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Prove to me why Maki isn't best girl /a/. >Pure >Red
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Prove to me why Maki isn't best girl /a/.

>Red hair
>Purple eyes
>Very talented
>Respects her parents
>Best singing love of the μ's
>Pile is one of the most attractive seiyuus in anime
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She's the best looking girl but her personality is awful.
Also has sexy voice, both singing and normal
You forgot one of the best parts.
>Still believes in Santa-san
That's not how you spell Eli
I couldn't sit through that series, but she is the best looking girl by far.
Also one of the few examples of realistic and well done thick wavy hair in anime.
This. If it weren't for Nico being so amazing she would be basically one of the worst girls.
She also has cute nails
She won't do anal
Fuck dude, I've been on a gelbooru dive since christmas and now you give me more shit to look up. I will never be free at this rate.
Nail_art is a cute Gelbooru tag
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I hate you.
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Saved by nico

this desu
Who is this fluid druid?
I think that Hanayo is very soft and fluffy and that makes her super cute! However she doesnt have enough personality to be a best girl.
I cant decide between Maki, Eli, and Nico for best.
I can't
All raibu best girls, except Rin, Honoka and Nico.
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>finally a maki thread that does not involve her bowel problems

Thank you, OP.
... Maki
Nico, ask Maki nicely and maybe she'll shove her strap on up your ass next time.
/g/ steals my memes
Proof: Nico exists.

Nico Nico nii
Nozomi's seiyuu is pretty qt
Nozomi is pretty qt.
I want to pet Nozomi
supiricharu pawaa
By that standard, Honoka is a best girl. She has a very cute personality and much energy, which is really the only determining factor when all the aidorus are 8/10 at worst.
I want to lick Kussun's teeth
She looks like she's going bald.,
Because a better girl in Eli exists, who has a more talented and more attractive seiyuu in Yoshino Nanjo.

Still pissed I wasn't able to see Pile.

You mean if it weren't for Nico being so amazing at being the worst girl Maki would be basically the worst girl.
The show would be a lot better if it weren't for Sunrise being huge honktards since most of the narrative revolves around her, which is pretty detrimental to a show whose appeal centers around choosing a waifu from a large female cast. I didn't really appreciate most of the characters until I listened to the Drama CDs and their solo songs.
Fuck off to your containment thread, normalfags.
The main girl must always be the most "normal"of the girls. So I think it is alright that Honoka got it which allowed all the other variations.
No, nerd
Please be nice to eachother!
She's my waifu.
Of course, she's cute.
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You have great taste.

>Red Hair
I give you that

>Purple eyes
that's not blue or green

>Very talented
aha. What else champ?

>Respects her parents
As far as YOU know. Maybe she's a cunt to them

>Best singing love of the μ's
She's not even the best seiyuu in the series

>Pile is one of the most attractive seiyuus in anime

No. Also, her seiyuu skills SCREAMED of amateur
Found the Nicofag
I don't like any of the rabus. I just don't get why everyone loves one of them when they are basically archetypes in their purest form
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Rin a cute. A CUTE!
I want to pet Maki
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i aprove this statement
I want to piss on the sea!
Is there ever enough of Honoka being the best?


I got into Love Live for Honoka's angelic solos.
I want to fuck Maki.
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Best girl. Hands down.
>>Best singing love of the μ's
Definitely better that burd but not the best.
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