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Tell me about the last anime you watched and what you think of
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Tell me about the last anime you watched and what you think of it.

Just finished Golden Time and personally I thought it was great. It depicted the ups and downs of a relationship as realistically as I believe is possible for an anime while still keeping it interesting.
The last episodes after Koko broke up with Banri were soul crushing and nervewrecking, up untill the very end where I found myself crying due to a very heavy mixture of feelings
>Pic related
Golden Time is shit and a good example of why we don't actually need more college anime, no matter how much people complain about high schoolers.

I like it, I like it a lot. Chinese checkers anime is the best
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>up untill the very end where I found myself crying due to a very heavy mixture of feelings
>File: tumblr_muy4fsI01W1qbtloio1_500.gif
Monster Musume, Everyday Life With Monster Girls. Your typical ecchi harem, I guess. It was fun, but nothing I'll remember for very long.
>Golden Time
What? How can anyone accept that amnesia-ghost-banri-my-childhood-friend-is-my-cute-senpai-but-I-can't-remember bullshit?
I'm a simple man.
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>Monster Musume, Everyday Life With Monster Girls
>op tries to make serious thread but is put to a halt due to his tastes being judged by fellow weaaboo fucks
4chan is great.
Koko was cute but i thought rinda should have won
It's hard to believe Takemiya can make a lovely story like Toradora and then make a 3DPD-like story with Golden Time. I couldn't even make it through the first half.
Ore Monogatari!!

I liked it. I want more.
>3DPD-like story with Golden Time
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Going through S2 of Oregairu right now. Shit's fun, everyone's likable in some way or another.
Linda a best.
I just finished the first season of Oreimo today and it's really good. Kirino a best, screw the haters.
Kouko initially gets with Banri because he's about to leave and then becomes extremely pushing forcing the world "girlfriend" and spending time in a certain way because "that's what lovers do and that's what we are!"

If I wanted the same crazy logic as real women I would talk to a real woman.
samurai flamenco, it was pretty special
Why is Kouko such a cunt?
I liked Golden Time up until the second to last episode. It pissed me off so bad that I couldn't finish watching it. Maybe because she's written so well she reminds me of real life women.
>reminds me of real life women
That's why I prefer Toradora! over this, anything that reminds me of 3DPD pisses me off.
Would you say you where in love with the coco?
Still airing so I dunno if it counts, but I finally got caught up on Sakurako-san today. It's not bad, but it's easy to forget it's supposed to be a mystery series. Also, it's very strange how the series is called "A Corpse is Buried Under Sakurako-san's feet" and the first episode comments on her always finding dead bodies, yet Sakurako has only been the initiator in i think one mystery, and there's only been one murder and three corpses so far.
This I never managed finish this because the girls too 3DPD
4chan isn't sorry that it's not a hugbox. Feel free to piss right the fuck off if you don't like it.
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Eh, I've seen worse.
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Despair, but also Tada Banri.jpg
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TADA BANRI was a great character.

Tada Banri was only there for melodrama but it was kind of neat to see the whole amnesia thing played from the beginning of the series rather than have it become something at the end when it would feel the most forced.
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Subscribed, upvoted, retweeted and reblogged.
Yuki Yuna.

It was better than Madoka.
koko was a 10/10 girl in a 2/10 anime
Golden time was mediocre. Especially the asspull ending.
Rokka no Yuusha.

I give it a 2/10. I was expecting an adventure anime where the heroes go off and fight the evil overlord.

Instead it was 10 episode mystery arc in a 12 episode season in a fantasy setting. The reason mystery never works in a fantasy setting because everytime you think you solved the mystery, the writer throws in a magical artifact that disproves your theory and this happened multiple times.

The last 5 minutes of the last episode were the worst. In the end the mystery is solved, then another mystery exactly the fucking same starts. Literally we got a 10 episode filler arc in the first season of a 12 episode anime.
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