collection.
Too bad the ugly artstyle due to the budget ruins it.
You're a huge faggot.
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Satonaka Chie question.png
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I'm not the best at this but here.
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this actually been made before the show even aired
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Yup. Gigantic, gargantuan faggot.


Faggot of proportions the like of which have never been previously observed or recorded.
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Anon you might be a bit of an idiot.
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no friends.jpg
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Are you being bullied, anon?
I didn't even watch this episode yet, but holy shit, I was right? Fuck, I wish the MC would stop being such a faggot and act like a good fatheru/onii-chan.
He does, watch it.
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Well shit OK. It's time for me to stop being the real faggot. Thanks for making me realize my idiocy - I'll try to amend it and become a better man.
This show is too damn cute.
I wonder what kind of housing apartments these girls manage.
The kind where the residents pay rent with their semen.
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An artificial insemination clinic?
Best screen transitions of the season.
I want to posses this thing.
That was a cute episode and Chie was cute as always.
I would watch this show if the main character wasn't literally a pedophile.
What is that old lady going to do to that poor, unsuspecting loli?
So /a/?
Would marry.
Nice one.
I wish the episodes were longer.
>This himecut qt
This show makes me want to commit many, many crimes.

Terribly underrated post.
I love this show so much. Why oh fucking why is it 2 minutes. There was enough material for a 1cour. Seven Arcs had literally never made a short before. The casting, char design and animation is so great. What gives.

Hopefully it'll pull a Yama no Susume and come back bigger and better.
I want to play with Chie
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I still don't get it.

I'm sorry for being dumb.
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There have been five episodes of her show so far, and each is 2 minutes long. Even with 25% of the total airing time being that cute OP, she's only been an anime character for 10 minutes.
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I see now.

Thanks Mister Anon!
Who would bully this?
There are more than enough manga volumes to make a full 24-minute 1-cour anime. The length of this anime is just a clear case of shitty production committee decisions.
24-minute episodes I mean.
well there a a few 5min shows this seasons
Maybe they wanted the Teekyuu audience.
Who watches this anyway in Japan? Is it really just the NEETs and pedos? Are there no father figures and upstanding citizens that watch it?
This show is just criminally wasted potential. It would be so good as a 24-minute episode show with better joke pacing.
SUNNY SKY どこまででもみるかるんだ

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I prefer to read lyrics in romaji, but ok.
Just copy paste to google translate.
Those who worked for this series.
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For those that wish this was longer, remember that Yama no Susume also started as a short that ended up getting specials and full episode second seasons, so there's always hope.

But I can read it just fine in kanji and kana, I just prefer reading it in romaji.
Chie is too pure, too cute for this world.
Is Osaka the old woman that lives in the apartment? If so, how can you think she's cute when she's so old?
No, I just posted in the wrong thread. Sorry.

Chie's eyes are so beautiful. That deep blue hue with what, 7 separate reflective glints of light?

They look like perfectly smoothed and rounded sapphires.
She's a smooth and round sapphire, so maybe that's why.
Best show of the season.
Too bad it's only two minutes long.
le bumping from page 10
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I want Chie-chan to live with me.
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