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Delinquent Manga Thread
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Thread replies: 93
Thread images: 68
Daily dose of KKOW.
why last 3 days you was posting later than usual?
Oi, still alive?
Just had some things to do.
Itou is too nice for a deliquent
So, its confirmed here that he is gay for mitsuhashi?
And that's all for today, thanks for reading.
gnight anon
Thanks see ya.
Holy shit, page 9 in 20 minutes. The fuck is up with this board today?
Cheers anon.
Is Getter Robo the closest we'll get to delinquent mecha?
Is that the aikidou step that was used earlier?
There are a lot of new chapters today.
I was just rereading Vinland Saga and realized that Olmar is a straight up yankee, pompadour and all. I'm not sure if that's cute or really fucking retarded.
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Hayato's group and Go were fairly delinquent, it was hinted at Go having a delinquent past.
Fucking thick headed bitch finally broke down, treating everyone like scum just because of the way they look.
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I haven't read Go but yeah they're straight up delinquent, far from a delinquent series of course.
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Big moment this week. Also see Murata's update for imminent imouto powerup.
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I just fucking creamed my pants
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Thanks anon
Damnit, I wanna read the rest now
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Nice to see a new reader around. I wish I could read KKOW for the first time again. ;_;
I think there are several new readers in the threads (including me).
Not entirely related but I'm currently watching this, about Yakuza Vampires, yep, pretty boring first half but it's fucking hilarious seeing a bunch of "normal" looking people behaving like Yakuza to a tee, the demeanor, the way of talking, walking, acting, it's ridiculous, goes to show delinquents and Yakuza aren't all about outfit and style but certain other things as well.
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Forgot pic.
Only Miike would make such a thing.
I've never read it before but I've been here since day one. Said I would never like it too... /blog
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Are you the deviantart anon?
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Itou is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
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Monnstergirrlshitt is to blame.
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Gotta love the millions of VROOM SFX
The page seems kinda small, have they always been like that?
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Yea... Scans get better after this volume though
Oh sweet raw shit, don't darken it up too much aniki, can't fucking wait. Shame the TS anon bailed and you're having to do a two or three man job.
I've been running the same PS actions the first EditorAnon left me. I'll play around with the leveling after this chapter.
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So how much do ya'll think you know about KKOW? What's her name anons? No cheating.

What do I win?
Thread replies: 93
Thread images: 68

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