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/civ4xg/ - Stellaris, Civilization & 4X Strategy General
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Intern Wesley Crusher in charge of game code edition

>Stellaris OP:

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Dev Diary about upcoming Asimov patch

>Unofficial Stellaris Steam Group

>Where is the white only mods/patch
Ask in the thread.

>/civ4xg/ OP:

>More info on Civ VI:

Last Thread >>146162493
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Shut up Wesley
You do mean the one where you walk around the palace, talks to the Atreides, and then takes an ornitopter, flies to a sietches and hire fremens?

I loved that game.
I like this one better.
>kind of enjoyed Lynch's Dune because I didn't know about Dune before back then
>never played a single dune game
>thought the Dune Miniseries was boring with terrible effects
>tried reading Dune, couldn't stand it because it's not scifi, it's middle ages drama with scif/fantasy elements
Yes. With godly early 90s synth midi soundtrack.
It was the first truly cross genre game i ever played. Adventure puzzle game meets rts
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my MOTHER said it is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It gets more sci-fi later on.

If you want the full autism go find The Dune Encyclopedia, a work so godly it's not even canonical to the setting it's in.
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"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
The book really IS SciFi, in the classic sense.

It also helps to remember that Herbert was literally high as fuck on LSD when he came up with the concept for the book, and thought that in the future everyone would always be high as fuck on something, too.
I.. I'm not a Commander yet, but what did you want to know?
Spice is like DMT
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Do you use them?
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What is going on here? Wesley, put on your pants!
Anyone got a working torrent for 1.2 Asimov patch?
The one in the previous thread gives me a "division by zero" error when i try to patch the game.
too late Mom!
First time I see it.

There was music? When I played it, characters were animated and stuff, but there was no sound at all.
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it is ok, Wes
I am your mother and I will always love you
come here
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your mother may ride the captain's D all day

but you will still shut the fuck up when I tell you
On the subject of space, could someone recommend me good movies/series about space while I'm waiting for pirarte patch?
Event Horizon, Cargo, Moon.
I watched Expanse recently. I enjoyed it, but got confused who is who and wants what by the end.

Like the intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krqqqgixNq8
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psst, hey Wesley
It was originally a cdrom game with full voice audio.
You might have dl a ripped version without music
Oh yea thay was another thing it did. FULL VOICE AUDIO in 1991. Amazingly ahead of is time.
No, I remember Prince of Persia.
We didn't have any sound at all.
Thanks, will look into Expanse first as It is a series.

I'm still waiting for a series like Babylon though.
Hey guys check it out

Civ 6 gameplay narrated by Sean Bean


I hope he's the official narrator, that'd be fucking wonderful
Bit late to the party there pal
Does Asimov fix the game?
my sides, thanks for a good laugh Anon
Well since I have 100% warscore and the enmey refuses to end the war, I'd say no. Buggy as shit.

Coolest thing is that when you upgrade stations they gain in military power.
Stations are upgradable now?
Stations have always been upgradeable.
>update game
>load my ironic democracy happiness meme save
>bonus to production now much lower
>can't undock my fleet without going into massive deficit

thx paracucks
This is disappointing.

It's still in beta, though, right?

How good is Paradox in fixing things before official release -- base game not withstanding?
So just the same shit where you have to demolish them and rebuild?
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I'm thinking of downloading Stellaris again, is there a list of recommended mods or do I have to go through steam workshop?

Also is there a /civ4xg/ mod or do you guys ever think of making one?
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Why do we only talk about this Stellaris game now

What happened to Civ 5, Civ 4, Alpha Centauri, Beyond Earth, Endless Legend, etc?

Also is Stellaris good? I've apparently been under a rock for the last couple of months and haven't heard of it until now
Stellaris is a cool idea, but it needs a lot of work. Plenty of bugs and the mid/end game is fairly boring
Using observe command to see how AI fare with my custom empires. What's up with Fallen Empire and its ringworld full of primitives?

It's underdeveloped but still sort of fun. Lots of issues lots of underdesigned stuff. We talk about it because it's new.
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>What's up with Fallen Empire and its ringworld full of primitives?
>mfw a blot appears in the territory of a xenophobic FE
>and then the blot goes away
So when will we get the opportunity to play as pre-FTL primitives?
I think it has potential.
>pre-FTL primitives
>be enlighted
>be integrated
>thinking whether I should go for culture or science win this game
>asshole neighbor starts sending great prophets to my cities
>have to destroy him from the face of the earth
>everyone hates me
>kill them too

Why does this always happen?
>Let galaxy play itself
>Fanatic purifiers are first to go

Kek, so much for purification.
>Standing in a field filled with ash, smoke, nuclear debris and bodies

I know that feel.
>let galaxy play itself
>fanatic militarist materialists conquer the galaxy
>fanatic xenophile pacifist makes a federation including almost everyone
>let galaxy play itself
>come back the next day
>its the year 2700
>everything is still the same
I cant stress this enough, but this is my favourite gameplay element:

>uplift primitives
>lose war to xenophobic fallen empire
>they demand I abandon the primitives
>check the planet
>the natives decided to abandon their homeworld, too
Do you think Sean Bean has ever played video games?
They don't even have electricity up north so probably not
That terra incognita canvas effect is fucking beautiful.
holy fuck that game looks amazing. It seems to have basically everything I've ever hoped they'd go for with the Civ series.

I still won't preorder it though. Civ V seemed great before the release too but the AI was beyond retarded and it's even still broken as fuck.
I already get it for -100%.
Turned out Fallen Empire absolutely obliterates even developed scourge, but their AI don't seem to be able to finish the job.
That's the problem. They might be fallen empires, but techwise they're only 150-200 years ahead of the player (at start). There's no way for them to revitalize and they have nothing happening for them besides their triggers (holy worlds, purging, bordering etc.) They're just another "interesting idea but very shallow implementation"
They successfully overran me last time. They also attacked Scourge (I deliberately triggered it on year one and went observer to see how it goes) but failed to actually fix themselves on orbits.

I have no problem with their current concept of life from trigger to trigger, but once they are onto something they should stick to it.
I just think there's so much more that could be done with them. They could reawaken, go through some renaissance, at least have some tech the player can't conventionally research and is only a low-chance drop in debris. Have some great prophet send the holy guardians into some new mission, have a new galactic powerhouse make those isolationists get their shit together.
Yay, that kinda helps actually since I'm thinking about blowing a hundo on some games.
Fuck it, should I get the stupid spider race package?
Any good music since the soundtrack is included as well?
Like the music as ambient, but not enough to listen separately.
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>mfw Sean Bean is the actual in-game narrator
One of the rare games where narrator dies in mid-game.
Not gonna lie, the UI styling makes it feel like Sim City, which is not the way to go if you want to convince people your game isn't complete shite
The only reason this thread is even called 4xg is because Stellaris got pushed out of /gsg/, before Stellaris there was like one Civ 6 thread after the announcement. Even with the 4xg now, nobody will be playing anything else, at least until Civ 6 drops
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Anybody have Asimov available for pirates yet?
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The Neptunia mod is great.
ES2 when?
Hopefully never. I'm still salty about the AI producing 3x faster than me on blockaded planets.
Is MoO going to be good, /4xg/?
Does that mean the narrator dies at the end?
Sean Bean is secretly the Barbarian King. He dies and is replaced by Wesley when you kill the last barb on the map.
But MoO is the best already.
Unless you talking about the new one then probably it gonna be medicore.
So, it just occurred to me that the upcoming release of Civ VI means that Beyond Earth has probably been left behind.

It will never reach whatever potential that it might have had.
I like that. It could be a midgame crisis of some sort. A Fallen Empire decides it's enough time being fallen and decides to Become Great Againâ„¢.
It's broken. I think it can't really be salvaged beyond scrapping everything. Particularly units.

In theory it was a good idea, but result was just build more hovertanks. And having branches increase affinity shows that they very poor idea of what they are doing.
I just really, really wanted Alpha Centauri again.

Stellaris kind of scratches that itch, but the enemy empires need to have more personality.
The best is MoO3
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>Excess energy is used to give weapons extra damage

Well that's pretty awesome.
>unbidden event
>quickly save the galaxy before they become a real problem
>the entirety of the galaxy is now in a federation against me
>and then paradox ruins slavery
slavery is arguably stronger now comparatively since everything else got a bigger nerf
I'd rather have more customization over how the other empires start. It would be pretty fun to play as a race that recently acquired FTL while there are already federations and shit going at each other throats.

You could always set all other AI empires to advanced starts. They will quickly overwhelm you especially on higher difficulties
The only thing I like about 1.2 is that I can build fortresses with Tachyon Lances that will actually fucking help one another out and do something, instead of building 5 in a star formation and watching a shield fleet wipe them out one at a time.
>individualism wasn't actually renamed to liberal fascism
Fuck you Wiz.
>Irenic Democracy
> * Happiness effect removed
>(NEW) Core Systems increased by 4

>Subconscious Consensus
> * Core Systems effect removed
> * (NEW) Happiness increased by 10%

Into le waste.
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Dear /civ4xg/.

During current sale, both Pandora: First Contact with expansion and Beyond Urf with expansion, cost around the same, 15 EUR or something.

Which one is worth buying? Or neighter?
Individualistic shouldn't be in the game anyway. Heavily individualistic society wouldn't be able to be this technologically advanced
usually I go for culture of science, current game I got randomed into Shaka with Augustus as my closest neighbor
like uncomfortably close, we met 3 turns after the start of the game

Peace was never an option, went full warmonger, never looked back
the world hates me but given I just hit Impis and Augustus is a long forgotten memory (kept him around just long enough for his religion to get enhanced given I didn't manage to get one of my own...fucking 7 pantheons were founded by the time I finished pottery) they can suck a dick for all I care

interesting is just how god damn profitable bullying city states is. Haven't build a single worker this game
These are the worst changes.
The part that sucks is that half the govtype changes are good and the other half are complete shit.

Paradox doesn't have a clue.
Baseline humanity aren't just individualistic but fanatic individualists so individualism, as presented within the game, is perfectly fine given our pov is not being presented as balanced
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Sounds like the current trend in global economic currency wars, amiritegies?
If anything a heavily individualist society produces technological advancement faster than a collectivist society, especially so if they're militarized.
I remember switching to sanctuary aeon. Putting my labs on an island with a planetary shield. Fuck the orthodox church. By end game I had converted enough people to make sanctuary aeon the main religion.
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But distribution of the technology would be slow. A single man with the fastest ship in the Galaxy doesn't matter if the rest of the fleet is puttering around in his dust.
>launches first satellite
>in 12 years is completely surpassed by the USA that had no comparable space program when sputnik launched

How embarassing.
Is this thread about Distant Worlds too?
Are you intentionally being retarded?
Beyond \Earth is complete waste. Civ V is much better. Not even close to SMAC.
Pandora is better but has some serious flaw like not being fun.
The tech tree in Pandora is quite boring
lets be fair here, CCCP accomplishments in the space race were not the result of communism but rather, like with the USA, the result of several exceptional individuals
Korolev by himself contributed more to it than any aspect of communism ever did.
And now USA rely on remnants of Soviet achievments to even bring some supply on Orbit.
How Embarasing.
Ethic system implemented in game is just retarded.
But fine. What is worse that its implemented in retarded way.
This is what distinguishes the US from Russia
When the US won we recognized we were the best and there was no further need to continue the contest. Russia became perpetually butthurt and continuously tries to flex their dick muscle on the international stage but just ends up embarassing themselves.
eh I honestly think the USA has chosen the right path in outsourcing low payload and low orbital operations to third parties, be it commercial operations or the Russians and instead focusing their national program on the more experimental projects.
If an agency lands someone on Mars its going to be NASA, Roscosmos simply doesn't have the means to initiate projects on that scale, same with ESA and the CNSA as well as the ISRO still have over a decade worth of research to catch up to. Anyone else isn't even worth mentioning.
Fun fact: the USA lowered the scientific boundary of space in their country by 20km so they could include several test pilots as technically astronauts
for no particular reason:
individualistic = democratic
collectivist = autocratic
And autocrats hate enhanced leader while democrats are completely okay with it

It seems like Paradox completely randomly change stuff just so see what will happen
Space is just closer to america because we're better. Trump will lower the boundary again so that Denver is a space colony.
>When the US won we recognized we were the best and there was no further need to continue the contest.
lol, Soviets won every single space First, but Americans moved goalposts until they were able to accomplish at least Moon landing.
I have my money on Richard Bransen being the first man on mars desu
You'll have to admit the moon landing was a massive and significant undertaking.
CCCP didn't even get close to a manned landing and honestly it clearly showed that by that point the USA had definitively surpassed them in terms of technology and general capability.
>america beat russia to the ultimate goal
It doesn't matter how many times you pass the baton first, the first one to the finish line is always the winner.
>lose the 10km race
>lose the 20km race
>lose the 30km race
>win the 100km race
>y-you moved the goalposts w-we're still better!
How many layers of irony are you on?
Actually that make sense.
For nor particular reason:
Xenophobic - Traditionalist
Xenophile - progresive
Xenophobe, xenophile could be trait that effect pop on he same planet/diplomacy(like repulsive&charismatic)
lets be fair here
10, 20 and 30 were Aeronautical milestones
100km is the first one that begins to approach Aerospace and for me the most important early milestone is a successful orbit given just how much more power it requires to orbit earth at an altitude rather than merely reach said altitude
How salty are you nobody cares about a failed states scientific achievements anymore?
If it happen.
Soviets didn't even try. All they send was unmmaned probes.
But they send ones even to Venus and Mercury.
did you mean to say collectivism there buddy?
Many of their milestones turned out to be just trying to find the most expensive way to kill someone.
Venus is easy to send a probe to, delta V for Venus is lower than that for Mars and the Soviet Venus probes were barely capable of withstanding the atmosphere
Mercury is a significant achievement though, but unless I'm mistaken all mercury missions were done by NASA with Bepicolombo being underway as a joint ESA, Japan mission scheduled for 2018
You guys stop pointless arguing.
First man on a Moon was a Pole who travel there on big magic cock.
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>Been running a projectile weapon/armor based fleet for ages because muh rollpley
>Armor and projectile have both been buffed

The hard times, they are over!
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The only things communism contributed to it are GULAG sentence of Korolev and his broken jaw by some random NKVD shitter.
Soviets also send and landed first probes on Mars.
while there's a lot of joking around and stuff like that, many of the spaceflight pioneers were genuinely badass men given many of the early designs barely functioned
heck even Neil Armstrong had to land the Apollo 11 lander manually because the electronics crapped out and had him going towards a cliff and one of the reasons why he was given commander on that mission was because he previously managed a successfully stabilize an out of control vehicle rotating at a rate of 1RPS (if you've seen the movie Interstellar the scene where the pilot MC has to stabilize the ship after the accident is a huge tribute to this event)
Imagine if instead of rotting in a Gglag Korolev had got to play around with experimental rocketry during WWII like Von Braun
Soviets would have literally had half a decade on the USA to begin with
>build fortress to deter invasion with ftl trap
>fortresses have to be built out of weapons range from one another
>impossible to fortify a position, as an enemy fleet will wipe out fortresses one at a time
In 1.2b weapon range is doubled, so if I build multiple fortresses in a system they're able to fire on fleet attacking their fellow fortresses.
I can finally close off a hyperlane or two.
well building multiple fortresses in a single system is useful as is if you remember to back up the chokepoint with a fleet of your own

build them in a triangle shape with the trap station at one end and two others at one edge with as close coverage as possible, send your fleet in between both stations to engage the other fleet as it warps in, this will eventually cause it to send several ships in range of the 2 other stations if you remember to give the stations max range weaponry as they move to engage your fleet
also it allows you to pre-emptively encircle an enemy fleet maximizing firepower efficiency

stations are still mighty useful, especially once you get the max tier crystal hull and the 25% hull bonus tech for stations
What is the point of playing Pacifist now? It literally becomes below trash tier.
Korolev didn't planned to research rockets, he worked on sabotage mission against USSR industry.
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>didn't planned
Kiss this, you filthy fucking russki.

Is it really that bad?

I just want some space conoly building and discovery, but I dont want to play SMAC all over again.
It's playable, but I wouldn't say it has amazing replay value

i believe there is actually nearly no way how to win a game for fanatical pacifist

Beyond didnt improve with expansion at all?
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With German engineering, Russian ingenuity and US money combined, we'd have been on Mars by 1980.
Jupiter by 1995.

Right now we'd be setting up shop aroud Saturn, and begin seriously exploiting NEO asteroids.

And our first unmanned probe to Alpha Centauro would be on its way, turnover around 2025, ETA 2050.

Instead of this, we're discussing if it might maybe perhaps possibly be a good idea to start checking for asteroids.
Not really no
what is the point of playing pacifist if you only win by indiscriminate blobing?
Better grab somethig else.
It just not worth really. you can always pirate and check
Civ 5 'complete' is on steam sale for 13 bucks
Is now the time to finally get it?

Can someone please confirm that it is, in fact, complete with everything?
Would like it as well, my torrent and google-fu aren't strong enough.

page 57
Its ruskie so beware.
where download 1.2.0 for stellaris pls

~Jugoslav Warrior~
I'll wait for rezmar
I got it from here as well, but do you anons know why i get a "division by zero" error? maybe i should uninstall, install 1.1 from these ruskies then update?
Fitgirl repack + all of rezmar update (1.1 + DLC) 1.2 work without any issue.
Stellaris didn't work on craptop I currently have so I can't check.
Crusader Kings 2 and EU4 are both 10 buckaroos right now, but I can only afford one, which should i get?
You forgot Japanese science
How will we colonize mars with cute catgirls without them?
CKII for the family simulator.
EU4 for blobbing.

Also, thinking of getting Distant Worlds. Can I make my own empires in it and force the AI to use them?
Do you want to roleplay or map paint?

CK2 is only really fun if you're hard into roleplaying because paradox bloated the game to fuck without adding any qualitative core game improvements. When it comes to incest simulators though, it's the best.

>cute catgirls

i think you mean humanoid cockroaches, anon.
Yes, during galaxy set up
Ask yourself if you want to fuck your daugther, sister, niece or any female family member.
If yes then grab Cuck Kings 2.
Also /gsg/ Great autiSm General is where you should ask this question.
>humanoid cockroaches
Why are you suggesting sending kebab to mars?
You should check DW forums. Maybe somebody make a mod with Stellarisraces instead of that shitty DW ones.
Ha, neat.

because if we send all the browns to that shitty red desert planet then we won't have to deal with them again until space 9/11 happens.
Send them to Venus nature's oven
But Venus would actually be a pretty nice place for a floating colony
Send them into the Sun instead
Obviously I meant the surface, assuming they even survive the acid or pressure
I know Venus has acid rain, but pressure?
>having to micro my fleet vs having to not
There's a clear winner here.
send all the pakis to venus, arabs to sun, don't know about rest
They could manage to grab onto the side of a colony on the way down
90.8 atmospheres, son
If you even had a basic knowledge of Venus you'd know that
The atmosphere is so thick it's like walking through molasses, assuming you survive the heat.
So you basically drown in the air?

Then let the colony fall to the surface, it's an acceptable sacrafice
More like get crushed like a cucks testicles
No, you get crushed
Though there's also no oxygen, so you would still suffocate

Of course, the 462C means you'd be fairly crispy long before that, anyway
And let good, trained, white colonists die?
Absolutely not
Better to just make them swing by Jupiter to get a gravity assist to put the ship on a sundive
in the future there won't be any pure whites if the shitlibs have their way, which they are having.

what makes your future different?
They knew what they signed up for, death is always a possibility
Well, for one, all of the kebab would be sent into the Sun
It'd probably be cheaper just to send them into the Sun than send over another colony and train more colonists, at least
before the tech is available to send kebab into the sun, kebab and Aryans will be force-mixed into a shitskin race under the blessing of Lord Protector Shlomo and the SWPL shitlib administration.
In the future Chinks gona grow white in tubes or modify their next generations to be white.
Seriouly there is high desire to bleach in non wite population.
When white population gonna decline as whealth and livin standarts it probably gonna intensive.
But we already have the tech to send kebab into the Sun you cuck
Before 1.2 pacifist gives you access to OP Moral Democracy.
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can somebody help me out, i don't play these games much. the game is forcing me to select a religion but i can't hit the button. is that a bug?
This is weird.
Choose the beliefs, read civilopedia, enable full tutorials.
got it, thank you
Maybe you have to select traits.
For the religion you want to found.

From the list of religious traits.
hello lads can somebody upload the latest stellaris patch
Check the thread.
Ok let's help paradox unfuck the govtypes and ethics

>Revert ethics changes
>Fanatic ethincs now give an additional bonus but also come with a drawback
>They already have the drawback for fanatic pacifists (can't conquer planets, can only liberate them)
>Government types have a common bonus for each row, and a common bonus for each column, then two unique bonuses for each individual type
I looked through the mods archive for Stellaris, and instead of just going through each and every folder to see what they are, does this general have a list mods that are fun to use?
Would anyone mind sharing with me the mods they personally use?
Fanatic pacifist can conquer planets?
That is retarded.
Just bought the game. Is 1.2 due out before or after Swedecation?
I use the followings:
>animated eldars portraits
>Beautiful Universe 2.0
>Nights on Planets
>Extra Name Lists
>Lovecraftian Name List
>Fandom Emblems 1.0
>Moon Soundtrack
>Hyperdimension Neptunia - Logos and Portraits
>Hyperdimension Neptunia - Music of Gameindustri
LOL the US had to get the CIA to steal Soviet secrets to even get their space program off the ground.
At minimum I use
Beautiful universe
Better empire names
Better sector mod
Color coded pop status icons
Complete colors
Civilian trade
Downscaled ships
enhanced AI
Enhanced Galaxy - Orange (or teal)
Expanded war demands
Federation leader notification mod
Flags: Emblems and Backgrounds
Incognito Incognita
More events mod
Nights on planets
No clustered starts
Real galaxy (spiral 4 arms) (type B) +core
Remove stranded foreign stations
Remove Aura graphics
Stellar warpaints
SUbdued borders
UI Overhaul 1080p
Unbiased systems
ZBeautiful Battles
YBeautiful Battles companion mod
neat, thanks guys these are pretty helpful
It feels wrong to waltz through peoples borders. I dunno if I like the change.

Also my home system had no resources of any kind which was kek.
You should can pssi bility to waltz through people borders but it should lead to some diplomatic consequences.
Like pealty for trangression.
You should be ask for legal border access so you can move wih no penalty.
And you should have option to shoot or demand to gtfo of traspassers.
Can military fleet crose borders now?
you can close your borders to another empire, but you have to do it to each one. yeah miltary can go where ever
That's another really stupid change.

Overall enough of 1.2 is horrible enough they need to scrap the patch.
That is retarded.
I mean you should be able violate enemy border(if needed) but it should lead to diplomatic accidents.
>civ 6 interview
>no world congress in base game
>will be in next expansion

Yeah, I'll just be watching marbozir playthroughs while playing modded civ 5. I'm not paying full price for an incomplete game.

The worse change IMO is the -1000 diplomatically relevant change. Entering a defensive pact with someone on the other side of a belligerent empire is impossible because of it, but the AI can do it with each other and ask you to do it. But you can't do it. The scenario I mean is on a spiral arm with three empires.

Hell just having 2 or 3 systems gap between empires triggered -1000 in my game just before. Then I expanded towards them and oh shit now I am diplo relevant. I think they need to change the threshold on diplo relevance.

The most bizarre change is the AI being nice and giving you money for nothing cause they like you.
I'm forcing my game to stay at 1.1 until either my mods don't work or they fix this abortion of a patch.
That is bad.
It is simliar to 1.1 when they add distance to lower chance of vasalisation.

AI giving gifts is nice as it try to bribe you but its AI using game mechanics that player not need to follow. Its not like AI giving you gifts to increase relatons between you and them have any binding effect on player.
In the end its another prove that Paradicks have no idea what they do.
>you can't ban Ivory to save the elephants in the base game
How the hell do I win Civ V? I have like every city state in my back pocket and eliminated half of the civs but it won't tell me how many votes I'm gonna need for a diplomatic victory and I know I won't get any from the other civs.
The interesting thing is that the AI gives money in EU4. When you're fighting a war against someone they don't like of course.

>Hey Johann let's make the AI give the player money ALL THE TIME
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No mods just on beta patch.
if i like civ 5, will i like stellaris? it looks kinda cool.
Stellaris could use EU diplomacy, or planet/province development.
Its look cool but currently is broken.
Just pirate it and use 1.1 patch.
Current one broke game.
War subsidy?
Its actually make perfect sense most of the times. To make you fight their wars.
it seems they don't like the planet :^)
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>chilling out in my empire resource gathering and researching
>suddenly an empire declares war on me
>lose a planet and my people get enslaved
>retaliate by wiping them out and protecting my galaxy
>somehow I'M the bad guy
They gave me like 3000 energy or minerals I can't remember, they were also on the other side of the galactic core, but I had declared rival with a fanatical purifier over there for the fuck of it, and had traded with them a few times first. We were both pacifist too. So the AI thought we were bros.
all those double planet systems noice.
>I cant stress this enough, but this is my favourite gameplay element:
>>uplift primitives
>>lose war to xenophobic fallen empire
>>they demand I abandon the primitives
>>check the planet
>>the natives decided to abandon their homeworld, too

I don't get it
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>no torrent for new update
>too poor to buy the actual game
w-well at least this update is shit.. right?
Is it just me or did they spend 25% of their time on making Cthulhu a meme instead of actually working
check the thread
and yes its shit
paradicks try to kill all fun
If this surprises you, it shouldn't.
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Yea it was a strange start all of these planets grouped up and literally no other continental planets or even ai around. 20 years in and nobody even met me yet. Funny that I got the yuht empire as my precursor civ quest to.
Doesn't matter my pirate brother, asimov sucks dicks. Just wait for Heinlein
Nah, they send actual gifts.

A lot of times when I'm fighting Aragon or Castille, Morocco pays me a hundred gold or so.
>10% off
call me when its $20 or less
moshi moshi
please buy paradox's game anyway
do it for ME
>10% off
I wonder who could be behind this generous offer.
I've got too much backlog to justify spending more than 20 dollars on ANOTHER game
especially when I usually just end up playing civ 5
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>So, anon, you're buying Civ 6 on release day, right?
Only if Poland is a base civilization but that's not gonna happen
This reminds me I need to make a Kurwa race in stellaris
Turkey was not involved in the discussion, anon
If you're still on the fence about Didtant Worlds, I'd recommend it. I got it when it went on sale before the summer sale and it's been a fun ride so far. DW has filled the spots I found lacking in Stellaris.
I played my DW game with basically all autonomous options on and looked at what advisors brought me. Not too many other races either.
Second game has been much more active with more races. My Homeworld started a sector away from another race's homeworld. Been a great source of challenge.
France is the most useless civ on higher difficulties in Civ V.
Blame the game for fucking sucking. Each step of 1.1's beta was cracked. Now? No one fucking cares.
>nerf everything but weapon range, that way all complaints are addressed
What the fuck are you fucking doing Paradox?
>Government types have a common bonus for each row, and a common bonus for each column, then two unique bonuses for each individual type
Anon no that would make too much sense, obviously they were just arrayed in a grid according to their ethics types for aesthetic purposes and not because they actually share traits.
Muh nigga!
Is Stellaris worth buying at the moment?
It's worth pirating
>>Government types have a common bonus for each row, and a common bonus for each column, then two unique bonuses for each individual type
But it's already sort of true. All democracies have mandates. Oligarchies have agendas. Autocracies have special things to build, though those are different.

And every row is having the same ethic bonus.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5oO6wBrp8s

Congratulations 4x britbongs
I almost would prefer that they just copy beautiful battles into their code. At least that way we get an actual rebalance that works and not a shitty rebalance that we still have to mod to properly balance.
whats the best stellaris mod lads
And here I thought britcucks would just continue being cucks as always
what version of the game do all of those mods require?
Base or 1.1?
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