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I'm in love
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File: tfw man tfw.png (2 MB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
tfw man tfw.png
2 MB, 1366x768
I'm in love
Best grill right there.
I initially didn't like her because of the art change but with this episode I rediscovered my love for her
Best girl in the entire show.
pointless thread, as there's no one to opose the idea she's best girl.
>there are no doujins of her

Is this the sister of that autistic girl in this show?
someone has to get the good genes in the family.
>tfw she'll never with the 8manbowl
was she in s1
i forget
Why in the fuck would she want to win over a pitful loser who got rejected by a random slut?
OP picture says it all. She adores him.
Does she hate Hayama?
>Sex hair
>No fanart
>No doujins
Fucking japs.
File: 8inch vs best grill.jpg (201 KB, 650x750) Image search: [Google]
8inch vs best grill.jpg
201 KB, 650x750
Shit art, but 72 pages of pure bliss.
File: Yahari Cuck.jpg (82 KB, 400x500) Image search: [Google]
Yahari Cuck.jpg
82 KB, 400x500
No, but she does want him to skull fuck her out of pent up sex drive.
She's been cockteasing him since childhood.
Is this the "smothering" that Hayama mentioned?
Who is she?
The superior Yukinoshita.
best girl from my teen romantic comedy SNAFU
Sorry didn't recognize her and I haven't started the second season yet.
Cause it'd be fun to watch 8man squirm.
Because Kaori was being a bitch and has the wrong assumption that 8man is still a loner loser with no girlfriends.
8man should have just kiss her and then to make Kaori buzz off.
She knows 8man's weaknesses and loves to exploit them.
>hestia 3k images
I want Haruno to tease me.
Good for her. She dodged a bullet
Yes. She took Yukino home after the camping thing with Rumi & co.
Also they ran into her at the fireworks. Also she was involved with the student council for the culture festival.
I don't think she is good for the series. She just makes all the other girls in it look so ungodly shit. It's like a world-class actor in a nativity play.

She is just too lovely.
I get the feeling that she's the type that will be unhappy with her partner in the future and cheat on him. They worst part is that she would cheat with high school rejects like 8man.
Well, when her younger sister that is kind of autistic and has a flat chest is popular in the school, you can only guess what Haruno was with her social skills and breasts.
"don't worry you didn't leave a dent in our car"
yea... granted other then that 10/10
File: Yahari Haruno Popsicle.jpg (208 KB, 520x630) Image search: [Google]
Yahari Haruno Popsicle.jpg
208 KB, 520x630
She doesn't seem like the type that would buckle down and get married, anyway. Haruno would rather leave every man she meets with unsatisfied raging boners that were so close to experiencing heaven, just to be a cunt.
I'm pretty sure the sub's fuck'd that up. It looked like she ment to say something more along the lines of "am i your friend....sister-in-law."
>anons still haven't realized sensei is best girl
I think she'd marry somebody just to spite Yukino.
Just wait 'til she gets another show-stealing scene like after the culture festival.
Then these cucks will jump on the bandwagon again.
this anon agrees! i'd marry sensei.
haruno is a cunt. but i'd still play twister with her
she has the hair of an scene high school girl
Haruno knows that, no wonder they're still friends.
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