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>SSG Goku can survive in vacuum of space >can't stay
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>SSG Goku can survive in vacuum of space
>can't stay underwater in same episode without fear of drowning
>SSGSS Vegeta dies instantly in vaccuum of space even though he could endure it before

Am I missing any other contradictions besides the laser to the heart?
vegeta died because the fucking planet exploded
>Counting anime filler
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goku cucked by mouse laser.png
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So what? He's a god.
he's a mortal with god like power

hell even beerus and whis shit themselves when they realized what frieza was doing, being a god doesn't make you immune to something like that

Oh but a weakened Frieza can survive.

I see. You're going to sink with this ship.

That's not what Beerus implies.
from the thumbnail i thought he was wearing a jersey, and he was in the space jam.
>even though he could endure it before
When the hell was this?
>can't stay underwater in same episode without fear of drowning
Wasn't he just a regular SSJ at this point?
stop trying to make sense of DBS. the reason is always external, like space battle is cool to watch and planet exploding must be avoided or we dont have to use the foreshadowed mcguffin.
Cartoon aimed at children. Logic need not apply.
>Can destroy planet easily
>Can't survive its explosion

What the fuck mang?
You guys still haven't realized that this is a Saturday morning kids cartoon. It's not a prime time show like dbz was. The reason it's been so tame and light hearted is because it's for kids. Questioning DBS logic is like getting angry that fires could be started underwater in SpongeBob
Niggas be smoking mad amount of cig packs.
That had nothing to do with power, Frieza's physiology allows him to survive in conditions that would kill others. Kind of like a cockroach.
>humans can make nuclear bombs but can't survive them

Vegeta had his defense up.
werent there clips in the frieza saga of dbz where it shows saiyans alongside frieza in space destroying planets? or something similar?
Humans can't generate nuclear bombs from their palms. Try killing yourself with your bare hands, no tools allowed. Doesn't really work.
>can't stay underwater in same episode without fear of drowning
That's because Goku let his guard down and the water was designed specifically to kill him.
No one is stronger than Goku LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!
Is shitposting about the laser a new meme? That part actually made sense.
What is with these faggots so desperately trying to find something to mock a manga/anime over?
Aquaman can beat Goku.
Yes you can. And you can easily kill others barehanded
Which part of 'yourself' didn't you understand?
Jeez dude, 2 sentences
Yes you can (kill yourself). And others
Please do.
It's shit
>SSGSS Vegeta dies instantly in vaccuum of space even though he could endure it before
Happened in the RoF movie

>SSG Goku can survive in vacuum of space
A change made to BoG arc in Super, they might change Vegeta's death as well.
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Best writing ever.jpg
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DB Defense.jpg
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You are still grasping at straws as blatantly possible.just stop shitposting, it's getting to be tiring to see everyone tell you why are retarded with you ignoring it or skewing their points so you can continue this over and over again.
Vegeta eas pulverized in the explosion, stop muh powur scaling.
Frieza survived a planet explosion in one piece, kid buu was turned to pieces from one.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I just thought Goku was just in the upper part of Earth's atmosphere. I mean he was still particularly close to earth to be considered "In the Vacuum of space" And given that Goku trained with Kami on the lookout for so many years, it stands to reason that Goku would become accustomed to fighting where the air is very thin. That was my interpretation anyway.
Remember how Vegeta and Nappa went to earth and they had that scene where they were like, "Oh don't take the power levels at face value because these earthlings have learned to keep them low and then raise them at the last second"
And remember when trunks showed up on earth, was declared to have a power level of 5 and then promptly killed Freeza and his father?
So just imagine Goku's always doing that, as a way of conserving energy and keeping his body relaxed. His Power level Spikes when he's attacking and defending and then lowers back to a calm level when he's not.
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Stop it anon, can't you see they are memeing.

But seriously though, they know it, they are just baiting. No one is stupid enough to not understand DBZ.
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Not that guy, but what you said was retarded. You can kill yourself with your hands, just break your neck using them.
SSJGSS is weaker than red head SSJG
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