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New character time?
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New character time?

sauce google/iqdb gave me nothing.
>turns out she's MC and dumpire grandaughter from another future
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You were unlucky punk.
One of dumbpires relatives?
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I want to believe this.
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That would be most desirable
>another future
a parallel world or something?
Or they're half cousins.
inb4 she's superior dumbpire
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it hasn't even begun.png
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>Asahi and Dumpire confess to each other
>Dumpire and Alium more or less resolve the conflict between them
Sauce? Google gives me nothing.
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Guess we will have to wait til next week
I expect all the new girls to be granddaughters from multiple timelines.
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>granddaughters from multiple timelines.
>Ninja girl looks like Dumon
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New chapter soon folks.
Cardboxhead would be revealed to be the alium one.
So this end like Yomeiro-Choice, then.
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Kuromine breeding school.

Crisis on infinite dumbs.
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>Crisis on infinite dumbs.
I like it
That would be a lot more amusing than introducing harem girls after he's already hooked up with Dumpire.
>Rin disappears from the manga
>They need to figure out how to get on track for the perverted future to get her back
>But then they all love the new girl too
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as a Canadian winter dumpire makes my heart go dunka dunka
You guys do realize that they traveled back in time, right?
>back in time
>they meet young Akane

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Are these new girls? That vampire doesn't look like Dumbpire, she looks too much like a cool beauty.

And why would there be 4-5 granddaughters when only Mikan, Dumbpire, and Alium love Asahi? Who else could bear his kids?

He's a time wizard. It's the only explanation! He's some kind of ridiculous dimension hopping super husband that has a harem that spans alternate timelines.
>Resolve the conflict
But it's not over.
no? They are clearly in the present when the new girls walk by and the dumpire is introduced in class.

One of those girls isn't new, and is his sister, who has shown up before.
>girls across the top left to right

Dumpire's mom again?, new dumpire, new ninja, new box girl, Asahi's imouto.
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure because I'd never seen her hair colored before.
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As a reminder, imouto's name is Mei.
No, but people thought it was since it looked like this was the final arc.
does that mean alium wins?
If that's the only time it was mentioned, it could also be something else starting with Mei, and that's just a casual name that she uses.
and that she is higher than the MC on the pop polls
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yeah, it's confirmed on the popularity poll.
Poor Dadpire.
the MC lost to his sister who literally has appeared on only one page and did nothing and wasn't even sexually suggestive
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The best part is, this frame is wrong.

Here's what she's actually saying.
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oh, well its still cute

Agreed. Would accept candy from.
people haven't lived if they haven't hugged a girl in minus 20c weather bundled up in winter gear and giver her an Eskimo kiss
Did she really not appear other than that chapter (it was like 2 pages there) before the poll? I know she hasn't had a real role in the story before now though.
they made an ugly kid


No, their kid made an ugly kid with Mikan's ugly kid
fucking Mikan ruins everything she breeds with even the dragon kid is ugly.
She's appeared at least three times up to the point currently scanlated.

Twice as a voiceless background character.
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No dumon in this thread?
Why no love for best girl?
we've already seen HER granddaughter
>teach is a time traveler too
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I'm pretty sure that this girl is also from the future. Her outfit and her hair accessories are almost identical to Rin's.

She has grown on me so much it is ridiculous. I was ready to dismiss her at first but every chapter she does something that shakes my faith/love in dumpirism.
Maybe she simply became Rin's friend in the present? Since there was that chapter about trying to find her some.
yeah, besides the beads, she's also got spats under her skirt.
I forgot that they were actually starting a new school year.
>implying she's not Rin's and Grandad's granddaughter from a even more distant future
I literally can't remember his name
she's really just the most incredible troll.
That has to be the cutest smile I ever see in my life.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa.

What /a/, you mad?
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If you take a closer look at her outfit, it seems like she is also wearing an oversized belt.
>confirmed for future-girl 2
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plus has a goddamned weapon
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She is clearly Rin and Slutwolf's daughter.
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She has some really contagious smiles.

And this series has some absolutely amazing blushes. Combining the two together is outright dangerous.
Every time I see her smile, I smile and that's wonderful.
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All the characters are actually really good. Even the shit ones end up becoming good, it is amazing.

I still stand by Alium being best girl, but they could all be the best girl if they weren't competing.
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Werewolf is shit though. He actually turned down this.

Christmas Cakes > Charismatic Female Perverts > Werewolves
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Alium Dumon Dumpire 123.jpg
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Aliens > Vampires > Christmas Cakes > Demons > Granddaughters > Angels > Charismatic Female Perverts > Humans
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Aliens are shit. Nagisa is best girl because she's Nagisa, not because she is an alien.

She doesn't need to be a monster girl to be best, she just needs to be herself.
Next up: An arc where Shiho is torn between Asahi now ignoring her and Dumbpire's happiness.
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>Alium will never feel the warmth of another human being ever again
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Why is this manga so damn good, /a/?

It's a dumb harem about monster girls, it has no right to be this good.
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MC is boring.

This is the true OTP.
I want an arc where they go to her home planet.
Because bad harems are the best.
see Ichiban Ushirou no Daimaou.
So perfect . . . !
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No, THIS is Best End
I'm still waiting for Asahi or someone else to get miniaturized and steal her robot. Or maybe even have her brother steal her robot and have her take his and get into harem antics with that unit.

Because all the girls are cute plus dumb. The point isn't the "harem", the point is the character interactions. The point is that every character has strengths and weaknesses. Take Alium for example. She's logical and thinks things through. This allows her to be the straight man in many situations. But at the same time, she's too logical, and over thinks things, which leads to hilarity. Every chapter has a new butt monkey, and every chapter makes use of how dumb everyone is. It's not about the "harem", it never was. Where as a manga like Nisekoi is ALL about the harem, and not much else. When was the last chapter in Nisekoi that wasn't about some girl crushing hard on the main character? What about in Jitsu? Oh, we had one just a few chapters ago about Grandumber and Slutwolf duking it out. Neither of them are in the "harem" either.

Jitsu is great because the focus is, and always has been, the comedy and absurdity of the characters. Everyone is cute plus dumb.
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>wanting harem ending
>granddaughter on his lap
erry time
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Well, there was already a robot switcharoo earlier, but it did not live up to the full potential.

This series really has a lot of unexplored potential to be honest. It sets up so many interesting and obvious routes, and then takes things in a different direction.
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>Even slutwolf is afraid!
>Neither of them are in the "harem" either

Is that so, QC?


The best part about that page is Dumbpire's stomach is growling. Again.
It might be the feather in her brain
That slutty hungry look.
Nisekoi had a chapter about dealing with cooking ramen because Tsugumi owes everything to Chitoge just 2 chapters ago.
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>Take Alium for example. She's logical and thinks things through. This allows her to be the straight man in many situations. But at the same time, she's too logical, and over thinks things, which leads to hilarity.

Alium also has the weakness where she has basically no self control when it comes to Asahi.
It's not that she has no self-awareness either. She knows what she is doing is ridiculous but she is unable to stop, like the stone rolling down hill and picking up speed.
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>Big Alium holding Shrunken Asahi in her hand

The possibilities

I mean, I haven't read all the new chapters obviously, but I don't think she's supposed to be a "serious" contender like Alium or Dumbpire or Orange. And Grandumber is not in the harem either. The point is, there is romance, but it's almost always comedy first.


She cannot into cool beauty.


That chapter had Tsugumi crushing hard on him though. Nearly every chapter does. The only chapters where someone isn't lusting after him is chapters that deal with his friend or the glasses girl who's name is escaping me right now.

Anyway, I'm just trying to explain how Dumbpire doesn't need the harem to function, it's there to support the comedy.


Yep, and it's hilarious.

Anyway, I'm gonna bow out here. New chapter should be along shortly.
So this is really late, but in "Home lunch" would be a better rendition of bento in this instance if its really necessary to translate that.
Goddammit, why is she so cute?
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>Anyway, I'm gonna bow out here. New chapter should be along shortly.

I keep checking every day just in case there is a new chapter, sometimes multiple times a day even though I know logically it wouldn't be out yet.
I just enjoy this manga far too much. Thank you.
>Monster girl manga
>The fact the girls are monsters doesn't even matter
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I think she's gonna be the cold bitch everyone thought Shiragami was at first.
>That face
>Cold bitch
That smile warms my heart.
Then what does this do?
Urge to comfort rises.
She deserved it.
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its all downhill from here
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Thread images: 40

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