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Unlikeliest things a tsundere would say.
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Thread replies: 77
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Scenes from a Hat.jpg
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Unlikeliest things a tsundere would say.
I love you anon.
That one's got a probability of almost 100%.

What is unlikely is a casual affirmation of her love. To a tsundere it is always a big deal.
I did in fact do it for you, baka.
>I'm nervous, but I'll be nice anyway
You are so smart, anon! And kind, and helpful. I appreciate you being here. I can't help but love you more and more.
There's absolutely no reason for me to hit you. Physical abuse is never okay.
You're my reason.
Quad dubs confirm.
"How about we calmly talk about this matter at hand before taking any decision?"
>yes do me in the but aheeeeee
Eek! I left the door open! Sorry, it's my fault!
This is just a stealth tsundere hate thread.
You annoy me sometimes, but I feel that if we talk about things like adults, we can get things through.

Violence is never the answer.
I am the best girl of my respective series.
I'm sorry about all of the times that I called you an idiot, please don't hate me!
I don't care about you in one way or another. Who are you anyway?
They say this all the time.
I have bipolar disorder.
Fair's fair! I punch you, you punch me!
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>I-it's not like I hate you! G-genius.
Whatever is the opposite of baka.
I have a problem expressing my emotions.
I haven't seen quad dubs in a fucking while
Wrong polarity, correct:
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Definitely not.
You just turned his p into a d.
I'm sorry, I was being unreasonable
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>turning a p into a d
I thought only the opposite happened in anime.
>I'm a tsundere.
Oh, you grabbed my boobs? Well, accidents do happen. I'm not mad.
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Do you even tsundere service?
I want the D.
Episode 1
>I love you
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Y-you're a good big brother anon.
I'm gonna let best girl win for once.
I think "You better show up so you don't die in this crashing flying continent" is better
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Already done.
What are you talking about?
She isn't tsundere though.
She was. Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.
Man I fucking hate tsundere so much.
Show me your penis
"I admit that I am the worse character type and worse than dog shit!"
"I've been spending all of my free time with you for the last 3 years. How much more of a hint do you need you full baka?"

She can't simply say she loves MC, a train will pass through on high speed or a fireworks will explode or some shit.
"I'm a well written character."
H-here, I made these chocolates just for you...
Please watch your language
When did "tsundere" devolve into the Japanese word for "bitch?"
After Bakemonogatari
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>you love it and you know it
Eat a putrid smelly diarrhea pile and barf to death faggot.
Plenty of them do that, followed by a stuttering remark about how they just had so much chocolate left and felt bad because you don't have a girlfriend.
Calm your mantits no need to be offensive.
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>>122996226 is referring to the climax of Rance 4.
Sounds like something a tsundere would say.
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Things you can say to a yandere, but not your waifu.
"If you really loved me, you'd kill this guy for me."
You disgust me and should stay away from me.
>not your waifu.
So it's somebody else's yandere?
Then I assume that everything goes so long as I don't hit on her boyfriend or threaten him.
I'd fuck the crazy out of you
What if it's a yandere that loves you but you already have a waifu?
Death Warrant Signed
>Implying my waifu isn't a yandere.
>Yandere would do everything I ask and love me no matter what I say.

If you love me then eat my poop.

You're thinking of yangire.
If you kill me, my waifu will kill You.
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>Implying your waifu is still alive
>Implying she isn't wearing her skin at this very instant
>Implying she isn't slowly building a dungeon for you underneath your house for when the skin rots and she can't hide her real identity from you.

Shh, no tears, only DEEP LOVE.
You're alright, Shinji
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If a yandere loves you, she is your waifu.
That would be a lie, anon.
No one would ever say that
Thread replies: 77
Thread images: 13

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