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Most muscular female characters
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Thread replies: 55
Thread images: 31
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How many do you remember? And from which series?
Let's start with Michelle K. Davis from Terra Formars
Damn! Girl is shredded.
This is an edit right? There's no way an anime girl is that buff. Her abs look ripped as fuck.
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Akarin is probably ripped
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That's a Terra Formars official poster and body pillow. At 5'2, Michelle is 180 pounds of pure muscle and love.
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Besides the natural muscular strenght that Michelle inherited from her father she really hit the gym hard before going to Mars, not only to be physically prepared for the Annex - I mission but also to increase her powers when transformed.

Her Paraponera base is made stronger by the stronger she is in her normal state. So, adding muscle mass to her natural strength amplifies her power levels on a pretty big scale.

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Akemi Kageyasu from Aiki. Strong gal and hot as hell as well.
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Pretty fuckin ripped.
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Nanten Sakura from Destro 246 belongs in this thread, for sure.
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>At 5'2
Heh. That makes her wildly less intimidating
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188 pounds to be more accurate. Her weight states 85 in kg. She has some heavy muscles indeed.
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Felicia from Darkstalkers.
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Chun Li is one of the first ones that comes to my mind.
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Lesbo redhair is hawt.
So that's why she wasn't that muscular in the beach manga prequel episode.
She's not like that, the anime made her a trans. She's very ripped but not to the point of it being disgusting
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Marie Joseph Sanson from Innocent manga
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dem gainz
> the anime made her a trans.
source or shut the fuck up. shes not fucking poison.
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What's going on here?
There's not much difference between her muscularity in the manga and the anime art. Yes, a little more definition in the second but somebody is always bitching about the size of her muscles like she looked like Broly. The only thing slightly bigger in the anime are her breasts and nobody should be complaining about that.
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When she basically breaks that guy's face, I swear.
Aisha got gunz
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Let's hope they don't ruin Michelle's design for season 2
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Girl is a gymaholic
Also a chronic masturbater, look at her right fore arm compared to her left.
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Those situps are paying off
There are words for what those abs are made for, and none of them are polite.
I know you don't give a shit, but my autism won't settle down until I say that sit ups won't give you visible abs.
Yes they will, as long as you are cut.
Well yes, but sit ups won't ever get you cut.
haha yeah I know. But they can keep them visible.
If you do them enough they will, but that's delusional curlbro levels of why are you doing this. They will give you the POTENTIAL for visible abs, you just need to work off a little fat for full visibility.
That's a pretty insane weight for someone that is both /fit/ and a womanlet (although 164 cm is more like 5' 4")
Well yes, though in terms of practicality I'd say they won't.
She's part ant and can punch your spine out of your back.
Also is literally made for rough love.
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>Ripped women with natural big tits, and no man faces.
This why I love anime. Reality can never deliver.
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> Valmet
My nigga.
Well yes but that girl is very clearly low BF and high semen content.
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Daidouji has buffed up
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I'd do unspeakable things to Michelle and Xi. Any woman Tachibana draws makes my dick diamonds.
Up to the point where they get murdered horribly for cheap drama
Seriously Swallow's death was PURE SAD BAIT. Most of the rest I can excuse, but that was ABSOLUTELY pointless.
She isn't dead. Latest chapter confirmed it; she's just in critical condition, along with Keiji.
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Brita reporting to the gunshow.
Jesus fucking christ thank god. I was afraid to even look up; the chapter because I thought for sure after I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOOOU death flags would be her postmortem flashback
Death Flag is only when heavy flashbacks kick in. Or they end up turning into a main character, like in Keiji's case.
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Nice arms she's got
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There is never enough Valmet
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Karura from Kengan Ashura
Thread replies: 55
Thread images: 31

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