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Can boys love traps?
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Can boys love traps?
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I'm getting mixed messages here.
Stop with this gay shit.
As long as the trap is cute, it's okay.
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The answer is yes.
No. Go back to /y/.
Traps aren't gay, friend.
boys arent either
It's the purest form of love.
Nah, they're yaoi.
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Why are boys so much better than girls? What purpose do girls even serve besides being baby making machines?
Saika looks so high.
I don't approve, so no.
Would it matter if the trap wanted to be a trap?
Still gay.
Classic Chinzururina.
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Except that it is Narusawa Sora.
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No. That's gay.
What happened to the french filename?
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There is nothing wrong with being ashamed of true boy love.
Isn't that part of Chin Dere?
I might be senile.
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that's a good gaijin
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Nothing wrong.
But boys can't love boys.
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He's in love with a lie. If Aikawa didn't crossdress he would never have loved him.
>>115920042 (Dead)

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Of course not, boys are meant to love girls.
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>Love girls

Sounds pretty gay.
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It's the happy kind of gay. Not the evil kind that exists between two men full of lust.
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actually, it's kinda hetero to like girls and not boys
Isn't the point of traps to create the illusion of a girl tho?
The point of traps is creating the illusion of a girl that still retains its dick.
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