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Why don't Japanese authors do harem end more often? There's
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Why don't Japanese authors do harem end more often?

There's literally no downside to harem end.
Is pic related? did OreShura end?
Orange is best.
>Expecting authors of the shittiest genre to have any logic at all.
Just enjoy the shows for what they are, and headcanon the endings.
I have no fucking idea. It's completely retarded as shit with how haremshit is already meant to be wish fulfillment. It might as well go all the fucking way and make everyone happy.

Loli is love. Yuri is love. Incest is love. Sensei is love. Harem is love.
Because nobody likes harem endings. They want best girl to win.
Boo fucking hoo. That's just being a selfish faggot. Haremshit is not a love story and I will not give it that respect. The best scenario for everyone if they don't hate each other is harem end.
>Haremshit is not a love story
Please tell me you aren't actually this retarded.
sorry but homosexuality is wrong and disgusting.
>I am a closedminded faggot
>nobody likes harem endings
Depends how 'main' the main girl is.

If all the girls get somewhat equal screen time then a harem end seems plausible.

If one girl is quite obviously the main girl and gets by far the most attention, then a harem end makes less sense.
Fuck off, you retarded narrowminded faggot. You reek of underage.
Because people want their favorite girl to win. Harem ends are for fence sitting faggot MCs.

Omnibus is the true best end.
>Harem ends are for fence sitting faggots MCs.

Oh, look what faggots strolled in.
If none of the other girls even have a chance and just get in the way is the only time things should stick with a shitty generic main girl wins ending.
TLR might be heading for it, but I won't hold my breath. If it does well in sales even with the ending, it might change something.
Strike the Blood, despite having a very, VERY clearly defined main girl hinted at a harem end.
Because the appeal of haremshit is as much seeing girls you don't like suffer as it is wish fulfillment.

At least that's the only explanation I can imagine for how much of a focus it is.
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Because amateur writers can't do a proper harem end. If it wasn't felt like an asspull end then it would be more like an open ending. And it would satisfy none.

You mean like Ben-to ?
What MC deserve their harem? There's Ken first of all.
I want to do some heavy reading in a few weeks. Whats page has the best translations?
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Because one girl winning will sell more than the whole harem winning.

Also people love to see the childhood friend losing.
It ended, it wasn't a harem end in the LN.

Harem end has major downsides for publishers though. Otaku are less-invested, which means less purchases, and less potential for side-story and spin-off material that lead to more money. So the editors direct their authors to not do harem ends.
Photo Kano is the best example I can think of, also Yosuga no Sora.
I figured it would be the other way around. People won't buy if their favorite girl loses.
>Densha Otoko: Volume 9 is an omnibus of all potential endings
>Volume 10 is true ending, everyone but autistic cousin loses
>Epilogue on Author's blog has them raising a kid
Isn't DxD telling the editor to fuck off and going full harem end?
What's the maximum total of harem ends in anime and manga? Less than 50?
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Who won in OreShura? It seemed like Silver will win at the end of the anime, but orange was pretty close too.
Weren't Orangefags going crazy with hype over how they had shit in the bag and Silver was going to get crushed in the end?
>Why don't Japanese authors do harem end more often?
Harem end gets in the way of the conflict of "who wins", which many love comedies depend on.

Master harem end authors however, makes sure that a harem end makes sense. The male first of all, must be truly worthy. The women 2nd of all, must be able to get along with each other. Harem End stories need conflicts that are OUTSIDE romance. Like with the Tenchi Multiverse where there is usually a bad guy you need to defeat.

As long as the plot has a goal NOT related to "who the guy end up fucking", then harem end is achievable.

On the other hand, if the story revolves around which girl the guy would pick, then the option just isn't there.
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>Photo Kano
>Yosuga no Sora

Out of all alternative
>The male first of all must be truly worthy
>The women 2nd of all must be able to get along with each other

This. I cannot possibly say the latter enough times.
>On the other hand, if the story revolves around which girl the guy would pick, then the option just isn't there.

You mean watering down the romance part so that there will be less hassle to develop harem end? Pleb level of thinking right there
Above all else the harem needs to feel like a family for things to truly work out. I'd assume this is what masters know how to do?
DxD better have a harem end, 'cuz i oont even like Rias
We're talking about "who's gonna win the Xbowl" shit. There's nothing that stops an author from giving relationship development to all girls at various carefully timed points. Like MC-kun helping one girl with family problems then later helping another with a passion of theirs.
Has there ever been a series that ends with an unwitting harem? Like, the MC just cheats on all the girls with the other girls?
MC comply with silver since they're partner in crime. He also has guilty consequences looming after him.

MC just cannot brush orange aside (both literally or figuratively) because, the way he is now and all of his purpose in life are all because of her. She is the one who made him moved on.
School Days?
But you're implying that conflict INSIDE romance shouldn't happen for a harem end to make sense.

Did I took a wrong direction here?
That's a Boat ending though.
Not that anon. I was talking about who's gonna win kind of shit. I wasn't saying to water down any romantic development at all. As long as it's spread out equally and one girl doesn't start looking like a soulmate.
The point of harem ends is either a literal harem (which is alright, I guess), or that every girl is the "soulmate" for the MC. You know, because soulmate is a retarded concept that only children actually think is real, adults realize that it's all about the companionship.
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>Yosuga no Sora.

At least best girl got a route in the fan disc.
Haru is too good.
Oreshura doesn't really work as a harem. Black and Pink are almost fillers.
Like Marika and Tsugumi in Nisekoi or like Rin in IS
Every harem needs fillers
Speak for yourself faggot.
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I want to tumblr faggots to go and stay go
>or that every girl is the "soulmate" for the MC

How does that even work? If this is a fantasy scenario, gods don't just randomly do shit like decide someone randomly is meant to find x number of specific girls to complete him. Which is why as a writer I'd just stay away from the concept of fated lovers altogether. Or better yet have some stupid shit where MC is literally born without an actual soulmate, so becoming a harem king is just as right for him as anyone else just having a waifu or husbando; he's not missing out on his actual soulmate because he never even had one.

Honestly, I think it would be best to just focus on companionship the most and work towards living as a family.
>staining LotGH with your faggotry

Kill yourself.
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Face it, if you are opposed to the idea of rounding up all homosexuals (and other degenerates for that matter) in concentration camps in order to work them to death, then you belong there yourself.

Sad waste of good quads btw
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