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Manga pages or anime scenes that make you rage
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I just picked up the manga yesterday because of the show,it was pretty good then the twist that comes around in chapter 33 had me go "FUCKING WHAT?!" and think about everything I had read up till now for a few minutes.
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Hard Mode: Rage-inducing scenes that do not involve netorare or the injury/death of a love interest.
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>kill off the Suzuka manga protagonists' child in a spin-off manga
Shame. It looked interesting too.
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OP here,just finished chapter 34
spoilers for those watching the anime
>saves waifu
>ends up in a 15 year coma
>wakes up

I haven't felt this type of rage since I read Onani master
I might rage if I could read moon runes
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That couple that married in Otaku-san
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Comacuck was probably in a shoujo-esque love triangle while Kayo and Hiromi went through middleschool and highschool together.

After he entered the coma they probably visited him everyday together and eventually started flirting and falling in love over a mutual connection to his lifeless body.

Eventually visiting Satoru was just an excuse and they would use his comatose body as a way to score dates with each other because they were too awkward to ask the other out upfront.

>Hiromi confesses to Kayo
>Kayo says to give her time
>Later that day Hiromi goes to visit Satoru in his coma
>Kayo is already there, seemingly intimate with him
>"I knew it, you're still in love with him Kayo!"
>Hiromi runs out
>"Hiromi-kun, wait!"
>Kayo rushes after him
>Hiromi runs down the stars of Satoru's apartment, followed by Kayo
>Kayo trips
>Both of them tumble down the stars
>Kayo, now on top of Hiromi, tears streaming, hair disheveled
>"I love you Hiromi-kun! You're the one I love!!"
>"Liar! How can I believe that"
>Kayo leans in and kisses him
>"Hiromi-kun, I love you, will you go out with me?"
>Looks down, embarrassed
>"Of course, you big dummy..."
>Both of them gaze into each other's eyes before standing back up
>Walking back from visiting Satoru
>Hiromi lightly grasps Kayo's hand
>Both of them look away blushing, hiding their expressions under their mufflers
>"Well then, please take care of me!" said in unison

>absentmindedly left the door of comatose Satoru's apartment open in the middle of winter
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What's wrong, don't you enjoy eyeball licking?
>your tears are delicous
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Okay here you go.
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I still remember the day /a/ went ape shit
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I'm still mad.
Someone crop this with a "your tears are delicious" maymay
>tfw manga ending wasn't much better
Raphtalia should've been NTR'd
Eay bo0s got some sause?
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That's too easy, every chapter has one of those.
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Oh, how /a/ raged at the time.
I'm mad but best girl won so I'm not that mad
That face is burned into my mind.

I don't even remember what happened but it still makes me mad.
really annoying...
>thinly veiled NTR rage thread
he deserved it
ntr is worst fetish, vanilla is liberation
>try to set your waifu straight when you realize she's on a self-destructive crusade
>get beat half to death for it
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vanilla is a faggy fetish.
>Expecting some girl he wasn't in a relationship with to wait 15 years for him to wake up
The only rage I feel is retards actually being upset about this.
medaka is/will be/was always right
she wouldnt be medaka otherwise
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Medaka box's MC is tailor-made for femdom marriage and NTR.

I can't remember, was that an actual time-skip or just the gag of that chapter?
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I hate you Ken.
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What the fuck? Should I pick it up where I left or is this Usagi Drop 2.0?
I was about to pick that up but thanks for letting me know so i don't have to waste my time reading it. On that second page, is he fucking happily crying for getting cuck?
Hes actually happy.

People spout NTR but it isn't. They were never in a relationship. It's been 15 fucking years since they've talked.
It's still good, but it was just that scene also what>>136320798 said. you can't expect her to still have feelings 15 years later, but who knows we might get some more time-travelling scene since the culprit hasn't been caught yet
After Negima's ending I'm desensitized to this stuff
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This here was the most soul-crushing part of Kimi no iru Machi though.

Ruined a good chunk of that year for me, not even joking.
That is the end of the manga though.
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so are people mad not cuz MC got NTR but cuz anons got NTR
But Touta has grown into a fantastic MC.
Fuck this started out with so much potential too.
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why is netorare so fucking disgusting, yet when you're horny and fap for it, it isnt all that bad for that moment?
MC was a both nice and a sociopath
Sister was so guilty over trying to get him killed that her brother complex reached the stratosphere.

I really enjoyed him when he BTFO the Chief Shinigami by exploiting gaps in "manga logic" that characters usually just roll with.
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This makes me angry at what could have been, if the author wasn't such a fucking faggot.
>corpse party blood covered
>tfw your favorite character is a minor character who dies in every reincarnation of the game/manga/anime
Channel your sorrow into semen. It's amazing. Being able to fap to NTR is an evolutionary marvel.

Everyone else is just jealous of their superior and more sophisticated brains like they are of people with ice-age metabolisms and people who can't urinate in the company of others.
Whats wrong with that? It's the same with rape. I fucking love rape, god damn it makes my dick diamonds. But actual rape makes me angry and when I see a character I like in a series I'm reading get rapped I get mad.
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Yeah that was great then it started to slow down to almost a halt with pacing and almost went full SOL which is probably why it fell in popularity.
Is that the manga version of Yoshiki?
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>3 manga that I was really getting into

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Not even
The only thing that made me mad here is that he liked some other girl and not best girl. I don't see why that girl being in a relationship would make anyone upset.
It was the point of the story.

Of course it shouldn't LOGICALLY make you upset, but it does, and that shows the author was effective in making you empathize with the main character.
The fact that you could feel his shitty pedantic crybaby stalker emotions so vividly is what made it so good.

Even though author is a hack and the fat dude is his self-insert (and a total piece of shit if you consider the prequel), same with Koi Kaze MC.
literally no idea what he was thinking.

Lets kill of the main character and just continue the story like normal with a shitty new girl
Yeah I guess. I was upset for a lot of reasons.
I dropped it like 3-4 times before finishing it.
>the fat dude is his self-insert
isnt the author a woman?
Source? Google image search gives nothing.
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/a/ mad?
What thread was this?
This one senpai, when some Koreanon do a LiveTL on Shieldbro >>136317646
Any good Raphtalia NTR jokes come outta it?
I've ascended human emotion and no longer rage.
Cant remember broski
But I do remember if you ask that question back then the rage could have been multiplied
Most of Arigatou. A shame because its a really good manga.
I've seen this mile away after he try to shove Pizza girl as MC love interest in the most force scenario possible.

>Onani Master
Faggot deserve it in that one.
Surprisingly, I'm on the point of enjoying my anger. It's like that is the only emotion I can actually feel aside love.
New Hitomi chapters when?
The last one.
We need more Hitomi to rediscover the magic of Hinamatsuri.
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The moment I lost it and dropped manga.
Should've done that 100 chapters earlier.
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This bullshit

I know it still resolves nicely but DAMN did this piss me off. I wish more of her work got scanlated because the art is geat.
How can anyone be mad about this? MC got the best girl in the end, so what's the problem
It's like a gash. Hurts like hell at first, but it heals
None posted Caska's rape ?
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Nozoki Ana really was a rollercoaster
the one with the anime this season where girl has other person's kid in the future, that page
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>A shame because its a really good manga.

Part of the reason Arigatou is good is because of how effectively it induces rage in the reader. It was a little ridiculous at times though. The scale of the edginess seemed beyond unrealistic and really forced to the point that it became hard to take seriously for me at least.

Believers is a better Yamamoto Naoki work.
Ntr shit mother fucker need to stop now
>On that second page, is he fucking happily crying for getting cuck?
He's happy that she survived
That manga pissed me of alot
This manga shouldve went on for a bit longer
why do these make you angry?
I was too busy laughing at the ridiculous plot and skipping through sex scenes
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Bitch and a fucking whore I tell you.
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NTR tier: supernatural
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