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My name is originality. I'm not a hipster so I won't
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File: shigatsu.png (15 KB, 290x85) Image search: [Google]
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My name is originality.

I'm not a hipster so I won't use "mainstream" and "overrated", but is Shigatsu a little overestimated? Is it very good? Excellent? Or maybe just rather good and enjoyable as fuck?

I didn't watch this show yet, no spoilers please.
Kaori dies and Tsubaki's a shit.

Also nobody cares for MAL fucking ratings you dumb shithead.
It's actually rather bad. A 6/10 at best if you ask me.
Piano prodigy Kousei Arima dominated the competition and has become famous among child musicians. After his mother, who was also his instructor, died, he had a mental breakdown while performing at a piano recital at the age of eleven. As a result, he is no longer able to hear the sound of his piano even though his hearing is perfectly fine. Two years later, Kousei hasn't touched the piano and views the world in monotone, without any flair or color. He has resigned himself to living out his life with his good friends, Tsubaki and Watari, until, one day, a girl changes everything. Kaori Miyazono, a pretty, free-spirited violinist whose playing style reflects her personality, helps Kousei return to the music world and shows that it should be free and mold breaking unlike the structured and rigid style Kousei was used to.
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It's below average at fucking best.

The music is the only decent thing about it, How the fuck can people enjoy that boring Melodrama.
I wouldn't even give it a 5, probably more like a 4.
i r/8 8.88/8 m8
Great music and beautiful art, but has its share of cringeworthy scenes. It's enjoyable if you're a sucker for tearjerkers like me ;_;
>not using overrated

You're being hipster for not using the commonly used word.
Define on purpose / troll
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check em
It's pretty terrible.

Every performance is accompanied by the MC losing his shit and a million flashbacks. The shit with his mother felt especially contrived.
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also check em digits
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Checked my friend, how about mine?
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Anime is so shit that you have to link a MAL image to get people to even talk about it.
Hm, then I'll try to not being too hyped up. I'm still going to watch this anime soon, I guess. Well, Monogatari Series first
Nagisa dies.
Is overrated trash your favorite genre?
Just watch it, why ask on a? They all think everything is bad.
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now and then here and there.jpg
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> they all think everything is bad.

/a/ never bashed pic related once.
Not my favorite, I don't hate it tho

That's quite easy and extreme, but what about The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya?
If you look hard enough you'll usually find what some could consider a general opinion.

It's not always right, mind you, but Shigatsu's (i.e. That it was shit) is.
Why would you even use the word "overestimated"? Is the show being estimated?
Cause I'm not a native english speaker and I randomly choose a synonym on a random website
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>they all think everything is bad.

I haven't seen a single /a/non bash this.
Here you go: It doesn't come out regularly enough.
/a/ never bashed this masterpiece.
Yes /a/ did. Lack of character development for the MC they said. I didn't care though.
Dropped at 6eps because
>MC was annoying
>Romance was uninteresting
>Characters cry every episode for no reason
>"Deep" aphorisms about music that sound really autistic

I can't say too much about the rest of the show tho, obviously, but if it's like most A1 pictures shows, it got a lot worse.
It's an "all style no substance" show

It looks really nice, that's about it.
Thread replies: 31
Thread images: 9

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