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Vinland Saga Book 8 in english might not happen
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Much pacifism affected sales so bad that they might not give us Book 8 in english

They weren't going to do it in the first place. Sales were not great from the beginning.
It's not like historically Thorfinn was a pacifist in the first place. Pretty sure he didn't try to talk things down with the natives when shit started happening.
[Citation Needed]
Their skin was a different color; hence not people. He can kill them and still be a pacific. It's like hunting animals.
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Why do they have to go full retard pacifist every time? It's like they're incapable of moderate thought. It's either they're emotionless killing machines or overly emotional pacifists who ignore reality. Whatever happened to moderate thought?

Don't be the guy that slaughters an entire village for money or lets his family get slaughtered for pacifist ideals. Be the genuinely good guy who protects those who need protection when words fail to stave off evil.
Read Historie by Iwaaki. Eumenes is protagonist embodying the ultimate pragmatism.
Are people that turned off by the pacifism? The lead up and his confrontation with Canute was the stories peak so far in my opinion
> Are people that turned off by the pacifism?
It's mostly just stupid high schoolers. Actually, the funny thing is that once the Slave Arc started the sales of the manga went up noticeably in Japan.

Yeah it's not like the tone of the story made a massive shift towards the beauty of watching grass grow for like 2 whole years, you'd have to be an endgy highschooler to be turned off.
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Eumenes is the smoothest fucking stud there ever was

>fucked that village girl right before pawning her off for a political marriage to bring peace to the village
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. "I have no enemies!" is still one of the most moving page I've read.

I dislike hipster pacifism as much as the next guy, but with Yukimura he's at least acknowledging how difficult it is and portraying Thorfinn as genuinely trying to make it work against the odds
By the time they got to farmland saga i was emotionally invested in Thorfinns character and didn't really miss all the bloodshed. Would you have preferred if he just lusted for revenge for 200 more chapters?
Why does it have to be one extreme or the other? You think your ancestors kept your family line going until today by submitting to subjugation?

The problem isn't really the pacifism. the problem is that the story made a HUGE tone shift soon after releases were slowing down, which meant the plot grinded to a crawl.
People were understandably infuriated by it, becuase no matter how much of a pretentious nigger you are you can't deny why you were reading the manga in the first place.

It's really nod a bad arc, but it was killer to read on the normal every-2-months release schedule.
But Thorfinn is ashamed of his past life. It's an emotional block. He might think he'd relapse should he resort to violence again.
This, but that doesn't mean some people wouldn't prefer 200 chapters of lust for revenge.

This thread reminds me that I should get the new Planetes omnibuses. Are they done well?
ill admit i started reading halfway through the farmland arc but it never felt slow to me. The progression was through character development instead of action. I get it how people can be turned of by the change of pace but it was a change for the better and you would think most fans would see that
>by the change of pace but it was a change for the better
No it wasn't. I like the farmland arc but it has nothing on Thorkell chasing down Canute and Canute's awakening.
For me it's complicated.I was younger then.

See, I loved this series, because it was pretty hardcore, and Thorfinn was a badass, and the whole revenge arc was cool. Then the story became even more awesome, and Canute and Askeladd's tale achieved perfection.

But then, well, I suppose while narratively it was awesome- after all, to become a main character with a real storyline, Thorfinn had to be more than just a killing machine-

I kinda felt robbed.
I felt like the whole Farmland Saga, World of Peacecraft joke was true.
SO, it took me years to appreciate it more.
> it was killer to read on the normal every-2-months release schedule
Yukimura took some months off but it was mostly one month off for every seven chapters or so. "Every-2-months schedule" as you say never existed in the first place. The volume which had been mostly hindranced by often breaks was the 12th one with Gardard and Arnheid tragedy but by the time the Slave Arc was already in motion for years so people were already accustomed to a new pace and actually, that volume brought back the slaughtering, blood, guts and tragedy so people complaining about Vinland mellowing down should've been happy again never minding the often breaks.
I just hope this whole "Peace" thing ends soon.I cant take another Rurouni Kenshin.
Alright anon but that doesn't change my point at all. It was still a 2-year grass-growing namek right after the plot and action had come to a screeching halt.
Yeah but you came around.
It's great that Yukimura had courage to do something like this, he must've known a big backlash was a possibility.
i disagree by the end of the slave arc it really felt like Thorfinn finally understood what his father was preaching to him at the start of the manga; By the time NO ENEMIES happens it felt like he became a man and could finally move on with his life.Yukimura could of ended it there and I would have been completely satisfied.
But he didn't have the courage to let Thorfinn punch his v-card for some reason.
>as long as he didn't rape he's still good person
muh nippon
>make badass series about fighting and violence
>2/3 through the story go on a pacifist kick

I'm sick of this shit. No one really cares about your weak narrative and poor characterization. Stop using the old bait and switch on your readers.
He should've just done a part 1 and part 2. But this literally was bait and switch.
Honestly, I have only small complaints about the manga and these are mostly about production part, not the story itself which is still going strong.

First, the chapters are shorter. I mean, during prologue we were getting 30 pages chapters with occasional 20 pages chapter and 40 pages chapter. Now it's just 26 pages per months with occasional 30 pages chapter.

Another thing is that Yukimura and his assistants use too much computer help lately - the computer blurring of stuff is kind of painful to look at. His usage of grey tones also went up and it often seems like there is just too much grey.
Exactly how I felt as well.

Though next years of Vinland Saga will most likely push Thorfinn into life and death fights, at least I hope for it. Also there is plenty of other interesting characters that can do all the killing in series.

I already pre-ordered book 7 and I hope that I will be able to buy book 8 as well.. Maybe sales will not be so terrible if at least few anons would spread word among their friends reading Vinland Saga..
Still most crucial scenes are drawn with proper attention to detail and great shading. Though I agree we had better looking chapters than what we see lately.

Vinland Saga is still one of best looking mangas out there.
Afternoon has a hipster readership (although it's probably more and more fujoshi these days), it's the casuals who complain.
The guy did Planetes, what does he have to be courageous about? Japs also don't have the ADHD attention span that you think they do. All kinds of interesting things make the top seller list like Kodoku Gourmet for instance.
>He can kill them and still be a pacific

I see, his heart is as wide as the ocean. As expected of Thors son.
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Farmland saga dragged on WAY longer than it needed to. Now we have hunter-Hanako and Askeladd's force ghost. But it may be too late.
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The irony is that compared to Zhong Da, Kong Ming was the idealist and not pragmatic enough.
Except that moving page is pretty much the peak of the series post prologue. It was possible because the arc itself was not covered by history, but the build up to Vinland itself with Thorfinn as a pacifist is just a tragedy waiting to happen.

Not everyone can enjoy train wrecks knowing it's coming decades ahead of time. Might be because of their trauma with Guts on the boat, they only just recovered anon. What do you think happens when they actually have to go from Europe to the Americas?
No it's probably because he didn't wanna associate with Askeladd's men and didn't wanna 'join in' in any fashion. Chances are if it was his dad's band of Jomsvikings he would have.

His hate boner was simply stronger, use your head man. This was a dumb kid that used 24/7 of his time to think of ways to kill one guy living within 10 meters of him for a decade.
I don't really think that's the reason for the lack of VS's english sales, although I'd like to see the actual sales figures. It had relatively poor sales from volume 1, didn't it? There's also the fact that most people who probably bought the manga are those who follow the monthly scans and knew about the tone shift later on in the story.

It's only been 2 full years since volume 1 came out and as they've already almost caught up, it's really not that big of a deal if it takes another year or so for enough people to buy the volumes that Kodansha decides to continue on with the project.

Did you read Farmland Saga as monthly releases or did you marathon it? It's really not bad pacing-wise, considering the different stories covered, once you're able to judge it without all the monthly waits and periodic breaks that Yukimura has taken.
They were definitely banking on it being a big seller. Which is why they went with hardcover and such. It just didn't sound like a great investment. I think they're more personally burned than anything else.
>once you're able to judge it without all the monthly waits and periodic breaks that Yukimura has taken.

Iwaaki is the one we should be worried about.
Yeah, I am surprised that they did go all the way to make a hard cover release. Vinland Saga is still one of the more widely read seinen manga among the English manga community, so who knows, maybe it'll be one of those things where sales increase only gradually rather than having an early spike and decreasing thereafter. Again, I have no idea what the sales number were like for any of the volumes so I'm just throwing out wild guesses.

Yeah, I'm seriously worried too.
>super old
>doesn't wanna give work to others and only do it himself
>lives on a damn island that periodically suffers from natural disasters

Last time was a flood wasn't it? I can't imagine what would happen if his office or the delivery truck got caught in an earthquake the next time.
Regarding the manga sales in America. Kodansha USA was hoping for a decent hit with Vinland Saga. Actually, Vertical Inc. was in negotiations with Koudansha JP for Vinland Saga, they also wanted to make a luxurious hardback (probably along the lines of their The Origin release, though probably not so high-class). Kodansha USA stepped in and got the series because of its standing as a main Koudansha English publisher. The first volume reportedly sold decently enough but after that the sales dropped significantly. I dare to guess that this was another classic case of people buying just the first volume to "have something" of their beloved series but didn't have desire to buy further books. It certainly didn't help that the printing is subpar in quality. The hardback binding is cheap, the paper quality is nothing to write home about, the lettering is awful and holy moley, the translation is dreadful at times. The text is so horrendously Americanized yet the translator often tries to make it sound somewhat medieval. It's really hilarious at times but very sad once you realize that this is serious official English release of Vinland Saga.

I bought everything, though, since I love Yukimura and I already have all of the japanese volumes. I wish the manga would go to Vertical, though, they would most like do a much better job.
The vikings he went with had to give him a least some rudimentary education on battle to be able to survive like that. Rape should, in his mind, be the same as torching supplies, or sinking ships. Part of war, thus something he partakes in for REVENGE.

And honestly if you were a british dirtfarmer would you rather hot twink thorfinn or 5 sweaty fat inbred swedes covered with their own filth.
Peasant women probably dream of getting forcibly fucked by Thorfinns every day just to escape the reality of being beaten by their balding horny husbands that are twice their age.
>another classic case of people buying just the first volume to "have something" of their beloved series but didn't have desire to buy further books. I have to admit that I haven't bought the English releases yet either (I did have a few of the Japanese volumes though).

Ah, that would make sense. I'm surprised to see you complaining about the paper quality and lettering. I haven't seen other anons bring that up as an issue, but maybe they weren't really fussy about those aspects.
>The vikings he went with had to give him a least some rudimentary education on battle to be able to survive like that.

You aren't paying attention. Every prologue moment hinted at the only person who cared about Thorfinn was Askeladd, and even he wasn't a nice guy, mostly just a fair guy who gave a pointer or two and didn't punish Thorfinn for aiming at his life.

Absolutely no one was Thorfinn's friend, or even a comrade in Askeladd's band. The nicest guy would probably be Bjorn, but that's cause he's Bjorn.
Isn't there a term for the opposite of buyer's remorse? Like because you bought it, you feel you have to like it?

And there's always a chance those same people felt the same way later on, after they got over their excitement of owning the real thing.
> I'm surprised to see you complaining about the paper quality and lettering.
Well, I care about these thing because I want complete and pleasant book experience every-time. Of course, not everything will have the quality of Gundam: The Origin release. Kodansha USA is generally pretty bad publisher. Their releases often have poor lettering, boring or not-fitting translations and paper quality lover than other american manga publishers. Vertical, Viz, Drawn and Quarterly, and Dark Horse are decent publishers. It always depend on the people working on each series and print settings but except for some minor fuck-ups (like Dark Horse releasing Astro Boy 3-in-1 omnibuses in tiny pocket size book) these companies have decent releases.

Hopefully, Vertical eventually gets Iwaaki's Historie since they are licensing a lot of Afternoon stuff. Or even more Iwaaki stuff.
Don't put Viz on the same level as Vertical and Dark Horse. Their translations are as consistent as McDonalds Happy Meal.
>Vertical eventually gets Iwaaki's Historie

At least they have an excuse for dropping it later unlike everyone else.
> Viz
90% of things I got from Viz are from their Signature brand which is mostly fine.

Also, with recent surge of sports-concentrated manga licensing, I still dream a dream of Ookiku Furikabutte license.
He was 5, someone had to help him out for 3-4 years. Fucking was the same as eating. He was fine slaughtering entire families.

Seriously there's no good reason for him not raping than for the nips to empathize/avoid controversy
this serie only needs a good anime to boost the sales
Sunken cost trap?
>He was 5, someone had to help him out for 3-4 years.

I just explained it. You not understanding nor accepting it doesn't mean you are right. Hanging out with the murderers of your father doesn't mean you'll always lighten up around them just because they happened to give you food and a place to sleep when you are doing chores and risking your life for them as an errand dog just so you can get your shit kicked in by the leader every once in awhile.

What the flying fuck would he need help with? No one is asking him to hunt bears. No one is asking him to cook dinner. No one but Askeladd is asking him to do anything. Why do you think he was so god damn incompetent on the farm? Because he absolutely could not live by himself and lacked all those survival skills you are implying.

Face facts, his hate boner was stronger than his actual boner and I don't mean the kind of hate boner you find on sad panda. Why you think that's unrealistic is beyond me you must have never met anyone obsessed with hate in your life that shit can mess people up.

Only difference is most of the time people don't come out of it stronger and more fit, but they also aren't in the same circumstances as Thorfinn.
Yes that. Just look at /v/ or /g/ it's the perfect example.
Nah it was to make the character easier to empathize with. Humans are more polarized by a person's view on sex than the violence they cause. Modern media is just like that. Decapitation is fine but no nipples.
>Explain it with very detailed points
>Nah it's this meta reason look at me I'm so intellectually superior I'm calling Yukimura out on it for the past 3 weeks on /a/ on it

Whatever you say.
Meta? It's common sense dude. Nobody makes their main characters rapists. Even if they are warriors or soldiers who take lives without remorse, they won't be rapists.
The real question is if we'll eventually get a arc/series about Snorri Thorfinnsson.
I think we will not..

So anons.. how far into the story are we ?
Passed half of story or more ?
> So anons.. how far into the story are we?
In terms of the manga, we are behing the halfway point since Yukimura stated many times that the story will be around 25 volumes long.

Historically speaking, there is still a lot of shit to do and with how things are going in Yukimura's version, I would doubt he could fit all of that into like eight more volumes if he wasn't repeating fairly often.
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