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Big announcement coming out Dec. 14th for Food Wars! Who else
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Big announcement coming out Dec. 14th for Food Wars! Who else is still waiting for season 2?
The wait is killing me.

There is not enough material for a second season yet.
I simply cannot wait ;-;
Ive been waiting in anticipation, i loved it and everyone was saying there was going to be a new season but then there were equal amounts saying it was done
Yes there is.
Aren't we all?
is this an animeonly thread or should we use this one for spoilers anticipation thread?
Seems like an animeonly thread.
They only went through about 60 chapters of the manga for season one and there is currently 140+ chapters so there is definitely enough material for a season two.

I stopped watching the anime around episode 18. Always thought they would just end it at after the whole cook off tournament thing but I guess my imaginary pacing was wrong
I don't want to get my hopes up for a second season but what else could it be?
>Food Wars!
Such a terrible localized title.
The main tournament and stagiaire are enough. Even Kuga too if those aren't 24 episodes.
It will be a live action adaptation.

Screencap this post.


Wudda thunk it's the perfect anime for bleach tier filler eps:

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