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Can't make an omelette without breaking five hundred thousand
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Thread replies: 129
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Can't make an omelette without breaking five hundred thousand eggs.
can't fuck a chick without breaking eggs
>replace a bunny with a literal cow
I felt so bad for bunnyfags.
Did she win yet?
>They replaced this beauty for a pig in a cow suit

Bring back the mass murdering traitor.
How much is that? Half of the population, or just about 1%?
Well, judging by everyone's reaction, it must be a large fraction.
You are batshit insane.
t. Strongest man
Demonic powers son.
The world didn't seem that big, so probably a considerable amount of people.
Little way to tell really, unless there's more info in the LNs or something.
Rokka no sales.
I believe their whole continent is about 5-6 millions of people whole. So 500 000 is quite a lot.
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>no crazy bunny princess to plot mass murder with

Why continue on?
Her plan is so retarded, how does she even think that it'll work?
It's basically let the demons and the humans duke it out until they're tired and then they'll live in harmony.
The plan was they would sacrifice that absurd amount of people to the Demon Lord and in turn he would spare the rest of the people in the land instead of just killing every single one of them. Yeah it's a pretty awful plan but it's a plan where there are actual survivors. That's really the best plan you could hope to achieve trying to negotiate with demons. Bunny wanted to end the hero cycle because she knew it would eventually fail and then the Demon Lord would come for all of them.
Where did you take it from?

Her plan was to subjigate all the kyoma under her master's rule first and then go into the human world and there get rid of all corrupted, selfish and irresponsible rulers, so she can establish 'proper' rulership over the whole world.
Totalitarian bitch, but likable one.
>but likable one.
not even that, she's just very beautiful, thats all
She was such a likable character at first, but then she turned into someone who deserves death like the rest of the heroes not named Adlet.

I just fail to see who you're supposed to support in this series. All of the heroes are psychopaths or murderers and Adlet is too generic to care about.

Add to that the fact that all of the mystery in this series turns out to be a bunch of convoluted magic bullshit and there's just no reason to keep following it.

God dammit I wanted this series to be good especially because it tried some relatively new things but it's just so bad.
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So who's the other fake?
Well, I like her idea to get rid the human world from all the corruption and inequality it has. Well, that is the basic humanistic idea. But that is idealism of course. But nevertheless it makes her and her master the most likable to me.

I kinda understand what you mean, LN is too poorly written to be really enjoyable. Too many tricks based on magic and asspulls.
But the story itself is kinda interesting and I want to know about the characters and the history of the world more. Even if is in the end it would be dissapointing I want to know.

My guess it's Chamo. She is totally psychotic, she can be easily bribed with new *jouyuma* subjects for her.
I dunno. People are having a fucking huge ass fuck reaction for a couple hundred people dead over in surrenderland and that's not even .01% of the population of earth.
I have an idea.

Why don't they just.kill the demon?
People are only freaking out about that because the media has tragedy coverage down to a science. It's the best time to cash in and so they've gotten incredibly good at it.
It's not just because they died you fruit-cake. It's because they died in a terrorist attack. Completely different compared to say if they died because of a natural disaster, it means someone out there planned an attack against the country and could quite possibly plan even more. "Terrorist" was coined because of "terror".
Because the demon is God. You can't kill God. God is an integral part of the universe. One cannot exist without the other. The best you can hope to do is suppress his power for a bit longer so that you can live out your life in peace and let future generations fend for themselves just like you did.
Also Chamo behaved suspisiously during all the story.
First, she protected Mora inside the Illusion Fog Barrier, because she knew that later on Tgurneu had some plans on her. Also she tried to kill both Adlet and Hans there.
Second, she is violent and cruel and always trying to solve every little thing with killing, exactly what Tgurneu probably wanted, but she immediately backs off when the majority of heroes are hesitating to resort to it.
Third, family issues. She is extremely lonely, even her parents fears her, so for Tgurneu it may be easy to win over her with some false promise (like promise to give her more kyoma to live inside her belly), she is lonely and naive.
But what if it's just bait and switch and the other fake is actually a good guy (at least now) but it would be kinda awkward to let everyone know in this situation?
If the demon is god, and his creation is demons, who created humans?
A fallen demon of course.
Evolution son
strongest man in the world of course, he just don't know it
There are no bad or good guys in the story. There are only those who are directly used by Tgurneu, or those who are part of his plans, ignorant of it.
I doubt that. When Adlet gained the Crest he was alone and isolated in the cell, so the most likely his Crest is genuine one.
The author could just asspull an unreliable narrator trick with him, that the part of the story in Bunny's kingdom was just Adlet's memories, and Tgurneu's special squad of plot-contrivance demons includes a memory altering parasite.
I love her
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Adlet and Nashetania can still work things out.
No chemistry.
Why does bunny have to be so beautiful? I'm such a sucker for the fair skin/hair combo.
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Are the ears really fake?
There is but one question that remains in regards to this series.
Bunny x dog doujins when?
>literal cow
I don't think it means what you think it means.
the important thing is, bunny girl is best girl
Literally can and has been used figuratively for centuries.
More like third
Cow > Frog > Half-Demon > Mountains > Rabbit
Demon > Frog > Bunny >Mountain > Cow
The bunny ears? Of course they are, she doesn't have them in ep 1. Some kind of royal dress I think the LN's said.
fuck you bunny>everything
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I could have respected your opinion, but
>cow on last place
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No the strongest man in the world is.
Only people who live in sweden like bunny.
I'm an animeonlyfag, where else am I going to put her based on only appearance?
Demon > Mountains > Bugs > Frog > Cow
Cow is a shit, she doesn't do anything but fuck up and she's also ugly in canon. She's irredeemable.
because she's white and blonde, unlike them?
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Never forget. The sufferi- I mean ride will never end.
Okay, as an anime only fag it is understandable. You should change your ways and read the LN, though.

>Is the one who deserves the title "hero" the most out of all characters
>Only one who simply wants to help people, nothing else
>Is insecure as fuck yet pulls herself together and risks her life for everyone
>Able to one-shot everyone if she just gets one hit on the flesh
>Saved best boys life
>The sole reason besides Rainers effort that the heros even knew about the Barren Black Flower
Trguneu a shit, Cargikk a best.
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But my friend... does he even have the KEIKAKU
Don't need no keikakus if you have brute strength.
Nothing can top Tgurneu in this series. NOTHING
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Nashetania is my waifu. <3

Tgurneu has managed to screw up every one of his plans so far. His problem is that he just likes to screw with people and doesn't take things seriously, as he basically admitted to Goldof.
>Goldof will never stop shitposting on /a/
remember that time she totally tried to stab the strongest man in the world with like twenty of her knives and then played it off like it was just a gag despite how she would have killed him had he not narrowly dodged them all?
Yeah I'm not sure how anyone thought she wasn't the villain after that point. Between that, trappig someone she knew would be a brave so she'd know for sure when the braves were selected and her display of her capability for emotional manipulation for gags it was pretty obvious.
It's only obvious in hindsight. Hindisght is 20/20.
I saw it. I only ever wavered when Hans straight up said he was he 7th and when Mountain was strangely insistent on killing Adlet. Things were too convenient for her, she was never brought under suspicion and I've seen the "heroine is the real villain!" shtick a few times before.
Grats anon, but it really wasn't obvious. The clues were certainly there, though I'm not sure I'd count the spar with Adlet as one. She could have killed him easily if she really wanted to, and it fit her "sheltered princess finally stretching her wings" persona.
Then again, it did show that she had a side to her that was kind of unhinged.

Sweden Yes! Personified.
What's with the Sweden meme I keep hearing about?
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You can't tell me you didn't at least have your suspicions.
>Tgurneu has managed to screw up every one of his plans so far
That not his plan, they're just him passing time until volume 6.
Yeah, I did, but I was convinced by the semi-red herring that was mountains.
>tfw you marathoned the show way after it was over with no spoilers
It completely floored me, although since I marathoned it, I didnt really have time to sit and think who did it.
She was the person I least suspected
Flamie as revealed in vol.4
I also marathoned it with no information, was pretty great to avoid spoilers like that. I realized it pretty late, but I did realize it shortly before it was revealed.
I was just surprised that my opinion of every character did a 180 as the show progressed. Thought Hans was a dickhead, then he became best boy.

I really should have expected it, actually.
Bunny was so perfect at the start. No wonder the series is flopping with nips after doing that to the first heroine. Fremy is too quiet.
Did no one else find that whole "going crazy on the altar" thing out of place? That was the most suspicious thing for me in the whole show -- She goes completely schizo for like 10 seconds and then instantly calms down once someone tells her to.
Yes, but it wasn't the first time she went Schizo. It was clear she had some odd side to her, I chalked it up to what she spoke of about her personal life: how her father had no power and she herself was in a complicated position in the palace. Breaking the tablet set off a lot of alarms, but later my suspicions were redirected elsewhere.

It's really nice that the clues are all there for the viewer to catch.
Yeah, but apparently I was the only one who figured it was obvious so who knows.

>Roll out the red carpet to unsocial barbarians into your country who will rape, and murder your people, to force an unnatural coexistence.
>Suppress anyone who disagrees with that.

"Sweden Yes!" in a nutshell.

>literally can and has been used wrong for centuries
>I am not crazy, it's the world that is crazy!
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I would have felt a little down about bunny turning out to be the unholy offspring of Benedict Arnold and Adolf Hitler if she hadn't transitioned from "maybe just sheltered" to major crazy signals from around the season's halfway point.

It also helps that Fremy went all tsundere (the good kind with actual character development) and stole the show shortly before the full 500 million billion revelation.
Fremy's not Tsun though she's cold/Kuu. She didn't shoot at Adlet because "b-baka" but because she literally couldn't comprehend anyone liking her because she's frozen over her heart.
I wonder if Adlet will die at the end...
Let's all invade Norway while we are at it!
I smell a tragic ending as well
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Man... I knew Sweden was getting keked, but I had no idea how bad it was.
This post doesn't make any sense.
Go back to /pol/.
It makes perfect sense.
No it doesn't.
Yes it does.
I love her as crazy manipulative bitch more than the peace princess persona.
You know, I hate her guts but you made me realize I love her that way as well.
you could say its literally been used that way for forever
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Tgurneu a best.
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Rokka no Yuusha thread.

No Fremy pic? You and your shit taste /a/.

I'll fix this.
is this show worth picking up for bunny girl? or should I just read the doujinshi?
I have bad news anon...
I want to be eaten by Chamo.
She was suspicious from the start when she dodged the hero confirmation ceremony for reasons.
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Sex with bunny
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Why did she pretend her carrot was a cigar?

Was it a Bugs Bunny thing?
damn that's a shame
>face of a keker
>for bunny
It's ok I guess.
I remember watching the whole bunny reveal and thinking back to Danganronpa. I started out a Sayakafag but was pretty quickly shit on. As a bunnyfag it was a near identical experience.
Bunny was the best part about this series but the author decided to butcher her character. It took guts, I'll give him that. If it works it works but I can't help but think that it was a horrible decision.
>waah, why is my fapfuel evil, waah, why isn't she the perfect waifu, waah
Why do you want people to insult you? Are you some kind of masochist?
>waah, now I can't fap to her in peace, waah, she likes the pikachu dick, waah, I feel kekked now, waah
You know there is 7 billion people on this planet. It shouldn't be of any surprise that people like you exist. Nevertheless it continues to boggle my mind how anyone can find satisfaction in acting like an attention depraved idiot.

Is there a clear reason why you act the way you do? Perhaps a recent tragedy or maybe you're just having a bad day? Or are you really just that shit a person?
The only idiot here is you because you continue to respond even while the other party has no intention to do anything but repeat itself over and over, you are not going to get anything coherent out of them because they simply want to press your buttons and nothing more.
I don't really mind if you find it to be pointless. I take value out of seeing what response he gives. If you don't like it happening in this thread that's fine but it's an anonymous image board so you'll have to get used to it sooner or later. I suggest you get used to it sooner.
Why do people like her? She is pretty shit. Does nothing, annoying no-one-can-like-me, only pretty. All the other girls have more personality.
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I don't see it
Given her situation, you can't really blame her.
Why does her armor include a suspensor? Is there something that shouldn't be there?

Fremy, though she doesn't even know it herself it seems. Read the LN
People defend the WW2 bombings because they eventually led to greater good and avoiding killing everything, so why is everyone so mad at Bunny's plan?
Hans. It should be obvious that he is diferent then his teammates. He actually has a brain.
Maybe because only 1% of Humanity would make it which will make you more evil than Stalin

There is also the fact that trusting a demon is beyond retarded.
>being this racist
10/10 design when naked
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