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I've been wanting to talk food and Shiina being /fa/ as fuck.

New episode soon?
Why no immediate subs? What is the cartel doing?
Best show of the season.
>New episode soon?

What do you mean? It aired yesterday.
Best show of the season got late subs and almost nobody is interested in making thread or keeping the thread going. So sad.
Especially when yesterday's episode is a non lewd episode, the threads are going to be empty.
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Posting best Shiina outfit yet
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More of Shiina's real mom when?
It's really sad but there's not much to say about a slice of life show except which girl you want rub your genitals against.
The same thing happened to Non Non Biyori.

I want to clean Ryous insides out with my genitals.
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shiina want.jpg
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Shiina's family are rich yakuza clan.

When Papa (unseen) married cute girl she came packaged together with a cool badass bodyguard.

When he accidentally knocked up the meidoh who also loves him instead of the waifu they all just agreed whatever family is family.
After credits scene is my favorite part.
I want to ruffle kirin's hair.
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a giraffe.22].jpg
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I thought you're talking about giraffes.
I've got your giraffe right here.
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I'd taberu them all if you know what I mean.
Right before they booted his ass out of the mansion.
Now Mom and Meido are enjoying yuri paradise hidden behind those walls, that wedding ring, and Shiina.
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Thread replies: 17
Thread images: 9

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