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(一般コミック・雑誌) [ヤングアニマル] [三浦建太郎] ベルセルク 第342話 [2015-23] .zip
Off the fucking boat!
English when?
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>Guts finally arrived on The Island
>walks off the dock
>sees this
Oh shiittttttttttttt
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>they speculate guts will get a new magical moving prosthetic arm
>his current prosthetic already does that when he's in berserk mode
Good, the boat ride is over.

Now, I wonder, how much time will the story spend in that bloody island.

They still have to get on the boat again to return to land again
Hopefully, that part can be skipped.
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>On this island, time flows differently from the outside world

What does this foreshadow?
Probably slower, so aka training arc time. There is no fucking chance of beating the God Hands + high tier apostles right now without bullshit.

Guts' Hyperbolic Time Island.

Makes me remember years ago on /a/ the adventures of Hawaiian Guts
Guts looks like a nigger with nigger lips in the middle panel.
He looks pretty Japanese there actually
Not with those lips.
Where the fuck is english translation? There's already spanish and russian, but no english? What the fuck gives?
They are literally saying the exact same shit we said.
When they return Falconia will be in ruins. Like in the story of Peekaf it references.
That they're stuck there for at least twice as long as the boat.
The only group who does Berserk is E-G and they are dead/slow as fuck.
in the last panel hot mermaid (isma's mom?) in the bubble on the right says 'desu ka' which by itself doesn't really mean much but it's part of a longer sentence as the panel shows

some shitty trans by yours truly
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