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It's official: Durarara is going to be 3-cour http://de
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It's official: Durarara is going to be 3-cour
Fucking fujoshi.
inb4 salty baccanofags
So mad, not even gonna say anything.
3 cour. This shit gets 3 fucking cour. My attention span can't last that long.
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>all that Celty
>『デュラララ!!×2 承』2015年1月より
>『デュラララ!!×2 転』2015年7月より
>『デュラララ!!×2 結』2016年1月より
Jesus christ
>18 BD volumes
Dengeki has so many series that deserve 3 cour and they give it to this shit.
>all that fujoshit money
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nigger with a chair.gif
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Will Celty FINALLY get her fucking head back?
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If they really are trying to finish things then yes, for a short while anyway.
Well. Baccano is better but DRRR is still better than 90% of the dreck that makes it to airwaves these days so I won't complain
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Get fucked, haters.
It makes me physically ill. I was having a nice day too.
So mad.
>average DRRRfag
>studio execs face.jpg
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Why are you so angry?
Like what?
Hard mode: Don't say Kino no Tabi.
He wanted more generic harem shows.
Because now I have to sit through 36+ more episodes of this garbage.
I'm very happy about this
Why don't we have long running shows anymore?
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>A show I like is getting THREE cours

Is this real life or just fanta sea? It's going to feel like a lifetime has passed by the time it's over.
Then don't watch it.

Really complicated solution, I know.
spice & wolf
Spice and Wolf
And how am I supposed to shitpost properly if I don't watch it?
A few years ago I would have been ecstatic, now I just don't give a shit but I'll watch it anyway since I remember liking it.

Of all the shows though...

Good point, I earned the right to talk shit about gundam by watching all of it.

It was not easy but I should have spaced it out
Please find some time to animate some more Natsume between all the DRRR, Brains Base.
I found it pretty funny that they made a new studio just for this, it's like Brains Base really don't want to be associated with second seasons.
S2 is not animated by Brains Base.
>3 Cour

That's pretty rare.
Oh. Carry on, then.
If Baccano hadn't focused on western themes nipponland would of liked it more. Durarara getting 3 cour means about 52 episodes,right? Awesome! Toonami should get that like they did Space Dandy.But still I hope they don't focus too much on the three high school kids they are really boring especially the big boobed glasses girl and the boy who controls 4chan.
Yowamushi Pedal was a recent series that had one
>he legitimately has a problem with anime M00t
anon you have problems.
>3 cour means about 52 episodes,right?
Wat. Do you even math? More like 36.
As long as they keep doing what they did in the first season, awesome. I really liked Durarara!!

If they fuck it up and it becomes a slow, overly stretched out or bloated, poorly paced spiralling death over a 3-cour, then fuck
For something that isn't sports / shonen / for kids it doesn't happen often. I think the last one we had was Space Bros.
The show went to shit in the second half. I can't even imagine how much worse it gets from there.
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