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Hi there.jpg
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Gospel of Harambe: Expanded Edition

Previous Bread: >>144256335

>Official Stuff

>Official Comics

>The Oversheet

>/owg/ ID List


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>/owg/ Survery

>OP Pastebin

>Stats and Leaderboards
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for 250 overcoins, what is the best highlight intro for your favorite character?
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none of them
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Ive gotten 2/3 of lucio's intros, except pic related (the best one)

not that i'll ever get a lucio potg anyway
how do i git gud at tracer
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I like this one and junkrat where he hits himself in the nuts with one of his bombs
All the Genji highlight intros are pretty fantastic desu
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Anybody got the other "Mercy gets drunk and gay for Pharrah" pictures?
>so ronery
NA or EU?
Over the shoulder 76.
>press ult
>bounce someone into a pit
instant play of the game
environmental kills count as like four kills

she's trash
>"Help me, I'm stuck! The MEKA's not responding to the controls!"
>hate d.va something about her voice
>get legendary d.va skin

I wish you could sell skins for like half their price or something. what am I meant to do now, all you guys say is shes dead weight.
Man, that's hot.
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The rest on that one.
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mercy potg 3.webm
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What's the least amount of anything that you did to earn a potg?
REMOVE OMNIC remove omnic
you are worst robot. you are the robot idiot you are the robot smell. return to you're shit scented factory. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole robot stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..robot genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead robot..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot robot and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE OMNICS FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol robots no good i spit? in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the omnic farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo lucio fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
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For (You).

One time, I sat behind my turret, ulted, and went to take a piss.

When I came back, the enemy team was dead and my turret had 100 HP left.
for real though, how do you defend a sniper having fucking 200hp? It's what always lets her grapple away from a flank before she's killed.
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>Reinhardt booking it in the background

Why does the idea of Reinhardt being secretly terrified of Mercy amuse me

Killed a Roadhog and a Lucio as Symmetra.

That was literally it.
target rich environment for commando 76 soldier

it ain't me
you can't, her HP needs to be 150 or 175
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"I can bring you back into this world, I can take you out of it."
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>Zenyatta steps on my armor pack just as he gets bodyshotted by Widow
Why are players so fucking stupid?
How fucking big is the hitbox on Roadhogs hook. I can't even count the number of times i've been pulled through a wall not to metion the high accuracy roadhog players always get at the end of the game.
Here, have some good ship.
what is the music on this
Junkrat ballshot makes me laugh every time
I wonder why tumblr artists never draw straight relationships.

I mean, some of them do, but the lion's share the group that can't draw faces for shit always do gay shit.
Pewpewed a Pharah as she JUSTd above our entire team. Probably would have wiped everyone so it did save our asses, but it was funny getting potg for a single kill.
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>Treating the entire cast as gays
This shit annoys me to no end.
>Favor the shooter!
I know anon. I feel for you.
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>Why does the idea of Reinhardt being secretly terrified of Mercy amuse me

Nothing comes to mind.
Reminder of the /pol/tard a few hours ago that chimped out because an anon found symmetra cute
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>people keep talking about McCree's impending nerf
>spam McCree all day to get that last achievement before the High Noon charge rate or something equally important for the achievement is nerfed
>didn't even notice the guy on the right until the potg replay
>tfw the stars won't align to let me pull this off again since I'm bad at video games
Whelp, time to quit Overwatch on a high note.
e+rmb as McCree on a Reaper right as he started to ult on the payload.
Golden or Bone for 76?
hehehe silly reaper why didn't you know her wallhack was up when she doesn't even announce it ;)
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Damn I was going to post that famborlamborghini
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high level reaper gameplay.gif
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Griphop by Kevin MacLeod
Because he fears the strong women of his homeland.
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Xth for Mei, the bad McCree

Flail like a madman trying to kill a half-dead Hanzo in a 1v1 as Tracer.
I don't understand the people calling her ugly, she looks pretty cute at times. Maybe it's just me.
smoke looks exactly the same as bone except it costs 75 instead of 250
Stupid sexy D.Va, too bad she's useless
Widow's Hanging Around. It'd be I See You if the gun was scoped untill she looks away
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>These players are cheating or have recently cheated and they have been caught, and blizzard is doing fuck all


>People like these will continue to cheat forever because blizzard either can't detect the cheat or is afraid to ban because of bad publicity and drama

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CX-AepyRFU (Watch for the pixel perfect head hitbox lock-on, and no recoil and screenshake during fan the hammer)

>Many of the current "pro players" in the various "top teams" have dodgy backgrounds and even bans in other games.


>Why are the "pro teams" not doing anything?

Because the scene is entirely new, but the money is already here. They want to stay and earn that money, and so they won't start drama and will try to keep it silent and ignore it. Even if the players in the teams with the cheaters know someone is cheating, they won't get anything out of admitting it or telling it.

>Why does blizzard do fuck all?

They can't ban without their anti-cheating doing the ban. Whatever cheats they used to get to where they are now, either were undetected, and they aren't using them any longer, or they are private cheats that are built into hardware, pretty much invisible and will literally never get caught by blizzards anti-cheat (See CS:GO tournament cheat drama)

Do not stay silent about this. Don't let people like these continue to play in tournaments. Don't get fooled into believing that these are legitimate skills, as actual skilled long time pro fps players have nowhere near this kind of aim, and it has never been seen before. Do not get fooled into "it's just buggy spec cam bro", it's nowhere that buggy and inaccurate.
>d'va is useless

Everyone point and laugh.
His ultimate isn't going to be nerfed so you don't need to worry about that
Is that appearance under the mask canon?
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It's a mix of that's just what they like to draw and fetishizing the shit out of gay relationships. Like "wow I'm so glad everyone collectively decided to have gay ships for all of the Overwatch characters. This could've been a hetfest but it's not! Yaaaay!" kind of fetishizing.
Worst tank m8
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She looks great in art but some angles with her in-game model aren't very flattering.
I want more comics of D.va being a little shit, it's quite possibly the funniest thing overwatch fans have come up with so far
ayy lmao
> Finally get a second legendary after almost 30 levels
> It's Mechaqueen Phara
I kinda liked the other robot Phara, but that one's okay I guess. I should git gud at her then, I suppose. Any tips?
Tracer is good because she harasses the enemy team and her ult is good to counter large groups and Bastions.
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Why do people think that Posh Tracer is the best when Sporty looks nicer?

Is the weapon better for Posh?
icy smiley face for mei
Well you can see the top of 1 scar above his mask, the artist is just extrapolating, I don't think we actually know what his present day face looks like.
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That one is hot garbage

Torbjorn's "Refreshing"
After Widow and McREE are gutted, everybody will cry about Tracer and Roadhog. Mark my words.
So, what's with this game praising support heroes and people believing that actually being a good and skilled player and taking out lots of heroes on the enemy team is a bad thing?

People crying about the objective or the payload when there are already 3 people pushing it, and complaining about actually skilled players doing their job and taking out the enemy team.

The playerbase of this game sucks balls
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>ranked top 100 total score for hero
>ranked over 1100 for score per minute
guess I'm not as good as I thought i was.
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I'm more of a fan of pic related. I can't help it anymore.

That's retarded in the most special of ways. Isn't excluding people what they're against?
I'd love to see flashbacks included in the shorts as they release more of them. I wanna see interaction between the younger versions of the characters. Maybe with more clues/info relating to the breakdown of Overwatch like >>144266281 and >>144266610 mentioned
Fly around and hold the fire missile button, be it click or trigger. Don't let go unless you absolutely have to. Randomly blow people off cliffs with the concussion blast. Fly around.
I like "whole hog" just a little more than the camera hook one. Looks nicer with the gritty pigpen skin.
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I think there was a poll not to long ago about which ship was the most favored and Pharah x Mercy was voted number one at the time.

So yeah. No big surprise that there's a lot of art for it.
>Being straight in 2016
This isn't what is happening. You are projecting and complaining about nothing. You contribute nothing to the thread. You are worse than the things you complain about.
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Here you go

Sadly, Gency is muchj more likely to be canon it feels like. I'd kill for some Mercy/Morrison interactions or lore.
I have never once encountered the second problem, but the first problem is because most players do not play / are not fond of the support role. It's praising people for doing the busy work that they don't want to do so that those people will keep on doing it.

Think about it this way - do you want to spend your games just standing behind someone else and shooting health up their ass, or do you want to go out there and actually kill people?
Which legendary Junkrat skin do I get guys?
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>Hey Genji's a ninja
>You know what would be funny? If we played Naruto Opening 4 over the mic the ENTIRE FUCKING MATCH
You got the hot part right.
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im tired of being killed by environment because some fag lucio camps around the corner in front of a ledge or pharah spams her bullshit knockback rocket at the same spot near the edges every time she flies by or roadhog stands across the chasm and hooks everybody passing nearby. It just feels cheap and annoying, not "damn i got outplayed" "damn this dude is better than me" "damn i need to gitgud". Even when i myself get those kind of kills i just feel sorry for whoever died to this because it has zero counterplay and you just gonna die to it no matter what
The one where it looks like he blew himself up

scorched, I think
I like all of Junkrat's intros.

That's the million dollar question, isn't it?
>Me and the rest of tumblr have agreed, cis shitlords must die
Yeah fuck off.
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>tfw mediocre at your preferred hero and only slightly better at your 2nd preferred hero
You realize people have thought (imaginary) lesbians were great long before tumblr or SJWs were a thing, right?
Someone needs to make an animation of Reaper using his ult to fly into the air like a helicopter.

Then a downed plane crashing in the background.
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It would be neat. Given what Talon does, I think a big thing of contention between them was the views on Omnics. Reyes seems like the kill 'em all type, especially if they killed someone close to him like Ana Amari. Would be neat if it was something like that and Reyes was Pharah's daddy from before the Omnic crisis
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Who thought this was a good idea?
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>0 counterplay

Don't walk near cliffs. Countered.
Get Hayseed or Scarecrow. The Jester ones are godawful. In all honesty, his epic skins are better than his legendary ones.
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so, uh, on ilios I'll just never go to the point?
Is it possible to actually do a good high noon yourself or the enemy team has to be retarded?
Finally saved up 1000 gold
Dubs decides which skin I buy
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We all know why Pharmercy is popular. All the art for it is cute as fuck.

I would also like Mercy/Morrison interaction, but I want to know about how Angela tried to help Genji cope with his new body.

Yes, but that's more in the sense of 'boy, it sure would be nice if they fucked right in front of me and I got to watch / be a part of it'.

tumblr/SJWs want homosexuality in the sense that they want it to be the only accepted sexuality out there. Heteronormative and even certain forms of homosexual love are verboten to them.
There's just something weird with the way they modeled her lips and jawline in-game. It doesn't really match any of her artwork.
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Her best is the one with her leaping out of tge mech, but the other with her deploying and jumping into the mech looks good with Scavenger/Junker.

Scavenger should have been her default and the rest of her backstory and dialogue changed to accommodate it.
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Unless you're really good at direct hits, aim for where they're going not where they are. Lightly tap your jetpack repeatedly for better horizontal movement, know when to blast people away from team mates and when not too (I've seen so many pharahs blast enemy team away from Zarya's or Mei's Ult). Nepal and Illios are great for throwing people of the point and into the toilet bowl. Don't ult if you know you're going to get immediately killed by a sniper. Bam you're now an Egyptian Goddess.
fuck off
>maps are already small chokepoint corridors
>now even more limited movement options
thanks doc
Widowmaker and Hanzo now have a limited amount of ammo, which can be replenished through time spent on the objective.
I could definitely envision Amari's death contributing to Reyes destabilization, or perhaps some sort of love triangle situation between Amari and Reyes/Jack.
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Superstar 76

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There's an entire path that leads to the objective that doesn't go near a cliff you scrub
A reminder that Evafags still exist?
Yeah, I get that any time there's so much as a new fucking toaster on the market.
Reminder of the SJWs a few hours ago that got so triggered because someone called her "poo in loo" they shat up more of the thread than /pol/ did

and are still butthurt about it hours later
>Every now and then my game just won't load a map and I get kicked for inactivity at the start of a round
>Sometimes player models won't load and I can't see myself or other players for a couple minutes

What's going on? I played for months in the cb and never had this happen.
>but I want to know about how Angela tried to help Genji cope with his new body.
I don't think she did a lot, once Genji was done running the missions Overwatch rebuilt him for he fucked off to Nepal to hang with robitmonks because he felt so fucked up and out of place in his robit body.
I think the Blizzard dev idea was that games would be coordinated 6v6 clashes so a McCree would be able to hang back in a corner and get vision of 5 or 6 people that his teammates are herding into a corner in high level play or something.

That and they love the number 4. I guess playtesters could never do better than 3 kills per ult.

So...99% of the time, 'the enemy team has to be retarded".
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I'm just telling you how I see it. If you want to be butthurt about about headcannon then that's on you.
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>tfw gold damage and PotG as Symmetra
tfw dumping a big fat turd on the backline with my battle buddy genji as mercy
Will I like this if I enjoyed TF2 (mostly just with friends, who as it happens are playing this), but dropped the game after the first Mannco update
Anyone who says a hero is deadweight is someone who tried it once, didn't immediately do well and thus dismissed them as such, or just had a lot of teammates using that hero poorly. D.va is fucking amazing at harassing annoyances like turrets and snipers, her defense matrix cancels tons of ults, she has a get-out-of-jail-free card with her boost, and being skilled with her ult can at worst disperse the enemy team for a push and at best completely wipe them. You just need to get a feel for how she plays.
> Pick Winston
> Knocked into pit at Nepal temple
> They think I'm dead
> Jump out of pit
> Chimp out, strong arm two into the pit

Or you know, just have situational awareness. The greatest counterplay of them all.
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>mcree is fo r niggers
There are some spots where you can get around an enemy team and use it so you don't run the risk of being instantly shut down or see them all scatter in time. But nothing quite beats an enemy team being fucking retarded.
Wasn't it Zenyatta who helped him come to terms with his new body?
Is there a bug in custom games with selecting AI bot heroes? I might be retarded but it seems like there are only 6 hero choices to set the bots as.
If this post ends in 5 then buy goth Zarya.
i fear winstons, i do not fear d.vas
D.va and Tracer are worthless. Other heroes do their job better while also not sucking at other aspects of the game. D.va is a glorified ult charger and Tracer is a trap that only catches idiots.
High Noon operates like Hanzo's ult or DVas ult against non-retarded players. It's not for getting kills (outside of Zarya/Rein wombo combos) it's for forcing the enemy to clear an area, usually a choke point or a cap, in order to give your team an advantage and push.
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Yes, this game is basically TF2 before it went to shit
Open beta and release week the game ran great.
This week I'm getting random FPS drops and this symbol keeps appearing in the top left. What's up?
Why the FUCK is there no penalty for leaving a match?
Not a big fan of love triangles or reducing the female in them to some sort of cause of drama, but that's just me. Her being a huge badass in the fluff and her death convincing Reyes that Omnics must die would be interesting but might be cliche.

The interesting thing about Gengi and Angela is that she'd didn't do too much like that, it was Zenyatta that helped him accept it. I imagine he was hella bitter about it, and hated her for quite a bit for it.
Snipers have never made any game more fun for anybody who doesn't play snipers.
>level 97 player
>does nothing as zenyatta the whole match
Shoot at the ground as junkrat with various people dying in the background
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t. someone who's never fought against a good tracer
>let's force a sniper to play close quarters when they run out of ammo

Yeah Genji was Zen's pupil, he helped him come to terms with the duality of his human/robit existence. They have a few banter lines about it in game.
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I'm talking about physical therapy, not psychological quandaries. I'm sure that Mercy also gave him some peptalks and hand holding on his down time.

What the fuck happened to D.Va's face in that?
Her jaw is pretty fucking awful on her game model, especially on her Vishkar uniform skins. She's pretty cute in her official artwork though, yeah.
Snipers were a mistake
Healers were a mistake
I really want a comic of Song using l33t speak, then 76 asking her if it's some kind of military jargon.

Then she calls him a stupid DILF.
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Well then
I've gotton a warning before when my game crashed and it thought i left early
>hey here's our team-based, objective-oriented clientside arena shooter
>what should we add
>a hitscan sniper
The only time this has ever been done well is Tribes 2. That's it. Literally it. One game.
My dog died today. Can you guys post some happy/funny images? I don't have anyone else to cheer me up.
this T.b.H.
holy fucking shit do something to mercys ult, its so overpowered right now. Fast charging, counters every other ult, and no wind up
As a D.Va player, I have two things to tell you: she's not useless, but her legendaries are all trash
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You have ten (10) seconds to name something that's funnier to hear than "DIE DIE D- AUGH"
I'm still holding onto the idea that Amari didn't really die and she's the one leading Talon. Though there's not really any evidence for that outside of Pharah having a couple of lines which suggest she didn't get along with her mother and Widowmaker also being a sniper (so effectively 0 evidence)
Do I need to level up to get teammates that aren't totally incompetent?
No. Why?
Tracer is good against enemy teams because she can use her pistols to harass and then while they're grouped together ult.
>forcing snipers to actually play the objective instead of plinking at things from safety
As things should be
Nyaruko is my waifu!
Reinhardts "Charge" is so satisfying everytime I see it
Show me a good Tracer and I'll show you a Tracer that's just playing against baddies.
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OTP's to me are like wishful thinking.

Having an OTP is harmless. Hating an OTP has always seemed a little autistic to me.
Why is the general to tumblr, with all these parings, comics and awful gifs?
I wasn't even trying for a quad.

Maybe a douhle or triple and then my team would gang up on the Bastion if I didn't get him with the high noon.

That dumb Soldier on the right was some lv 8 newbie who just walked out of spawn or something, even my teammates who had LOS to that perch didn't know he was there until the potg (but it doesn't seem like he was full HP, I dunno). Felt pretty bad for him once I realised that he was the fourth target. But a quad kill is still a quad kill.
JUSTIC- auauughh
Its tf2 with more polish, less skill, no random crits but still lots of bullshit deaths and its also more fun.
>Someone saved this
And even more horseface.
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If you're a shitter, yeah
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What kind of dog anon?

Are there any overwatch versions of this yet?
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>stepping on something
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Genji or hanzos ult being interrupted is funny as shit too.
Am I the only one who thinks that Symmetra's base skin looks fucking retarded? I literally bought the Vishkar skin because it's her most sensible looking one. Just like her character. She's supposed to be sensible and modest. Not thighfu. Vishkar should have been her base.
>defending on volskaya industries
>match begins
>get sniped by a widowmaker
>by the time I respawn they've captured BOTH points and won

what the fuck? how is this possible? there's no way they can capture objectives that quick
>Heroes Never Die!
i don't know but i'm considering filtering tumblr
the entire thread was the /pol/tard redditizing everybody and shitposting like a butthurt manchild
>Playing defense hollywood as junkrat
>Other people are Genji, Dva, Mei, Symmetra, Mercy
>Getting stomped
>Ask the mei if they can change to something else because they've gotten a single kill
>They say no
>Them and 3 others shit on me for trying to play the game
Presumably Torbjorn also had a lot to do with Genjis reconstruction, in terms of building his roboid bits at least.
Definitely needs a Junkrat BOMB AWAY edit.
>lijiang tower with the circle control in the middle
>me and edgemaster have ult and are on top of the perch overlooking the circle
>dunk earthshatter 4 people, get charged by a reinhardt who was aiming for another guy
>edgemaster gets a quad

double potg
This game is very, very different from TF2. More casual and match up based.

That's pretty good. Not the art, but the concept.
I don't get it
Laziest character of the game goes to Torbjorn.
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That sucks, friend. sorry to hear that.
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>Have to throw armor physically onto people because no one will walk around to pick them up even if I place it in front of them
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I don't know if it's autistic, but it's stupid as fuck. People would agree that OTPs and shipping are a little different, though.

I'm not saying that Genji/Mercy is the one true pairing or everything. It's just the one I like to think about, sometimes.
Well you're stupid for doing so, and probably, it's ok.

Alright, fuck it.
I hate giving Blizzard money but I haven't played any multigames with my pals in a long while.
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am i the only person that thinks it would of been an interesting idea that every time reaper reloaded he'd pull out different guns?
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Ponytail skin for every hero when? I want a long ponytail for Tracer I think.
It goes to a webm of a Reinhardt charging D.Va's ult off a point and blowing up.
Commando or Night Ops.
All of D.Va's are really nice, but of course it has to be "Lying Around".
tracer is stupid

it's like impossible to die as her unless McREEE is around the corner
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Make sure you commend that Reinhardt at the end of the game. Jesus christ as a Mercy player that play made me laugh
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>rate every loss a 1
>rate every win a 3
Commando, I like the GI Joe look more.
>rating at all
>Don't Get Penalties
Leave match before game has started and everyone is still picking heroes.
Leave as soon as it says Victory/Defeat.
>Get penalties
Leave game after it says re-instancing
Leave game anywhere between beginning and before V/D.
When the fuck would Zeigler and Hanzo have even met least of all with Genji present
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Turned on.png
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I remembered who she reminds me of
Sheltie. He was massive for his breed, so everyone who met him thought he was a Collie.
What a slut
Torbjorn's had his hand in everything. Saying that Torbjorn had a lot to do with most of the Overwatch world's lore is pretty accurate.
>She's supposed to be sensible and modest.
She's not though.

She's a hoity-toity autist who is good at engineering and teleportation and shit.
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The top three pairings that I personally like:

Pharah x Mercy
Widow x Tracer
Genji x Mercy

I guess that some people are just dedicated to being unhappy and making sure that everyone else around them is unhappy. It's kinda sad really.
yeah according to his comic he designed a bunch of the robot designs the omnics utilize
someone shop junkrat onto the driver and roadhog onto the pig
>Torb hand forged Genji's robobutt
Made with love.
there are penalties for leaving games early. you get a nerf on your xp gains temporarily
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>Why is this comic made for the sake of humor unrealistic
She comes off to me as probably being fine with whatever she's wearing as long as it doesn't restrict her movement when out and about.
why is the map design so fucking bad
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Hey, beats me. I just save these images for future use.

If you read his bio, he was in line with some Ironclad guild and helped design most of the pre-Omnic Crisis stuff.
Torb is a butt connoisseur
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So people hating this OTP and shipping shit are autistic, yet the people that constantly post it everyday aren't? I don't understand.
>Play Reinhardt
>Get some random Bastion
>He demolishes the entire game from behind your shield
Absolutely based Mr. Kebab
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I don't know what Sporty's weapons look like, but Posh ain't half bad though personally I'm holding out for T. Racer
>less skill, no random crits

Sounds like more skill then
>Zenyatta can get caught in Junkrat traps despite floating in the air

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Pharah is funnier because she exposes herself in the sky and then falls
You should start with the Genji, Symmetra, and Dva.
A Mei who doesn't kill anything can still stall a cart forever.
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If that set you off, this comic that completely disregards any kind of timeline will really rigger you.
when she is out and about looking for a girlfriend-free man and showing people her sonic the hedgehog crossover fan art, you mean
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Which map? Most of them are meh-tier, but not too terrible.

>"Now... do what you were built to do!"
>"Twerk! Twerk for all the fujoshis!"

You do have to admit that 'pairings' and 'shipping' is pretty dumb. It's an addiction.
Thanks anon
Is Reaper a decent hero who can be played frequently, or is he only situational like Genji or Hanzo?

I'm seriously thinking of buying his Marachi skin because it's so good, even though I've only played him for 3 minutes max.
The symmetra was actually doing well. They were killing a fair amount of people with the sentries and they had good teleporter placement.
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Is stonehardt the best reinhardt skin?
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To be fair, he said 'having' an OTP is harmless. He didn't say anything about shitposting and shilling said OTP not being autistic.

Because it is.

And I still do it anyway.
That one map with winstons hq in it girabalter or whatever. he is fucking awful on that map.
Yeah, he's a good generalist. Really versatile assassin if you're good at him. Easy to pick up as well.
Do both of you girls play mercy?
no, bloodhardt for the TTGL look
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