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Corpse Party thread
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Thread replies: 18
Thread images: 9
File: Sachiko-chapter-one-screenshot.jpg (276 KB, 2048x1126) Image search: [Google]
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Is it wrong if I liked the ovas even if some scenes made me despair?

Also pic related, this fucking girl got away without punishment.
The OVAs were shit anon.

Also, Corpse Party has amazing OPs. Never knew until recently that Asami Imai is a miracle of the universe.
Imai is a shit voice actor but a good singer.
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Am I the only person who likes Mayu? And is it wrong I got into the franchise due to pic related?
But anon, her very existence as a spirit is her punishment.
What happened to the other thread?
It died hours ago.
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Morishige ;_;
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Sachiko's two sides.jpg
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>got away without punishment.
Her very existence was punishment. Linked to a closed space, suffering for all eternity unable to feel her mother's love and forced to kill everyone that got close again and again.
The thing I like the most about corpse party are the characters. I really like them all, and of course, that includes Mayu. My favorite, though, is Sacchan.
Isn't in the archive, was it pruned? Why?
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I was asking because looking around it seems Mayu is the least popular major character (this is confirmed by the Japanese popularity polls).

Perhaps the sad thing about Mayu is that she's technically the reason why they did that ritual in the first place (since she was moving away), and yet she was among those who didn't make it alive. Although that isn't exactly surprising given she wasn't even in the original PC-98 game.
Seems it was deleted, but here's its Desustorage link:
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Seiko a best.
File: Please, don't look at me.jpg (461 KB, 800x1066) Image search: [Google]
Please, don't look at me.jpg
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For the same reason we can't have Yume Nikki threads (I'm still mad abut that asshole deleting the thread during the 10th aniversary). Because it's a videogame and some mods and janitors are really autistic about these things.
Mayu is the less popular because she's the one that had less time to shine. Dying first and during a chapter where she barely appeared didn't do her any good.
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Has anyone else read the Corpse Party Blood Covered manga? It does a few things differently and was recently finished translating.
I read it back when I was unfamiliar with the series, in order to find Mayu's toilet scene (I didn't know at the time it was in Book of Shadows rather than Blood Covered or Hysteric Birthday). Good thing it doesn't have as many pantyshots as Musume, but I still think pantyshots in the franchise at all are very out of place.

Also, kind of disappointed that Blood Drive doesn't have a manga adaptation.
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>Good thing it doesn't have as many pantyshots as Musume
It also has a better trap than musume.
>Am I the only person who likes Mayu?
One of the very few at least. She's kind of annoying and at the very least, she just isn't very interesting.
Thread replies: 18
Thread images: 9

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