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Animator Expo 7
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Thread replies: 255
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We EVA now.

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Do we really?
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Ate they comparing TV, EoE and Rebuild?

Could this be a trailer for 3.0+1.0 even?
This broke my computer.
and then it teased my interest
I thought this was the animator expo, why is this barely animated?
I just feel bad for Hiramatsu. First time he would get to be the actual "director" of something, and he gets forced to do this garbage.
Especially sad since he's 10 times a better storyboarder than Anno's other hack friends.
Because Anno has oversized balls. Dragon-ballz.

After 20 minute walk I didn't think we could a short with even LESS animation

Jesus fucking christ
We had a fucking genga slideshow dude.

I don't know about directing a whole show, but he's a kickass episode director, animation director, and he draws the cutest girls.
>sequel confirmed
looks a bit like a Koe no Katachi's character
Almost as bad as the gundam clipshow.
>Forcing people to suck his dick wen the point of the project was to let them do what they wanted.

Anno will soon disappear up his own ass singularity.
What a fucking let down.
This feels like something that could fit in at the beginning of 3.0 + 1.0.

This Japanese Eva fansite has a recent theory that they changed 4.0 to 3.0 + 1.0 because it's going to include a section of 3.0 that was removed from the movie. It would have been a continuation of the final shot with Asuka, Shinji, and Rei walking towards the remnants of the town.

It's kind of strange that this is one of the shorts, I hope the animator actually wanted to do this, and didn't feel pressured in to doing it by Anno or something though.
>because it's going to include a section of 3.0 that was removed from the movie
More specifically, 3.0 was only storyboarded up to the "C" part where previously the movies were storyboarded up to "D".
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Hiramatsu should animate this.
moar Rei nipples
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>until you come to me

How many Kaworus are there?
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Shinji confirmed for angel holy shit.
That looks like it took all of 15 dollars and a weekend.
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Yamakan is too busy with the WUG movie.
>They have different hairstyle

I think it's just one Kaworu, just showing frames of him moving. He looks really cute in this shot though, I really like the artstyle used. Much better than Honda.
>EoE's red beach morphing into Rebuild's blue beach
Sequel confirmed, go home everybody.
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whats the deal with those evangelion units corpses, and those ones with spears in their mouths?
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When will the madness end?

Can't be, the one at the right has a different hairstyle from the one in the middle. The middle bang is facing the opposite direction.
It's the fucking FAR or the Adams.
>whats the deal with those evangelion units corpses
Probably just the failures of infinity from 3.33.

> and those ones with spears in their mouths?
That's some new imagery. Armorless Evas getting pierced with spears kind of like how the MP Eva line did during the 3rd Impact in EoE.
Well that was pointless
what is this
Anime Kaworu's bangs go to the left, Rebuild's go to the right. But Anime's was never that fluffy, it can only be Rebuildverse or Mangaverse Kaworu and I really doubt it's the latter.
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Time to accept it, folks.
Eh, liked it better than 3.0.
Them just walking around red landscapes without talking the whole time would've made a better movie.
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>mfw this is all anno has accomplished since finishing 3.0

Anno does it again!
We could see some of that in 3.0 + 1.0.
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This was fucking confirmed since 1.0, you'd have to be fucking retarded to not think so until now.
man, this art really sucks.
Fun fact: Each short so far (excluding the gundam short) has had at least one reference to Evangelion, can you spot them all? This short and Me!Me!Me! are pretty obvious, but what about the others?
Why the fuck are they doing EVAshit? I thought this was funded to free these animators from the shackles of commercialism and let them run free with their imaginations... and then they just make more fucking EVA. Fuck you Anno.
Why do you think this is about Kaworu? It's pretty clear it ends with Shinji going after the Ghost Rei.

Anno wanted Gundam franchise tier.

Yes, I know that. I was wondering about that shot because I thought 2.0 Kaworu wasn't 3.0 Kaworu.

Rei Q is reflected on the Ghost Rei eye while Rei-of 2.0 is in Eva 01, doesn't this confirm Rei Q is the real Rei?
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but Shikinami is shit and doesn't compare agaisnt Soryu
I am Ok with this.

Maybe they wanted to do more Eva? It's also conceivable that they worked on more than one short.
I had the theory that:

Poka Rei: Yui half, other in Eva.
Rei Q: Lilith half (other half ghosting around). Because it was Rei Q who recognized Lilith as her other self while Poka Rei is always related to Yui.
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So Shinji's going to be chasing after Rei 2?

dik is currently floating in the great asteroid belt

Look closer is Rei Q.
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kILL LA KILL, rei, evangelion.jpg
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After watching this video, I finally have a meaning to my life.
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The damn video won't even load for me. Anyone have a mirror that isn't a shit site like the original?
I'm astounded by how deep this short really is.

This is the greatest masterpiece to hit the internet ever since the equally profound "ME!ME!ME!"
It was just put up so probably no mirrors yet
Well, that was that.
Turn off adblock.
>sequel confirmed
>angel shinji confirmed

You did (not) take your pills, anno.
It's over, animator expo is finished.
Looks like Shinji will bond with Black Rei next movie and she'll sacrifice herself to restore the world, then he'll have an encounter with her as Lilith?
I finally bit the bullet and finished the rebuilds tonight after putting them off, and now this.

I don't fucking know, man.
how can shinji be an angel?
>Her less than one second panty shot
>Tits shot from eoe

Of all the shots they could've used for Soryu
>Looks like Shinji will bond with Black Rei next movie and she'll sacrifice herself to restore the world
Like Pokanami?
He has a core for starters >>118535365 and he got an angel choker in 3.0 (it had anti angel sigils way before Kaworu tried it on, it was in the scene Ritsuko explained how it worked).

Pokanami didn't sacrifice herself, she got herself eaten and Shinji destroyed the world to recover her.

Maybe he'll come to terms with her passing and accept it this time.
Ritsuko wasn't joking when she said Shinji would lose his humanity.

It's not surprising. Asuka=Sex was always closely linked in the original and EOE
>Rei is Lilith
>Kaworu is Adam
>Now Shinji is an angel too
>Asuka is atleast half-angel

This is getting 2spooky, I think I'm out guys.
>It's not surprising. Asuka=Sex was always closely linked in the original and EOE

Yet her Rebuild shots are clothed when she could have appeared with the slut outfit.
>how can shinji be an angel?
It's hinted everywhere in the rebuilds, even in the first movie. Either he was already one and never knew it or became one after the stunt he pulled at the end of 2.0. His awakening was even written in the Dead Sea Scrolls according to SEELE
Or more like the only way they could distinguish her from Shikinami

Pilots in Rebuild aren't human, that was pretty obvious. Shinji was the reason Impacts happened in certain units, he and Kaworu were "the same". His eyes turned red when he tried to reach Rei.
>and gendo is still human
being Gendo is suffering
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I think it's weird how little this interests me. I'm the first one to stay up all night arguing about Eva, but this is just so unimportant to me.

I'm excited for FINAL, but this was really weak.
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It's been hinted since forever Shinji's not normal. Kaworu awakes because he senses his "awakening."

Yui's birth was hidden on her gravestone of Rebuild too, unlike NGE.
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What was that cutesy little finger-running thing between Q and Shinji?
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Are those the four Adams maybe without the light-glow?


Gendo is the King of the Lilin.

Next movie will probably focus on building their bond before her BUT I MUST GO.
Oh great, more Rei. Not like she didn't take up most of Rebuild already

The Rei who appears in the ending is also Rei Q
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Guarantee they'll fall in love but then she'll sacrifice herself or something.
Pokanami Sacrifice herself when she Fight against Zeruel.

Tsurumaki said he accepted this job to flesh out Rei III but not as the continuation of Rei II but as a different character.

I'm disappointed there was no Misato in the short.
3.0 + 1 needs to come out so I can stop being confused. Or start being confused. Just anything, really.
It may be the style, but I think is (left to right) Qworu, Karl, Kaworu.

You're joking, right? The story has been stupidly straight forward so far.
The ride never ends, etc.

She was fighting, that's different from playing Martyr to save the world.


The way her running hand disintegrates and crumbles and then the red world turns blue seems to hint at least they'll be close.

keep dreaming
It's a sad time we live in, where the concept of sarcasm and making a joke has been overtaken by the concept of baiting.
Fucking Anno.

Give us a date, for fuck sake.

Maybe not Karl, but 2.0 Kaworu who had kind of Karl's hairdo.

But I honestly think that's just an attempt to have his head raising in motion with an art mistake.
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Will rei 2.0 come back in FINAL?
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Fuck off, waifufag. I'm simply stating what seems to be evident so far with the rebuilds.

Soryuu: Sexual object
Shikinami: Action girl

Actually fits. Because Asuka was kind of useless in NGE aside of the MPeva battle while Shikinami is a lot stronger as pilot.
It's because retards see everyone else going "hurr durr bait" so they emulate it. I really do miss when I could say something sarcastic and not get 10 replies with fucking fish pictures.

I agree with this, Eva art was never that consistent.
>I'm disappointed there was no Misato in the short.

I was hoping for that too. We'll never have the adult characters fleshed out at all at this point. That was obvious since the 2.0 CRC said their scenes were cut.
Yup it's a love story between Rei and Shinji.
Where is Mari?


No, that's Rei Q. She has a black uniform. Makes sense since Rei Q is the one with actual connection to Lilith.
>I'm simply stating what seems to be evident so far with the rebuilds.

Even the nips weren't stupid enough to think 2.0 was romantic
So this "expo" continues to be one giant fanservice?

Gendo is there. But I'm tired of the pilot wank.
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>almost 2015
>f/a/ggots still think any love relationship can survive the master's doing


I hope Rei wins the Shinjibowl this time for real just to see your reaction, I am not even a Rei-Asuka-fag.
Shikinam is shallow as fuck, though.
>having an Eva short 7 weeks into a 30 week long expo is fanservice
>Anno is responsible for making the expo happen

It's not fanservice, there have been some really good animations.
Looks more like a reference to her seeing Rei Q in 3.0.
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This shit is like a filter episode of Animator Expo.

It's like the short can't come out in time so they find some rebuild concept art and put it works.
If you mean a series of shorts that could be developed into actual series and completely fails, then yes.
Have you ever noticed how newfags tend to insert the board anme into an insult?


Nobody wins in Eva, even though Rei won in EoE.
It's animators animating the things they want to animate.
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Rebuilds suck. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it went in this direction given everything so far. Why include the whole "save Rei fuck the world thing" in this story? What other purpose was there other than to include some plot where Shinji does everything he can to get his pokagirl? Why couldn't they just have it to where she sacrificed herself to save him like in the original? There's obviously something more to it.
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>Pairing Shinji with the most ignored/hated character by fanbase

Every singleotherfag BTFO
They put all the versions of Asuka. So, why not him too?

Even his face expression show different emotions.

I see the one with the eyes closed with regret (not saving Shinji), middle one is just what manga!Kaworu was; he fell in love with him but he died, and last one is the fucking bishounen Kaworu from anime who wanted to be know about Shinji and show that smile.

Or I am reading too much, and in denial because is not the trio. ;_;
I didn't want to believe the red stripe of blood on the moon was the one from EoE.
I didn't want to believe the number of coffins was the number of angel pilots.
You mean you don't get the blatant Shinji/Rei and Gendo/Yui parallel. I mean it's pretty obvious.
>Tsurumaki: There is probably some other intention there, so I think you should check with Anno-san [about that]. However, because there was a feeling that Rei III had been poorly developed in the TV series, after Rei II died in “Break”, we wanted to develop in detail the drama of Rei III in “Q” [3.0].
>Q: So it’s something you were not able to fully realize in the TV series. “Because I am the third” is an amazingly impactful, famous line of dialogue, but, in truth, I felt that [Rei III] didn’t really mean much after that…
>Tsurumaki: I thought going deeply into that would be interesting, even in a “Science Fiction”-like way. As Rei realizes the fact, and the significance of the fact, that there has been more than one Rei before her, how, as a clone, will she achieve her independence as an individual? I wanted to develop a story like that.

They'll flesh out Rei Q as Tsurumaki wanted, or should I call her Rei III as individual who isn't like the previous Rei.
webm of Shinji and Rei Q cute hand thing where
I think you mean Shinji/Yui and Rei/Shinji reference. Shinji goes berserk NGE mom in 2.0
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Getting Shinji and Rei to fall in love is one thing, but Shinji and Q to fall in love?

The anal devastation will be apocalyptic.


The video is set after 3.0. Just as some anons said, Rei "2" in Rebuild became associated with Yui while Rei "Q" (actually "3") became associated with Lilith.

The world seems restored thanks to Q.
Guys, they are really not going to have Rei Q win the Shinji.
Especially after 3.0.

I really want to say that they will expand on Rei Q though and she will form a bond with Shinji and maybe Asuka.
But it's the rebuilds and character development means shit.
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No, about the Rei just like Yui is trapped in Eva and Gendo/Shinji fuck the world to try to get her back.
I thought Tsuramaki said it wasn't a romance?
this, there will be little to most likely absolutely no character development
First Rei 2, now Rei Q(or is she actually 2 with amnesia? I don't see the point of her otherwise if she's totally a new character)
Does seem to be going that way.
Fuck Gendo. I want Misato, Fuyutsuki, Kaji, Ritsuko, and the Wille bunnies.

I don't see any relationships with Shinji very romantic. He's very childish and asexual.
shut up

shut uuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppp
>Guys, they are really not going to have Rei Q win the Shinji.
No, they are going to do it. The butthurt will be immense from EVERYONE and Anno will revel in it. She'll die in the end I expect though but the next film is definitely focusing on them.

rei 2 merges with q and they simultaneously win the shinjibowl

im honestly betting on rei 2 becoming one with q somehow
>or is she actually II with amnesia

These are the kind of fucking retards who like Rebuild.
He's fucked the world multiple times and it's always for selfish reasons

The bait meme is like some shit that came out of /v/, or something. I've always disliked it.
The number of coffins is most likely the number of loops, Kaworu resurrects in a new one in each loop, that's why it's called Taghba base.
Come on, this isn't rocket science.
I thought it was Rei II's finger, it looks too pale to be Shinji's
Shinji was trapped in an Eva already and they got him out just fine. Getting people out of Evas are not a big deal in evangelion. Shinji is hardly comparable to Gendo, the one who manipulated the entire plot in the first place. It's a weak comparison.
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>tfw i honestly believe Anno is enough of an asshole to have Q win the Shinjibowl
That would invalidate all of Rei-Q's character development so far.

It isn't romance between Poka Rei and Shinji. He said nothing about Rei Q and Shinji.
Who dies. RIP, best girl.
>getting people out of evas are not a big deal in Evangelion

Shut the fuck up.
Eh, better Rei Q than fucking Asuka or the homo.
Remember people complain about last short lack proper animation?
Hey, it would be par the course for Rebuild plot developments.

Nah, it wasn't albino like Rei.
remember Evafags will eat up anything

>Rei Q
>character development
Oh, okay. I'd fucking laugh if it ends up Q/Shinji.
>Nah, it wasn't albino like Rei.

Shinji is wearing his plugsuit

>mfw is Mari who wants to fuck Yui clone
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pretty sure rei is paler than that, man
It won't, that goes against everything Rei Q was meant for, see >>118538067
reminder that Shinji x Rei would be incest
That's supposed to make it better, right?

He was in his casual attire for a portion of the video.
It would also be even weirder since he is just shacking up with a replacement of a replacement.

Like even Kaworu is a more healthy relationship then that.
reminder that you're on /a/
>I don't like her character development so it doesn't exist

She's a new character, so they'll be able to do whatever they want with her.
Stealing some post from Evageeks:

Yesterday, a day before this new short was revealed Minna no Evafan made an interesting post: http://neweva.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-3482.html

In it they mention that given what we know from the 2.0 CRCs, Q's short running time and what we see in the making of feature, and the interviews:

-2.0 was broken down into 4 parts: A, B, C, D
-we know from Q making-of that Mari ejecting Shinji, pretty much the tail end of the movie is cut #1465 is Part C
-Q's Part A and B, up to the title break amount to 53 minuts. Part C is only 38 minutes
-we also know that the actual end with Asuka rescuing Shinji and the 3 kids walking off into the distance are cuts #1011-1033, meaning they were finalized in script/storyboards before the entire climactic dogma battle and 4th Impact
-we know from Megumi Ogata's interview in the theatrical booklet that after Kaworu died she couldn't bring herself to do any more lines and Anno was ok with that and adjusted the movie accordingly (I'm about 90% sure on this one, the translation on the wiki is only partial but i definitely remember seeing more bits of it on the internet.)

Given all of the above the theory is that Q originally had 4 parts just like 2.0 but Part D got dumped. The storyboards presented in the Shiro Sagisu video of the kids wandering the desert presumably came from that dumped Part D.

This all leads to speculation that Evangelion 3.0+1.0 is not in fact Shin/Final, but instead Evangelion Q as was released, plus the initially dumped Part D reattached. Thus instead of Q, we will get 急, as Jo-ha-kyū (序破急) implied from the start and only after that we'll get Shin/Final.
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>implying that would stop the comatose masturbator
It's symbolic. Shinji's reflection was in his regular uniform, Rei Q in plugsuit. Rei Q in uniform, Shinji in plugsuit after. And the skin colour is Shinji's. Rei clones are more pale/sickly.
>Like even Kaworu is a more healthy relationship then that.
Faggotry is never a healthy choice. Unless it's between girls.
Why are they doing EVA shit.

Fuck you Anno.
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kill me.jpg
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I want this to happen for the shitstorm.
>fucking a gay corpse
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Q...is going to win? Anno, you sly bastard.
Of course they can, but she has no significant character development for them to "go against" or mess up in the first place.
Healthier then fucking a clone of a clone of your dead mom.
One that doesn't even remember anything about you.

Shinji needs to meet some new people.
Fuck you Anno
Reminder that 3.0+1.0 will come out in 2015, every Rebuild film has come out three years after the previous one.

I agree with this, Q definitely feels like it had a part removed.
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>This all leads to speculation that Evangelion 3.0+1.0 is not in fact Shin/Final, but instead Evangelion Q as was released, plus the initially dumped Part D reattached. Thus instead of Q, we will get 急, as Jo-ha-kyū (序破急) implied from the start and only after that we'll get Shin/Final.

This is so ridiculous that I can't bring myself to think that Anno can't do it.

This motherfucker is a fucking cunt.
Fuck Anno.

We know she isn't Poka. Megumi mentions it and she has been spoiled about the multiplying Reis plot twist for next movie.

The whole point is Shinji accepting Q because she is NOT Rei.

They are speculating.
You know Rei-Q has had character development right? I think you just accept that since they've been building that she's her own person, and she shouldn't try to act like Rei-2
>This all leads to speculation that Evangelion 3.0+1.0 is not in fact Shin/Final, but instead Evangelion Q as was released, plus the initially dumped Part D reattached. Thus instead of Q, we will get 急, as Jo-ha-kyū (序破急) implied from the start and only after that we'll get Shin/Final.
So it's basically a glorified director's cut? Anno at it again.
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guys it all makes sense, Asuka won in the original series, now is the turn of Rei, damn it Anno
It's also not totally an unheard of idea.

Didn't Death/Rebirth come with the Episode 25' section of EoE?
The clones are their own individuals and are meant to be developed as such >>118538067
>will she achieve her independence as an individual?
She will remember(if she's the old one), or she will make new memories in some cheesy shit.

Final is promoted as 3.0+1.0. Make a fucking click on the website.

Unless it means to end in the third part DC.
I hope Rei Q wins. Finally, being the sole genuine ReiQfag will pay off after years of being bullied and harassed by Reifags who hated her for the crime of not being Rei. I was so hopeful that she'd get to become her own person, and for a time my faith had wavered, but now it's reignited.
>Water turns blue at the end
>Implying Rebuild isn't a prequel
No shit, sherlock.

Those speculations are also extremely plausible, seeing as how 1.0 and 2.0 were both 2 hours, and Q was 90 minutes.

It had the first 1/3 of EoE
She hasn't though, she's just doing what Asuka tells her to do and trying to think about "what Rei 2 would do", she isn't being her own person so far
I'd welcome it because I don't see the point of trying to be another person for that character
Rei isn't the exact clone of Shinji's mother and as far I do understand, Yui's soul was in the EVA 01, and Lilith soul in the REI series, so I think you could be right in a unknown percentage but not 100% right.

Rei is a "monster" that looks likes Shinji's mother but that's all.

This also should be considered.
This makes a lot of sense, Minna no Evafan is usually on the mark with these kinds of things too.
>yfw Anno considers Kaworu the healthiest and best choice for Shinji
anyone have a webm of the foreplay between q and shinji?
Anno doesn't know shit about healthy. A prince on a white horse isn't going to come down and grant all your desires. That's just wish fulfillment.
>1.0 and 2.0 were both 2 hours
1.0 and 2.0 were 100 minutes, that's barely any more than 90
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>Asuka won in the original series
>Being a side dish is now winning
>yfw Anno considers Kaworu the healthiest and best choice for Shinji

Likes that's not already obvious
It's only the URL that says final though.

The image just says Next Time New Evangelion Theatrical Edition :|| where the :|| looks similar to the repeat sign in music.
>Implying there isn't a reason why dies horribly every fucking time
Nobody won in the original because it started over.
>thinking Eva is realistic of relationships
>thinking all alternatives are realistic and healthy
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>A prince on a white horse isn't going to come down and grant all your desires.
Yes he is, and his name is Ikuhara.

Kaworu's death is pretty quick and painless, more traumatic for Shinji.

While Asuka got eaten slowly and Misato got shot, bleed to death slowly and then blew up.

Seriously, I need to anger my reifag friends by letting them know that Q is going to win.
Not even that anon but she was
>moving goalposts
>implying I said otherwise
Thought pretty much every relationship other than Kaworu is way more realistic, as they are people with flaws and complexes and their own needs
Not til somebody rips the thing from the site and uploads a torrent
This is really disgusting... I fucking hate Evangelion.

>Evangelion OR the gay anime that traumatized a lot of anons in Earth.

Him turning into meat sauce was the most brutal out of everything.
>It's only the URL that says final though.

...Yes and? Are you this stupid you take evageeker speculation which has NO support in fact over a fact presented by a website made by Khara?
This is correct
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Pleas we all know Asuka is going to pull a hat trick and win again.

Well by win be the only person left alive with him in the end.

Though this time they will probably have more to talk about then that one time Shinji jerked off over her comatose body.
>He speaks the truth so he must be a crossboarder!
Grow the fuck up. Shinji said the words "I love Kaworu" straight to Misato's face, no ounce of delusion will ever cover up that fact. Anno wants to piss off as many Otaku/Waifufags as he can, after all.
You seriously think anyone would be in a relationship with real girls that have Rei and Asuka's personalities. They're appealing and seem normal as long as they're anime

No, I think that making Asuka die slowly, after being stabbed, losing her eye and getting impotent over treated like a meal who got savagely torn into pieces and consumed got the cake.

He really likes torturing her.
If it was the final fucking film, it would say FINAL where 3.0+1.0 is now, retard.
It could just as easily be a place holder URL from when they were going to release Final next instead of 3.0 + 1.0.

That URL isn't killing this theory at all.

Asuka said she was Shinji's sidedish. Now Rebuild started over so he can get with an albino, either of them.
You're all fucking stupid for eating this shit up.


Does 3.0 say Redo or 2.0 Advance?

At least she came back. Kaworu never does. He dies in every iteration.
Looks like a Rebuild's criticism, poor guy.
>Implying Shinji ever loved anyone

Seriously, it's like Kawoshinfags ignore everything in EOE that doesn't support their ship. I mean shit the original and EOE spell it out for you. Shinji can't love anybody without first learning to love himself.
The name for the 4th film was always Final though, never 4.0.
>I have never been in a relationship or know people closely
Protip real people aren't one dimensional gary stus
If it makes any difference to you fags, "Danny Boy" is usually seem as a song from a mother to her son
>After 20 minute walk I didn't think we could a short with even LESS animation
Did you watch the wrong short? 20 min had tons of animation.

Everyone came back. That's why Rebuild exists, anon.
>literally cannot read
As expected of fujoshit.
>I'm so smart, I mindlessly follow the opinions of youtube videos!"

Fuck off.

The name for the fourth movie is confirmed to be FINAL, not 3.0+1.0.

3.0+1.0 = You are not alone and can not redo.
>Forever in Shinji's heart as the words "I love you"
I'd take that over Asuka dying and screaming from the MP Evas where Shinji can actually hear her, but HE STILL doesn't seem to give two shits.
Then when she woke up after coming back to life, the boy she loved was choking her.

She will always be the best girl though.
I thought the same about you. Real people also don't need to figure out what an actual emotion is
What the fuck is that song in the background? It sounds suspiciously like Danny Boy
In a new life. Kaworu is the one fated to always die for good after a short time and never return.
That's because it is! Check the fucking credits next time, would you?
But he does. He's eternally looping and retains his memories.

But Kaworu said he'll meet Shinji again. You're a bit reaching and frustrated. I'm sorry your crack pairing can't happen.

But Mari was made to compensate it? Shinji's going to fuck a Rei or Kaworu.

Keep dreaming.

No, but seriously, take your waifushit outta here.
Oh well there you go.

Though Shinji starting a mother/son relationship with either Rei is also kinda creepy.
>what are mental disabilities
Check your fucking privilege
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>Rei Q wins da Shinjibowl

This is hilarious. I love Anno.
He does, he's immortal and remembers past lives. He's more like a literal representation of death and rebirth than just death.
And fucks up every single time AND trusts Shinji's obviously evil dad
>hambeasts will defend this
Holy shit you're right.

Also props to Khara for spelling Derry right.
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If that was the case then what was the fucking point of putting this scene in? If your interpretation is really true then why didn't Anno make it more obvious? Why did Anno make Shinji love Kaworu if it was supposed to be interpreted differently? You're also intentionally ignoring the whole ideal self thing Anno said in the June interview, there's a reason why Kaworu is a boy and not a girl after all.
It's been almost 20 years, just face the music already Evageeks. Your precious self-insert is a faggot. You should be able to relate to him even more now.
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>Never watch anime seriously before
>Finish Evangelion
>Want to watch another anime
>Find out rebuild exist
Should I move on, or watch rebuild first?
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...was that cutesy shit going on with Q and Shinji? Q is going to win the Shinjibowl? Anno...godammit.

But, I must say, the massive shitstorm that follows will surely be entertaining.
>implying I ship
Keep grasping though. He can say whatever he wants, but it never comes through. Karl wanted Shinji to remember him and look at him being forgotten completely in the new world.
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Nobody cares. Asuka is forever buttmad she's a sidedish to everyone, even in Q she selfishly complained to Shinji why he didn't save her.

Why are her fans with such inferiority complex?
Holy shit
Guys neither Rei and Kaworu are going to win Shinji ever, they will never be lasting relationships and you all know why.

They both play very important parts in Shinji's life, but they won't and can't last.

Asuka was his foil, she was also never really a viable love interest either, well she was in NGE, who knows what the fuck she will do in Rebuild.

Stop being retarded.
Move on. Wait till all 4 are out so they can be viewed as a whole
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