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Will Iyami ever succeed? How old is he anyways?
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Will Iyami ever succeed? How old is he anyways?
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>Watching this anime
>"I wish I had a brother..."
>I have a brother
What the fuck
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I think he's around the same age as Matsuno dad
Their Roadtrip was a GOAT segment
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said no one ever
Only if he sells iyametal
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I don't think Iyami can ever be successful while the sextuplets are anywhere near him, unless it's some kind of freak occurence.

As for his age, I'd want to say to mid 40's or so.

He's my favorite side character, He's got some really funny scenes, like his tsukkomi role in Totoko's idol episode.

Who's everyone else's favorite character? What's your favorite gag of theirs?
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Reminder that Choromatsu is evil incarnate and that his true personality will come back in the second cour
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