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Reminder this is all /r9k/'s fault.
What the fuck happened to 4 months of data? At least some of it was there before.
>no more archive
>can't even post
It's all over.
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I can't wahaha~ to this.jpg
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So does that mean all of the archive is gone? No more access to long-passed Bromont threads and revisiting Yamaku Man's mindfuck of a story?

At least 4plebs was able to rescue /sp/, but for now that's the only board I lurk which still has a working archive.

So basically no data between June and today?

Again it was having problems long before that.
No, read the post. He's putting the db images up. Someone will eventually take over for him, like he took over for foolz.
There's an archive of the archive.
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We literally had like 5 threads earlier. Check the archives :^)
No. ~4 months (between sometimes in June and now) are gone. And we already have another archive.
Kinda convenient that the archive (and it's search engine) disapears now that Hiro talked about introducing a site wide search engine.
Can you explain?

What is it?
>the archive
a archive. This isn't the first time we've lost an archive and we already have a replacement.
Back in my day all we had was screencaps and shitty motivational posters.
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Oh gee willikers, you're right! :^)
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Does that mean the dream is dead?
You'll be glad to know nothing has changed over on /v/.
Not so convenient given that the data is still mostly there. And archive.moe wasn't even archiving the whole 4chan.
I think it's this

Only goes as far as yesterday, though.
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>4 months lost

Who gives a fuck? Nothing worthwhile happened in that timeframe.
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>the crazy son of a bitch actually did it
Maybe we'll join him some dayl.

God, I fucking hate that board so much. It needs to get deleted permanently.
Archive.moe just dumped the database, and some more time will be need for images. Give the guy some time.
I only used the archive to reverse image search webms and see what anons commented at the source.
i dont know why is everyone making such a big deal from this. why was use of https://archive.moe/ anywa, just to see old thread?
you cant comment in them so i dont see the reason of them existing
I can live with that if it means we keep the vast bulk of data dating that far back, that's what's really important. Everything considered it's an acceptable loss.
The archive was failing before that faggot started shooting people.
Catch you later, space cowboy
>be american
>get shot
Every time
We do: https://archive.moe/dump/

Is that Moe?
I still doubt that was him. It was ambiguous enough and autists in /r9k/ probably say shit like that everyday
The ghost posting was fun when the site was down.
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>>you cant comment in them
>What is ghostposting
it was useful for keeping track of good threads
wow wow database.
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>~4 months (between sometimes in June and now) are gone.

Great. Last season's anime was shit. We really don't need it.
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>go outside anon, it's safe
Reading must be pretty hard for retards, but I still believe in you!
I bet the Patriots are behind this.
Well, at least I no longer have to see people shitting on my idol in Mogra threads.
Fucking Daiz killed the archive, that bald motherfucker.
Doesn't stop people from looking into it.
>moot left
>an hiro took over
>whole summer season

Those are the worst 4 months you could lose.
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How will I read boku girl now
Ah man the /a/ reaction threads to his QA were pretty great, too.
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I only care because I was gonna go digging for reaction images from shows I was away from /a/ during.
>can't find the Daiz copypasta in my folders
>open the archive
>it's kill
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>Archiving /r9k/
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This. It'd been having problems prior to the shooting but the increase in traffic probably didn't help.
>loses 5 months of posts
>gives up

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>tfw can't go back now and reread Boku Girl's best chapters.
Except a lot more stuff goes in between that. The threads don't encompass only what is currently airing. Without mentioning OC, translations, eventual links to really obscure shit someone ripped, scanned or mirror to stuff that went down you won't find elsewhere.
Thank god.
Now everything to do with Umaru has been erased from history.
either daiz killed the archive or the FBI finally moved in and seized it

just imagine all the strictly illegal shit that accidentally gets archived.
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When am I supposed to laugh? The counter is gone now. ;_;
Son, you can't erase something as dank as Umaru. It's here to stay.
Ignore him. He's one of those crossboarders that only come here to suck the shitposting cock.
All these Taroumarou gurashi memories gone.Fucking love it.
Why is this word suddenly a meme?
>strictly illegal shit
>on /a/
>What is ghostposting

A place where l can eagerly talk about how much l'd like to put another anon of the same sex's genitals inside of my primary digestive system and at the end of my excretory system.
This, its like the old /b/ threads. Some retard says they are going to shoot up something every day.

Then when it actually happens people conveniently forget the other hundred times they were full of shit.
Reminder TPP will make it illegal.
Only burgercucks care about TPP.
>all those translation scripts that were sitting in the archive, orphaned, are now probably gone forever
I might be alone in this, but I am truly GLAD that this finally happened. One of the strengths of 4chan was its ephemerality. Posts come and go, threads get purged and every day is a blank slate. Archiving shit from the site DEFEATS that core purpose.

If I were admin, I'd actively wage war against any 4chan archive websites. Flood them with DMCA suits.
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what a disappointment

>be me
>have a webspider constantly scraping /a/ and storing the threads
>never tell anyone about it until now
For fuck's sake, that's the most /pol/ you can get in a single word. Kill yourself, please.
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>100 + chapters and new translations are now gone

Good thing for pastebin I guess. I hope none of the other fan translation efforts were relying on archives for anything.
There is no reason not to back things up.
I'm glad you don't own 4chan.
.moe isn't the only archive you dumb cunt
the archive is bigger than this

the archive is one of the greatest sources of information on the internet

if you know how to use it it's invaluable.
This, Im 90% sure the guys speed scanning Tsugumomo kept everything on imgur albums but it would still be pretty awful if it were gone.

Oh shit, yeah, is someone still typesetting those? Can you link the Pastebin scripts?
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How the fuck am I going to track the progress of the Eva blurays now? For fuck's sake.
>archiving didn't exist until I started browsing 4chan
shut up anon
>being this triggered

Pretty sure this was never actually confirmed to even be him. And that's a vague as fuck statement that probably gets posted with some variation on a regular basis.
>There is no reason not to back things up.
It defeats the entire logic behind 4chan. With archives, it's no better than a goddamn phpBB forum.

Yes, I know about RebeccaBlackTech and 4plebs. Having the largest dumpster going down in flames is a good thing nevertheless.
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Gap demons know the pastebins
damn, I was 15-ish chapters behind.

it's too much to hope that a kindly autist backed up the liveTLs isn't it?
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But 4chan already has an archive, how could you have forgotten that moot? You created it.
>It defeats the entire logic behind 4chan. With archives, it's no better than a goddamn phpBB forum.
Who fucking cares? I'd rather be able to find old posts in the archive.
It still didn't stop the news channels from taking the bait and blaming it on them. It's not like /r9k/ would deny it anyways.
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>all my monstergirl histories are lost
>translations gone
>can't see [deleted] lewds
I still remember when you had to actively request threads to be archived so the script maybe will take the thread.
>can't search for your witty replies you made years ago

Threads are way too fast for that to work anymore.
It's a small archive to check out recent threads. Not a graveyard that went back all the way to 2008.
Aereus scheduled a LiveTL for tonight. Maybe if we ask he will upload old transaltion somewhere.
Shouldn't you be wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and doxxing random people as the good oldfag authentic anonymousтДв you are?
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>realization that we can't see deleted post
Fucking Daiz.
This so much. I hope /vg/ is ready for my retarded questions which probably have been answered 100 times.
Eh, 4chan could do well with a smaller population, don't you think?
Fuck man
Yeah, and it was awful. Literally the 4chan version of upvotes.
You must be over 18 to browse this site.
the list needs an update

They are not lost, anon. I have a raid array full of /a/ threads, and I'm expanding it to over three times it's current size and keeping the old array as backup.
>all my monstergirl histories are lost
Are you talking about the old general threads on /a/? They're older than 4 months anyways.
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Don't forget getting rid of the catalog and ddosing neet.tv to death.
Catalog did a lot more damage to this site than the archives ever could.
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>They scanlated all those SYD chapters and uploaded them

Thank fucking god
>Catalog did a lot more damage to this site than the archives ever could.
Really? In which sense?
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There is still a slight possibility of recovering ALL the missing data. Slight, as in don't get your hopes up too much, but there is a chance.

And here is a list of the current board archive setup that will be uploaded to archiveteam's site. The archive.moe database has also been partially made available: https://archive.moe/dump/
Fuck off with your 3DPD shit.
Page 4 was where all the good threads used to be.
Generals are what kill this board. The catalog keeps the generals alive by making it easy as pie for even the biggest retard to find his little general.
Fuck, here is the list of the current archive setup: http://pastebin.com/1eHtm2sF

I'm bad at multitasking.
So Summer is the lost season?
>The best source of information is gone

I hate you
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But that's impossible for 4chan now, but in a factual sense and in a cultural sense. Maybe back in 2003 a deleted thread was as good as never existing in the first place, but now 4chan has to submit to monitoring by the FBI and that's one archive right there that never goes away. So posts haven't been "ephemeral" for a long time and will never be again.

Furthermore, we're a much larger community with different needs. We all cannot be on 4chan 24/7, and not everyone's memory is perfect. Hell, just this morning people were talking about an infamous tripfag and I only vaguely recognized the name. With no archive, I wouldn't be able to go back and confirm who that was and why he was brought up in the first place. The archive isn't to keep deleted threads alive, it's to see what's already been posted and what events have occurred.

Unless you want newfags getting their history from knowyourmeme, the archive is the best place to lurk or review what you've forgotten or missed.
>Generals are what kill this board
if you conveniently ignore meta shitposting like yours
It completely changed how people navigate and use the site and is directly responsible for the rise of general threads and the generals-like mentality. It basically sterilized 4chan.
They couldn't browse /a/ catalog without their PIII 733 MHz shitting the bed
>Hell, just this morning people were talking about an infamous tripfag and I only vaguely recognized the name. With no archive, I wouldn't be able to go back and confirm who that was and why he was brought up in the first place.
Was it INfinity? I mean, I'd run a check on the archives but...
I know right?
It KILLED this board.
In the /a/ I used to know we couldn't conveniently search for the thread we wanted to post in. But now it's DEAD
shut the fuck up
I remember some guy was translating the Anno Phone BD extra and other anons were translating strips from the booklets. I was about to check back and see their progress when this shit went down.
A newfag like you WOULD be happy he doesn't have to lurk.
It turned 4chan into reddit.
That's also true. HOWEVER, it's a two-edged sword. Would you rather have generals or flood upon flood of threads like in the ugliest Code Geass R2 days?

Semi-permanent generals should be purged, however. /co/ does a great job at this: Steven Universe general threads are forbidden during hiatus months

Well then, it's time to return the favor and turn reddit into 4chan.
Not really. Looking at 4chan's layout doesn't cause your eyes to bleed
>but now 4chan has to submit to monitoring by the FBI and that's one archive right there that never goes away.
That's a rumour that's never been confirmed. And the way it goes, it only affects /b/.

>The archive isn't to keep deleted threads alive, it's to see what's already been posted and what events have occurred.
This is an enabling of newfags.
>or flood upon flood of threads like in the ugliest Code Geass R2 days?
I honestly would much rather have 5 pages of illegal chess moves than a board full of generals.
>Those shitty Chiyo OC threads are now lost

>what is stylish

You can make it eyebleedingly awful, or perfectly readable. You just need to have the correct tools.
Time to make r/cucking/.

/tv/ too, GoT is banned on hiatus months.
The enabling of newfags is Know Your Meme and ED entries of 4chan.
I agree, look at the SNK or Kancolle generals, they should be nuked of the face of the planet.

But more or less generals or running series are fine, we are too damn fast for retards to make a million threads of a single show now. If not of currently airing generals then it would be borderline impossible to discuss anything else due to threads getting bumped off.
On the bright side: all of the hamsterposting of the last few months is lost forever.
I bet you'd like some Accel spam too.
Anything to look more contrarian.
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Yoy can still see some threads with google cache.
here's how we fix /a/
perma ban anyone that went to the following boards in this year
there,/a/ fixed
Might as well just delete /a/.

sure, but also killed off.
>I agree, look at the SNK or Kancolle generals, they should be nuked of the face of the planet.
>But more or less generals or running series are fine, we are too damn fast for retards to make a million threads of a single show now. If not of currently airing generals then it would be borderline impossible to discuss anything else due to threads getting bumped off.
Exactly. It's only a matter of balance. Generals have a reason to exist. But unlike what we see on /co/ and /tv/, the mods of /a/ are too stupid to realize that.
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No, but give me good old .hta-chan any day of the week.
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Like you just did?

No, Shitzra or something similarly spelled. In reference to why the Rei trip no longer exists (the Rei clones I did remember, though. Good riddance to that).
Again, I recognize the name, but I don't remember what exactly this "Shitzra" did or was known for, other than being a faggot. No shortage of those.

>This is an enabling of newfags.

As much as we all want to throw newfags into the water to teach them to swim, realistically that's not what happens anymore. A newfag asks questions, we tell him to go look it up himself on Google. So the newfag does and he has many sites to choose from to get his information.

While lurking silently in real time is the without question the ideal, a newfag who uses the archive to lurk and answer his own questions himself is better than a newfag who uses reddit or knowyourmeme to learn about 4chan culture and events through the summarized observations of outsiders.
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>Can't search the archive to know what's the best release/encode/translations for the stuff I had in my backlog
>If I make those types of threads now I'll get no replies or be bullied by anons trying too hard to fit in
They were talking about Siztra,
Does it bother you that much that someone thinks you should take your little circlejerk over to /soc/?
Anyone else get most of your images from the archive? I can't be assed to save every image that I might post so I just scour the archive for the image I'm thinking of.

Looks like I'm going to be using google and gelbooru as my image folder for a while.
Please name and explain why some generals that actively make your /a/ browsing experience unpleasant.
No, not liking the series doesn't count as a reason.
The mods there are still pants on the head retarded or extremely incompetent. There's a lot of shit that gets through their radar.
What an ironic post.
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Maybe instead of looking back at the past all the time, you guys could, like, you know, look at threads that are alive right now. Seems kinda weird to be looking at dead things all the time, don't you think?
How about you spend some time in those threads.
You didn't answer my question.

Sometimes I get the feeling it's a conspiracy to make /tv/ as shit as possible. How else do Blacked threads stay up for so long while other things get deleted in record time.
I love how that didn't answer his question.
>Seems kinda weird to be looking at dead things all the time, don't you think?
it's hard for your parents to ignore what they raised, anon
If that's all it takes to kill /a/, then I guess /a/ is already beyond fixing to begin with.
Once everything has been talked about the threads stop being about the show and become more of a social gathering than anything. That's why.
But read the question again, then answer it.
No, some recent stuff l really didn't bother reading at the time, like cop guy's harem.
how does a confined circle jerk damage your browsing experience
do you cry about /vg/ while you look at /d/
A quick look at the overlord general reveals a bunch of retards RPing.

A quick look at the SNK general reveals a bunch of people RPing

Finally a quick look at the Kancolle general reveals a bunch of people /c/ image dumping and RPing

They do this retarded shit to keep their threads bumped since they have next to nothing to discuss but don't want their shitty general deleted.
Looks like you're too smart for me, anon. Could you tell me what it was about my post that didn't answer your question?
/a/ is the same. Hiro needs to get new mods already.
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Generals, as a concept, are a negative force on 4chan.

Rather than the thread having any specific subject or point to make, it's just a nebulous "post things about this show" free for all. It certainly has a "topic" which is "on topic", but a general in and of itself isn't about anything. It's basically a means to allow people to avoid making a thread about a show they want to talk about as well as a way for a community and subculture to form. The latter is fine, to a degree, but that community and culture shouldn't hop from general #12 to general #13 and so on. Discussion on a show should stay dead until someone has something worth making another OP about.

If a new episode aired recently or a show is close to airing, I think a general-esque thread is fine. But mods should take a stand against allowing those threads to become general #1 that leads to general #2 that leads to general #1000 and all the "x is best girl" first replies we all see in generals.
He asked you specifically which generals on the board impact your enjoyment, not what was wrong with generals as a whole.
What would that accomplish? I don't visit any of these regularly and the quality of posts is usually really low on the fastest ones. But once something is announced slightly relevant to any of the interest boards I'll check them for reactions because it's still more in line with my expectations than most outside communities. It's also easier to shrug off shitposting here since I'm used to the general behavior. In other places you can never be so sure they don't legitimately believe in the stupid shit they just wrote.
>It defeats the entire logic behind 4chan

Forum threads can go on forever, 4chan threads can't, no matter how you archive them.
the ongoing conversation in a thread wont last forever, and that's the point of 4chan.

You can go back to the archives and see what people were posting about before, but you can't take part in that conversation.
Low hanging fruit, but sure. Jojo. See, I actually like the series but the threads are absolutely horrible ever since it pretty much became a general.
>off-topic posting
>random reposting of the same few images over and over again
>'OCs' and image edits that seem like something out of 9gag

It also doesn't help that some posters actually admitted that they don't normally browse /a/ and only comes for the Jojo generals. And it shows in the types of posts made.
Overlord turning into a general killed my ability to talk about the LN everyone other week or so like we used to.

Now instead there are a bunch of retards roleplaying as maids and saying X is my favorite girl over and over again while image dumping art for pixiv or cropped images.
Did you try making a thread to talk about the LN?
Sometimes the best stuff is the dead stuff and now there's no option in the shit hours when all threads turn into garbage.
The only generals that should be allowed are DJT and buyfag threads.
Isn't it pretty easy to deduce? The same shitty threads spanning for days are constantly bumped, leading to slower/less populated threads to be bumped off the board sooner than they would have.

You are a braver man than me, anon. I just ctrl-shift-click the cancer threads away.
Generals encourage forum-like mentality. Most generals spawn a new thread as soon as the old one dies, turning it basically into a 24/7 thread. A general will usually develop its own small circle of users, that will eventually end up in a circlejerk. When the show has ended, or there is no new material to discuss, a general will often turn into an imagedump or a clubhouse with low quality discussion. It happens with every general. That's why mods originally banned them in 2011.
He made a thread once, didn't get replies, and decided that since nobody replied, the entire fanbase dislikes what he wants to do.
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>banned because you went to another board fishing for images
If anything, they should just be locked stickies.
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You can also search using the site option in google search
site:archive.moe/a/ ken-sama
You're probably right about most of those.
But I don't go in those threads so they don't bother me. I always think that if the people are enjoying themselves it doesn't matter. Things don't always have to be serious all the time.

These are good reasons for why they may actively damage browsing enjoyment.
But >>131936131 is always an option.
>I just ctrl-shift-click the cancer threads away
That sounds pretty difficult. I'd rather complain.
It would turn into a bunch of retards posting links to the current general saying a thread is already up or idiots who post in the general will spill their shit over.

Besides doing dump shit like this means that smaller shows and mangos have a bitch of a time having threads stay up.

Look at the chart of how few shows actually had multiple bump limit threads for last season, if something isn't popular it wont last 100 posts because /a/ is way too fast now.
>Things don't always have to be serious all the time
Some of us have fun talking about our hobby, I see that's hard for you to grasp.
Yeah, I think it's time for you to leave.
>Just make more threads
Or fuck you faggot we can delete the threads where people aren't discussing anime or manga.

These faggots should go to /c/ with their image dumps and roleplaying.
This is true. Even if a few faggots gather to ghost-post. Once the thread dies by intervention or natural causes there's no going back. Most people moved on to different threads and things.
Quick, name the 5 worst generals on /a/.
I bet some people will disagree but I think recent Saki threads are a good example of a well handled 'general'.
There's a general rule to not make new threads until new chapters or spoilers are out.
>they take up space, bumping threads off
>they generally attract posters who are detrimental to the quality of the board, people who wouldn't normally post at /a/ (see: snk generals)

In general threads, people will start to recognize each other from the way people post and the different pictures people use. This gives birth to a circlejerk. Circlejerks encourage shit like blogging and off-topic posting. Therefore generals encourage the wrong kind of behavior that can affect the entire board.
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>It would [...]
So you didn't even try.

Great job.
Whatever I hate
We have had permanent threads since forever, Strike Witches love is alive and well took forever to die and it was pure image dumps for the sake and posting outdated "new" translated material for bumping it, circlejerk in those threads made it seem like it was an entirely different site.
The ones about things I don't like!
Do it right now and see if that happens.
Flavors of the month
Naruto, if their still up
If you don't have anything to offer maybe you shouldn't post.
That's perfectly fine in my opinion, I mean at that point it's not even much of a general.

/yys/ is alright too, the content in the threads are dead as fuck but at least they have the courtesy to do it once a week.
Fuck. I forgot about that. /r9k/ is pure cancer.
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>having your feelings hurt

Monster Musume
>Things don't always have to be serious all the time.
People WERE having fun (and not 'being serious') talking about the works. Then the shitposters/crossboarders etc came. Their concept of 'fun' is different from /a/non's concept of fun. /a/nons actually want to talk about the series. Madoka is a perfect example. Their idea of fun is posting about shit that should belong on /soc/ instead. There is 'fun' and there is 'off-topic low quality posting'.

And making more threads doesn't work because said shitposters will infect those threads too.
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>no jojo
>no love live
Arc-V is super cancerous and I have no idea how mods don't delete that shit.

Saturday-Monday its fine then the rest of the week it turns into card discussion and the most amount of faggotry I have seen on the site in a long time.
>"the general threads l'm part of are the only good ones"

For a cautionary tale on what happens when you have generals allowed to run rampant, look at /co/, some /vg/ threads and /mlp/ (worst offender).

They really go against the spirit of 4chan once they have constant users who namefag/tripfag and rarely if ever venture outside their threads. The archive only helps them bend the nature of 4chan even further, for example I fucking guarantee you ponyfags love the archive because they can go backtrack through their fanfic garbage with it and thus it kind of helps validate the existence of their endless generals.
Anything with a card game.
>snk (tumblr, roleplaying and other faggotry)
>madoka (tripfagging, roleplaying)
>overlord (roleplaying, crossboarding)
>jojo (normalfags, crossboarding)
>naruto (normalfags, crossboarding)
Well, I did. And I can confirm what the other guy said.

So fuck you faggot, since it's clear that you don't have an idea of what's been going on.
Just ignore them, just like they think the generals should be ignored.
He is not wrong, you know? It happened time and time again. People will link you to earlier threads or generals and it gets to the dead zone in no time.
>love live
those threads are both cancerous but I don't see them very often, I don't really classify them as generals.
also, /a/rc-v is literally filled with tumblrfags
He can't ignore them, just like he can't ignore generals.
>Just make more threads
>But without topics
Now I will never what is Hiro doing
Well I don't blame him, when you get cancer you don't just ignore it do you?
>/a/rc-v is literally filled with tumblrfags
I can't deny that. Most of those faggots don't even try to hide it.
>Lets specifically discuss the Overlord Light Novels
>Hurr durr what do we talk about there's no topic?
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This probably happens to every adaptation.

>before anime
>normal and productive threads about manga or LN

>after anime
>"x is best girl"
>"first for best girl"
>[mandatory image reposts with no text comment]
>----shitposting line----
>normal discussion resumes, interspersed with shitposting

Eventually in the lifespan of a series of general threads, the first few replies will turn into shitposting groundhog day. The same every time, without alteration or variation. Like the fucking Anniefag in the SNK general or the maid dancing images in the Overlord general. Funny the first time, funny the third time, not funny the 50th and 100th time. It's pathetic and encourages even worse forms of circlejerking.

Why mods tolerate it, no, why /a/ as a community tolerates it beyond me. It's not culture, it's spam. Reposts should not be encouraged to the level they are in generals. I can understand repeating a meme, but it should be done sparingly, not once per thread.
You know what I find the scariest? Naruto generals aren't even that bad anymore these days. Compared to all the other generals like JoJo's or Yahari, Naruto was... surprisingly tame. Years ago, I can easily just put Narutards as being the show with worst fanbase, but now, it won't even be bottom 5.
Yahari ones were really bad. I just avoided them altogether after seeing all the worst traces of general culture repeated every other post.
Gens can be improved if they are well-policed, i.e mods actually enforce the rules in them. Unceremoniously trimming any remotely off-topoc discussion hells break the inclination to become circlejerks and is fully supportable to do by the global rules.
I don't understand why they need generals on several boards
You could. You're going to die anyway.
It's the 2hu effect. Give them their generals or the rest of the board suffers.
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Love Live
It's got a lot of fans all over the place. Somehow it has broader appeal despite sounding so niche.
>Flavors of the month
Encyclopedia niggers came and shit up the manga thread so mods outlawed them to /jp/ which was fucking terrible for poor slow /jp/

The anime brought them back and they infest the threads now, I pretty much don't go in them unless a new chapter is out.
>naruto (normalfags, crossboarding)
why are they still here?
Kill le kill
Leave them alone. They're just a bunch of faggots with a silly little hobby and do a good job of keeping their faggotry contained.
Chaika was actually respectable though.
I have anime to catch up on, I'm not going to bother explaining the daily on goings of this board to someone who is either a cross boarder or literally retarded.
still naruto general is cancer
Fuck the thread about best 80s and 90s anime movies I was planning on reading later is lost forever.
That one had actual discussions. The rest are understandable.
Not really, it was a mediocre show that had its threads fueled by worn out jokes like I am cum and chaika on the front page.

It really didn't have anything going for it.
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General threads aren't just forum threads in imageboard format, they're much worse.

This site was literally designed to have short, quick, fast paced threads that come and go. That's why we have bump limit, and that's why the threads eventually get deleted. Because threads are supposed to be temporary. General threads as a concept exist literally to fight against the site mechanics and work as forum threads on an anti-forum software. But they're not just worse because they're "ideologically" anti-4chan, they're worse because the way site mechanics work, content within those threads is objectively worse than the content you would find on a generic, traditional forum.

On a generic, traditional forum, in a sticky about X anime with 19529501 pages, people who post there don't have to worry about bumping the thread to keep it going. The thread can go on for days without getting a single post and it won't be auto-deleted. On 4chan, that's obviously not case. Which means that people are literally forced to post nonsense just to keep the thread going, else it would 404. People feel like they have to post something, even if what they're posting does not contribute to the discussion at all, just to have thread activity. That's the main reason why generals are so bad. Because people are posting even though they have literally nothing to add to the discussion whatsoever.

General threads always felt like a band-aid "solution". I'm honestly surprised the mods didn't just start stickying them, and then once they pass X posts, archive the old ones and replace them with new editions, so they don't have to worry about bump limit and all that.
Man, you sure told me, cupcake.
Never denied that. I'm just saying that it's disturbing how they aren't the biggest cancer anymore. I checked out the threads (out of nostalgia) and their threads were a hell lot more on-topic than Jojo or Yuru Yuri.
Guy who was in the original /mgg/ threads on /a/ here, there was a split between the fags now on /jp/ and MM threads.
I agree with him actually, identifying FOTMs are pretty simple if you actually browse /a/.
You don't even need a adaptation and the sudden peak of popularity it brings sometimes. Whenever a manga or franchise reaches a drought the same shit happens. Shipfags post en mass, forced memes. All you need is some slow months and it all goes to shit. The worst part is that some of it remains, even after it goes back to normal schedule.
Man that thread with the Patlabor magazine and shit, with tons of artwork... Completely lost.
Blame the s4s army
You don't have to pretend to be someone else. I wont bully you.
Manga and translations threads have been here forever. And they were usually alright. Faggots targeting the anime to shitpost doesn't change that.
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>problems with /a/
>no one brings up the spoonfeeding
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At least the monmus generals include a number of manga series, to the point where it's hard to tell if art is from one series or another.

The monster girl generals on /vg/ and /jp/ are different. The /jp/ one is for Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia, which is it's own little universe with it's own little community that follows it. The Everyday Life with Monster Girls series is rarely discussed on the /jp/ general. Maybe some art featuring characters from it is posted once in a blue moon, but the series is not discussed at all. The general on /vg/ is for Monster Girl Quest, which is its own thing as well. I cannot speak to what's posted on the /vg/ general, but I'd imagine it's exclusive to vidya and has nothing to do with MGE or Everyday Life with Monster Girls.

MGE isn't a manga, so it doesn't belong on /a/. MGQ is vidya, so it belongs on /vg/. Monster girl manga discussion belongs on /a/. It's fair to everyone.
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