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Hero appreciation thread!
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Hero appreciation thread!
why it is not ¥200 like in prequel
>音楽CD1 スペシャルキャラクターソングCD
4話のカラオケシーンで披露された友奈&夏凜のデュエット、東郷さんの軍歌、「ホシトハナ」「Aurora Days」の5キャラソロバージョンをも収録!
Nope there won't be. but music CD2 from some other BD volume is probable
Let it rest a bit.
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Heroes don't rest.
Karin-chan's sappuris

They totally do.
They fought only five times in 9 episodes.
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Repost LN chapter 6.
And they won five times.
Have you thanked the heroes today?
Not sure what this is, but It's nice.
What did the Taisha hope to gain with this blatant lie?
To save their own asses from an angry blonde girl with a huge sword, complete with a catdog and weasel as fairies.
probably they are really still investigating the problems [for 2 years to find out how Shinju is taking those body parts] and there are really nothing medically wrong in their body [just that god take them away] and they really believe they will get better over time [as they will get use to it]
23 hours to go.
Shikoku Yen/Japanese Yen conversion rates.
Wasn't there a change in airing time though?
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When will Yuna and Togo kiss
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Final episode. Next episode is a flashback.
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This? Previous thread was confusing about this and changes in airing are common on this part of the year.
10. Bonds of Love
11. Passion
12. I smile at you

Soon I hope.
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Wouldn't the faeries stop Fuu from attacking the Taisha, since their main role is to make Heroes stick to their duties?
Maybe their only role is simply keeping the heroes alive. We don't really know how they work.
that appears to be their only role. A big oversight on the part of the Taisha who now have to face the possibility of their Heros turning against them.
Of course it could be Shinju turning against the Taisha too.
>Shinju turning against the Taisha
But the Taisha is run by Shinju.
Someone misread 日付変わる as meaning that the airing time changed, when it really just meant "Yay, it's past midnight now! That means YuYuYu Episode 10 is going to air tonight!"

And there was more confusion because "tonight" meant more than 25 hours in that case due to using both conventional and Japanese TV schedule times.
They don't care about the lives of the heroes as long as they keep protecting shinju-sama
What if it's not a lie?
When the Taisha upgraded Sumi and Sonoko's phones, they gained immortality, fairies, and Mankai functionality.

One of the upgrades could've fixed the Sange drawback. Even the upgrade to the Hero Club's phones immediately after their Mankai time could've been a patch, in more than one meaning.
full itsuki song when?
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I'll finish recording it as soon as my voice comes back!
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You know what, fucker?
Even if they did release character songs, I wouldn't listen to Itsuki's.
Like, fuck. Not this time around.
Itsuki's not the kind to voice her feelings.
I'm reading it in your voice, Itsuki!

It's not rape if you can't say no, right?
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She keeps a poem diary that Karin keeps (jokingly?) threatening to publish.
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When will she die/condemn herself to eternal misery/erase herself out of existence?
How did Karin find out about those poems in the first place? Even Fuu doesn't know.
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Please understand.
Probably not
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Now that's more like it.
Bullies have their ways.
Did Karin always know that they could transform in the real world?
Taisha are still humans, Shinju is not, if Taisha start abusing their access to Shinju's powers for their own benefit how does Shinju respond in a way that doesn't kill the entire population?
This could be how.
But there has been a big change in the way the Taisha manage the heros this time around and its not for the better. They have no personal contact with members of the Taisha whereas the first group of girls had instructors. These girls need to have personal one on one contact with the people who are writing the code for their phones and full unedited access to the history of all the prior combats with the Vertexes. They are not getting it. That can never be good.
Why would someone think they couldn't in the first place?
>reading in a characters voice in English
Can people really do this? It's almost impossible for me.
I seem to recall Fuu saying something to that effect that they could only fight the Vertex when they were in the forrest.
But it could have been a translator error and what she meant was that the only way to fight and avoid damaging the real world was to fight the vertexes in the forrest, not that it was mechanically the only way possible.
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>He can't
You can read anything in Itsuki's voice.
And it all sounds the same...
>the only way to fight and avoid damaging the real world was to fight the vertexes in the forrest
You don't avoid damage to the real world by fighting in the forest. Every damage caused to the forest is converted back to the real world.
Being able to transform in the real world is a great help for their cultural festival skit, right?
Even if they could only fight Vertex in the forest it doesn't mean they can't transform in the real world. Transforming doesn't mean you have to fight Vertex, that's only the ideal thing to do.
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They have only transformed in Tree Space so, even if the fairies can manifest in the real world, it could be assumed that they powers can only appear in the Sea of Trees.

Then again the so called 'real world' may or may not be that real after all.
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Not if they accidentally mankai.
So is mankai uncontrollable when you fill your gauge up? it kinda looks like they can choose to do it.

Wait but the world and tree are the same aren't they? So you have the roots and the earth is the crown.
It's like your bladder, you can hold it to an extent, but there is one point where it will simply release
So is Karin just going mankai uncontrollably?
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Why is soda pops so fun?
For our skit, we will randomly lose body parts or body functions by doing amazing things, watch carefully

I wouldn't mind if she mankais all over me.
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"S-Senpai, stop, I... I... AHHHH!"
*Footnote- Level Up!
well we just saw them transform in the real world, and they were not surprised about it. So apparently we just got a mistranslation of what Fuu said and it never was a limitation. They just didn't because they were conforming to instruction.s about keeping this all a secret.
Is that pic official art?
The dictionary on the website says you can control the timing of Mankai -to some extent-.
I have the feeling the Taisha are going to wish they had placed that limiter in their app before this was all over.
Japanese speculation
Can Shinju-sama take their uterus in exchange for mankai?
which means if they worked at it they probably could control it fully. But since they don't have access directly to the people writing the apps or building the phones its going to be very hard.
Yuuki still might accomplish it out of sheer force of will next battle.
Probably, but it's most likely a low priority target for these girls. If one of them wanted a child, she could be sure she'd be kissing goodbye to her uterus, but these are all lesbian.
Karin can still be killed if Gyuki incapacitates Yoshiteru by chewing on him, right?
Someone needs to put Itsuki into this.
Yes, that will happen at least once. One time the girl will appear to be fine after a mankai and the effects will not be noticed for at least a couple weeks but then a blood test will reveal she had gone into menopause.
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Tomorrow can't come soon enough, these threads have been devolving to shit.
I see. It just reminded me how in chapters 7 and 8 they put a lot of emphasis on the Vertexes representing the Sky and the Stars in contrast with Shinju representing the earth (as in the ground, not the planet).
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Will Yuuna lose a leg?
It always happen
>/a/ ignores original show
>It turns out to be at least interesting
>"Epics happenings" take over the threads

Seriously, Shinju should just take their fertilty as the first sacrifice, it's the least important thing to lose anyway.
>kissing her uterus goodbye

Karin and Yuna will both lose legs and Sonoko will get them
I hate it. I wonder if this is what mangafags feel like.
But what if Hero Aptitude is hereditary?
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>tfw listening the OST
>that last bunch of tracks

Is the number of stars the indication of hype?
Taisha hasn't done anything wrong though. Even their lies are easily justified. Telling the heroes about the sange in advance would create the risk of them hesitating at a crucial moment, endangering all of humanity. Teenage girls getting overly emotional about things doesn't make Taisha the bad guys.
Karin can't urinate after Mankai.
Mama boy pls leave
The same effect is achieved by giving them caring mentors who educate them about the tradeoff and show them that they are working hard to make their situation better.
That could quickly become fatal.
but not being able to contain your urine would be a reasonable aftereffect of mankai

That would be horrible, you think they'd wish their fate for their kids?
No wonder magical girls tend to be lesbians.
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Yuuna's sacrifice ending leaked.
Good thing they just met Sonoko
I'd an incontinent Karin.
Maybe the Taisha just doesn't give a fuck about the lower-class pleb heroes.
She'll overdose herself with sapuri in hopes of fixing her Sange before Yoshiteru stops her.
Do you think Karin's fairy talks because of something involving Gin?
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Don't sexualize the yuushas
Is it suffering day yet?
She's nuclear.
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For everything that is sacred, I hope not
May be it's Gin.

Karin's fairy is rather humanoid compared to the others, that's enough reason.
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Okuu doesn't have an eyepatch...
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why is tougou such a best girl
Everyone else gets some Japanese mythological creature. Karin gets motherfucking Ashikaga Yoshiteru.
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not that kind of nuclear
She still a cute
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I love tracks 8, 17, 18, 22, and 30. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
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Friendly reminder that Sonoko is a cuck.
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Last one I have
She would be one perhaps if Sumi didn't crave her unbloomed flower so badly.
So EP 10 isn't coming today? Dammit T/a/isha.
> that garter
holy fuck
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Itsuki is the cutest. I want her to be happy and not suffer anymore.


Why has this word been so prevalent lately?
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A new era of 4chan has begun.

Must be because of certain things that have been happening to a certain board here recently.
See for yourself
Moot is doing things.
2014 is when 4chan learned what that means.
They are still dead? It's been like 4 days already and I see the same threads on top.
I hope Shinju takes away Itsuki's permablush.
>I'll be a Hero for you, anon-kun
>Togo-san, isn't this too adult for me?
>Yuna-chan, spread them asscheeks
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Is Tougou black now?

How would a perfect Yamato damashii like Togo behave in bed anyway? Submissive? Quiet?
Of course she'd be quiet. The bed is where you sleep.
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Tougou will proudly display her Rising Sun.
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