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>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)


>/feg/ Castle Addresses


>Cuck OP
best thread
Well shit
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Dori is a-dori-ble!
inb4 some retard starts another /feg/ thread
literally how
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She WON!!!



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Something In Common - Wild Maid.jpg
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I guess we can just make new threads whenever, then.

Anyway, why is Hisame so old?
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>Belkafag btfo
Sorry frenchie, Flora thread it is. The mods say it is so.
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Cutest family
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>literally 4 threads up because faggots want their waifu in the OP

All we're going to do is shitpost anyways
>floracuck so butthurt he report bombs the other OPs made on time
Worst fanbase or worst fanbase?
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I am honestly baffled by this turnout but glad all the same

its like the most impossible matchup but in the end, the underdog wins it all
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>Look guys I report spammed the other threads
Fuck off cuck
Based Florabros saving the day.
>Belkafag this butthurt no one used his shitty threads
Just stop it you shitposting fuck. The threads were infinitely better when you were gone.
So? You're acting like this thread didn't get a thousand reportbombs just for being Flora.

There was no conspiracy, the mods have the power and they chose the winner.
uh oh
It's just a vicious cycle in here.
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Remember, the mods, through their actions, have encouraged early thread to be made.

I look forward to our next thread being made at 650 posts.
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Someone explain the appeal of Flora as a waifu to me. I'm curious
> and Florabros are humble enough to appreciate and not gloat about it
Oh god this fucking place. It's making me hate the word humble now.
Nothing to be ashamed of there but the opinions of a Florafriend, none of which are bile unless you are easy to upset. Nice try "exposer".
>spic falseflagging intensifies
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I still love Takumi so much, /feg/
Weird how the lists that omit Soleil always have Sev up at C for some reason.
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Who will be the next generic red headed mean slut in Fire Emblem?

Will they reuse an old waifu or will they make a new one?
t. Floracuck
Post yfw Flora actually won

I was kinda flabbergasted t b h
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Who is behind this? We must find out.
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baby shitpowster.jpg
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What an absolute shitshow. I've been gone for quite a while, I suppose, though I've got nothing to show for it. I guess this, which was at least 500 hours in MS Paint. Someone's bound to find some utility in it. I'll have some actual art in a bit, so just sit tight.
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Florafags being shitposters and hypocritical asses? Whoa, what a shocker. Time to wipe that egg off your face I guess Flora"""pals"""
Severa is not a slut!
She is kinda generic and mean though.
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That's so Soleilcucks can't edit it easily.

No one here who isn't a Soleilcuck puts her anywhere on that chart except A.

Severa is C cup. Canon. Official.

Solieil is a lesbian 12 year old who has to be drugged to be married.
>tripspic leaves for the day.jpg
Gareth is my husband
>non kozaki art
Shitverafags folks
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Wife and daughter.
Saying that's canon is like saying all the Cipher art is canon, it's licensed fanart and nothing else.
I wanted to name it something like that, but I figured someone can just download it and do it themselves. Much as I don't really like the guy, I'd rather images I post be neutral.
Not like the character pictures are hard to find.

Though if anyone has paid attention the ones from the original chart have a lot of the bottom edges of some characters clipped off, and basically everyone keeps using those clipped off pics in their edits. Stop being lazy people
Shit wife and shit daughter
I fixed the original chart in that regard, but people refuse to make their own versions, so they just keep on using the old cropped and resized versions.
>the letters f, e, and g are all present in the text
>not copying and rearranging letters
Less polish than IS.
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Because Hisame is the comfiest boy~
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Why don't you love Severa's daughter?
Pretty good reasoning. I respect you more for avoiding the obvious joke for the sake of being a better poster.
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Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
Seriously, someone give me a non meme answer.
> / symbol not present
>copying and rearranging letters doesn't fix the fact that there's a bunch of empty space
Less logic than Ken Penders.
I like Hana
>> / symbol not present
Could of just tilted the l
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I love Oboro!
Still makes no sense why Severa's daughter isn't tied to her but Subakke.

Tying the children to the fathers was by far the stupidest decision in this Fire Emblem.
Most of the 2nd Gen was gonna be 1st Gen before they forced kids in fates, don't ya know.
They'd both look like shit, but yours is the shitty one. Try harder, idiot.
That would've looked off though. I considered doing the rearranging thing, and then I remembered that the image is for making fun of shitposters. No point in overcomplicating it. I'm glad we're actually discussing some dumb image instead of more of the usual shit. Granted, it isn't necessarily FE related, but you take what you can get.
>Crucial unit
>Has decent B cups, easily a handful each.

>Bad unit
>A cups, can't even fondle, might as well be touching her back.

Felicia all the way.
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Treasure buddies!
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After the events of the war, Hisame retired from swordfighting and dedicated his time to academia. By all accounts, it was a fulfilling life...except for the damn kids who wouldn't stay off his lawn.
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I want to believe.
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Tripspic leaves for the day.jpg
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Ignore the angry tripspic desu.
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I'd touch Sev from the back.
>Have children tied to men:
>Men chicken out and retreat to live
>Women fight to the bloody death
Gender role reversal is progressive I guess?
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How do you fix the Malig Knight class?
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I want to hide a certain treasure of mine inside her.
Fixed that for you desu, looks better if the text bricks remain consistent.
Velouria is shit
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10/10, great job anons.
Why in the everloving fuck would P5 be ported to the Wii U? Why would anybody ever actually want to see such a thing after #FE's localization?
It's fine desu, but if I gotta say anything, raise the class' caps by a bit.
Now where the hell are my flying sword weilding class.
That's your opinion man, I can think of some worse girls in this game than Velouria.
Like with Nohrian prince, Make it faster than Wyvern Lord. Give it a base 7 in speed and a max stat of 30 speed.
Is it a kana?
>not /feg/
>post an image you made by editing a screenshot in under a minute for shits and giggles
>"wow, what the fuck, why didn't you take this seriously"
Thanks for the edit of the edit, anyway. I like how no one mentioned that the blue doesn't fill the speech bubble entirely correctly.
Truly, this is teamwork.
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I don't really care if P5 gets ported or if Atlus does more Nintendo exclusive stuff, I just want more #FE, Japanese #FE to be specific.
Just raise the stat caps honestly.

I am currently a Dark Knight, and I actually lose stats when reclassing to Malig Knight. I gain no stats, I only lose them.
>finally got a Seraph Robe

Going straight on Micaiah.

Nice to see Ilyana's still pretty good.
>unironically liking shitboro
When Camilla loses nothing by switching classes and gains Strength, Speed and Defense, then you have a very weak class.
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It took like 4 posts for me to grasp that artistanna is still alive. Any progress on the million requests you had?
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Caps are not the same as bases.
How new does somebody have to be to actually respond to such basic shitposts with a response that actually seems genuine

This is why they keep happening
It will be a few months after I hide it.
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Only after chasing her through the woods and finding her in front of a still lake while she turns around sweat dripping from her brow after such an intense chase, and undoes the clasp of her hood, getting rid of the biggest hindrance in appreciating her body. After, she invites you for a swim, and you agree, both stripping down to your purest form. You can't help but notice the sun shimmer off her back, her skin glistening with the sweat of a good run, and the anticipation of what is to come.
I get that they thought "It's flying so we gotta weaken them a little" but it doesn't work so well in practice.
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Velouria and Selkie.jpg
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I wonder if Velouria will take after her daddy and show off her cleavage.
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Keep going
>samantar club
I want to find this persona's tumblr but I can't tell what the fuck that username is supposed to be.
Haven't seen this pasta in a while

On that note, whatever happened to the kanna toes guy?
Is she really that busty? Even the chart places her pretty highly.
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>and for the first time, Gunther was able to make friends with somebody his age
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>being a shithuman lover
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chea boy.png
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Fun fact: Beruka is only slow because of her armor. In her support with Camilla she mentions that her piece segmented pieces of armor each weighs 50 pounds. Lorewise, if Beruka were to remove her weighted training armor she would be the strongest unit in Fire Emblem:Fates for the Nintendo 3DS. She's just never had any reason to do so. UNTIL NOW.
Anon that picture is awful.
If I wanted to kill a sub-human, I'd make it quick and as painful as possible. Just imagine the look on their face as all the pain flows through them and vanishes into death.
Hehe. Nice to see you actually noticed. Flattered that someone bothered to impersonate me while I was gone, and even more so that someone pointed out the fake. I've been pretty busy, so no, unfortunately. It seems like a distant goal at this point. Except now I'm going to have much more free time. I did start working on something of my own accord, which will be easier for me to get to finishing for whatever reason, so I might post that sometime soon, perhaps today.
You're already lowering your standards by fucking a non-manakete in Fates desu

Why the hell didn't they add a qt dragon waifu to marry
She can reclass to Fighter and become as slow as Arthur while not being nearly as strong.
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I know that's a copy-pasta, but really, she has a nice figure when not hiding it under a cloak.
This is actually proven again in her support with Reina where she takes off her scarf and it's so heavy it makes a thud on the ground and causes dust to lift up. Did you know Beruka could also stretch her arms and grow back lost limbs? She can even make clothes appear on a person's body. In her support with Takumi she makes him a new outfit after he spontaneously combusts.
>is an assassin
>cannot be inconspicuous with her dragon, unless she only kills deaf people or something

I turned her into a Dread Fighter since it's hard for her to get access to the Ninja class (Saizo and I were already taken) and it suffices.
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>Corrin is a manakete, and therefore a dragon
Sub-humans and humans are so close together in Corrin's eyes that it doesn't even matter.
>Dragonblooded humans (Royals, Azura, and their kids)
>Regular humans
>Can't support with Reina

Fucking IS and their shit decisions
>hiding it
have you seen how tight her blouse is bruh
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It's not. I wrote something similar a long fucking time ago. Around Belkanons wedding I think. How the hell can you guys recognize it after so long?


You tell me. Lake sex scene, or more descriptive imagery after the swim?
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Velouria and Selkie on a bed.jpg
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Nah, she's pretty modestly endowed. She's no titty monster, though she might become one depending on how old she is.
>Assassin's =/= Stealth
The guy who shot Lincoln in the back of the head in a crowded theater and ran out is an assassin.
It's been made into a copypasta against your will then, I've definitely seen it around
>making me choose
please don't I guess more imagery
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ISIS tasked you to make up a character for Fates.
The kicker? It has to be female, a neutral woman to fix te Mamui problem

What's her
>Starting Class
>Good and bad stats
>1 or 2 personality gimmicks or quirks
>Personal Skill
>Recruitment method on each route
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>not doing airdrops through skylights and having a perfect getaway vehicle once the deed is done
Beruka doesn't use her wyvern during her jobs. She probably finds it easier to kill shit during a battle while on a giant dragon, on top of wanting to emulate lady Camilla.
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She's a dog-girl. Any attempt to hide her rear end is hiding it.
Though yes her blouse is tight and that corset thing isn't helping matters. And I'm glad for it.
A dragon isn't a helicopter
>Fly up high
>glide to target
>throw hand axe at him
>fly away
'Assassination is the deliberate killing of a person, often (but not always) a political leader or ruler, usually for political reasons or payment.[1]

An assassination may be prompted by religious, political, or military motives; it is an act that may be done for financial gain, to avenge a grievance, from a desire to acquire fame or notoriety, or because of a military, security or insurgent group's command to carry out the homicide."
Nothing really about having to be stealthy.
Female Morgan. Just literally the Awakening Morgan.
Just make Mikoto fuckable desu
adding in another corrinsexual does not solve the mamui problem friendo
If IS really wanted to fix it the better options would be:
1. Give Flora and Crimson full supports for characters in their route
2. Or just give Anna full supports.
She wouldn't have to be corrinsexual
They could have fixed it with Anna by giving her supports with all men.
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>neutral Morgan
>can marry Hayato and have a Selena/Caeldori situation
As interesting as that might be, no thanks.
>isn't related to Ryoma or Takumi
>would be willing to fug them
That'd be one awkward s rank
Alright, I'll give it a try.

>Dark Mage
>Good Magic and Speed, bad Defense and Skill
>Positive Magic and Speed modifiers, negative Defense and Skill modifiers
>she's an older woman in a body of a 12 year old as a result of a curse
>her personal skill lets her counterattack magic like the Countermagic skill but she returns the damage at half damage rather than full
>in Birthright she's recruited in Ch 14, she's just off to the side, trying to find a place to hide once the war came to her home front, in Conquest she's recruited in Ch 9, again just trying to find a place for her own solitude, and in Revelations she's recruited in the Ch with the Rainbow Sage, once again just trying to seek isolation, in all three paths she simply wants to be alone but Corrin convinces her that it's dangerous to be alone and that Corrin's group will be her new home

>Leo wants to bone Mikoto
>he is now your new dad
>S rank Mikoto
>FeMuis paralogue unlocks
>Corrin convinces her that it's dangerous to be alone and that Corrin's group will be her new home
I'm guessing she gets a sword from him, too, right?
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>>Dragonborn Dragon unit, unmounted uses Dragonstones and Lances
>>Good Str, Bad Resistance
>>Adds to Str, and Def
>>Sucks off Nohr and the Nohrian family like Azura does Hoshido, is notable blunt and physical like a more "noble" Rinkah
>>Dragon blooded: This unit can pass terrain like a flying unit, Can Forge dragonstones in the Smithy
>>Found in the captured Hoshido fort during the prologue. Follows you to the Valla cave at the start of Rev, joins up with you at the Ice Village with Leo's retainers in Conquest, joins after trying to fight you during Silas's attack on the Hoshido hospital in Birthright.
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did you get her in the mail yet?
>tfw I like all the neutral characters much more than the path-specific ones
But of course. She can use them in one of her promotions after all.
>cuck statue
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That's actually pretty good.
Good str, spd,skill
bad res, mag, and mediocre hp
Gives + to offensive stats and - to defensive ones
"I will take part in your damned fate" - +1 damage dealt for each allied unit that has taken damage within 6 spaces
Hoshido recruitment, rescue her band of mercenaries from a horde of faceless. Nohr requirement, kill a manakete that's trying to muscle into Nohr. She was hired by Garon to kill it and you decided to help. Revelations requirement, survive a turn of combat with her (this is for both you and her).
Yeah Nyx should've been neutral now that I think about it.
Nyx and Hayato should have been neutral
Hehe ebin post friend, mind if I print it out and frame it? B)
After all, she may be Nohrian but her loyalty to her nation is pretty secondary to her. For her, isolation and survival is her most important priority.

Hayato is similar, and apparently his dialogue in Conquest suggests he would join you anyway but doesn't. He probably doesn't want to face his own people since he still is Hoshidan and also pretty young.
remind me, did you want people to humiliate you by saying 24 more years or 26 more years? now that we're no longer in the 25 year anniversary
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>Azura watches as you have your way with her mother
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Nyx the Dark Mage.jpg
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I liked your character so much I made a drawing of her. I hope you don't mind.
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god her outfit is retarded
Damn, there's art of her already. That was pretty fast.
In 20+ years you'd still be a cuck

You enjoy the feeling of the cool water against your skin, it's been a hard few days lately, and the training gets harder every day. You float on your back, staring at the sky. You hear leaves rustle on the gentle breeze. You are truly isolated out here. Were it not for the stunning beauty that is in your company. Of which you are reminded of, when you hear water trickling nearby. You gently turn to look at the source of the noise, only to see her softly cupping water in her hands and pouring it over herself, acclimating herself to the cool water. Her body is cutting a tempting silhouette against the late morning sun, and you can't help but admire her.
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I want to SERVICE Pieri ;)
Not even joking, you did a good job. Keep improving and you'll do great, I know it.
>Marry Flora
>Dwyer's paralogue unlocks
Her being neutral only solves the Mamui problem in Birthright
Gunther and Hisame are cute.
Peri is literal shit.
How so?
>marry Flora
>every map becomes an ice map if she'sdeployed

I'll write some for your waifu too anon, you just have to ask.
Oh fuck, you're right.
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new water
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I want to fuck those legs
I want to make her feel very good!
You should do this sort of stuff in a pastebin and then upload to the smutbin in the OP
But Jakob doesn't even want to touch that filthy traitorous whore
in what way
please keep going anon, I beg of you. Onto her body, please, describe it.
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>Tsubaki sucked off your dick talking about how great you are to get Caeldori to leave him alone for a bit.
>He told his crush happy daughter how great of a man you were in a way she'd hear "If he came over to plow you, I'd totally let him"
>Then sent her to you to hang out together, sometimes alone.
What did he think was going to happen?
>marry Flora
>infant Kana dies of frostbite when Flora goes through labor
>Good in Strength, Skill, Speed, and Resistance
>Bad in HP, Luck, and Defense
>Seemingly friendly and sociable, but is obviously trying a bit too hard. Most believe she's an assassin in disguise, but she's really a former ninja who's gotten tired of killing. Still, she will assist anyone who earns her loyalty.
>New Purpose: In guard stance, automatically heal 20% of the partner's health
>Automatically joins your army on a mission where you save her caravan from marauding bandits/Faceless
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True love
By cutting off her head with an axe!
>those legs
>Implying Kana isn't an Ice Dragon.
>lose two units to unlucky crits on Conquest Endgame
>go to reset
>have to redo Chapter 27

>go over to your gf Water's house for dinner
>end up fucking her mom instead
Okay let's be honest, did anyone actually expect annacuck to be able to answer a question when asked? Look at this shit, he can barely even make a complete sentence.
anyways if we're lucky enough for him to follow his usual pattern he should be gone in july
Kana is pretty clearly a Water Dragon.
why is setsuna a little girl
calm down man at least conquest ch. 27 is the easiest ch 27 of the three games
seco-. Just write a full story, we'll keep asking for more
I meant that as, Flora is the mother, so Kana should have some type of immunity and ability to control ice. That's why I called her an Ice Dragon.
It arrived a few days ago. Kind of just sitting on my shelf.

Could you shut up? This shit isn't amusing.
>marry Mamui
>shigure's paralogue unlocks
You can't save before endgame. Stupid as fuck, but whatever.
Congrats Azura. How hard was it to convince your cousin to give you the DD?
>wake up
>see this

what do?
Gee, Kamui, how come your mom lets you have TWO dicks? I know it stands for Dragon Dick but w/e
Many lizards do in fact have two dick analogues so you might not be wrong there.
Give her a cup of coffee and tell her to wash her face
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Not what I said I was working on, but felt I should post anyway.
Turns out someone already made a sprite for her, word spreads fast. Someone also thought up a hypothetical bizarro fates universe where the characters have different classes, and they included her, too! I figured since here she'd be an outlaw, I removed any remnants of her dark mage outfit. Someone actually made a version of her with an outlaw outfit, so I didn't have to do too much. Would've been an interesting character to see in Fates, don't you think?
>giving children coffee

You'll stunt her growth!
She needs bangs. She got sixhead going on.
>Oni Savage, with Samurai as a secondary
>Pretty good Res and Str, Def is also not bad, while Mag won't be so great so she can't be a proper mixed attacker, Lck will also not be so great
>+2 Res, +1 Str, -1 Mag, -1 Lck
>Also part of the Fire Tribe, but was simply born there and learned how to fight the way they do, and is really extroverted, fiery and passionate about meeting people and being friends unlike how the Fire Tribe would normally be like. As a result though, she ends up being a little awkward and has some bad social skills sometimes, but her supports has her learning and really learning how to socialize. Knows Rinkah and has a Support with her in routes where they're both playable, and special dialogue in Conquest where they can fight.
>Sociable: Deals +2 Damage when there are at least two allies within two spaces of the user.
>like Mozu, a paralogue opens up early in the game regarding a small village. She decides she knows how to fight and survive on her own well enough and sneaks away from the Fire Tribe and has decided to explore the world and experience it. She stops by a seemingly empty town to try and rest, but she's suddenly met with invisible soldiers. Just like with Mozu, Corrin's team decide to help out and Ena joins after the chapter.
What a QT. I would have liked her 10x better this way.
I just realized I could have said "two wieners" and still have the joke make sense. A missed opportunity.
Wonder how Bizarro!Nyx got the anti-aging curse, or is that completely gone in this timeline?
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>Jill is back

Fuck yes.

You take a closer look at her, taking in every detail. Her hair, silver and flowing, calm eyes, the color of rich mahogany, rosy cheeks, you smile, she must still be wound up from the run, a small, sensitive nose, and full lips hiding the canines you so much enjoy against your skin. A slender neck, that is well acquainted with your own lips, leads down to a modest, but more than plentiful bosom. She reddens a bit at your staring. All her time training and fighting has left her in amazing shape. Not one bit of excess present, instead, water droplets curve down her slender, toned belly, accentuating her ample hips and long, shapely legs. Another pair of friends your own teeth are very fond of. You feel as if that is enough staring for now, and you move closer. In this moment, the breeze stops, and all that is heard is a small breath escaping her surprised lips as you close in, and meet her lips, with yours.
>Liking Nyx

She's ugly as fuck
>break into house doing outlaw things
>witch who lives there curses her
She has a "protect me, be with me" vibe. You want to save her from suffering.
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Nyx with bangs.png
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Like this? Not my work, btw
Yeah, like that.
Can you take this shit somewhere else?
I guess in this version she would just be a young girl. Who would be Elise-tier aged up in the US release, of course.
That works too, I suppose.
Fuck off already with this, Velouriacuck
Which waifu is the most likely to bite and scratch during sex
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And that's when we made you, kana

That was the last one, I'm compiling it into a pastebin now. Sorry, just wanted to let the anons know I was still writing.
is my cute and comfy son yes
>velouriafags are this pathetic and autistic
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Nyx Dark Falcon Test 7.jpg
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What a coincidence! I was just testing hacking her into Fates. She's even compatible with DLC classes!
Man, that's cute. I'd use it, but the portrait insertion process is very difficult.
>Being a cuck
A Wolfskin!Dragon sounds terrifying. What would it even look like?
>Who would be Elise-tier aged up in the US release, of course.
Kind of hard to do that when they never said her age to begin with.
A pastebin would be appreciated.
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1 MB, 1290x1112
Both of the beastformers by instinct. Don't worry, they're just marking you as their mate so other beast girls know to stay away.
Fuck off attention whore
Probably like lankey kong with a featureless koala head.
Takumi makes me happy!
Or a gargoyle?
[anon's waifu] turned her hand into a fist and repeatedly, in devilish swiftness, proceeded to pound on his prostate. His cock stiffening at the pleasant pleasure he moaned [you're waifu's name] as he ejaculated thick ropes of ejaculate on the floor. Forrest then fucked him in the ass
Nobody wants your shitty headcanons, velouriacuck.
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Takumi makes her horny!
So draw him then bro.
First time opening a thesaurus I see.
Is objectively shit and has a toxic fanbase
Looks like you forgot to turn off your trip, there. Not that we didn't already know it was you. Long time, no see.~
What kind of Dinosaur is that?
do all of you guys have some weird brain disorder
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Just post the Pastebin and get going. Otherwise we're going to keep seeing the same few posts for the next little while.
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Fly straight and true my flesh arrow. Right into Anon's brown hole.
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He's a QT!

Oh, I kept looking for the smutbin. Couldn't find it.

Could you write some for other waifus? I like your style
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>Camilla married Corrin
>Now she can drain his balls and take advantage of his weakened state to put his head in her lap and dote on him while he's trying to recover from the rough but tender Camilla-fucking he just received
I think I made a huge mistake. Corrin is completely at his sisterwife's mercy.
Just look at her. This is not a face of mercy. She can dote to her hearts content now and there's nothing he can do about it.
Shit taste, famalam. She obviously wants the Hinoka.

Way ahead of you, I have several times. I should post them somewhere.

I saw you here and felt the need to put the trip back on tbqh. Also yes I have a thing for otoutos I need help.

I'm not for sexual.
Is this before or after she fucks Silas?
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I love Niles!

Maybe. Who'd you have in mind?
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Takumi and Leo.jpg
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Takumi makes him jealous!
go back to my tent with my wife Aversa
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 183

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