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Thanksgiving new chapter hype! Will the bird finally be finished off?
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Thanksgiving new chapter hype! Will the bird finally be finished off?
>The moment where he becomes so arrogant to think he can be compared to a God

Lille is really based of Islamic Extremists like I originally hypothesized.

So any bets Thor is just some Nordic Extremists that hits a Berserk frenzy for VALHALLA?

That Thor guy comes of as the most boring one in the whole elite squad.
>Muscle Head
>Most boring

No shit.

I liked James though.
Thor's probably some radical (exaggerated) Nazi.
You left the name OP.
Oh shit.
>Radical exaggerated Nazis

Pretty much where Nazis came from, f.am.

Aryans, like all other humans, were never peaceful to begin with.

Wasn't James divided into two beings?

His fanbloboy self and his ideal Mr. Superstar self?
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I thought Lille was going to be really boring, but then Kubo went into maximum overkubo and shit went nuts.

I fully expect Thor to go balls to the wall. Also i'm sure next time we see Thor he will have dropped everyone except for maybe Urahara. It'll be HYPE, you'll see.
Are we getting a chapter tomorrow? Are MS Euros?
Are you trying to imply that Kubo won't just do another Kubo Asspull™?
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Who is your favorite Quincy?
Character interaction wise: The D
Fight wise: Mask
Design wise: Opie
Yeah collectively the thing is James.

I guess that is how he looked before Yhwach gave him power.
Put bleach in the subject or in the body text
That way is easier to find filtering the catalog.
This whole fight has been anything but hype.
It has been the antonym of hype.

Nothing good came out this entire arc outside of Zanpaktou Tales being canon. With that said even thier appearance would be entirely confusing to anyone who hasn't watched that filler arc.

To fully understand this fight you have to have watched a goddamn filler.

>With that said even thier appearance would be entirely confusing to anyone who hasn't watched that filler arc.

Not really though, it would just be seen as the reveal of Shunsui's sword spirits.
If they manage to win, someone shoop a turkey baster in their hands or something.
The fuck are you even talking about? Only canon thing are the designs. Zanpakutou spirit is a thing since fucking forever. You don't have to watch that trash heap filler to understand this shit at all.
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Thor is likely to just be some battle-rager retard who is stupidly strong.

But, this is Kubo. It's entirely possible Thor's ability is the power to summon an army of sexy valkyria waifus who'll attack the shinigami while Thor just sits back eating some delicious shiny bread.
Too bad Kyoraku just had his fight, it could have looked like Thor vs Odin.
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The anime filler has zero to do with the current events, other than being the basis for the humanoid forms of Shunsui's two swords. The filler is still completely uncanonical.

And speak for yourself. I started off this fight bitching about Lille - how he was boring and unworthy as an opponent to showcase the bankai of the new Captain Commander. Then Kubo went full throttle with a design that slowly transformed into a depiction of an oldschool angel, the Eldritch Abomination variety. Even his characterization changed to something of a stuck up deity-like figure. He not only felt justified as an opponent, but he also made me feel a whole lot better about the powered-up Elite Sternritter curbstomping the Zero Division. Bach is the new God, and these guys are suppose to be top soliders. I love how all the most recent Elites are all getting super grotesque and horrifying in their final forms. I can't wait to see what the rest of them do now.

I have been very hyped since the Mayuri fight. And I barely made through that garbage with It-Doesn't-Work-Bach, the "Spirit Bomb" door, and fucking Mimihagi, Jesus Christ.
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>Zanpaktou Tales being canon
You need to learn what canon means.

>thier appearance would be entirely confusing to anyone who hasn't watched that filler arc.
>To fully understand this fight you have to have watched a goddamn filler.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Wasn't the prediction being the more the odds are stacked against Valkyrie "The Miracle" the most likely he will defeat his foes. It will be a Miracle that he wins in the end.

Watch as Hanataro comes in and ninjas the kill completely under Thor's radar.
>Valkyrie is literally John Cena
I don't know, I can plainly see him.
I'm thinking of who is in that group and somehow I see them winning as a miracle. Thor is screwed.
It's a cool idea, but tonally it feels out of place that an autistic lucha wrestler would be on the same team as an angelic owlman, a hand of God, whatever the stigmatic Christ imagery As Nodt was.
wait what do you mean by the same team?
Stern Ritters are very different and are in the same team.
What the fuck is going on here?
Nanao's Zanpaktou is a weapon designed to cut conceptual entities specifically 'gods' but doesn't mean to work against the soul king.
We didn't know he was an owlman until his power-up, before he was just another black guy with a gun.
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There's a fuckton of differences between the sternritters

The ones you mention are the more deity/religious like, but still others are more down to Earth.

I believe that S original form was the little chubby thing, because when S was nuked Yhwach realized James was defeated, and goes along the lines of his power giving strength/courage to those who lacked it.

In the end, S was the idealized image of James itself, which he became, and his supporters were some copies of how he looked like before, since he was now something that him from before and others like him would look up to.
>himmler and the sluts are the only ones wearing a cap
opie confirmed for grill
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Agh kubo, when will jump finally terminate your contract, washed up faggot

Inb4 more plot holes and bullshit clipped on
Alright dropped this around back. Can anyone tell me where Ichigo is and what he's currently doing?

That chicken is hilarious tho. It's nothibg like old descriptions of angels that were truly horrifying and eerie.
Feeling Shunsui's bankai
This. I can't believe there people who were awed by Kubo's abortion of a design.
He just accidentaly killed Spirit God
Which was replaced immediately by Nazi Jew Jesus son of Spirit God
Also he is now half Quincy half Shinigami half Hollow half Human half Fullburger half Whatever
Chad will beat Thor by going full hollow anon
Do not mention that wretched site
I really need to work.
Pic related and Askin
No one has seen him for like 50 chapters lol
Just like 4 chapters ago he appeared about to fight The D
Fuck ever happen to this guy?
he was literally seen a couple chapters ago

he's fighting Askin
Grimmjow killed him.
Got Grimmjobbed.
Why the fuck dose this manga have so many plot holes, can't believe I'm still reading this.
one shotted by grimmjow
Fuck really? What chapter?
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You can't get off Mr. Kubo will ride
You'll never get over it if you do
Your life will never be complete, if you go through the path of never reaching the resolution of something that was part of your life for so long, you'll forever feel that something is missing.
He's full Christian Crusader
But bored, so let's post every plot hole and discuss

>chad gets his powers from being brown, brown-ness defeats a former espada
It wasn't shown
Just implied confirmed
'Sword' being left handed, 'Sword' being with Urahara/Orihime/Chad, 'Sword' mannerisms and speech over the phone with Ichigo, and when they finally came from Hueco Mundo to Soul Society, it was confirmed that 'Sword' was Grimmjow.

Sadly he rushed against The D (which is not a physical type) and got some poison that seems to have incapacitated him for now. He is only good against brawlers.
The fight will be interrupted as always.
Thor, because it's fucking Thor.
K I'll join, science squad still exists, but hado squad fucking gone, no hado squad captain
>why did ichigo's faggot friends get so much screen time? No one gave a shit about dike karate girl, his tsunder sister, or his bitch ass classmates. Is there a point to them?

Inb4 all part of aizens plan
Weren't they at Rukia's execution?
And when freeing Aizen (?)

But still there's apparently no head or OP persons such as Tessai and Hacchi. They'd been deployed otherwise for the invasion.
Yeah, that's because Hacchi and Tessai were so baller nobody wants to live in their shadow.
Don't know, but if they where then they didn't or still don't have a captain
I am really mad over the cancellation(?) of the Bleach: Heat The Soul game series. It didn't matter that it was full japanese, it was very playable on the PSP.

Fuck you, whoever was in charge of them and stopped just at FKT.
Soooooo espada 1-4 where vasto Lorde?
SPOILERS WHEN? I need Kubz to cook the bird for thanksgiving
1 lost because depression and diluting its soul
2 lost because hax power used against itself, was the fucking king of HM
3 didn't even lose, was tank as fuck and really powerful, still alive.
4 lost against the fucking MC, after a really hard battle (I'd put 4 being the most powerful of the top 4 just because the double resurrection), but I still believe the top 4 are strong enough to be all VLs.
Y'know, I'm gonna miss Kubo's character designs once Bleach is over.
>but I still believe the top 4 are strong enough to be all VLs.

I thought Kubo already confirmed that in Databook?
Fashion Battle Manga by Kubo when? Powers are dependent on what you're wearing and how /fa/ it is.
Isn't that sorta JoJo?
Not even Wanpiss is out.
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Yeah, sorta kinda. I'm talking more realistic /fa/ though.
LILLE BTFO http://www.mangareader.net/bleach/653
Bleach will never, ever be released before Wanpiss.
Which year was that spread from?
>tfw Ichigo was hinted to be quincy back then
Also it was always in the color schemes. He always had something blue and red (for shinigami) on his clothes
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Dunno, I'm just getting these off google.
'hue I trol u XD'
My life is really sad if nearly 19 posts out of 82 are mine. No samefagging though, but it feels like wasting time here refreshing for anyone to say anything of the chapter to come out, when I could just sleep and read it in the afternoon.

I guess I just want to talk to someone about it when it comes out.
just go to bed m8, if last week was any indicator, it'll be at least another 5-6 hours until i comes out
I'm sad cause I got used to the chapter being out when I wake up, but now the schedule is all wrecked.

So, where do you think Ise curse originated from? Do you think it's a way for Royal Guard to keep their holy amazon warriors under control? Is Nanao's mom rebelling against their control what inspired them to have her executed, when worse offenders around that time got either prison or exile?

Spoilers with images
I see more of young Shunsui. Kubo knows what will bring him sales.
So the bird got roasted
Just in time for Thanksgiving
I love that cover and Kubo's awful english
Is it me or does the way Kubo draw faces make the girls really hot?
but I really want to talk with others once it comes out

just reading afterwards takes some of the fun from it... and if I try coming here by then people will have already discussed shit enough.
shunsui was in love with his brother's wife
Or maybe he is just remembering good old times, when all was well, they were both alive and he was on good terms with his brother and had a sweet looking sister-in-law to wake him up gently.
is there more?
chicken roast
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>look at this giant tube i made in the sky with my quincy powers that make no sense

If old man genocide was still around he wouldn't stand for this shit, he'd just burn that flying owl nigger.

1 he looks his sister-in-law from the back while smiling longingly
2 we see a manly hand touching the hairpin, most definitely his brother's

he looks away with sadness
turkey for thanksgiving
Just like Putin wants
It won't be so easy. The elites have sort of live up to their hype and proven themselves to be a tough adversary.
That small cap on Gigi always bugged me
inb4 its for his dick
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Thor will be a female valkyrie next time we see him
I need something to make me laugh again coming from Bleach
Those exchanges between Charlotte+Yumichika and Gigi about Gigi's sexuality were pure gold.
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Isn't vice-captain Aizen like, totally dreamy?
Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding, anon.
dam son skelly lady is fiiiiiiiiiiine
dat ass
I prefer skelly loli
By this time Wanpiss had already come out last week
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Which version is better? Glasses Aizen or Hueco Mundo Aizen?
The flying nigger is STILL alive?

Jesus fuck kubo, I gave it a two month skip hoping it'd be over when I come back.


Meh, generic villian death chapter with obligatory flashback.
Glasses Aizen
Hueco Mundo is like the kid who believes its the shit because they start using hair gel and comb backwards, too cocky.

Glasses is pure keikaku.
Is Meninas shy?
Of course at least the elites have been living up to their hype in power and strength unlike the espada.
No, it won't be out at least 1 hour after One Piece is out, and there's no One Piece yet.
Does anyone know why Mangapanda and Mangareader are practically the same website but with a different URL/color but still they are operated by the same people?
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Better image
Oh shit I thought the ass was drawn while coloring
not that it was really there
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for you anons
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surprAizen is cute
I heard that it is because the US can't access mangareader so mangapanda exist.
What should I buy for Brak Friday Bunduru?
PS4 or WiiU?
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bonus: little Akon in Maggot's nest
I really want some insight on why was Mayuri, Akon, etc there..
akon is my husbando
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I want to know too, considering Mayuri thought Urahara was/is creepy
Considering Maggot's nest is where people who are marked as potential threat go, I'd say C46 got scared of their intellect or something.
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>;_; gin
LabMember011 should really upload the poems from volumes 62 to 69~70...
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the translations are not consistent. there are at least 3 different versions of each poem

pic related: kyoraku is a creeper
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what is with captains and their liuetenants
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why are the relationships always complicated?
Cause they are closest to each other, the lieutenant practically takes care of the captain like wife takes care of the husband.

Soi Fon got a bad deal though...
>reddit le memes are real
>in chinese
how horrifying.
why? I can't read shit
Sasakibe+Yamamoto is pure SSRapeCulture
didn't know shinigami costume came with a buttflap like cartoon babies pajamas.

I want to run my fingers through Aizen's hair
its just lighting. and kubo showing that aizen is a sexy beast. no homo.
whats the purpose of the buttflap anyway? shitting without removing the one-piece pajama?
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>and kubo showing that aizen is a sexy beast.

He is
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>no homo
(forgot image)
Is this subtly becoming an Aizen-hijack thread?
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Would you?
when did you fall under the illusion it wasn't a dub thread?
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Silly anon. Every thread is Aizen thread
So it seems.
Everyone is under the impression that Aizen is sexy.
The only way to dispel the illusion is to touch his dick.
Or thats what he wants you to believe.
Wait what?
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>The only way to dispel the illusion is to touch his dick.
But Ichigo already did that
His left side of his body got separated from his right side.

Pretty sure that's actual confirmed.
Ah yeah, the unconfirmed thing was who actually did that, spending months trying to figure out who sword was, so perhaps that anon missed the sword reveal, or didn't make the connection.
I wonder, would Kubo be willing (or legally able) to make hentai of Bleach after he finishes? Even under a pen name? Or is it owned not completely by him (some legalese with distributors) that won't allow him to work on Bleach outside of them.

unless they want some part of the hentai money pie, he'd be rich with all his wonderful female drawings
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I will forever wonder how are MP's scanlators able to fuck the pages up so bad
ブリーチ最新653話のネタバレです。 簪を持っている京楽の兄「え?1本でいいのか?どうして?」
Bleach 653 Chapter Spoilers. Shunsui’s Brother is the one that owns the hair pins. (comment: he actually owns one though? why?)

七緒の母「…もう1本は貴男が持っていて下さい 虚討伐で貴男が傍に居ない時も同じ物を持って いることが私 の励みになります」
Nanao’s Mother: Please take the other one.

I don't actually really understand what Nanao's mother is saying here entirely. Something about wanting Kyoraku's brother to have the other hairpin when she is no longer around or something and she does this as an incentive. I don't actually know what 虚討伐 is. lol

Shunsui’s brother blushes.

Kyoraku makes a funny face.

Kyoraku's brother headbutts him: What the hell is that face for?

Kyoraku: ow!!!

Brother: You should go home and study or something, you moron!

Kyoraku: And I thought you had such an easygoing personality...

兄「…そんなつもりは無いな もし俺が丸くなったように見えているとしたら あれの優しさがそう見せてくれ ているんだろう」
Brother: I again barely understand this line. Kyoraku's brother says that Shunsui has no plans or intentions or something... And when he presents himself acting all calm he wants to prove that he is kind or a caring person or something, perhaps to Nanao's mother?
Totally straight, but YES
refer to

リジェの攻撃を必しにかわす七緒「(知らなかった…剣をとって戦うことが…こんなに怖いなんて …)」
Nanao attempting to fend off Lille's attack: I understand.... I am gripping my sword, ready to fight... But I am so frightened.

She sighs, Nanao’s hands begin to shake.

Then her left foot starts bleeding (I think it is her foot).

七緒「(斬られてる…今の弾けた光で斬れたのかも知れない… 痛い…斬られるってこんなに痛か ったんだ 痛い 怖い 足が動かない)」
Nanao: He cut me... I wasn't aware he cut me because of that burst of light. It hurts... It hurts... I'm so scared... I can't move my feet.

Kyoraku then appears and supports Nanao from behind.

Nanao: Captain…

リジェ「…ン 出て来たか 全く….部下の後ろに隠れて出るなんて…悪い隊長だ ”神の喇叭( トロンペーテ )” を聴いて◯ね」
Lille: Hmmm? So You’ve come back? Hiding behind your subordinates… You are such a terrible Captain. Now, open your ears to the Trumpet of God.

Kyoraku: Do it, Nanao chan.

Nanao: …

Kyoraku: It will be okay. I’ll be right behind you.

七緒「(ああ、隊長の優しさが流れ込んでくるようだ 隊長を支えるつもりで戻ってきたのに、結 局支えられて るのは私だ
自分で立つ事もできない私を 隊長はいつも支えてくれる)」
Nanao: Again, another line I struggle to translate properly. Nanao comments how Shunsui is so caring and despite him coming back to help her, she is the one who has need his support or help all along.

Nanao regains the strength in her eyes.

Lille blows the trumpet of god. It blows the entire area away.

Lille’s body has been cut: huh?

Nanao and Kyoraku are standing on the only remaining foothold (the only place that hasn’t been blown away)?

リジェ「…ああ、そうか 神の力を弾くと言っていたんだったな ふふ…神の力を弾くなどと全く …罪深いな」
Lille: Aa. Really? As I was saying, this is playing the Power of God. Huff, Huff... Lille then says something about playing the power of God and how Nanao and Shunsui are sinful.

Lille is disordered and falls.

And so Bleach ends
Ok, move along anons, nothing else to see here.
>literally killed by the sin of incest
That is the moral of the story
Its Japan so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't some manga artists actually do this?

But Kubo seems serious... I think.
Will the Original Sin be referred to? Who would be Adam and Eve in-story?
>sin of incest
no such thing.
Matsumoto is already Eve, got seduced by the snake... err, fox... foxy snake.
Yamamoto and some Komamura ancestor.
The shinigami are sinners and scum. They should be purified
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This is bulshit.
the first quincy and the first shinigami
So lillie has been "disordered" by yawach?
someone please post the pic of him in some sort of bondage clothing
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Prove it
no, it seems more that the sword reflected his own power
Do you have the Senbonzakura BaitKai?
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I miss his twitter with the random comments
Does anyone have the 'Bait-kai' image of Byakuya and Senbonzakura?
is kubo a racist? Why did he turned a nigga into a chicken? why didn't he choose any other animal?
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Nevermind, found it on leddit.
Incredible that after all this time I find it again (having made it), shit goes far on the internet.
Not a Single ISIS fighter would dare to compare himself or any other human with god
what happened with his twitter?
Probably to show quincy are abomination in nature.
Or Yhwach himself.
All the most loyal Quincies have had the most bizarre or radical transformatioms.
Friendly reminder there's no Jump this week.
Right so why do we have those scans there?
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he quitted
Please help me
56 posts made, out of 188 total
release the damn chapter.
it's just 3 or 4 of us max for now mate.
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have a Quilge instead
do this


trust me, it works
New blood like myself will always pour into the void. Now slap my face and call me a whore, because it's all that'll get me through the time between now and the chapter.

I don't get it.
Don't worry, we're here with you, waiting.
wait what
ok, will try. see ya!
Is the reason for the chapter being released later than usual because of thanksgiving or the recent arrests made or neither?
arrests, probably
What was their relationship like?
Post fake links
How long does it take to Viz to translate a chapter?
We are one week ahead of the Japanese release (We get the leaks just at print, before distribution). Is Viz on par of the Japanese release, or a week later or what?
Ichigo was never put under his Shikai to begin with.

Thats why he could see everyone stabing MoMo
Post best girl while we wait
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that's not captain mom
But thats not Riruka
Walk into you're room and see this, What do?

Honestly Bleach is a rare show where it has too many canditate for best girl
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backgrounds caused Kubo to quit twitter ey?
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>tfw already have this
I wish she was more popular
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She's Dead anon.
But... She was dead to begin with.. Shit

I think Kubo just didn't know what to do with her so he sacrificed her for Kenny to become more op and then slide back to EXACTLY where he was before.
Fuck i dont get why kenny even needed a powerbost to begin with. Dude went 2H for one fucking swing and killed an Espada
im runnig out of sfw images
>untie Unohana
>politely apologise
>offer her a drink and some flowers to iron out the misunderstanding
>walk her to the 4th division headquarters
>have a cofe with her and chat for half an hour
>wish her good night and return home
>fuck the rest of them till dawn
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nah if he didn't know what to do with her, he probably would've just kept her as team healer
it's not like anyone's going to mind if it's nsfw
There wont be anyone to heal though. This is the last fight. and if he kept her arround he'd have to show her Bankai or have her on the front lines for a change. Would have been a good way to split up the revives actually. Half Mayuri zombies half Unohana revives with her Bankai. would have been a good matchup for GiGi
Rogue modz might
forgot to spoiler

You don't know anything about ISIS. You're demonizing them as more evil than they really are. Which is quite evil, sure, but being ignorant about your enemy, their motives, and their character is just foolish.
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Kind of bland, in the end.

Shunsui's Bankai was cool but in terms of character Kubo really dropped the ball with Lille. He was boring since he kept spouting the same stuff.

Kubo shines with arrogant characters when he makes them snarky, like Byakuya. Byakuya is a dick, but his one-liners are great.
But his humourless knight templars fall short more often than not.

Looking back, though the Mayuri spam annoyed me, Pernida was way more fun as a villain. His powers were really creative and he developed a sassy attitude as he evolved.
It wasn't Shunsui who was the problem. it was the person who he was fighting. As the sharpshooter he was interesting.
Then he went all wanabe Aizen butterfly and now an Owl
Nice reference.
It's not his time yet.
Uryuu is a girl now
All the plot holes will be filled till the end. You'll see.
What's his weapon anyway? His cape?
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Can someone tell me what ever happened to the young soul reaper and his friend with the lily pad hat, as well as that guy that looked like Aizen but with white hair!?
Seriously, the beginning of this arc was giving us so many hints that Ichigo was going to "pass the baton" and teach that new young soul reaper everything he knew.
>Mayuri spam?

Did you read the same chapters I did? It's not like he one offed the guy like Bach did the old man. Mayuri manipulated Kenpachi to understand what he was dealing with, then he used every thing he had at his disposal of which Pernida over came. And Mayuri for the first time was at was all but screwed and probably settled for losing and being turned into a puddle of goo
Then Nemu gave him a way out

Shino and Yuki, the kids, just disappeared. Dunno what Kubo planned for those two but he sure quickly scrapped it, or maybe their work was really over with that.

Kajomaru (Aizen wannabe) seemingly got killed by Haschwalth.
Byakuya was always bland as hell, a lot of SS was nostalgia desu.
Haschwalth killed Aizen twin and let the rest of his squad go away.
they're all dead
Kubo really failed to deliver a good impression about the destruction of SS. First it was rampaged by the Soldat, and then it was completely annihilated by Yhwach. Neither felt impactful, despite the death toll rising to over ten thousand. Also, they have no means to continue as they have even if they do defeat Yhwach. Only a handful of VCs and Captains left, no infrastructure, no means to rebuild. They'd have to conscript some Rukongai citizens, and even then it'd take years of rebuilding. Meanwhile, hollows can rampage almost freely in the human world - what's left of them, that is. Killing hollows doesn't have the same impact though, since any regretful soul will turn into one.
>Only a handful of VCs and Captains left
Only Yamamoto, Sasakibe and Unohana have died. Everybody else is alive, Nemu obviously will be revived from her conveniently remained brain.
How many VCs and Captains survive is irrelevant, they can't rebuild or continue without grunts.
When have grunts ever been relevant to anything in Bleach?

>36 captain level and above sternritter reported

>Only 3 captains dead

> One was just suicide

Kubo just can't get rid of the captains. They should have become irrelevant ever since the espada fodderized Ichigo who had fought on par with Byakuya.
Maybe Kyoraku, Unohanna, Yammamoto and Ukitake, but the rest should have devolved into fodder so we could move on to focus on stronger new characters.

As it stands he made the Sqad 0 job off panel just to focus more on those same fucking captains we've seen since the beginning with new bullshit massive power ups in 2 years after 500 years of living.
>>Only 3 captains dead
Only two
Could be that they finally remember to make those souls in higher numbers of Rukongai actually do something useful than just sit around, wasting their afterlife.
>when have grunts ever been relevant
Never. But the point the other guy is trying to make is that the Shinigami won't be able to properly monitor the living world without the numbers.
I'm not sure that every squad have been wiped out. Some people like Shino and Yuki squad are still alive, and I'm sure all Mayuri lab personal is alive too.
>Kind of bland, in the end.
That adjective is the definition of Bleach.
The story is going towards the direction that the system will not look the same as before, in fact we might even see races cooperate in the end. That could be the thing that helps keeping hollows at bay while shinigami recover.
We don't need grunts where we're going
Everything is gone, mate. C46, Nobles, messengers, hell butterflies, R&D, surveillance, all the support staff, guards, kido corps, punishment force, maggots nest, 4th division janitors. The big senkaimon is gone too, although it could be redone with kido or something. Who knows, maybe Muken is gone too, and the prisoners are either free or dead. No comms either, nobody to peek into the human world. Akon and his staff are probably dead too. If a place in the human world was devastated by hollows, they would have no clue until one of the few VCs stumbles on location - and Japan is a big place for a handful VCs.

Game over man, it's game over.
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Holy fuck I completely forgot about those little tykes.

Bravo Kubo.
>Akon and his staff are probably dead too
They are not, they were working on Kira cyborg in the novel. And we don't know how damaged everything else is.
>hell butterflies
>maggots nest
>C46, Nobles
Do you even read this manga? C46 gave Shunsui permission to release Aizen after the first invasion. They are all alive.
>They are not, they were working on Kira cyborg in the novel.
That was before Yhwach annihilated all of SS to recreate RR in his own vision. I highly doubt that they're like Kenpachi who can handle getting crushed between huge chunks of rock
>annihilated all of SS
Seemed to me like he took buildings and moved them up to the RR. They were made of reishi anyway.
Akon was shown recently tyding up the lab
>all of SS
I think you mean Quincy city. Because this 'war' has never went beyond Seiretei which was replaced by the ice city.
Do you? C46 gave that permission before Yhwach brought SS up in rubble. I highly doubt that any building (Muken possible exempt) could withstand getting pulled up by Yhwach. And there's no reason to believe that they would survive that. Only if they managed to jump out from whatever cracks that MAY have appeared, before the rubble reassembled to form the new RR.

Aizen is probably somewhere in there too, but he's the only one who would be able to survive it.

Have you ever been inside a building that gets lifted up and reassembled into a new one without any care in the world to what happens to the occupants? I have

It's a fucking meat grinder.
>Have you ever been inside a building
Nobody were inside those buildings, it's was a quincy city, not Seiretei.
You're assuming that nobody was inside. Besides, the people could've died in the meat grinder when the buildings changed shape the first time. It's also against human behavior of seeking shelter to assume that everybody went outside, while a war was going on. The pavement and the ground below it was taken as well anyway - unless Yhwach rebuilt his city without any earth works, meaning that they'll topple over in a few years.

Trust me, I'm an earth worker
aren't you overthinking things a little bit, Mr. earth worker? this type of series usually ends on a positive note, and if Kubo so far didn't show us dead bodies or had someone say these people are dead, then it is safe to assume the worst that happened to them is that they are injured
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>unless Yhwach rebuilt his city without any earth works
Guess what it's made out of reishi. He makes stairs out of thin air, don't know why you try to apply our physical laws here. It's reishi.
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