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/csgog/ Counter Strike Global Offensive General
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>Ongoing/Upcoming Tournaments

>Competitive News


>PUG Services
[FREE] http://cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
[FREE] http://www.faceit.com
[PAID BOTNET] http://play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: http://www.schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: http://twowordbird.com/articles/csgo-recoil-mechanics

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements
Config Tool: http://csgohelp.com/autoexec
HUD: http://www.spddl.de/csgo_english-txt/csgo_multi-txt

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: http://livestreamer.readthedocs.org/en/latest
Open Source Twitch Chat: http://sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>How to git gud
Do this EVERYDAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs
Watch this EVERYDAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Y8PmrzHuI

>Useful websites and maps/How to practice
Read and watch everything here: http://pastebin.com/zTwcpC1q

>Old Thread
NA killed sound?
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>none of the ct's looking at plateu
eleague learned from ESL i see
Is it really that difficult to run a stream without technical issues?
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whats up with the camera?
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wtf is plateau on cache?
okay seriously where's the sound
im guessing the staff havent realised that the stream is fucked.
what was your ping?
our guys are showing g2 who's boss
i wish i could tell!
This is like one of those shitty art installation my mom brings me to
>can't aim
>blames the game
Nice servers you have there valve I extremely enjoy my 400 ping
This webm won't load for me.
wtf is wrong with the servers today? i'm teleporting around
i think this happens due to packet loss, only when you don't receive the packet when the CT rotates his view and it doesn't update for you

shit like this doesnt happen on LAN i don't think
why do tryhards always go for le ebin headshot when shooting someone who's defusing and with their back turned and then stare like retards when they miss? you know this shit happens all the time, stop showing off and just kill them
i remember using nicknames like this when i just started using the internet
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ewww he's so out of shape
>caring about your looks
hello reddo
oh fuck off fagyks

fucking cunt is gonna lose me my handicap bet
Guys, I just came out to my parents that I'm gay, can we get some cute boii posting to celebrate :3?
>celebrating being a worthless degenerate homo
no thanks lmao
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>net_graph 0
thank you shox

God Shox
that tfw when u fart and it smells
haha whered you come up with this one?!?!
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>its another smithzz is a bottomfragging useless fuck episode
my arse
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goddammit g2

why the fuck couldnt you shitters close it out at 15-7
Thats dust, epik memer
lets go relyks
>getting mad at teams for your shit bets
lmaoing @ (at) you (You) rn famalam
our guys are putting up a good fight
>tfw played vs the NZXT team in CEVO
>raped them so hard they kicked me for "cheating"


yeah too bad i made in a single day what you'll dream of making in a month

>doesn't bet on czech women's volleyball for easy $

sad desu.
Why are americucks so bad at CS?
should i get a kebab or a cheeky pizza tonight lads
this music is top fucking percentage
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I'm glad for you anon!
will you suck my cock? do you swallow
cheeky pizza
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fresh qt boi

lmao hahahahahahahahawhahahash
>started at silver 1
>ranking up every ~8 hours
>just ranked up to silver 4
>saving kevlar
you must have some actual literal mental deficiencies to be at that rank, do you ever notice how stupid everyone is that you play with? well you are also a retard so i would advise necking yourself
>semmler announces save
>all the underage NA kids in the crowd start cheering "USA USA USA"
>selfless : "ok they must be saving let's go chase"
NA teams can't even play on LAN without ghosting, pathetic tb h
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Shoxie you moron

Why are you saving small armor, to then buy full kevlar for a 1000 (because you got it damaged) instead using this opportunity to get 1000 towards an AWP instead.
The pistol round save was absolutely worthless then.
>in my /csgog/
off yourself
I will never understand how people can be silvers.
what team do you play for?
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it was agony.jpg
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>got first rank as sem
>took 50 wins & 100hours of solo queueing to finally reach Nova 1
holy fuck that was jw style clutch
is this bait
>losing against 3 smgs with a full buy
How is my skill relevant? You can criticize a pro player for obvious economical mistakes.

There was literally no point in saving his small armor in pistol round, if he's gonna throw all the money away.
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Will the Addy Duo bring Echo Fox into the promise land?
heh, i guess you could...hehe...you could say...haha!...*clears throat*...i guess you could say that play was nice_
Addy Duo will make NA great again.
im gay for shox
usa usa usa
g2 is throwing again
>you must have some actual literal mental deficiencies to be at that rank
wow rude
but hear me out
for ~200 hours, i was throwing matches on purpose, doing stupid shit like knife only or noscope scout, just for the joy of getting russians mad. i started playing "seriously" about a week ago
>do you ever notice how stupid everyone is that you play with?
yep, most might as well be bots. in the last week i've had a ~90% win rate, and almost every match i was topfrag/topscore
>well you are also a retard so i would advise necking yourself
Did Freakazoid ever use Adderall? He wasn't on Cloud9 during Katowice 2015.
no, this is called an average cbble scoreline
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Do you get the memo /csgog/?
>/csgog/ think G2 will lose because they are losing as CT on the most T-sided map ever
>ELeague thinks Black DDK is GBJames

na cs
>amerilards with inferiority complex
top jej
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ohh shit lol.gif
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>silver 4
He has a "prescription" but rumor has it Sean was dealing it to c9
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>be eurocuck
>someone says usa near you
>sperg out
why are europeans so tsun tsun
the whole game is ct sided
>writing E like an inverse 3
did that guy learn to write a month ago?
calm down guys cbble is t sided
That was Semphis or Shazam. Did you even watch the video where Semphis talked about it?
when was the last time cs_ maps were played competitively
its supposed to be like that because the economy is in favor of the T's
but cobble doesn't give a shit
no, he's just american
i was throwing literally every match before
>when was the last time cs_ maps were played competitively
when your mom was a virgin
it it LITERALLY harder to be silver 1 than globe
>he unironically crouches when he shoots
Unrelated, but id de_ is short for "defusal" why is hostage rescue called "cs_"?
t. GN2 that thinks he's good
might be because it was the original mode in counter-strike? not sure either
it was original mode for cs
Why does literally everyone us an AWP when they get the money if it isn't overpowered
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t. sliver 4 who thinks he's good, and was just 'throwing' to get his rank
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>started playing seriously
>silver 4
but that wasn't me, >>144009553 was my first post in liek an hour
cobble is worst map

worse than nuke

I said it
>ITT: rrrrrr pretending to be new, then replying to himself a bunch of times
desperate for (You)s much?
do you want to be my anime bf?
That's how you write an E in cursive.
i'd think you were lying if it wasn't for the steep decline in the quality of posts once he posted.
no, it's train
why are there no black cs players?
because you need a functioning brain to play cs at a high level
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t. silver 4 samefagging to pretend anyone would stand up for him
there's a few
they're all garbage though

then why aren't the other letters cursive you fucking poof, eh?
funny, because some of the most intelligent people in human history are black, and the main reason why black people score lower in iq tests is because of colonialism and biased tests.
t. nigger (or even worse, nu-male)
Colonialism would cause interbreeding which would result in higher IQs
>black people
>on a game where you have to manage money
They're both trash

Remove Cobble and Nuke and replace them with a slightly cleaned up Inferno and Santorini.
Counter-strike: the terrorits struck and took hostages, now you strike back.
i'm black and smarted than you how does this make you feel? :)
>tfw people that watch anime are literally the dumbest in history
>a video game about killing people is broadcast on television

um gotards??

we need the return of office rn
Wouldn't mind another FMPONE map in the official map pool since he is actually interested in developing and tweaking his maps in small increments. Valve doesn't seem to be capable of doing this.
The problem is he takes most advice reddit gives him.
it's awful but still better than nuke
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IQ tests arent biased, they are all adopted for each culture, in the USA there is one for whites and one for blacks, the average on them is 100+/- one dispersion so the average IQ ranges between 85-115 in every single test.
Everyone scores 15-20 or even less points on IQ tests which isnt made for their culture.
calm down whitey it's a fucking typo lol.
It's better than what Valve can come up with.

Santorini isn't awful, it's alright.

I don't know what else to replace it with. Nuke is a pile of steaming shit, I have no idea what Valve were trying to do.
reddit is where most the good players talk about the game
no, you don't, you need fast reaction speeds and an addy prescription baka this isn't starcraft
hey reddit
>play over 50 games within the last motnh
>not even one chroma 3 case dropped
semller and anders are such a bad look for cs go. henry and sadokist would be so much better.
>knowing anything at all about the game aside from Shroud's stream and twitch celebs drama
surely you meant HLTV
i finally got one when they were only 70 cents

t-ty valve
I got one just last game

bought a nice sticker for my m4 with it
is opening cases worth it? do they drop decent skins at a reasonable rate?
t. have a few dozen cases and am debating whether to sell or open them
have never gotten a c3 case but I got shadow cases two weeks in a row glad im done with this shit game
no, they absolutely are not, you've got a like 2% chance of making your money back

you're better off betting on lounge or some roulette site
welp thanks
do people actually waste money on opening them?
anime fags are this delusional
>tfw ywn have one
>3 people go towards b site
>I and another random go A
>get shot from connector
>realize they actually stacked B
I don't get how there are people who don't go middle in fucking LEM.
Why would you do that?
Makes no sense
yes. people also waste money on casinos and the lottery, it's no massive shocker
did selfless do good or did G2 do terrible
a bit of both
a bit of both
G2 started fucking around after they got a strong lead on cache and let selfless take a few more rounds than they should have
they got rekt the beginning of cobble but finally corrected their mistakes and started steamrolling again
5'11" on the left

6' on the right
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I wish Puckett would puck me :3c
sorry hes not a faggot lmao
why do americans read りゅ as "rahyoo"
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>ryu and richard in the same room
so they really aren't the same person
i've had the same happening once
luckily not in a situation like you
>he thinks g2 wont beat nip
>he says reeyou unironically
what animeme is this girl from
I think G2 are more familiar with NiP so it could be close.
shut the fuck up you retarded piece of shit anime retard nigger
this tbqh
G2 have always been the team that does best against tier 1 than tier 2-
rip swedecuck skins
there's no "ee" there either retarded americuck nys
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this, also selfless really showed up for cbble
answer me anime
thanks for the skins, swedes
i have g2 for both too
gl us
>tfw no idea what to bet on
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suck my dick choke on it
end your life
Does the 0.17 win pay out at all?

I remember winning around $1 on a lounge bet and getting just leftover trash because of their overpay system
pyth looks like that fat kid at school who got bullied even by nerds who were bullied by everyone else
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no don't please I was just kidding
i've never had lounge not pay out

sometimes you get paid in really terrible stuff like 3 cent skins but i always get paid
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>ywn BM your cute swede bestie on LAN
why even live

it should xizt
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R8 My Taco Gun
Also I am sad that the Revolver Fades are dropping in value like flies
its shit kill yourself
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what the fuck
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giv me
but he's really not
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i bought a well-worn akihabara accept for 32 bucks and people liked it
>haven't played CS (or vidya at all) in liek 4 hours
>see a friend add notification
>russian streamer with 600 hours in game
literally who?
>idolizing cheating monkeys

unironically kill yourself
it me
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thoughts on naming a dragon tattoo glock "1988?" it's my birth year and it was the year of the dragon
literally who?
1488 sounds better
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Who else uses an Auto to defend on Mirage?
>Who else uses an Auto to defend
you should make like a taco and burn in stomach acid.
What a slaughter.
sieg heil my friend
i want shox to breed me
i buy xm1014 almost each time. got thirty kills with it last night. i have battle-scarred heaven guard and field-tested black tie -- both stat track. i'm thinking of getting tranquility
>NiPPLES getting BTFO by sandniggers
heh will definitely consider even though i'm korean. it holds more significance to us because of the olympic games held that year
yeah :3
>bet $1.5, win $4
>get paid with four $1 skines
what month?
better than the usual $.30 skins i always get
>shitty player
>shit taste
mac yourself fatberg
>friends IRL don't have many skins
>give them a few skins
>gamble them away
never again. i thought they were going to use and cherish them
>tfw gambled away a skine from dadyrus
i miss him...
anyone else struggling to shoot people because palms sweatan and mousepad gets all sticky its impossible to aim
>0.15 to 1 odds

so I lose money if I win?? gotards???
friberg going for a full beard holy shit
looks weird on him
>cherish shit that doesnt worth a quint
yah mate thanks really appreciate that lads
I don't understand monkey English
>it's a smithzz misses the crucial easy shot and lets his team's economy go to shit episode
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>tfw did the same

fuck that fucking cunt
ooga booga baa baa thats how i got white pussy senpai
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i have to play at night with my window open or the mousepad stickyness makes it unplayable

probably gonna need to buy aircondition
>rrrr is awake now
rip thread
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how many times have they pulled this "nip getting carried by their newest player" script?
you shouldn't be betting if you're six years old mate
How was middle school?
and adren is going to hit the ground there and


How was freshman introduction? I know high school can be scary '~'
enjoy losing money then... Baka....
>tfw shoxie wears shorts in public
this is like the third time in a week kekenhagen has 80% win chance and it ends in a draw
i want my fuccing skines
>ywn bully rrrr in his freshman year of high school
>yfw rrrr has to take his driver permit test on a rented búrrõ
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friberg king.jpg
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uh english retards?
dumb shit can't even spell properly
nip retards
He left the team. He's in ENCE
eleague is bretty gud sofar desu

atleast the fans are not autistic like the euros one
They actually are fucking autistic tho
Never betting on Nipples again.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 129

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