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Fall 2015
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You are currently reading a thread in /a/ - Anime & Manga

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Is it just me or is this season the worst we've had in a long time? Aside from OPM, the only things worth watching seem to be YrYr and GochiUsa and both of those are sort of disappointing.

I can't think of the last time I've had so little to look forward to every week.
>worth watching
Listen, I realize OPM is manime, I don't care, I'm enjoying it.
Yes, this season is terrible.

But I'm surprised you can understand that, given you're the kind of shit eater who watches OPM and GochiUsa.
I'm still enjoying Ushio to Tora.

I'm not minding Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry and Haikyuu S2 which is just more Haikyuu. Osomatsu-san and Sakurako-san are both good too.

Thats just my opinion though. I always find a handful of shows i stick with and enjoy and those ones are the ones i find myself looking forward to each week.
I'm surprised more people on /a/ don't seem to be watching Haikyuu. I thought Ping Pong was supposed to turn a bunch of people onto sports anime.
Kill yourself. I don't care about your gay memes it's boring.
> This season is terrible

Every season.

The majority of every season is filled with crap with only a few watchable series depending on your preference. It's been like this for decades.
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Don't worry. Spring is around the corner.


Isn't Kumamiko actually getting an adaptation?
it's one gintama joke repeated every episode

it's fucking awful, what is your major malfunction
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