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why does kirito flirt so openly with sinon when asuka is standing
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File: ffgnt.jpg (97 KB, 1458x823) Image search: [Google]
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why does kirito flirt so openly with sinon when asuka is standing right next to them? is this what youre supposed to do, in a relationship?
Asuna is a cuck.
He's a harem MC. He doesn't know.
Sword Art Online is written well and not for 16 year olds.
Because the show is harem in disguise
because kirito doesn't love Asuna he loves Sinon the only reason he is dating Asuna cus he feels sorry for her cus she is a ugly fuck
>in disguise
gary stu it doesnt matter everyone will love him either way
>in disguise
because harem
>in disguise
Because she's ugly as fuck IRL and Asuna knows she stands no chance.
>In disguise
>in disguise
He likes dragging girls along then NTR-ing them for Asuna.

Holy shit
What's the status on sugatits? I stopped watching after the deathgun shit. Is she still gunning for incest?
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welcome to MORE DEBAN village.jpg
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She's gunning for screentime.
Funny enough, when they finally see the retarded gary sue again he'll have fucking Saber at his side ready for her fornication into the gang. The only way this franchise could get anymore ridick is if the game waifus were suddenly brought into the novels and into the harem as well.
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Easy. Because he's an ass-man.
Philia can stay. Strea pls go and stay go.

Reminder to make rude gestures to Kuro if/when you see her in Lost Song.
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Great girl stuck in shit show
>in disguise
But he doesn't.
>in disguise
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but she has no fucking ass.
>in disguise
So how much is two years worth of a girly boy's semen anyways?
If he were, he'd go for Sugubutt.
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my, nigga.
File: sinonass.webm (899 KB, 1024x704) Image search: [Google]
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thats literally a fan made bullshit pic. she had zero ass in the show.
>in disguise
>in disguise
My colored compadre.
glop glop
Jesus fuck, what kind of technology is this?

Are you fuckign retarded? Look at the opening of s2, Sinon's magnificent ass is canon as fuck.
go post a pic from the show showing me this ass that doesn't exist.
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underrated post
zero ass.
>the show
>in disguise
5 hours later and you just had to get your epic greentext in
>in disguise
it is called SAO
Sinons ass online
do you really think the titular character would not be in the show?
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sir, you are either blind or stupid. that is as flat as a board.
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Just stop, anon. It's clear to me that you don't know shit about asses. Educate yourself. In fact, I'm feeling generous so let me show you a good ass. Pic related is an award winning, anime saving ass.

If you can't tell the difference between what you posted and pic related, then you're just retarded.
>ass has to be fat for me to appreciate it
Fucking plebeians not enjoying every size.
There's no kyon.jpg for asses, anon.
>Because the show is harem in disguise
this will be the new meme
>in disguise
Dude what the fuck, that's like a kid
That's sick
thats the definition of saying a girl has an ass, shino just has a small butt, worthless.
Thread replies: 57
Thread images: 10

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