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I like Tsuruya-san's and Asakura's Satelite designs
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I like Tsuruya-san's and Asakura's Satelite designs more than Kyoani's.
Well, as long as it's not Kyon's or Haruhi's then you're fine.
Oh god no. They totally fucked Kyon up and there's been like 1 second of Haruhi so far.
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more tsuruya pls
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Hahuri is ok. Kyon is horrible.
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Asakura is the only one even close to acceptable.

Maybe Haruhi will be, we only got a glimpse of her so far.
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Because she only appeared twice in the first volume of the manga if I remember right. And it was only glimpses of her too
best girl
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Well, you've probably already almost seen more of her than the whole other series.
Those are the two specific characters whose Yuki-chan designs I strongly prefer over any of KyoAni's variations.

Holding out on Haruhi since we haven't really seen her yet, but judging by the manga the KyoAni movie design should still have it topped.
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Dat hair nyoro~
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But we've known how she looks for a while now.
Long-haired girls are the best.
She was kinda scary in the movie.

I suppose it's a good thing to be protective of your friends, but I'd avoid her in battle.
well when some guy comes up and starts sexually harassing your friends, a normal person would kick their ass
Yeah, I get she was justified and Kyon was being retarded as always, it's just I never got that vibe from her up until that moment.

>unacceptable in any incarnation

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One of the things I liked is that Asahina seemed like a real person.

Not some super-antsy moeblob. Real person, with real emotions.
>Not some super-antsy moeblob
That's because this is Nagato's job now.
I want to take Nagato-chan home with me.
So that Asakura-san will follow me too and we cook and eat dinner together.
Well she kinda is a real person, and not just a moeblob that was wished into being. So I guess they were just paying attention. But yeah, the two of them are funner this way.

It bugs me more that they're doing pretty much the same schtick as Asakura and Yuki, but better. But we're going to have to watch the crappy versions take center stage for the whole series.
>she wasn't a real person with real emotions
She was more real to me than Haruhi was, at least. Read the novels.
The original sexy fang. I miss her so much.
>Read the novels
I should do that really. I haven't bought a novel since the third one came out.
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Why didn't you stop it?
Kyoani dropped the Haruhi/Clannad art style, why didn't Satellite just blatantly lift it and use it for this?
Cause there's a reason they dropped it.
It was scary

Yeah, this >>123703109 seriously terrifies me for some reason.
She's starring at your soul.
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I find it cute
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Dump pics of best waifu
Breaking news, OP is a faggot.
Because KyoAni moving on from their Keyshit period and the associated artstyle was the best thing that ever happened to them, because one studio attempting to mimic another studio's style without any common personnel as anything but a joke always looks terrible and bizarre, because Yuki-chan is a comedy and needs a more suited artstyle, and because the Yuki-chan manga already has its own art style that suits a comedy series just fine.

You don't think the slightest bit about what you're posting before you hit 'Post', do you?
Why is she such best girl?
>delicious cake Ryoko
My pants have tightened.
Did someone say best waifu?
They both are.
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indeed anon, all haruhi girls are top taste
Best Tsuruya design.
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>tfw Tsuruya will never punch you
>implying that's not Noizi's
Fuck off
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Asakura was absolutely gorgeous in the movie.
Yes yes, everyone was gorgeous in the high budget movie.
What are you trying to prove then? Nothing.
Kyoani > Satelight
Why is that even an argument in the first place.
Brofist it.
>implying Satelight could do better with a budget
Chinese slaves are animators at Satelight.
I miss Asakura teasing Kyon.
So basically this anime is an advertisement for more Sankyo Pachinko?
Uhh, what? No.
Satelight = Sankyo = Pachinko
It's all sort of ominous how this anime is directly after Haruhi Hunting, isn't it?
I guess Nips are trying to shill out every penny from this franchise, it must really be dead.
Nah, it's to sell more chewing gum.
It's obviously being sponsored by the turkey companies.
Why are they eating turkey and not fried chicken? I thought elevens had a fetish for fried chicken.
Yuki is special
Special in an autistic way? Nice.
So when will the author of the original novels get off his lazy ass an- Fuck it. We all know the answer.
So since we're on the topic of Tsuruya, will we ever find out the truth about her and her family? Or at least how much she actually knows about what's been going on around Kyon? Will she ever be plot relevant or at least get some more 'screentime' in the future novels?

Will the next novel ever be released?
The series is unofficially over.
We already know she's a mahou shoujo who fights space monsters.
Not the other guy, but there's something about your post that's making me cringe in pity.

something about trying to hard while not really saying anything. I mean if you have evidence that mimic'd styles looks bizarre, or that a comedy needs to look like Yuki chan does (which off the top of my head Kangoku Gakuen comes to mind as a counter) then you should have mentioned it. Otherwise all you really had to say was that it resembles the manga, which most people probably know by now.
All the characters in this anime feel like cheap imitations of what I love, but I'm so starved for them I can't seem to care.
I want to have a threesome with Tsuraya and Ryoko.
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