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slav edition

>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup?? Find your crash log.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
>Performance Guides, Steam settings

>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Pasta summaries, streamer listing and more
>STALKER General Steam Group - Join chat and ask for an invite!

Reminder that MS Update KB2670838 breaks your DX10/11 games including Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. Here's a fix:
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Mods and Repositories | Often out of date; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrading Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets
>Old Builds (dated from June 1st, 2002)

>Lost Alpha
>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Call of Chernobyl
>Call of Chernobyl/Warfare Bitbucket repository
>Harpoon Knife/Alternate Flashlights for Arsenal Overhaul 3.x+
>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?

>Codebro's 1.0008 Patch for SoC - enter "menu_fps_cap 0" in the console to prevent crashes.
>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

Previous bread >>143861246
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First for spurdo
What is this creature on the Pic?
Posting here again, Call of Chernobyl crashes instantly and gives me a windows critical error sound when i try to start it via the Stalker-Coc.Exe

Crashlog is here:


Anyone know a fix?

turn off antivirus, disable desktop compsitioning
One of the creations of Beksinki's imagination.
also try updating via codater, updating dx runtimes if you havent already, reboot and try again as admin
>Description : hdr
Delete your shader cache and user.ltx
>mfw no stalker 2
This thread is D.E.A.D.
It's very annoying. Only so many times I can replay these games.
ded gaem
I'm honestly kind of glad.
I have an idea for the eventual magmod for weaposoup - the magazines and the grenades you have equipped should raise your carry weight by how much they weigh. Same for artifacts on the belt and equipped guns.
>artifacts on the belt
*On the slot
Also there should be a way to avoid cheesing that, such as purposefully carrying really heavy ammo on the belt. Maybe have the suit influence the belt's size.

Doing so would also take care of the "carry 12 long guns on your back and sprint as if you're carrying nothing" meme.
>Doing so would also take care of the "carry 12 long guns on your back and sprint as if you're carrying nothing" meme.
Oh I forgot why: I thought of the "belt" system as something meant to be played with a low weight limit, something like 25/30 kg tops, if you go over that you should be able to sprint only for not even a hundred meters (while also suffering from sprinting speed, looking around speed stamina regen penalties), and after 60 kg you can only walk slowly - same speed as low crouch. If you go over 80kg you can't more at all anymore. Thoughts?
>the magazines and the grenades you have equipped should raise your carry weight by how much they weigh
>if you go over that you should be able to sprint only for not even a hundred meters

Christ, have you ever ran in your fucking life?
This, and most mods do nothing to expand the story, i need my stalker fix, i even watched some shitty fan made movies. I NEED MY FIX
Why tho? Afraid they'll fuck it up?
Could've already done your own thing.
You mean mod?
Yes, the story at least.
Im illiterate when it comes to modding, it would take me years to learn if i start now, and i don't have the time, but i might get upset enough to start. I fucking love S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
This is not funny
We'd need a new UI bit for the belt though
>It's "I'm an ideas guy :)" episode

Neck yourself, or start working on it now.
Better weight distribution, the same reason why people suspect that the suits' weight are all over the place.

Yes, why, what are you getting at?
Oh yes, very much so. Even Sir Gay said that STALKER 2 would've been a disappointment regardless of its quality, I guess because different people think of STALKER as different things.
Or the hype train in layman's terms. It's not hard to see why he'd think so.
I suspect that it wasn't just a matter of hype train. Consider the following:
1. Sir Gay said that his vision of STALKER 2 was very different from the vision of the people that were working on it.
2. Do you remember the thread on KC /int/ where the GSC employee leaked some of the concept arts? I do, and from what I recall he was really pissed.
>Better weight distribution
I'd say "kill yourself", but it's become too much of a meme recently.
If STALKER was real would you ever think about adventuring into The Zone?
Because there isn't any difference between evenly distributing weight and carrying all of it on your back.
Good lord, no. If I wanted to go to Gensokyo that badly I'd just shoot myself in the head and be done with it. There, a painless, easy entry.
>Oh yes, very much so. Even Sir Gay said that STALKER 2 would've been a disappointment regardless of its quality, I guess because different people think of STALKER as different things.

Well if they kept it similar to SoC i don't see why it would suck honestly, unless they radically changed the concept of the game. And fuck id rather it sucked and i have the option to hate it than not have it at all. Stalker 2 sucking wont change my opinion of the original stalker series. Like why the hell are they trying to make Cossacks 3 happen when its a lot less popular than Stalker.
No thanks, I'm not THAT desperate.
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forgot my image
Thank G-d you aren't actually gonna pull through with this mod.
Yes, definitely. Either as part of research team or regular stalker. My life is too boring.
Try making your baits less obvious next time.
Good points. I don't really remember the details but I recall there were a lot of ideas being thrown, a lot of them dumb and many more of them just wishful thinking.
>Do you remember the thread on KC /int/ where the GSC employee leaked some of the concept arts? I do, and from what I recall he was really pissed.
I don't remember that one. Do you remember any details? Greentexts or whatever?

>unless they radically changed the concept of the game.
That's precisely what they'd do, anon.
I don't understand why STALKER hasnt been adapted into other mediums, just the theme and setting alone would make a great tense combat thriller or tv show. I hate to think that this wordl just dies with these games.
>That's precisely what they'd do, anon.

Well i wouldn't mind if they made it well and it was something well thought out. What were their plans anyway?
Nah, I just like to interweave ironic shitposting and humor into my serious posts on the internet.
Why does the nightvision in CoC suck so much? This is Gen 3.
STALKER is only particularly popular with Slavs, and those guys don't have neither the money nor the resources to pull that off.
Even the Witcher got a great tv show.
>Well if they kept it similar to SoC i don't see why it would suck
For you. Maybe for me. But you have to keep in mind that for a lot of retards the "real" STALKER experience is Complete, Misery, some other shitty meme mod and there are even people that jumped into STALKER straight from CoC and never played the original games.

>Stalker 2 sucking wont change my opinion of the original stalker series
I'm positive that you never saw a franchise that you love getting thoroughly raped and dissected.

>why the hell are they trying to make Cossacks 3
Because it'd sell, I don't think it requires nearly as much effort as a STALKER entry, and it won't cause nearly as much of a shitstorm if it is bad.

>I don't remember that one. Do you remember any details? Greentexts or whatever?
Google it, no really. You should be able to find the whole thread, and if not, at least screenshots of it.

Because Sir Gay doesn't want to sell the rights.

And this isn't necessarily true, if anything the STALKER games made much more money in the west than in slavland.
>in game increased weight carry suit upgrades specifically cite the redistribution of weight
LMAO. Kill yourself retard.
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I just find para-military and PMC/mercenary combat so much cooler than traditional war stuff.

This is also the reason I love FC2 and wish it could be as moddable as the STALKER series.

Which leads me to another question, how is it that the STALKER games are so moddable? Were they built with it in mind?
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Is he holding onto the rights in hopes of STALKER 2 or something?
What do you mean with FC2? Surely not Flaming Cliffs.
STALKER wasn't built with modding in mind at all. Slavs have a simple philosophy of 'mod it until it crashes', and Western modders also live by these words.

Far Cry 2. That one where you go innasavannah and shit.
>For you. Maybe for me. But you have to keep in mind that for a lot of retards the "real" STALKER experience is Complete, Misery, some other shitty meme mod and there are even people that jumped into STALKER straight from CoC and never played the original games.

Well fuck them tb h. Unless they pulled some stupid gimmicky shit like Fallout i really fail to see the problem, im fine with change.

>Because it'd sell

But Stalker would sell so much more

>and it won't cause nearly as much of a shitstorm if it is bad.

Well thats true
A Roadside Picnic has though
Oh, right. I absolutely loved Far Cry 2's concept, I really didn't like the execution though. Maybe I should replay with mods.
>Unless they pulled some stupid gimmicky shit like Fallout i really fail to see the problem
>Unless they pulled some stupid gimmicky shit like Fallout
Oh lad, you have no idea.
>im fine with change.
Don't take what I'm about to say as granted but I heard rumors that Sir Gay wanted STALKER 2 to be an MMO. Would you be fine with that?

>But Stalker would sell so much more
And as I said, Cossacks would be much easier to make.
>Oh lad, you have no idea.

Well i don't, if you can enlighten me please do.


>Don't take what I'm about to say as granted but I heard rumors that Sir Gay wanted STALKER 2 to be an MMO. Would you be fine with that?

Well no, you have a point.
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Devs had apparently wanted to do what was basically Far Cry 3, what with all those outposts and animals, but less dumbed-down. But as such, rushed development happens and the rest is history. Wish the developers had been given a real chance by Ubishit, they could have worked out something really good.
I replayed the game multiple times on Dylan's mod, it redeems a lot of goodness from the heap of shit the game originally was. One of my famigliae also played it Infamous Fusion, and it's basically Dylan's mod but better if his words are anything to go by. I can't say anything about the latter but I highly enjoyed the former.
What does Dylan's mod do exactly? Does it get rid of niggers respawning right after you killed them? Does it rebalance guns for instance so that the G3 isn't a peashooter and the FAL a deathray?
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Personally, the setting is great but its EMPTY.

I don't think there are ANY animals, I may be wrong, and aside from a couple towns, there aren't many NPC's that aren't just dudes with AK's looking to kill you.

It's the gunplay that has me coming back, and the fun of being able to approach different combat situations the right methods.

I particularly enjoyed taking down the convoys, setting mines in the road and then attacking after the blast.

For some reason, FC3 just doesn't do it enough, the gunplay just feels weird, like it doesnt have weight to it. I actually kind of enjoyed FC3 on console when it came out before playing FC2 with Dylands mod, and aferwords it was hard to go back, even with mods. I really disliked the crafting, even though I dont hate crafting in games really, but in FC is feels so fucking grindy. Also a lot the guns look like shit.

I want to like FC4 so bad but just couldn't. Tried to get into it multiple times, I love the setting and craziness the environment throw at you but the gunplay feels dull for some reason to me.
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Oh I am well aware of that, havn't read it yet but I did watch Tarkovskys movie(and enjoyed it).


Also just the idea of being a PMC/merc in an open world Africa environment is just like a wet dream for me, which is why I love STALKER so much, its basically that but in its own unique and awesome setting.
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Just look up the mod db page, there are barely any mods for FC2 as it is, but it does enough to make it worth replaying FC2.

I plan to play the Infusion mod next time I give it a go, its suppose to be even better than Dylans(as well as being built off it I think).
>PMC/merc in an open world Africa environment is just like a wet dream for me

Why won't you enlist IRL?
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To keep it short, it basically unfucks the AI (e.g. the patrols don't chase you into the literal end of earth), completely unfucks the gunplay (e.g. G3 is not a peashooter and FAL is also not a deathray). Respawns are lowered to a muuuuuch more acceptable level, yes. Acceptable enough that I was never bothered by them at least, but my opinions are not objective obviously.

People (including me) go back to one or two of the following things: Atmosphere or the interesting gunplay. It's both for me. I know there's Ziggy's mod to unfuck the gunplay but the atmosphere doesn't tick at all. It just ain't it.
It makes me sad that STALKER could've been much closer to RSP. STALKER has WAY too much shooting and human enemies for my tastes.
>STALKER has WAY too much shooting and human enemies for my tastes.

This, plus the gunplay is shit. They should have went the other way arround, less enemies and more accurate and powerful weapons, less shooting but a lot more fun when you do shoot.
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Becuase I have a pretty comfortable life as it is. I almost wish sometimes I was delt a shittier card(not that I have a good one by any means) and joined the military and went that route.

At the same time, real life gun fights are completely different from movies and are fucking terrifying, and not many movies capture that well, just how intense it is to have someone fucking fire at you with an assault rifle, or how hard it is to hold your shit together in the middle of a fire fight.

STALKER captures this in game form, especially ZoA mod, which is making me fall in love with it right now.

tldr; if I had nothing better going for me I probably would.
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ots 04
Did that guy make the stalker archive? I need stalker related images.
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I actually like the tropical atmosphere, it just doesn't feel as gritty though. Shooting enemies in FC2 is more satisfying than 3 and I have no fucking idea why.

I think I tried Ziggys mod too and while I liked what it did, it cant help the guns feeling like shit, even with better ballistics. Firing a gun in that game just isn't satisfying.
is that the cz - 52?
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Hey werejew, how come you like the weapons from BF4 so much? Just curious, I like a lot of them as well but just curious.
not him but they're really fucking well done compared to the shit he usually has to rip from mods
Is that can you read?
Did you read >>144196170

sr1m turned out nothing, i should have searched for sr1m pistol...rude ass cunt
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mk 21 extrema ratio
Yeah, no. BF4 models are average at best.
Werejew did you put any attention to the world models or they aren't a priority right now
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Do slavs like weed?
Hey /sg/
I want to replay Shadow of Chernobyl again, for the third time now.
What's the best absolute mod(s) you reccomend?
I know that I should get Shaders MAX, Absolute Nature and Buildings, but that's just graphical mods.
What's the best gameplay-wise mod you reccomend?
Yes. Who doesn't?
t. slav
Since Afghan, yes.

AMK: Autumn Edition
the 1.4.1 version
I tried installing that once
I have the steam version so I had to do some fuckery on the registry and whatnot. Never managed to install it for some reason

DO I need to install those gfx mods with that?
>I had to do some fuckery on the registry and whatnot
You don't need to do that.

Game version needs to be set to 1.0004
The install comes with a 1.0004 downgrader patch.

I don't use the ENB. It disagrees with my system. If ENB is bad for you as well, just choose no ENB in optional.
Maybe it's because English is not my native language but what the hell does "kitchen sink" mean in the mod flowchart?
Thanks for the tips, downloading it now

Can't wait to do some late night stalkin'
A thing that shouldn't be related to Stalker, but is included in said soup.
Now that you mention it, I don't even really know what Soup is supposed to mean either.
That's for describing those mods which throw in pretty much everything in, even the sort of things you wouldn't ever want to see or use.
You know how soups are made by mixing a variety of different materials together in the same pot? Kitchensink mods have a similar mentality: Mix a lot of related and/or unrelated in oen mod to make one big mixture of a mod. This term comes from Slav modders.
The word 'soup' is easier to write than 'kitchen sink' so the former is generally the more heavily-used term from my observations.
Throwing random, loosely related things into one mod and hoping it will work well enough. Just like you do a soup.

yeah but only bad weed grows in the frozen slavic wastes.

on an unrelated note, does anyone have any photos of thick slavesses? thanks.

Repo Anon here.
I just uploaded a patch for AMK Autumn 141 that I've been messing with off and on for a while.
Just basically some shit that I encountered during my playthrough that annoyed me, plus a couple other things.
You'll find it in the SoC repo.
Location: AMK Autumn Edition -> 1.4.1


* The following mutants now have loot: cat, chimera, controller, fracture, giant, poltergeist, tushkano.
* physics/skeleton properties changed for stalker models - no more invisible forcefields
* Properties for Mama's Beads set back to how it is in Vanilla and AMK 1.4. The AMK 1.4.1 version makes zero sense.
* stable_dialogs_amk.xml fixed - Artyom Cook and Raven now have text that actually makes sense.
* fixed inventory icon for Desert Eagle
* bar and megafone music mod
* minor dialogue change to stable_dialogs_bar.xml
* description fix for killer_gaz_outfit_m1_name (was completely empty)
* description fix for Kombez Freedom M2 (was missing stats)
* news lists change "Debt" to "Duty"
* flamethrower quest dialogue revised.
That makes sense, thanks for the explanation.
But Anon, this is a Christian imageboard.
Isn't there a russian saying that is along the lines of "when you go on a journey don't bring the kitchen sink with you"?

>not fixing STALKERs spawning only with AP ammo and therefore using only their pistols
>>not fixing STALKERs spawning only with AP ammo and therefore using only their pistols

Never seen them use only pistols in my run.
I've even armed every loner in rookie village and in the hangar at garbage with better weapons then what they spawned with, and they use them.
>Never seen them use only pistols in my run.
Are you sure? I saw quite a few milcucks (in the garbage, with AKS-74U tacticals) and mercs (in the wild territory) using only their pistols, again, because they only spawned with AP ammo for their primaries. Some people even reported that the monolith fags in the sarcophagus do the same.
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Where can I get an anomoly detector in ZoA early on?

I am in a bad hobo phase right now and its so hard to go anywhere because I have to toss bolts to see if paths are clear everywhere. I've started to remember some of the, so its getting easier, but you never know.

Running low on ammo on my shotgun and pistol, the rifle rounds are out.

I helped Fox out after some intense hill fighting with bandits. He got stuck on looking at dogs that were suppose to trigger I guess but never came, so I got fed up and shot him in the head. He then told me what I needed to know.

I'm not even gonna head to the garbage because right now theres like 2 Psuedo Giants just fucking shit up at the entrance.
When was the last time you played Autumn Edition? There was a point in time when the 141 version did not have rulix AI, but that was has since been taken care of.
I started my last AMK AE 1.4.1 playthrough exactly on march 14th, 2016 at 11:37AM GMT+1, and it was definitely after it got the AI scripts for grenades/stalkers healing each other etc.

Oh another thing: corpses never seem to despawn in the wild territory.
Corpses do take a ridiculous amount of time to despawn, but they do eventually. The only ones I've seen that don't are the same forever corpses that were in vanilla.
Iirc, even though most anomalies in ZoA are completely invisible, they still produce sound. Memorizing their position is pretty much useless, because blowouts happen relatively often. As far as detectors go, they can be found as random loot, but if I were you, I'd just make a run to Yantar.
Does AMK come with shaders max and the absolute graphics mods?

Why whats in Yantar? and the sounds are very faint. Electrical and the ones that shreds you make noises, but the other ones that just shoot outward with air burst are pretty silent.

I also havn't experienced any Blowouts yet, is there a reason why? It's been a decent amount of time in game, but its still a relatively new game.
Autumn Edition comes with the shaders pack, yes.

Absolute graphics are not required - all eyecandy is from Autumn Aurora, hence the name "Autumn Edition"
Thank you

Wish me luck with my stalkin'
Do people still stream these games?

I remember watching some dude stream LA when it was released and it was pretty comfy to watch.
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Dragunov SVD or M14 DMR?
Depends on what you want to do and who you'll target. I'd go with the SVD because 7.62R is more widespread.

M14 a shit
Does the Backpack in Autumm AMK only spawn after like x 18 or something? Just came to bar to discover that barkeep doesnt stock them and i desperatly need a new stash
Good hunting stalker

stash backpacks are only from rewards that are randomly handed out for killing mutants near other stalkers. Sometimes the reward is given from Sid, other times given from Barkeep, depends on where it triggered.

Anyway, I've had it trigger multiple times in my playthrough. Collected at least 10 backpacks by now.
SVD, because cheap and muh 7,62x54.

Thats dumb as shit i remember you could just buy them
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Everything went fine, except for one thing that's bothering me
Why is the grass distance so low in AMK? It's less than 50 meters, is this a bug?
SoC's distance is pretty low unless you increase it with a dll but I wouldn't recommend it because it flickers like crazy
It's the same with OGSE 0692.
No chance to crank the distance up without getting stuttering textures or putting up with codebro's shitpatch.
I'm running OGSE for the first time and my FPS completely tanks once I get out of the bunker.

There's a ton of settings, anyone knows which of them is the performance killer. I got an R9 280x so I should be able to get at least decent performance.
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I think it's better that way. Same with Episode 3 and any other NEVER EVER game.
I like living, so no.
stack trace:

0023:041D371B xrGame.dll
Autumn Aurora. What the fuck happened?
Loading saved game "l05_bar - start.sav"...
* Loading spawn registry...
* 8660 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
stack trace:

0023:041D371B xrGame.dll
I guess this would help more. I still don't get it, it just crashes on loading.
I honestly can't see why that car would struggle, my r9 380 runs everything up full, same card architecture.
As far as I'm concerned I'd enjoy STALKER as long as it had the same concepts that STALKER had, a little bit of free roam with a story tied into it, the whole RPG system integrated into it, ect.

Metro 2033 with an RPG system like what STALKER has would already meet most of my important expectations so I don't see how they could fuck it up, unless they were going with something like Survarium but singleplayer.
What CPU do you have?
You think this would require a new game?

I'm doing a playthrough right now and I don't want to have to go through the Cordon again so soon.
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north korean rocket test.webm
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Vehicles were a mistake.
what mod?
It's supposed to be the mod with the best vehicles, according to them.
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>playing oudated version
Did I tell you guys already that I cannot wait for weaponsoup?
They still have the weight of a piece of paper, that's the biggest problem.

It's the most recent one though with latest patch.
I really want a STALKER type game with more of the Roadside Picnic or STALKER The Scifi RPG feel to it.
There shouldn't be little towns and villages in the zone full of loners or factions, the place should have moving anomalies that are a constant threat. Going into the zone should be an excursion that you have to prepare for rather than just living in some woods that have a few patches of electricity here and there and a friendly ol' barkeep just a half hour away at all times.

Instead of just picking up whatever you find along the way and devouring it like a hoover vacuum you should have to manage your equipment and everything before you set off or face the possibility of starvation and not having enough supplies to make it back after being put between a rock and a hard place.
>Lightly tap a wall
>Dubstep fart rapes my ears
Core i5 4690K
After turning down grass distance and detail it seemed to fix it somewhat. from sub 10fps to around 40
I hover around 60fps with a 4460 and GT 640.
From what limited knowledge I have, I believe that lighting and grass/foliage detail rapes your PC the hardest.
Their vehicles handle better than those in Lost Alpha and Oblivion Lost and its variants.
What temps are you getting? Did you OC?
Everything is running stock and the temps are fine. the 280x uses one of them asus coolers and a have a custom cpu cooler rather than stock.
outdated*, damn it

Werejew, are you still there? Post progress.
That's not really a large feat when you consider how vehicle psychics were an afterthought that was scrapped in the original game.
If you get FPS slowdown in areas with lots of NPCs, such as Cordon village, Bar (OGSE), or the Skadovsk (in SGM), then you have a CPU bottleneck.
But how then? I've never been launched higher than ~4 meters.
Anomaly, doofus
It doesn't require a new game.
On an existing game, the new mutant loot will only appear on newly spawned mutants. The existing ones will not have it.
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sog seal pup
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>poor little freedumb guy
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sog seal elite

i will release all my knifes sometime within next 2 weeks ,knifes will beswappable in game slot 1 (pistol slot), binocular will be equippable and go there aswell
>pistol slot
M8 why not just use the dedicated knife slot that already exists.
wont work that way i already tried, no slot in ui
CLIENT: Synchronizing...
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 183121 K
* [win32]: free[2864016 K], reserved[113504 K], committed[1216720 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[673511 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[183121 K], process heap[800921 K], game lua[20061 K], engine lua[201 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[3433 K], smem[0 K]
stack trace:

0023:0411371B xrGame.dll

[error][ 87] : The parameter is incorrect.
How are you launching the game ?

ZoA IS great or any mod with invisible anomalies. Really makes it feel like you have to tread careful or use pre-determined routes.
How hard would it be to make one?
>no ui

So what?
Running XR_3DA exe as admin.
I still think the best one is when some absolute madman gave a bunch of bandits RPG-7s and they executed someone at point blank.
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knife slot.webm
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Script wank can solve many problems

It's not as simple as you think it is
what effect does switch distance have on the game

like what's the difference between a completely active area and an area that's only partially active? will more NPCs die in a fully active area or what

or does it not matter at all
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God I love the sewers in Dead City. Always provides an opportunity to make a dynamic entry.
You don't need UI to have a functioning slot, so I ask again: what's the problem?
What mod?
Nigga are you stupid. Objects out of switch distance can barely do anything other than crawl the game graph
rush b, idi nahui
What gun is that?
CoC+STCoP+Warfare+some UI mod from the repo
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Thanks Stalker.
the game doesn't even simulate anything outside the switch distance?
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MP-153, it's pretty fun to use

No problems
I like the idea but its never going to happen because of normies who like mindless shooting
The vepr is better.
>from stalker
the only time you should flinch is if its night and a bloodsucker grabs your shit and slurps on you.
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I'm just a sucker for the regular shotgun aesthetic.

I've become desentisized to bloodsuckers. People with guns in tight spaces scare the shit out of me when I'm playing on ironman though.
werejew how are things progressing
God I love that mosin.

When I played CS I used it until the ridiculous bulletsponge zombies at Yantar ate up all my ammo.
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Still just working on shit, that other dude posting stuff wasn't me. No idea what hes working on, though I do already have most of the stuff hes posted in WS short of the knives which I'll be doing eventually.
Do you think you can add more slots to the CoC inventory like OGSE?
Werejew did you read my idea of things that are equipped increasing your carry weight?
How do I carry more than one gun at a time with AMK?
Pidorovich isn't interested in shitty guns, in both AA2 and AMK AE.

What do you mean?
I only have one weapon slot
Fucking what, I don't remember AMK being like that. Post a screenshot.
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I actually started looking into that, though not very heavily. Gonna dig through more scripts and everything; hopefully it won't require modifying open xray but if it does it shouldn't be too hard I imagine. Luckily I found the fork that coc uses so I should be good to go once I download it and get it compiling.

Hmm, thats a pretty interesting idea. I'll look into it and see what I can do.
Both weapons are classified as secondaries
You'll love that a little later, when you actually get something to put in tour primary slot
Oh, I was used to having the sawn off as a primary on vanilla.
Oh you silly motherfucker. AMK makes so that the sawn off goes in the pistol slot, and IIRC that also applies to a few other guns like the MP5 and maybe other shotties.
Wouldn't you have to modify openxray anyway if you wanted to do rendertarget scopes
Yup but that wasn't going to be for a little bit.
They are easy to set export via the hud models (just have to load bone data \ delete motion references), so I have a good amount of them. I may end up waiting to make them super accurate so I can release it earlier, unless people want me to go ahead and churn those out. Wouldn't take long I guess, all the *.object files are saved obviously so I just need to load bone data and export. They wouldn't be aligned in peoples hands though just yet.
Just one more noob question

How do I use the dosimeter? And what's the GPS for?
How do I read item description?
>How do I use the dosimeter?
You attach it to the fucking belt, exactly like the description says.

>And what's the GPS for?
You drop it and it shows its current location on the map. Useful for finding your own stashes.
Might as well save all the openxray stuff for later, and do it all at once
Maybe do that in a latter upgrade. I'd be fine with sligtly misaligned models and NPCs not gripping weapons the right way, what irks me are world models that are completely out of scale like the G3 in AO3.

...Weren't you supposed to get a tripcode?
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XR_3DA 2016-06-02 19-21-50-29.jpg
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What is it with G3 always being tiny, like really
Because it's not a big gun IRL?
aww look at da widdle baby gun
Compare to the M16Awhatever above it
It's most certainly bigger than an M16.
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glock fieldmaster

if i give you my knifes will you hurry the fuck up?
I mean I have a slew of css models and the BF4 models which are easy to port, no need to be a dick. Knives weren't going to be a focus for the first release anyways.
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I can rescale the world model for the g3, that's super easy. Also fine, here you go.
Buying crap is bad for business.
Looking at getting into CoC and I see a mod in AO folder of MEGA, what is the item soup involve?

Do I install that after AO?
>does anyone have any photos of thick slavesses
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>using PBR textures in a game that was made when PBR was a myth in videogames.

How much are cars ultilised in OGSE?

I just did that quest where you have to loada crate full of military weapons to the rookie village and I thought that was pretty cool.

I remember playing oblivion lost in 2008 or something and the cars were really only fast travel back then.
Depends on how much you want to use them. About the only thing I ever did with them was transport those military weapons and crates of ammo from Garbage to Agroprom. Everything else was endurance artifacts and guides that transport you to places.
>pigcrainian military never fails to show how incompetent it is
At least the SEVA guy isn't being utterly miserable.
Going through the Darkescape without a car will make you want to kill yourself.
fuck that map
Rather, fuck the whole mod. They should've just released the new AI and the new graphical options on Openxray.
Is it as empty as in LA?

I remember the Darkscape map being fairly interesting if you exclude the lack of enemies.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of this.
what does additional_inventory_weight2 do for artifacts
It's a shitty huge map with trash mutants, two bloodsuckers and that's it. The only other enemies you'll meet there are quest related, to be more precise 5 quests have mandatory enemies, and one of those is 100% cancer ("lelele you know what's better than an escort mission? An escort mission where enemies that spawn out of thin air xdddd" and no I am not making this up). The quests that are in the darkescape are mostly either stupid or annoying as fuck, the one that is part of the main questline is kinda cool.
Oh there are also some alright artifacts (mama's beads, goldfish) and an old man that tells you stash coordinates if you solve riddles for him. Be aware that the math in his riddles not always makes sense, and the stashes' content isn't THAT great.
Weaponsoup will be released when?
Eventually, I'm not giving anymore estimates.
I'm trying to install CoC with the repacks available. How can I do this, as it says I need a legal copy?
I'd like to come over for some more Netflix and chill. Ya know. To keep you motivated ^_^
please respond
Quick google search came up with this quote from the gsc forums:

A guy who goes by the name Victory By Default at the Zone Survival Guide made the observation that the weight at which you will get tired is not affected by these outfit parameters. He noted that additional_inventory_weight helps set your max carry weight while additional_inventory_weight2 affects the yellow/red transition weight -- but these do not affect when you will actually start getting tired, just the colors and the maximum weight.

From what I can tell, additional_inventory_weight is added to the base limit for maximum carry weight defined by max_walk_weight in config\creatures\actor.ltx, so if your max_walk_weight is 60 (default), you won't be able to move at 110 kg with your +50 setting. Likewise, additional_inventory_weight2 is added to max_weight in config\system.ltx to set the point at which the inventory weight color changes from yellow to red as you add to your inventory. With a +50 contribution from the outfit added to the default max_weight of 50, that would be at 100 kg.

Your normal carry-without-tiring weight, I believe, is set by max_item_mass in actor.ltx. The outfit modifiers don't affect it, apparently.

To keep the yellow in sync with when you will get tired, you could do the following: Keep max_item_mass and max_weight the same value, and keep additional_inventory_weight2 at 0.

There may be a way to artificially tire you separately, by using a negative power_restore_speed on normal outfits. Or just try a positive power_restore_speed to overcome the drag of the weight for the custom outfit. But I've not seen folks use this feature, so it might be broken on the vanilla rookie outfit that's supposed to speed up metabolism.
CoC is standalone. But you need a registry entry for CoP to prove you own it. If you don't own CoP just use the file in the second OP post.
See, I knew that, so I used it, but it didn't work.
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>Done every single mission in Jupeter Available.
>Still can't vouch for the Monolith survivors to either faction.

What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I already earned the Man of Balance Achievements and the Duty History mission, yet these fuckers won't let me give them new recruits.

Is this a bug? I don't know if it's a bug, but it's certainly bullshit.
>A Man of Balance

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What? Are you telling me that I can't take Strider because these babies don't fucking trust me after I've done all of the shit to get renown, only for these fucks to say 'Hur-Durr, don't trust you. Nobody knows you.' bullshit.
try this one

or you can use the extractor to extract the install files from the installer/db's

second Q&A
they are selfish but honestly you should've known you'd have to suck up to a faction for them to do favors for you
The Wiki itself mentions that you do are able to convince either faction of recruiting them simply by doing some neutral missions like Zaton's Bloodsucker Nest mission and Trappers' Burers mission, so I don't know how I could convince them of having them join otherwise.
thank you, I'll try it and come back.
No it doesn't, it explicitly mentions you need to be "friendly" with them, which you can't do if you sold the PDAs to Owl (which is what you did)
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>In order to have a faction recruit Strider, the player must achieve 'friendly' status with that faction. This can be done with the following actions:

>Clear out the bloodsucker nest in the swamp
>Clear out burers to the east of Jupiter
>Turn in Flint after he exposed himself as Magpie
>Kill the chimera in Zaton
>Give Morgan's PDA
>Complete Duty History

>Once either faction's attitude towards player has been raised high enough, their leader will agree to send recruiting officers.

>Note that the first three actions should sufficiently improve the player's reputation without giving Morgan's or Tachenko's PDA, thus preserving the opportunity for the player to receive the achievement 'A Man of Balance'.
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