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I was cleaning out an old backup drive, and I found something
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You are currently reading a thread in /a/ - Anime & Manga

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
File: the more things change.jpg (115 KB, 552x622) Image search: [Google]
the more things change.jpg
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I was cleaning out an old backup drive, and I found something from 2007 which seems surprisingly relevant even today.
Don't forget your CLAYMORE there tabitha, and stop developing worse and worse software.
he agreed, don't bother him about it.
this brings me back
>Motivational poster
good fucking luck
Oh man I miss Bible Blackposting
>mkv vs. avi
>10 bit vs. 8 bit
>Boku no Pico
>go back to Gaia

I miss some of them
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Saber subs.png
199 KB, 602x435
Man, I haven't heard some of the phrases in a long time.
Single Group Ransom. Now that's old school
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Where has the time gone?
>Boku no Pico
>Lurk more
These aren't dead at all.
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You could at least post the picture.
I still use back to gaia.
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Why am I still here at 34
Interesting how it is clearly pre-/jp/.

GAR is also hardly used anymore, and motivationals only exist in museums.
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Are you at least a wizard?
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/jp/ was a mistake.
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GAR still appears pretty often, its just that you don't have anymore so many chances to use it
Can't people understand .avi is way better than mkv? Fucking casuals.
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>motivational posters
Even by 2007 those had been completely ruined as a meme.

Holy shit that takes me way back
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Yeah it had gotten to the point where the repeated phrase was "motivators are dumb", rather than motivators themselves being a meme anymore.

But I still see the stupid things in other places.
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Yep. By that time they were associated with myspace.
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Which spots would you change to make it more accurate to modern /a/ and with what? Half of those I haven't seen used in years, maybe once in a blue moon.

GAR is surprisingly being used with some consistency in IBO threads.
moe ;_;7
anyone have Hughs your alive?
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1 MB, 256x192
It all started going bad after /b/ started making nonsense ones, then retards thought you could just put any old text there and it would be a meme. By the end of that meme's lifespan most of the people making and posting them had no clue why they were even called "motivationals" because the original purpose of them had been long forgotten.
Change Bible Black to Boku no Pico for sure.
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mugi fight club.jpg
130 KB, 960x960
We should bring back GAR. That was my favorite meme word back then.
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not what you think.gif
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Sometimes I almost miss this.
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Was expecting RING RING

Those hijacks were marginally better than the shitpost floods we have now.
Check out this video!


if you don't recognize the address... there is still embed
I think it's gotten to the point where it's almost disappointing when there's no RING RING.
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Anti Spiral.png
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I still have a folder full of hijack pictures.
That was a stupid word then but a brilliant word now.
Is there anything to replace that many of them with? There doesn't seem to be any consistency beyond replying to obvious bait.
It's like >>133578364 said.
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we're trapped in here forever
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Life like texture ;_;
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updated it for u
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>was dumb at the time
>now it seems less dumb

You are a poster-boy for the concept of nostalgia. Welcome to old age.

Yes we are.
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Me too.
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you think boku no pico would be better in that place than fate?
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I had to search so long for this image that I actually forgot what I was looking for. Fortunately I remembered just in time.
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When I first started browsing /a/ I put everything in one generic folder. Looking through it is kind of a time capsule now.
But I looked at the right panel first, what the fuck are you on L?
Step off bitch, I drive a Dodge Stratus.
I suppose not. Nothing that has really stuck that is also used board wide.

>loli thread
>not creature thread
>Fate/Stay Night
>not Boku no Pico

>So moe I'm gonna die
>viral marketing
Do you have the one about the girl who likes to eat corm?
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Oh man, 4chan used to be fun
I did this too. It's embarrassing to look at some of those old filenames.
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I miss Big Dogs.
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Now I regret not having started watching anime when I was a teen.
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>that phase when every file name had the word "fuck" or "shit" in it
>that phase where I made really long filenames I thought were clever
>those "so witty" filenames I intentionally mislabeled and then was never able to locate again
You forgot Sakura!Fish and Koume.
Possibly, but I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
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I feel like something in my body will physically break if I rename or delete any of the old crap from ten years ago.
I'm at the point where I've become sexually attached to ancient filenames.
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>that phase when every file name had the word "fuck" or "shit" in it

It felt like a revolutionary freedom to say naughty things on the internet.

nigger nigger nigger
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FUN FACT: I watched this stupid show back in the day just because of this picture.
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I found a Big Dog mug at a thrift store the other day and almost bought it, thanks /a/

Can someone post the "can't clean my room mom, subs are out for Naruto" one pls?
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I just found my misc 4chan folder, almost untouched since I started saving things in my /a/ directory about 5 years ago.
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I should have just done a search since it was the first result.
nobody gives a shit about 2010+ retard
I'll take the "Joke subs" please, hold the quality.
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But is she Aho?
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Is Aishiteruze Baby that bad?

Let me tell you, Boku no Sexual Harassment was not worth it for the corn scene.
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We don't have boku threads tho
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>never forget

I forgot this year.
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Did you not read my post correctly or something? Everything in this folder is pre-2010, some images are as old as 2005. This is my old folder, before I switched to the new directory, which is only 5 years old.
>moot agreed
File: yes, it works.png (2 MB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
yes, it works.png
2 MB, 600x600
It's eight OF clock.
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Manabi Straight was a goldmine, but nobody remembers it.
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It was pretty meh over all. Not worth watching if you have something else you'd rather watch.
my sides
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This is the first picture in my 4chan folder. How remarkably relevant
rip dattebayo
was datte daiz?
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>Is Aishiteruze Baby that bad?

Nah, kinda worth it for the cute proto-daughteru character, if you can stand generic shoujo art style and low-budget animation with no real plot to speak of.
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manabi eat.png
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Of course people remember it. It established the MANABI line after all.
>implying people remember what the manabi in manabi line stands for
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Anyone else here long enough to remember when Rinrin was our mascot?
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1 MB, 2315x3535
Whom, pleb.
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This one hurts.
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>Bible Black
>So moe, gonna die
>moot agreed
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132 KB, 336x352
Where did the fun go?
It's not too late to have fun. You all just have to make an effort.
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Onto the endless backlog.
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>implying that metric is still relevant given the changes in production technology
ka ka ka
Together with the magic and exclusivity of the internet when it turned into a normalfag entertainment machine.
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123 KB, 1024x631
Manabi Straight memes were pretty okay.
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1 MB, 976x1535
I wonder if that guy already killed himself.
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46 KB, 640x385

GAR is always used again thanks to Fate/stay Night:UBW
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115 KB, 1344x254
We were so naive back then.
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Manabi Straight.jpg
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>back then

>mfw I realize 2011 was 4 years ago
Some of us are still pretty pure if "walked her home gently" is any indication.
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76 KB, 480x360
I'd like to believe things are improving. We had a lengthy period of stagnation for /a/ post-2011.

With Hiro's arrival, things have been shifting at a rapid pace. The moderation feels more lax (while still doing their job), r/a/dio is back on Fridays, and overall, it feels like it's slightly going back to the way things were when everyone was enjoying themselves and chilling. It's still a long ways away but things are looking up. At least I believe so.
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oldtinygifs are old and tiny
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We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
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cola and milk.png
164 KB, 466x418
How many of you actually tried this?
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>Disappointed Asian man
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We have evolved
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File: play my song.jpg (219 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
play my song.jpg
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>r/a/dio is back on Fridays
Friday night faggotry will never be the same without kuma-kun.
These old melodies have been burned into parts of my brain that I incorrectly associate with a fictional "happy past".
Listening to them puts me in a weird mood.

I should take a break.
It feels like for the longest of times moot catered to muh 'everyone welcome' and no 'culture' that turned /a/ into naruto general central and just Gaia.
Maybe things will improve with hiro
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The other boards don't even have people who like animu and mango for the most part any more. Even Techloli/g/y died a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if anime images were banned on the other boards in a few years.
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Think this should be final
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needs more QUALITY
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It's still here. You just gotta believe
Needs more "go back to /v/", "fuck off crossboarders", and "not /a/ related"
saw - expected - got
File: Cock goes in here.jpg (80 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Cock goes in here.jpg
80 KB, 640x480
I just realized that I have been on this site for over 10 years now. What the fuck have I been doing with my life?
It got way too easy for "fun" to rapidly become "memes" and then "retarded"
I miss the days when /a/ still played VNs.
jp was a mistake
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one of my oldest pics was similar to >>133579786
, from 2007

(I deleted all pics from 2006 because I needed the space... all the Haruhi pics gone... oh well)
wep threads are rare, should I put them under 3x3
not-/a/ related doesn't get threads does it?
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Didn't Kuma get hitched and go off to live his life?

Nonetheless, while things won't be the exact same, that r/a/dio is back represents a change for the better. We've needed something to help rebuild a sense of community.

He hasn't.
God, the YTMND edits are already coming back to me.
That's only because internet culture became more mainstream. We've focused so much on reacting against it that we forgot how to actually preserve our culture, forgot how to have fun, and forgot how to be friends. All the while we're letting the rest of the internet come in without even realizing it.
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Have you bought a dog?
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495 KB, 310x390
>I'd like to believe things are improving. We had a lengthy period of stagnation for /a/ post-2011.
>With Hiro's arrival, things have been shifting at a rapid pace. The moderation feels more lax (while still doing their job), r/a/dio is back on Fridays, and overall, it feels like it's slightly going back to the way things were when everyone was enjoying themselves and chilling. It's still a long ways away but things are looking up. At least I believe so.

IMHO the thing that made pre-2010 4chan fun was the fact that most people seemed pretty smart, but were pretending to be stupid (or racist or pedophiles or whatever was offensive) for fun.

There were a few people of each category who weren't pretending, but they were a small minority.

At some point, the number of people who weren't just pretending to be stupid / racist / pedo / whatever became too large, and fun things stopped happening because the people who weren't pretending were serious about everything. They either had an agenda, or they were normalfags and they wanted normalfag things like low-effort entertainment and smalltalk. Both types of people are toxic to fun, because both are boring and predictable.
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Hello, friends.
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I'm glad I'm not the only fag who doesn't rename his shit.
File: thrust vectoring.jpg (67 KB, 450x650) Image search: [Google]
thrust vectoring.jpg
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I never want to be a person who wants out.
Generals are still killing /a/.

I took a look at the /jp/ pastebin for pasta (re-appropriated for /a/) after never touching it for years. So many things are out of date and reading some of them just makes me a little depressed that people actually put this much effort into trying to make /a/ a better place. I mean pasta used to be all over the place, but mods deleted the shit out of it when many of them were completely relevant and the things they complain about are 10x worse than the usage of a pasta. Sometimes I see the pasta deleted but not the original shitposts.
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Just as keikaku
I would post multi-track drifting or decantering but I don't have either saved.
One day I'll rename everything I have made, to cover my tracks. And because the names are fucking stupid.
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fuck yeah Azumanga
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>I never want to be a person
Me neither.
And /jp/ is barely even /jp/ anymore. I really don't get what JAV generals have to do with otaku culture.
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ami sip.jpg
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the moment you turned pedo
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We are too far into the "everything is b8" mentality to change back. You can't even joke about anything without getting fish images anymore.
I just can't resist a wing twitch
Fuck you for giving me my only ban,
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>No Keit-AI
I wish there was a way to implement a wordfilter equivalent for images.
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It began declining when people like >>133579798 started crying the sky was falling whenever anything looked like something they once saw on another social website.

Now these people are so desperate to differentiate themselves from "the normies" that they're basically the robot 9000, except they do fuzzy comparisons against the entirety of the internet.
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There has been a shift in the demographic, certainly. I think the mentality of taking everything seriously has been extremely detrimental and when they're the majority, it's hard to do anything to fight back against it. That's why I'm hoping things will loosen up. What is there to be serious about? Have people forgotten where they are?

Generals became embedded within /a/. There was always that claim that they would be removed/deleted by whenever but by the point action was actually taken, they were here to stay. They insulate each separate community on the board so much, it's ridiculous. The types of posters you see in buyfag threads, Yuru Yuri, JoJo, DJT, KanColle etc. might never post anywhere else. It's not as salient when there's no names attached, of course, but it's not as though people haven't discussed how they come to /a/ for whichever general they frequent. There are threads that are obvious generals on /a/ but there's not much that can be done about it at this point without having to endure massive backlash.
2012 was still alright for the most part. There was still enough OC, but 2012 was where /a/ turned on everyone and stopped telling fags to lurk more. They instead redirected everyone in every direction. Many of the 2010-2011 habits were still present at the time but it was in this year that the grammar nazis finally declined.

It was a stupid idea. And one that's been run into the ground for far too long.
/jp/ has been dead for a while now. The original posters left or died.
They were deleted and removed. But then the mod deletes it on the one thread that has an actual release, and boom! Complaints and the mod is forced to back off. The only thing that can be done is to spread dissent on our own and from following the threads. There are many people lurking in these generals that participate but see how shit they are and how far they are from how they were originally. But they're scared, almost fucking 'safe-spaces' and this is what allowed reddit and tumblr to come in because "Hey, Ctrl+F and there's the general I always visit".
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>What is there to be serious about? Have people forgotten where they are?
It used to be that everything was bait but we rolled with it because being funny was more important than being the first one to yell "HEY TEACHER LOOK OVER THERE I SAW BAIT".

It's an inherently conformist reaction, and I expect it from normalfags and stormfags only.

>grammar nazis finally declined.
Those are the only kinds of nazis that I actually want on 4chan. Morons who can't even type coherent sentences don't deserve legitimate responses.
/a/ wants to be friends. The problem is that we've lost trust in each other.
If you look at the old collages, nobody was opposed to adding Big3 stuff to them, something that would be unthinkable nowadays, because it would brand you as an outsider.
We need to learn, somehow, that we are a community. Unfortunately I have no idea how that could be accomplished.

By the way I hate the "trying too hard to fit in" line. It creates an aversion to /a/ culture, and I don't think that's a good thing. We need to give people more breathing room to be anons, but the enforcing of whatever rules we do have must be an honored and accepted practice. If somebody enforces out of line, then that should be the focus of the critique.
One thing I don't miss are the tripfags/namefags/avatarfags. Notice how there is only a single one in this thread.
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>tfw since I started browsing in 2009 my main drives died two times and I lose all my pictures from the good old days

I wish I could look at them just to get a look at past me ;_;
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The only way to kill a general is to ban all discussion of that particular franchise for a certain amount of time.
That would bring about fresh blood once discussion is taken up again.
It was nice when the people who browsed /v/ were still basically the same crowd as us.
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They're all confined in their generals, I trust. Look at the Madoka thread. And look at how cancerous it is with their shitty blogging and circlejerking. Who from generals leaves their generals and visits meta-threads? Absolutely fucking none of them.
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Did I fuck it up?
The attitude of "everything is srs business" and "there are no jokes, everyone is out to get me" pre-date those bait images. Accusing everyone of trolling when they made jokes was the same thing. It was pretty common to see the "I was pretending to be retarded" comic in response to someone explaining what a joke is.

4chan didn't die because of idiots thinking they were in good company because everyone was pretending to be an idiot. It died because of autists thinking they were in good company
Even in 2008 /a/ knew VLC was shit.
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I fucking loved tripfags. Stupid people self-identifying so I could filter them, it was perfect.
>The only thing that can be done is to spread dissent on our own and from following the threads.
Those threads are horrible. They are no fun to participate in normally (unless you support that general's rules), and just shitposting is not the answer.
What you are proposing is actual work. That's not going to happen.
>where are my fucking subs?
Well we have cr/funi for that now, at least they're always timely.

I don't watch fansubs anymore. After seeing countless fansubbing groups break up / quit / go inactive amidst a storm of drama, anger, and general butthurt, I've realized how painful and terrible it is for us to make them suffer by subbing anime.
Also, all the people in generals? They're all fucking dead inside and basically robots. They're posting the same shit, asking the same questions, giving the same responses and they don't even respond to stimulus. Even shitposts often don't even register.
love live and im@s were banned once and they are here again
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Not quite. It's always fun watching the collective breakdown whenever something gets delayed.
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Back in 2008 it actually was shit.

Softsub rendering didn't work in VLC back then.

These days it's actually fine but nobody cares.
>What you are proposing is actual work.
And surprisingly enough /a/ used to do more of it. Pasta writing and even general opinion posts had way more thought that went into them.
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If the beast has more than one head, then one beheading will not kill it.
Ban it again.
I can get on board, Ringo a shit
>/a/ used to do more of it.
When the problem was still contained.
It's easy to spam a thread when it's just the one, and when the mods are on your side.

No self moderation can ever work without the support from the actual moderation team.

>Haven't looked at /jp/ since moot brought the subject up last year or two years ago.
>Think anon is joking about a JAV general.
>Check catalog
>It exist.

The thread looks awful, and you would be better off posting that on another board. And people complain about Ecchi shows on /a/.
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It's sad I've lost most of my old 4chan pictures in one of my countless hard drive failures.
2006/2007 were the best years for /a/ and anime was so fucking good at that time. Pretty fun to remember how much we had to wait for subs back then now that we have simulcasts.
>"/a/ isn't fun anymore"
I've come back around on this sentiment. 2013 and most of 2014 were shit, but the past year has been good, so much so I've rediscovered the fun of waiting for weekly shows so I can discuss with anons.
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Not surprising.

/a/ and 4chan in general were non-consumer culture. People put work into their fun because doing good work is a kind of fun.

These days we've been invaded by conformists of varying types: both normalfags and stormfags, both of whom have no appetite for thought and even less willingness to put any effort towards novelty.
You don't watch anime that aren't picked up by official subbers?
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No, YOU a shit.
I think "/a/ isn't fun anymore" is more a state of mind, rather than an absolute thing.

You probably never had as much fun on 4chan as you did in the first 6 months you were here
So what, General-Invasion Day?

Everyone goes and watches whatever the lucky general is about, and unshitposts it?

Then tells everyone "congrats, you've been invaded by quality content, now go watch X, we're all invading that next week!"?
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Did the issue with the limited colorspace ever get fixed? Was still there after all the so called emprovements despite the bug being there for years. Haven't bothered to even check anymore.
Killing the shitposting literally killed /jp/.
>Who from generals leaves their generals and visits meta-threads? Absolutely fucking none of them.
If the mods decide to remove them they'll be here crying about it.

You can't beat the Generals /a/, they're part of 4chan now. Every board other /a/ has embraced them.
No one other than the people here in /a/ meta threads see them as the cancer they are.
And sure enough, there are mods that probably disapprove of generals too. You know the famshit before the filter, there was a mod deleting the garbage and ignoring shitposts about it even though the number was totally dwarfed. And so I shitposted alone, and counted the results. And it dropped by maybe a quarter. And the filter came.

TG is fucking reddit according to that image floating aroun. TGfags know their threads are shit and there are those on the fence about making all those fucking waiting threads. It's just us that is not making their decision for them.
Sorry, what's TG? I can't place that acronym.
It's this defeatist attitude that automatically spells defeat. Floating around, I noticed there's a similar mentality towards generals on /sp/ and they have their own resistance. We're not alone. I'm sure of that.
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If you know what the bug was, I bet you could find out if they fixed it by ctrl+F on their release notes page. I've used VLC when I'm stuck using Mac or Linux and it seems fine these days.

>You can't beat the Generals /a/
I don't even hate generals. I do sometimes wish they'd be allowed to die if nobody has anything to say, but I feel like it's nice to not have 3+ different threads about the same show at once.
Traditional Ghoul
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>nice meme bruh
> :^)

way overused by people without argumets
Bait image was good reaction for regular trolling, way to say "let's just ignore that guy" but now it's part of the chaos as well
Tokyo Ghoul, sorry.
Godspeed You, Black Emperor!
I think that's partially due to the announcement for Love Live Sunshine, as well as the Cinderella Girls anime that aired recently. It was much worse before, with the mobage being a prominent point of discussion. Thankfully, that was moved some time ago. Perhaps they could be removed in due time where the backlash won't be as strong nor as justified because of recent events.

There are a lot of series lacking translations for the manga, no new episodes or even news about it altogether that still have constant generals. If any actions needs to be taken, those should be first. As much as I absolutely adore Yuru Yuri, the threads prior to San Hai were abysmal when there wasn't discussion about manga chapters. Those threads were far too frequent for what content they had.

Madoka threads are like an entirely different world nowadays. I don't know how they're untouched by moderation unless they see it solely as a source of containment.
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Ironic shitposting has destroyed this site. People don't understand that when you parrot something you don't want on the site for so long, you create a fucking culture around it that encourages the very thing you didn't want on the site in the fucking first place.
Everything pre-2010 has vanished from my computer.
I think it depends on the threads your posting in. The last few years anything receiving any sort of hype results threads that get more and more toxic as time went on. Meanwhile the stuff that get overlooked tends to be where I find the most fun.
Fuck those fags who spam the f/sn bait images at any opinion that doesn't conform to their own.
I agree, but I honesty think I have had fun for the majority of the time I've been here.
I've seen a few old screencaps floating round thr last month showing pre-captcha /a/, and I felt a little sick. Fun as they were, they were dark days.
The site was always dying during my first six months. I remember having a lot fun for years at a time and I still do have fun but the quality of the board has really taken a dive. The new posters are too fractured and they're unwilling to put time and effort into their posts.
>Madoka threads are like an entirely different world nowadays.
Right. I've seen discussions over which tripfag they most want to see in a maid costume, as well as shipping the tripfags together in those threads. And it never gets deleted. All I can assume is that a mod is a poster in them.
>everyone having lots of fun
>suddenly, everyone stops having fun
Every meta thread until you like it. It's like we're reenacting 4chan history in microcosm.
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>I don't know how they're untouched by moderation
Presumably because the people in the threads don't report the posts.

Troll-worshippers were also pretty awful. Those were the people who could be relied upon to join any shitstorm around KoG or the like.

Conformists are the cancer killing 4chan.
Look mate, that's the reality right now. That is the situation and you can't reverse it.
>And so I shitposted alone,
I usually call people out on posting styles that don't belong on /a/ so long as they don't seem to be actively fishing for a reaction with just these transgressions.
I was on the fence with the now-filtered stuff. I hated it, but they didn't seem to be explicit shitposting by the book. I acted cowardly.
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