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Wakaki's new series is about cute ADULT MEN doing cute ADULT
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 69
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Wakaki's new series is about cute ADULT MEN doing cute ADULT MEN things.

as I said, I don't mind.
Wakaki is a fucking hack fraud


I wonder if he'll be okay doing two series at once.
that' wont't work OP
remember those breaks he would need in order to keep making TWGOK?
This sounded like he's switching because of the blowback from TWGOK - can he even write/draw men doing "cute" men stuff?
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>From cute Elsie to this
I can't be happy
>boy fiore
>shota cross dress keima
>somewhat boy nikaido
>Elsie for ants
truly disgusting
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from Wakaki's blog
His other series is still going to be highschool girls and bo-- ADULT MEN.
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Gay as fuck, it's nothing more than shameless fujoshit pandering.
Remember to report any threads you see on /a/ about this shitpile since the series will only attract femwhore scum.
>saving thumbnails
Nigga stop.
is anyone transalting that web manga? Also how do you scanlate a web manga?

Now this thread deserves autosage
>Also how do you scanlate a web manga?
Rip it from the site and do it normally.
yeah, that makes sense.
Too bad it's not a bara sol.
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>smoking before you eat some delicious pastries
Fucking unacceptable.

Brown hair is better
I can't hold all that gayness
So the winged guy is Nanoha?
They look like you could break them in half with one hand.
Why do Jap women love effeminate fags so much?
nope. That's just the manga's title
I don't think Wakaki ever got the hang of drawing manly men. But he's had lots of practice drawing cute girls.
Hopefully this one won't autosage

Why are you so gay?
It's "A devilish pâtissier who creates the taste of angels. This is the most extreme Nanoha Western Sweets."
So he's presumably the devilish pâtissier who owns or works at Nanoha Western Sweets. Chances are medium that Nanoha is also his name.
It will flop hard.
Looks cute as fuck.
Cum-filled buns?
So is Wakaki getting in touch with his feminine side or is this just gay4pay

Is he even married?
yeah, like Free!
Didn't you know, anon? Two men standing near each other = horribly, threateningly homo. You have to immediately start shouting "fujoshit" or other people on the anonymous board will realize you're gay too.
>Two men existing in the same universe
They're not ADULT MEN.
Have you ever seen a Japanese person? They stop growing halfway through highschool.
That's what you get for not liking his manga about the alien shota.
This is gay as fuck.
Fucking fujoshits are killing the anime industry, first Free! and now this garbage.
People do desperate things to make money, even pander to fujoshit. Look at KyoAni's Nishiya, recent testosterone-adoring convert.
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Your tears. I need more of them.
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It's a glorious time to be alive!
Finally he did something good.

Fuck off fatties.
Go be disgusting somewhere else. your kind doesn't belong on /a/.
Look, we get it anon, you're maji 1000% heterosexual, no need to samefag.
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I'm sensing another shitstorm on the level when Free! was announced. It's going to be fun.
>People this mad
It's like the Free! announcement all over again
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I think you're going to have to come over here and make me, sunshine.
I didn't know fujoshi pandering started only two years ago.
Shitposters neeed to be purged from /a/.
But they look like children.
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Back to reddit newfag, /a/ loved CG homolust back in 06/07
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>being proud about fake rage posters
/cgl/ is for hetero attention whores, Anon
I think you mean /cm/>>123278052
>children having a shop and selling cakes
yeah, maybe in China
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Oh no, my feelings are hurt!
I'm male though nigger, stay mad
>Im grill bbq
No actually I just like dicks :^)
Your shit posting is the reason /a/ is dying retard.
>big mantits
muh dik
It looks generic but I don't see any reason to get this angry.
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But we made /a/. It's you who doesn't belong here, breeder.
Fuck off Kyoanifag. Free is shit.
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>all these tears
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It doesn't say so in the rules but you clearly didn't read them since you are breaking gobal rule #6.
It's just a faggot on his period.

You fight a lost battle my friend
We already lost it.
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>Free! 29,108
>Free! -Eternal Summer- 21,487
>Movie announced
>all these people being baited
not even gonna put a reaction pic.
I don't mind this show, I only despise Kyoanifags barging in while it isn't any of their business. Go circlejerk somewhere else.
This just shows that fujoshits will eat up any kind of garbage.
Also, all fujoshits are lonely and pathetic failures who will never find a boyfriend, have a career or start a happy family.
Fujoshits are hated by everyone, normalfags and anons alike.
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The world needs more of this

captcha: ciute
Replace fujoshits with otaku and bf with gf and this post is also true
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DILFs are best boys
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How's that depression treating you?
This thread is already shit, might as well funpost
who /sp/ here
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Who /o/ here?
No one dad.
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>one cute boys show made by a popular studio selling well means cute boys in general sell
If only.
Didn't SEED Destiny sell like hotcakes?
Damn how hard otaku scum always has to try that nobody outnerds them.
Bigger complexes than their collection of useless plastic junk.
Adult men aren't cute, thus they can't do cute adult men things
is Cristiano Ronaldo also fujoshit?
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>Adult men
>not cute
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>Its totally making a difference if you are fapping to imaginary boys or imaginary girls
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You tell me.
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>ADULT MEN with wakaki-style blushing
Sounds gay as fuck yo.

Unless it also gives birth to a bunch of cute trap doujins, in which case it's all good.
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Shit taste, anon.
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hahaha oh wow
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>Adult men aren't cute
>Its totally making a difference if you are fapping to imaginary boys who look like girls or imaginary boys who look like girls and are dressed like girls
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Anon, why are you such a fucking faggot?
>Adult men aren't cute
Oh look, you're still here.
Some anons are fujoshi and have been here from the start. Homothreads began in 06 or so.
too bad we didn't vote you secret club president and you cant make the secret club house rules.
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How fucking new are you?
Is there any way this show could actually have legit homo or is it gonna be more pandering shit
>quoting cancerous mods
It's a manga in weekly shounen sunday, pandering at best
Who decides what is legit homo and what is not, the Harvey Milk foundation?
>legit homo
Depends on if the author wants his manga to sell.
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>o-oh shit i'm in the wrong....n-not like what you posted matters!
How are Love Club, or whatever the mahou shounen show was called, sales anyway?
>look like
You should be able to vaguely guess a character's age by their appearance, not show two shota and call them adults.
Your shitposting is off the charts, newfag.
Somewhat around 5k. It had an event ticket though.
It was decent not didn't break 5K until there was an event ticket with volume 1.
Those are the best kind of adult men.
Enjoy your bans

5k with event ticket, volume 2 looks like it might scrape the manabi line. Probably average about 3.4k or so
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no official homo, as always
OP did that because the last thread calling them boys autosaged for no apparent reason.
>implying homothreads fall for this kind of shitposting
You need to try harder than this if you want to get any replies before getting your posts deleted. I'd suggest mentioning a certain BL author.
>openly admitting to shitposting

captcha: aiban
Let me guess. You are a newfag.
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I unironically liked DMMD
At least Nakamura Asumiko's Doukyuusei is getting animated
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Try harder hypercrite homophones
Why are you still here?
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This is why shitposters are hated everywhere, fuck off of /a/.
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No wonder. Wakaki's girls achieved their peak with the Godesses and he knows.
The only landwhale here is your kind
>"A-am I fitting it yet, guys?"
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>Anything with two guys is BL or fujoshi pandering
Every time without fail, /a/
My bad, I didn't see that. That's pretty retarded, mods should take care of the shitposting in these threads. Just because it's homo it doesn't mean they should have a different treatment from any other thread, as long as it is anime related.
It's not even homo, this one guy is just projecting hard
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The only disgusting thing here is your shit posting. You aren't baiting because you are actually retarded.
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>shitty anime about cute men means there are less resources pooled into shitty anime about cute girls
>'muh' shit

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I unironically like the game. Aoba, you crazy dogfucker.
This, there's nothing homo about the OP.

Just report the shitposter and move on.
It's only a manga anon
You guys are trying too hard to make this some kind of shitstorm like Free's announcement. Nobody cares about Wakaki at this point.
Are you twelve?
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Save for a buttblasted autist or two. So yeah, nobody.
Wait, did the previous thread really autosage because it had 'boys' in the OP?

What the fuck
"cute boys" in the OP just turns the thread into autosaging, like "shota". It can't be helped.
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>Pukes, you guys are freaky
why is Yui such best girl
What the fuck, since when?
I knew Shota was autosage, but why cute boys?
We don't know. It did autosage though.
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That's sexist.
Yeah i'm a little girl just like everyone on /a/
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The thing is, the actual shota thread here is fine. You just can't write 'shota' in alphanumeric for the thread not to autosage.
Now you are baiting. Good job, faggot. Now leave.
There's a shota thread right now, OP just wrote shota in katakana
>the actual shota thread here is fine
As it should be.

Mods = gods
There's nothing wrong with liking boys.
Thanks Janitor-kun.
I wanna ruffle the hair of megane baker.
I don't know, it just happens. At least it's okay if you separate those two words.
Devil baker looks cute, is this going to be a SoL?
Shota is best. Calling it now.
Moeshit is old and busted
Fujoshit is the new hotness
>There will never be an anime/manga about young adult men being playfully rude at each other, going out to drink and discussing girls asses and last night's game.
Boys are moe.
I'd go outside if I wanted that shit.
Fujoshit is moeshit.
sounds pretty unrealistic
>Cute men making cute sweets
Literally my favorite setting.
>Talking about last night's game
But young men don't do that anymore anon, they just shout racist slurs over voice chat to other white people.
fucking liberals
Why is everyone making such a big deal when it's only a manga?
I hope it crash, burns and leaves him with a huge debt.
It's just one or two guys who just want a reason to shitpost.
/pol/ spilling over until their board finally dies, killing it was probably the smartest thing moot could have done as a final act.
Just a few people trying to force a shitstorm.
>discussing girls asses and last night's game
Fucking disgusting. Why would anyone want to watch normalfags doing normalfag things?
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Fucking worst girl had to win. It's been months and I'm still bitter about devoting all that time for worst girl to win.

>muh shitlord boogeyman
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As long as they are cute, I'd watch it.
>wanting impure cute boys
If this series doesn't flop within 4 months I will eat my shit.
Sluts are the best.
Not again.

slut detected
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>killing it was probably the smartest thing moot could have done as a final act.
But it's not dead. It's still around.
Then we can officially call you a shiteater.
Yeah, because reading porn comics totally makes me one.
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Flags have killed it now, it's just /s4s/ tier shitposting over people's nations and it's lost half its users.
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my nigga
this. I came back just to see how bad it has become, and debate over there is shit. nobody backs up their claims, it's just "you're wrong because I say so" reddit tier shit.
It's because they're normalfags that its fun to look at their everyday life. Look at the cute girls SoL.
Or would you rather watch disgusting otaku doing disgusting otaku thins?
>there's nothing homo about the OP.
Words never uttered before on 4chan.
Oh okay. I was hoping the entire board was gone.
What does /pol/ have to do with this thread? Fuck off.
Don't get me wrong, OP is always a fag, but the content provided is not homo.

Before Flags:

After Flags:
>Australia Fags shitposting

Lurk moar, I still frequent and there are occasionally good threads, kinda like it's always been.
4chan has changed.
the users are. it's been replaced with /b/-tier shitposting, and easily recognizable shitposters like thai flag fag.
>Look at the cute girls SoL
Cute anime girls can't be normalfags unless they canonically fuck multiple men.
I dont like IDs or flags. At least it is not global like before but why did the they think they had to copy cripple/pol/?
So wakaki making a shojo manga. It's not surprise if we remember how he made twgok ending like a shojo ending. So this is the new twgok fanbase look like? I'm curious.
>What does /pol/ have to do with this thread.

Mostly shitposters in the form of "Degenerate" blah blah blah. Which isn't typically used by the native /a/non.
>They watch anime and masturbate all day
>At the end of the episode they just cry themselves to sleep
>All the episodes are the same
Sounds like lots of fun
>So wakaki making a shojo manga
But it's shounen, it's going to be in WSS
No one said degenerate but you and that word has been used in fan translations for years.
They actually removed flags and ID's once Moot left.

/pol/ liked it and wanted it back. If anything it makes /pol/ feel diverse and kinda blows away the

>/pol/ is a bunch of retarded white rednecks

stereotype apart.

Of course recently the flags are causing /b/ tier bullshit but really the main prblem with /pol/ at the moment is the return of the retarded as fuck threads.

>get cucked white boy
What is wss?
Weekly shounen shit/slut?
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They better be fixing cars and barbecuing on weekends while they criticize the male Otaku culture that plagues their nation
Weekly shounen shitpost
Weekly Shounen Sunday you faggot
>There will never ever be an anime about salarymen and their daily lives after work
This is picture is funny because she found the man who says life founds a way
we already had [C]
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What is this?
Tenrifags still mad?
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Excuse me.jpg
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>can't do cute adult men things

Oh, anon.
Can't wait.
This was a really comfy show with a top tier comfy OST.

I should read more Natsume Ono manga and get around to watching House of Five Leaves.
Binkan the Legendary Super Salaryman
>cake shop
>guaranteed female customers
>all this fluffy already

This gon b good. Hoping for country gal.
A fictional anime inside the anime Dokuro Chan.
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>House of Five Leaves
It's a little homolusty if you notice that thing easily, but it's pretty enjoyable.
Antique bakery was also fun
Me too. We still don't know if it's a film/OVA of just Doukyuusei or a TV anime that's going to adapt the sequel/spin off too
according to my chinese cartoons most of them are 6'2''.
>We want the fujoshi audience.
Did Sotsugyousei ever get fully translated? I can't find it anywhere
More like, we don't know if it'll be a single OVA or if they'll be willing to adapt the rest of the series as OVAs, which will most likely be determined after the first OVA's reception. There's not really enough of the series, even with Sora & Hara, to make a full 12 episode anime. This is the first true BL project for A-1, I'm sure they're just planning to do something artsy that will make the company rrepertoire look fuller.

Nope, it's licensed so no one wants to touch it.
>There's not really enough of the series, even with Sora & Hara, to make a full 12 episode anime
Combining Doukyuusei, Sotsugyousei, Sora to Hara and OB you get 6 volumes all of which occur in the same universe, right, surely that's enough?

>Nope, it's licensed so no one wants to touch it.
Fuck. And it's not even out from the licensor so no rips.
Five Leaves were great. If you love samurai times and shows about ordinary life that is.
fujoshit please leave

first hey complain about how cute girls and big tits are sexist and then they demand they get shows with cute boys and big pecs
I read it like last week. It is translated and up on some online manga sites.
There's a second volume I can only find the first few chapters of
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 69

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