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What country has this game been released in?
Officially: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, the UK, and the USA

>Is anyone else having trouble with x?
Yes. Servers have been fucking up forever. If you have an issue, it's likely a server issue or a bug not unique to you.

>When will the game be released in my country?
What are we, from the future? We don't know.

>It says that the app is incompatible with my devices! What gives?
This is a region lock and it is very probable that your device IS in fact compatible with Pokemon GO. Install the app to find out! Directions are below.

>If I live outside of the countries in which this game has been officially released, can I download this game for Android?
Sure! Keep reading for directions.

>How do I download the game?
Go to http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-29-0-release/pokemon-go-0-29-0-android-apk-download/
You will need a file manager on your phone. Get a file manager in the Google Play store.

OLD THREAD: >>27175483
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First for Mystic
Pastafag here. stil can't download it
It's not on the android store yet
Can you guys not download the .apk for your phones? Or is one of you on iOS?
HA! Just like Mystic. They think they're first, but they're really second.
Will they upload the apk for the 29.2 update yet? My locations aren't correct for whatever reason when I catch pokemon.
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>been living off the 2 pokestops in mainstreet
>go for a long walk today
>see this
i have found the promised land
iOS actually has the easiest method of installation, just change your region and download it from the app store
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It's out only on iOS.
Android'll come later
When will this die away from the normies so the dedicated ones would stay?

Too many people desu
I've gotta drive a town over to find anything like that myself. Nice.
looks like you can get some water mons too nice
I meant first team post for Mystic but whatever.
>Game thrives on mass interaction and synergy
>You want LESS people playing
Are you retarded?
Is it true that Trump Tower is a Gym?
Como se juega en Mexico?
having 10+ people wandering around the streets all mumbling aerodactyl, while you also try to find it was really fun

>it fled
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depende donde juegues, solo tengo una pokeparada cerca y no esta muy cerca, y el gps hace que sea un infierno agarrarla ya que me pone del otro lado de la calle no en la parada donde estoy sentado

Y al menos aqui, no existen casi los Pokemon de agua
>not going out to catch pokemons while also watching other people fucking run for a wartortle and stare at each with sneers as they are in a different team
Can't wait for the battles and trading desu
I want to pay a taxi cheap to drive me around , but I'm afraid of kidnap.
>yfw Team Rocket faction becomes a thing in the app
>They can steal Pokemon from spawning if they catch them first for an hour or so
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Should I dump my candies into this guy, or wait a bit and get a better Shellder?
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I posted this in vg's /pgg/ already.

I drew the team leaders for from their silhouettes.

I don't ever visit vp or vg, but I decided to post here for exposure. I filled in the silhouettes for Blanche and Candela because they looked cute. I have no formal art experience, so the fingers and shading look horrible.

The resolution of the original silhouette image is horrible, so my drawing is also in low-res. Even neural networks can't save it.
So there's next to no landmarks/pokestops on my edge of the town. How do I go around making my own?
>pokemon that run away right after you throw your first ball
this shit should be illegal
>mfw gonna catch rare mons and trade them for a price
going to be rich soon mank
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Death to Valorfags.
So when the bar above the pokemon goes all of the way to the other side does that mean you can't power it up anymore?
Anyone in London? Gonna head down there next week, where's best for Pokestops and rare mons?
Go uber
>Nice weather all week
>Day off tomorrow finally
>Thunderstorms predicted

Not like I wanted to play or anything. At this rate I'm never going to catch up to any gyms.
Not until your trainer level increases, yeah. When that goes up, your bar can go higher.
Is anyone in florida?
Ok so it's balanced out sort of so that the higher your trainer level the higher you can level your mons. Ok, that's cool and thank you for informing me.
Average Mystic player
>Recognizes games for the fun and rewarding aspects
>True fans of Pokemon
>Enjoys the films of Goddard, Tovarsky, Anderson
>Favorite albums are AOTS, Loveless, Court of the Crimson King
>Regularly browses /lit/,/g/, /sci/
>Drinks Craft beer, top shelf Liquor, and smokes the dankest Nug while playing Go
>Favorite shows are the Wire, Sopranos, and The Twilight Zone
>Wears only the most comfortable yet fashionable attire from high end department stores
>Goes to top tier private universities and majors in science or math

Average Valor player
> Sweaty
>Plays CoD, Battlefield, FIFA
>favorite directors are Nolan and Tarrantino; Also any superhero movie
>Loves listening to Yeezy and Kendrick Lamar
>Regularly browses boards like /sp/, /fit/, /k/, /o/
>Favorite shows are GoT, Breaking Bad, Mad Men
>Goes to state or community college majors in Business or liberal arts
>Dresses in graphic tees and sports jerseys
>Favorite Pokemon is Charizard

Average Instinct player
>Typical KDR obssessed "MLG snipexxx pro gamers"
>Watches a different anime every week
>Only listens to anime and video game soundtracks as his favorite music
>Favorite movies are also anime
>When hes not playing DOTA and CS:GO hes playing the latest weeabo loli game
>diet consisting of Pizza bagels and Mountain Dew
>Regularly browses boards like /v/, /b/, /a/
>Masturbates to cartoons atleast twice a day
>Wears "mature" clothing such as trench coats and obscure Japanese designers
>Is an Atheist and libertarian
>Is contrarian and tends to hate anything that is popular
I am. Around where I live I have about 10 gyms that are all within a 1 minute to 5 minute drive from my house but not a whole lot of pokestops. I have a couple "hot spots" if you will, where I can get 2 stops at the same time in 1 location but overall there isn't much.
I'm fine with not dealing with gyms because they seem like a waste of time to me. But what "team based benefits" are you talking about?
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Rate my squad

Guess I'm a shitty Mystic

Enjoys the films of Goddard, Tovarsky, Anderson

Favorite albums are AOTS, Loveless, Court of the Crimson King
AOTS? Anime of the season? I like BABYMETAL.

Regularly browses /lit/,/g/, /sci/
/v/, /vg/, /a/

Drinks Craft beer, top shelf Liquor, and smokes the dankest Nug while playing Go
I drink water and orange juice.

Favorite shows are the Wire, Sopranos, and The Twilight Zone

Wears only the most comfortable yet fashionable attire from high end department stores
I got some nice shoes at SportChek.

Goes to top tier private universities and majors in science or math
I'm applying for an IT course at a technology institute.
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Working in midtown manhattan is nice
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Also who /yellow gang/ here?
Have you found a gaslty farming area near you? I need a Gengar. I wish there was some kind of interactive map where people could mark where they saw pokes.
Stop being a little shit.
I'm yellow. Only joined yellow because my buddies did. At the moment there's nothing too significant that differentiates the teams. I hope more things get released that helps them feel different.
>>27177447 #
Had it happen to a friend of mine and myself at the same time.

We had just grinded for pokeballs downtown, were carrying 50+ each. It baited us with two really high cp rares: one venomoth, one golbat. We bit, and they proceeded to dodge, spontaneously attack, break out of, and blatantly "accidental curveball" deflect everything we threw at them til it either ran or we ran out of balls.

I'm telling you, this is a designed feature, and obvious jewing.

Doing it to just one is happenstance. But two people getting the exact same glitches twice in a row simultaneously? Not likely. We had too many spare balls, and they wanted us back down to where we'd be doublethinking breaking down and buying a few.
can someone help me?
if i claim the reward after putting a pokemon in a gym, there is a cool-down, but can i get more rewards if i put pokemon in other gyms while the CD?
Yellow here

Is that a female Raichu?
Anyone played GO on an airplane? What's it like?
/yellow/ here. chose it because I want to be solo powerhouse
I have not. I've found 1 ghastly and it really wasn't in a convenient area for me. I was out of my way with my friends driving around.

No. You essentially want to throw mons into as many gyms as possible and then claim your rewards fast before any of the gyms you put stuff in get taken back.
It's like playing Go.

But on a plane!
hope all you cheaters get b&
What? How would call this cheating?
I don't cheat, git gud fgt

I taught my friend to play wel and he went from 11 to 15 in a few hours
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Yellow here. Joined because it's the least obnoxious/elitest. But mainly because

Zapdos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the other two
how did you get a high CP? can you please explain?
Would you get b& for going too fast?
This. Joined Instinct simply because I prefer Zapdos over the other two. Had nothing to do with anything else.
qtest, nicest girls locked behind chad boyfriends
"not like other girls" girls, tumblr, most likely to be BLACKED
ungrateful landwhales
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Team valor more like team valor moon
Heh, its move are shit, so I wouldn't waste candies on it
Not banned. It just doesn't load in right unless you're going under 20. If your character is running, it's too fast for eggs and spawns. It has to be walking avatar speed or less.

>pick Valor
>mfw i match all of those except the jerseys and community college
Your trainer level plays a big role. The higher your trainer level, the higher mons you'll be running into and the higher you can power up your pokemon. Also I've noticed it seems to make a difference if you power up first evo mons a couple times THEN evolve them. Is that confirmed to be a thing btw? It feels like it's a thing.
Zapdos is also my favorite but I wanted to be on the winning team so I chose Mystic.

Atleast we have the best logo and the best color and the best Pokemon.
Alright thanks mang.
I only joined Valor because I liked the description best. I could care less about the kind of people who join as well. It's probably vast generalization anyway.

A bunch of my friends and I all all different factions, but that doesn't stop us from grouping up and playing together. The teams literally don't matter.
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I'm level 23 so I have a really high cp limit

I get enough candies to evolve something to its max level (even if that means 125 for two evolutions) then only evolve the base evolution if the cp meter is full

Like I have more than enough candies to evolve my goldeen but I'd rather wait for one with maxed CP for an uber seaking
Is watergun/icebeam a good moveset?
every site i when into said that it you can power or evolve, there is no better because the white line stays the same... ?
Yes it one of the better movesets for water types IMO
Literally none of this is true in my experience.
Dope stuff man, also /yellow gang/
Jelly of your Raichu
Has anyone played this on an airplane yet?
>Has all these high cp mons
>Only controls one gym

This is why Instinct is always in last place
Water gun is OP because it's powerful and is really fast with a chance for hitstun

My 1300 vaporeon easily beats 1500+ electric Pokemon by just spamming water gun. My 1700 vaporeon walks through entire gyms easily
That's true, but moves change between evolution, so you should always power AFTER. You don't want to waste stardust on a Pokemon that's gonna have a shitty moveset.
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>Hatch a 10K egg
>Get a fucking 503 CP Evee
>Didn't even give me enough candies to evolve it
>Get enough
>Get a 1298CP flareon
>Already fucking have 4 of them
I have yet to have a pokemon over 1k CP. Please don't sit there and bitch about something like that. Also why complain about duplicates? That's more power houses to stick into gyms. C'mon use your head!
>best logo
Feminine asf
Leader is gonna be a twink

>best color
But that's red (not a Valor autist btw)

>best Pokemon
>being 4x weak to incognito pebbles
>best ever

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All i wanted was a jolteon worth a damn.
>take a walk around local park
>path of park is a loop
>gym in parking lot off path
>decent to check it out
>people in the parking lot just camping the gyms while sitting in their cars
I can't wait for normies to get bored of this game
Anything is better than that lame valor flame logo, looks like it should be on a walmart discount tee.

Blue is forever superior to red son.

And I didn't mean best bird, I mean best Pokemon is general as they control the majority of gyms.
And you'll eventually get one! But for now, you got something else to to throw into a gym to kick some ass.
What level are you?
jeeze, where are you getting all those eevees?
Even if you use wifi you'll be moving so fast there is now way you'll get pokemon
but, what about the flying pokemon
That's not how the game works.
Good to know. Thanks.
Yeah, I think evees are more common than caterpies in the suburbs.
By chance where are you? Or like what's a monument/park nearby? Eevees are only a small trickle for me.
Doduos are my areas Zubat/tatta
I'll go with uncommon. Where as Pidgeys and Rattatas are common. But yeah Eevees aren't too hard to come by for me either.
>found out how to spoof my gps
>sitting in a cemetery by 3 pokestops near my house right now

going to blow the normy gym next to my house out
How do?
I did it lads, I wiped everything, reset to factory default and updated this stupid fucking phone from 4.4 to 6.0 piece by piece all fucking day and am FINALLY allowed to go uncrashed into the game!

I picked Bulbasaur because I've always hated that little shit and never had one before. Do you even use your starter for anything? Can you trade at all?
i was lying im not actually doing that
Nope. Just a small town on the east coast.
>Put a shitty 900cp clefable into a gym
>Been stuck in there for days now.

Come Valor and Instinct, are you even trying? I want my Pokemon back.
Bout to hit level 15, havent used incense or lures at all yet, thinking about cracking one open.

What is the most optimal way to use these two items? Is it in conjunction?
Which team has more lowlife, cheating GPS spoofers you think?
I majin buu'd my bulbasaur in favor of a better one cause I have no soul
Bah fuck. I mean, I live in a suburb but there's not actually any pokemon here due to being kinda old, so I guess old people don't use their cell phones at home too much.
Nope. Transfer your starter right out of the gate. It's completely useless at level 1.
Well 4chan probably cheats more than anyone else and they are they are mostly the contrarian Instinct team, so that is an obvious answer
Valor because it's the contrarian team of choice for Neets on /v/
Eevee and growlithe are uncommon but more common then caterpie in my area. I've seen and caught more of then then I have caterpie or weedle.

Ratatta and pidgie are common as hell.
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r-r-rate my team please..

please dont bully me..

For some reason GPS shits itself inside my house, so it shows my guy running around in the surrounding area. I also live right next to a pokestop I can spin from indoors. Good times.

There's also a gym right around the corner, but some blufags keep taking it instantly whenever it's not blue. I assume they live right next to it.
What is the multiplier for 3 Stage Evolution?
Or, what CP at stage one guarantees 1300+ CP stage 3?
Looks dumb having about 5 of the same Pokemon.

Go for more variety
>s-s-stutter shit-t-tter
get out
>pls no bully
Nigga, I haven't broken 800 cp yet, and you're sitting there with shit twice that?

Good job, good shit, I guess, fuck I dunno
Anyone else have this bug? Won't load the map location of where a Pokemon was caught.
>Having more than one of each Eeveelution
>Having 50 Arcanines

Why do people do this shit? It bugs my Autism.
Pick one, faggot.
I personally consider that a feature, not a bug. This isn't like the handhelds where you can keep one motherfucker that actually matters and have it learn different shit.
Yep. I noticed that earlier today. None of my pokemon are showing the map.
I think the most popular way of using is sitting between two or three PokeStops and using them together. If you still have the lucky egg from lvl 9 or if you bought one, pop it up too.
I should honestly throw away all my arcanines, but I'm waiting to get 9 1000+ so I can fill my screen up with all of them, heheh
Stop being triggered
>Growlithe even exists in your area
I'm jealous.
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My setup (lvl 12)
>mfw 100km medal
probably because theyre good mons and you can have extras to drop in different gyms
>burny rabbit

you're fucking garbage you piece of shit
because theyre strong, so you can put a strong pokemon anytime theres a friendly gym nearby
So they can hold them at multiple gyms.
I have a dilemma:

Should I wait until I reach max level before I bother evolving my faves so I can get max CP or can I progressively increase the max CP as I level up?

I don't want to waste 100 Magikarps for example if it means it will be weaker than if I just left it until then.
How does the pokedex work?
I have 41 pokemon with no duplicates but only 37 registered in my pokedex
But vaporeon and flareon are way better than jolteon
I don't know about that anon, but my Jolteon has been very useful to take out Pidgeots because it the ace 'mon for a lot of players.
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It's nice. But at the same time it means all the gyms are flooded with Arcanine.

I'm at level 14. Couldn't do much today. Hopefully hit some interesting places this weekend.
Nobody even knows what max level is yet, dude. Hoard all your stardust until like 22, then just do whatever you want after that. If you hold off until a mystery number you may never reach, your missing out on half the fun of the game.
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I joined valor purely for 2 reasons I love the color red and I love boobies
Candela has the best name too.
After you hit level 20, it takes so much more exp to level up. I don't think anyone is going to hit the level max for a while.
I would literally suck a dick if I could stop getting fucking growlithes.

caught a the 1540 like 2 hours ago.. I wasnt happy in the slightest
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>Be me
>Came back from college for summer
>Discover go
>Take my baby brother(he's 6) to gyms, pokestops, etc
>Tell him to shut up, legendary is legend
>Screenshots it , shows me
>Fuck him over and drive away from it.
>Literally go back to my parents house
>He cries screaming"It's not fair, THERE IS NO GOD"
Anyone elses nearby tracker not working?
Stupid shit I've heard today
>Practicing throwing curve balls because great balls curve every time
>Some guy across the bridge caught a mewtwo
>Some guy across the bridge caught a ditto
>You can collect missed pokeballs by tapping them
>Ditto comes from a 10km egg
>Your 'collectible circle' gets bigger as you level
>You get more xp per catch as you level

Yeah mine stopped about an hour ago
mine wasnt but the usual spawn points by my house were still working
How can anyone believe stupid rumors like that in this day and age. You can literally confirm everything with google
Hatching eggs has been a huge hassle for me
I think I'm done
Pokemon Red/Blue shit all over again. Normies trying to be cool by telling lies.
>hatch 2 10km eggs
>fucking eevee's

Yeah fuck egg hatching
I believed the pokeball collection for a day :(
Mystic is the normie team in the UK, or at least the parts of the UK I've been through the past couple of days. They don't know the team names, just refer to them as colours.
>Hatch 10KM egg. It's a fucking Pinsir that's just slightly half way to max
>Hatch another 10KM egg. It's also a Pinsir, with similar CP

I hate these eggs. Those were the only 10KMs I got too. Rest are all 5KM.

I would've preferred even Eevees to this piece of shit. I could at least get a ton of candies to evolve Eevees for easy high CP Eeveelutions and exp then. Now I just got 60 fucking candies for a mon I never want to use and would eat all my Stardust to power up.
Shit, what's the highest anyone has seen?

So when should I evolve my Gyarados?

And does the CP meter max increase when you level up?
anyone level 30 yet?
How does the Lucky egg work?
It doubles EVERY exp gain? is getting new Pokemon included? (the 500 bonus you get for dex registering)
I got one too from my 10km egg.

I've been happier anout hatching magikarp then I was for the Pinsir, since Pinsir are uncommon in my area.
I had some decent stuff spawning by my house the first few days, now it's all garbage. Best thing I saw all day was a single eevee. Had multiple kinglers, rhyhorns, haunters, and an abra before. Anyone else feel like their area started getting shafted?
>Everyone leveling up like crazy
>Not even gen 2 released
>30 is probably the cap
Yep. Hatching, catching, and even pokestop exp is doubled.
Yep. That's why when you first start out, you can drop a dollar on a lucky egg just to powerlevel by catching new pokemon species. It also doubles the XP you get from evolving (500 > 1000), which is the main way people powerlevel.
You get a free extra Pokemon just for walking, which you do playing the game anyway. How is it a hassle? Just incubate and forget about them until they hatch.
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>/sp/, /fit/, /k/, /o/

literally the best boards on this site
Can confirm. Valorfag here. Match all of those.

All i'd add is
>Hate Tarrantino
>Love Trump
>Carry a gun while playing Pokemon GO
>wears Trump, Don't Tread On Me, or camo shirts
>Listens to country, pop, rap
>Often screams 'Valor!" in PMG crowds
>Total Alpha
>Will sit in sports bar watching ESPN drinking bud light while talking about the benefits of Charizards move sets
I'm this guy >>27178075

Juts got the extra geodude and Growlithe

gonna drop a incense as well, I will get close enough to level 11.
Is it finally time to worry about cp and stuff?
Mankey looks like a fucking retard
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Done for now, I think. Got a bunch of 3k/3s or 2.5k/2s waiting to evolve when I stock up on Pidgey for an egg. Super disappointed that Electrode (923 @ 3k/3) and Dugtrio (601 @ 2.5k/2) aren't at least somewhere on the 2nd page
I'm Valor and even I want you to kill yourself.
Yup, mine's blank too. Still encountering Pokemon though.
>multiple lure modules close to each other
>it's 2 AM
after level 20, the grind to level up is very frustrating
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what are good attack moves? Is this Pokémon worth using stardust on?
Thought it was just me for a second
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So let me see if I understand this.
>pokemons CP limit increases per level
>you should always level up your pokemon as high as possible, then evolve them
>no one knows max level
>some pokemon have more CP limit than others for your level

The only thing on here that I've trained at max for my level, then evolved was my Pidgeot which didn't even break 1000, so I guess I evolved him way too early?
I'm holding off to start boosting and taking gyms until level 20. Because I keep hearing that after that leveling is a struggle, so I'm not even going to worry about it.
Thing is, they probably thought no one would get this far in mere 2 weeks.

There's still 6 gens to be added, that means more extra exp for new Pokemon and possibly easier evolutions if the candy requirements get lower (more Pokemon, less chance to encounter the same ones over and over, maybe)
>>you should always level up your pokemon as high as possible, then evolve them
>Halfcircle barely even half full
Hell no. The moveset is irrelevant.
It entirely depends on your area

Gyms around here are all 500-900 so just try to keep up with the people near you, not New York unlimited resources grinding
Forgot to mention he started as pidgey
Are you guys using the APK?
Or in a specific country?
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I met a really nice girl today at my local gym. She held her own wth her arcanine. Her name was Mikayla, she seemed interested but I don't know. I was being a sperg and I didn't know how to talk to her playing the fucking game.
Explain please
>you should always level up your pokemon as high as possible, then evolve them
No, basically

>Is the unevolved Pokemon cp meter nearly full? (maybe around 80-85%)
Evolve it and hope the moveset doesn't suck
>Did you catch a fully evolved Pokemon with good Moveset and near full CP?
Train that
>level up pokemon with good move set and waste stardust
>evolutions movesets reroll and its shit

Evolve then level up if its good
They are probably fixing the eternal 3 mark untrackeable Pokemon glitch/bug and the actually trackable Pokemon dissapearing bug/glitch
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>make my character wear the red/white hoodie with the intention of joining team valor
>my friends all join team mystic
>having second thoughts on what team to join
>if I join another I won't be color coded correctly
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put on a raincoat and catch electric pokemon during the storm
What are the best moves for Dragonite? I found one outside my house, and it has Steel Wing and Dragon Claw. The bar's a bit above half, I'm only level 10, and he's at 700 CP, each time I power him up it goes up about 50. Shit thing is, I've never caught any dratini. Do I wait to try to evolve a dratini, or put my hopes and dreams into this gigantic faggot?
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>assume i'll be able to change looks later on so i go with the default appearance
There's not even a good set of colors for other teams. I was gonna color code for instinct but half of it's orange anyway so I just went with the red hoodie too.
I went yellow everything, with all intentions to go Valor. I just like the color yellow, because it makes me look faster. Yellow team is fucking awful though, bunch of faggots.
Don't worry about investing in that Dragonite, you'll probably find a better one later on, but for level 10, 700 CP is a good temporary catch, most lower tier gyms are guarded by 600s.
Does anyone elses touch screen stop working after waking the game up from battery saver mode?
Trust me, play with your friends.

Being in Valor alone is suffering
I also think part of it is to keep new players from seeing level 50s with 10000 CP mons or whatever and feeling like they could never catch up.
I'm a little late to the party, but have managed to get to level 5 without leaving home. Now it looks like my NEET, shut-in self is going to go outside.

There are some Pokestops near me that I know do not exist anymore. Does the application just care that I took a picture at a particular spot, or OF a particular THING?

Thank you.
You just spin the icon on the touch screen when you're in range
I was just wondering, because dragonites seem pretty damn rare, as well as dragonairs and dratinis. So I was thinking of putting the dratini candy I will get in the future into this dragonite, just to breach 1000 cp or so to be my main hitter.

It just seems like the bar is so low, and I could grow it into a real monster. I just don't know how likely it'll be that I'll ever get another dragonite.
You don't have to take a picture. Just go to where it says the thing is and spin the center icon for items.

50 is the rumored cap. No fucking clue how someone will get to that though, considering the exponentially insane amounts of exp needed for leveling past 20.
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Time to hunt seals.
Ok thank you.
I didn't know there were teams when I installed the Aussie sideload version at four in the morning. My character is a technicolor nightmare.
pasta here, can't find anything decent
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Bro do the *belch* Pikachu trick if you're starting over, MORTY!....
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So I just downloaded this and I live in the buttfuck of nowhere. There are towns near by so I could drive to them.

Is this the way forward?

Also I've recently moved so all of my friends live hours away and I don't know anyone in the region who plays.
Is it still worth playing?

Can I just become team rocket and drive around in my car to sabotage the local kids?
I like it, great job tbqh
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This is my team from 2 hours worth of sitting on my bed. I'm lvl 5. Does shit get rarer when the game gets going properly? Or can I just keep catching mons who appear in my toilet?
>Guy Fieri
My sides.

Is Blanche supposed to be a dude, though? I thought it was a chick.

>Does shit get rare?

Says the man with a fucking Ghastly and an extra Squirtle. Those are rare as fuck, moreso and especially the Ghastly.
>your best mons
>your level

pic related
dude what
they're common as hell here
There is a beach park in my city that's filled with Dratini. I was able to catch six out of the eight I saw.
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GO was foreshadowed in X and Y
>all that shit in your apartment
how big is that shit damn son all i get is pidgeys and ratatata at home

i don't know but i got a slowbro on the bus home last night so that was pretty cool

i think the longer you play in a certain place, the more shitmon appear or something along those lines

Ghost types are the rarest spawn in the game, and the starters are also among the higher tier rarities. You're like the guy who lives near a Dratini spawn, you got lucky as shit.

is that your level or age?
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>update android os
>quick bar up top is no longer completely transparent

It was completely transparent before and showed my time/icons but now its like with any other app and is like a 50% transparent black bar. Im autistic and I want it back to normal, what do I do?
Never been on this board but don't you guys think its suspicious Pokemon Go hasn't been released in Japan?
I'm pretty sure it's due to population density. There's a huge number of people here. Another theory is that Nintendo really wants the bugs fixed before they push out this product in Japan.

Who knows though, really? I just want to play...
What shit can they do to improve this game? Especially in rural areas.
Or maybe they're gathering data on other countries with Go...
You're in luck anon. If you have autism, you have the ability to do mathematics better than non-autists. And if you can do that, you can learn how to code it yourself!

>some autistic mysticfag actually made this
My game has been freezing when I click on these three Pokemon on my list, just those three, and needs to be restarted. Started happening last night. Anyone else?

That's already happening to me at 18. I'm hoarding shitmons to see if they give you a Lucky Egg at 19 but I have a sneaking suspicion they won't. That's not to say my Lucky Eggs went to waste before;they got me to this level. I just don't think it's always feasible to never evolve anything unless that 30 minute window of opportunity is active. The item, along with incense, is simply too rare.
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Soon, my Dream Devourer. Soon.
Are we not getting items past 15 anymore? I don't see anything when I level up.
Can I get incense, incubators, lucky eggs, lures from pokestops?
where to get evees in new york? the parks have only zubats and pinsirs
Download ingress and check the map for XM spots (the small sparkling spots). Every relevant concentration of XM is a potential poke spawn.

I have yet to see a single Electabuzz with a base move over 6 power. This seems to be the case with a lot of other "common rares" as well: Jynx, Magmar, Scyther, all of them seem to always have that horrible primary move. Luckily I have one Jynx with a nice primary attack but its secondary attack is terrible (Draining Kiss). In fact it just occurred to me that the single stage pokemon are generally the weakest, save a few exceptions like Kangaskhan, Snorlax, Aerodactyl, etc.
go to a suburb
Team Valor because one day when I become the very best
Not really. I've caught 80 different Pokemon so far and I only go to the park across the street. I hang out by lures for a few hours and I'll usually run into at least 5 a night I haven't seen before.
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>pokemon go
>still not coming japan and france
This whole situation was all in your head anon. She was just paying pokemon. Learn to chill man, women aren't that scary.
Is there mew mew two or missing no in this app?
Where the hell do you get gastly's from they always appear at random for me
Yes they have a rare drop
That's better that the fucking Onix i got, shits horribly weak while you can still get your stronk eeveelutions
I had 2 10km eggs that both hatched into Jynx. One has Frost Breath and Draining Kiss, the other has Pound and Ice Punch. Which of these should I keep?
Ohh nice tip thanks
Where did you find soo many? Location please!

Me too, seemed to have started with Grimer and then spread to the 2 Pokemon next to it, Scyther and Golbat. For me though restarting does nothing. Yeah the game works again but I still can't ever transfer or evolve the Grimer or anything. And now two other mons are also useless to me.
Thanks anon.
Mostly downtown. They're less common but come in big waves. Weren't many tonight. But found a big guy.
tell us! Gengar + alakazam are my favs
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