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How come we never talk about Boku no Pico? I mean seriously ...
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File: Boku_no_Pico-134613-73171-2.jpg (44 KB, 470x350) Image search: [Google]
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How come we never talk about Boku no Pico? I mean seriously ... the fuck.
It's child porn.
It's entry level as fuck, sure it's great if you're new, but once you watch something like Natsuyasumi you realize BnP isn't really the best.
Natsuyasumi was pure shit
there are no children in it though
I'm not homosexual.
What anime is this? She's cute.
the beach scene was pretty cute


Everything that can be said has been said.

Real or no, it is kiddie porn.
>you drew this person being killed! you murderer!

That's right. The pigs may still raid your ass for this stuff.
>It's entry level as fuck
Pretty much. It's also really, really tame as a hentai.

Canada, go away.
That doesn't make it kiddie porn, it just makes the pigs assholes.
Man, what a world we live in there 1984 underestimated the surveillance and thought policing that is going on.
I still jerk it to Pico to Chico
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hot space cowboys].jpg
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You plebs just need to expand your tastes.
I love the story line behind this show. It goes against the traditional standards in a show. It doesn't have a simple boy and girl relationship like a normal anime. It has a complex in depth boy on "girl" relationship. It adds a lot of depth into the show, and really invites deep thinking, which I love in an anime.
There aren't any more people to YOOOOO. Everyone and their mother knows the series now. I still miss confused OP threads.
What's that one scat hentai directed by that famous director?
That's because you're new and was discussed to hell and back before you even got here.
*the show
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First ep was the best.
Fuck this semen demon.
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nii-san x shota is the goat combo
It's a masterpiece. There is nothing else to say.
Wait what?
>the fuck
you need to go
There's a really good scat hentai and I remember /a/ mentioning it was early work for a (well known as of now) anime director, I could easily be mistaken though.
Is Pico a gateway to traps or are traps a gateway to Pico?
First for me.
I would.
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo

Never before have I seen so much shit,
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10/10 taste right here.
OP here, I just woke up so sorry for the late reply but I've been here since 2006 (I discovered the site from a post by John Oppliger on Animenation about where to find loli and he suggested not4chan which led me to 4chan. Remember not4chan? I bet not).

I suppose Boku no Pico was discussed to hell and back from 2003-2006. I also certainly am not on 24/7 and could have missed the many possible threads about it since 2006.

It's also more likely that people have hardly talked about it outside jokingly mentioning it for the past 9 years.

>I've been here since 2006

Sure thing, faggot.
Why would he lie?
Thread replies: 42
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