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>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV

Pre-war: >>123392828
So finally got to playing this mess.
After solving a literally 2 seconds of mouse delay issue, been walking around and generally having a good time.
But then I noticed that only about one in 12 clicks actually works for attacking.
That can't be normal, and I can find no mention of it online, it's definitely not the mouse either.
Anyone even know where to start with this?
>level 7
Blitz gets its extreme range at level 29
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when you load fallout 4 the first time and your eyes fallout
Piper's a shit.
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Off to conquer Boston in style
That image is dumb
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who /congressional army/ here?
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prove it wrong
Even lvl 1 Blitz is enough
I use it with a switchblade to teleport on top of people then shotgun them

Also, have fun with Grognak's Axe. It's literally the best melee weapon in the game until you get lucky and find a Relentless Super Sledge
>that high contrasting pink skirt
>those leggings that look like theyre made out of muddy socks
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Reporting in
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Piper's a cute.
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This is how I die.png
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I screamed like a girl.
>The Institute is the most high tech faction in the Commonwealth
>mostly the same items and gear that can be found a little dirtier in the wastes
>their main synth army is mainly plastic
>all their armor and weapons are made of just plastic

wooow soo fancy.
My new ability to not argue about stupid shit on the internet has made me a Manly Adonis!

Guns are for the weak, kiddo
Maybe someday you'll know what it's like to be a man
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>get MacCready's cheat perk
>go to get my Piperfu back
>he hits on my Piper
Didn't the Brotherhood download some data from the Institute?
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Are you venerating your power armor's machine spirit anon?

You're not some kind of filthy heretek are you?
beta update even worth it?
Where do you get those candles?
>screencapping your own post
>Also, have fun with Grognak's Axe. It's literally the best melee weapon in the game until you get lucky and find a Relentless Super Sledge
Pickman's blade is also good

Especially because with VATS/jet you can stack a load of bleed before the enemy reacts
But can you fuck your brother/sister?
Post-apocalypse fashion lad. She's a psycho junkie too.
>that hand slime
Did you fist a Mirelurk queen or something?
>Guns are for the weak
I've played a melee character for literally 3.5 days. I'm all melee'd out
Was really disappointed by the limited unarmed weapons and the fact that each melee weapon has about 2 mods.
it's not mine, i screencapd the truth that one dude said
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r8 my brotherhood guy
They downloaded everything

All the institute's research is in their hands, everything dangerous to the world has been destroyed
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Spooky underground places
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Embrace the polyamory anon.

Don't get mad, organize an orgy.

I modded so you can wear armor pieces over any armor.

Now I never wear anything but the General's outfit and sturdy combat armor, it actually doesn't clip too much and the chest piece seems to overlap perfectly with the regular armor so I can't even see it, just looks like there's armor braces over the arms.
>Doesn't matter if I've got 300 strength, 300 endurance and 2 ton power armor on, if a raider bunches me with his bare hands it staggers me and interrupts my swing

Welp, at least I can eat his body when it's over.
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So how fucked up is Fallout 4 in terms of needing mods and user patches to be playable?

From what I've experienced in the past, vanilla Bethesda games tend to be really fucked up.
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>playing the nicest possible character
>still can't help being a cunt to preston
Why does he have no redeeming quality?
That is fucking autistic holy shit
The lack of shading 100% kills it.
minuteman + bos masterrace

minuteman + railroad ok too for that ballistic weave
With a Relentless weapon and Four Leaf Clover you can constantly stay in VATS criting people
Pickmans doesn't even compare
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What is the meaning of this shit
Settlements Expanded: Homemaker

Check Nexus under settlement crafting, can't miss it. Though when I travel into the area they don't emit light properly, just kinda twinkle. Quicksave and reload and then they work fine.
How do autosave farming trick?

Whenever I load autosave loot changes. Thought item stayed but stats changed?
>tiny chin
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
It's the terrible VA.
Ceaseless optimism.
new vegas port to fallout 4's engine when
Minor crashes for me, and unless your machine is a complete beast, youll prob have fps issues in the city areas
>So how fucked up is Fallout 4 in terms of needing mods and user patches to be playable?

In terms of on-release Beth studios games it's the most stable one they've put out since Morrowind. Fallout 3 and New Vegas were buggy, crash happy disasters and Skyrim was a fucking mess that actually broke with each new patch they put out (remember the backwards dragons?)

But I hope you don't like melee.
Maccready even his on Hancock

He's grieving anon
>empty tactical gun clip into triggerman
>duck behind pillar, pull out serrated electric sword
>tap alt to power attack as i walk around to hit him
>it throws a grenade at him, the lack of getting hit with a power attack causes him to retain the ability to be alive and hit me in the face with his gun
>get staggered so hard I apparently get stuck on him as the frag grenade lands on the ground next to us
thanks todd for not giving me the option to put grenade throw on g or something apparently
Reposting because fuck you I spent five minutes typing that instead of playing.

>you are a tribal living in the midwest
>your totally hot tribal sister/brother who isn't related to you by blood gets kidnapped by THE ENCLAVE 2.0!
>tribal elder informs you that you weren't born in the the tribe, that you are actually a Vault Dweller, and you are given a Vault 666 Vault Suit and Pipboy.
>sent out from the tribe to gather allies to rescue your sister/brother, you learn more of the post apocalypse world outside your village, and as you gather your forces to mount an assault on THE ENCLAVE 2.0 you keep hearing disturbing rumours of a pair of men from the west, who are unifying lesser tribes and changing the way tribes wage battle.
>So how fucked up is Fallout 4 in terms of needing mods and user patches to be playable?
It doesn't need any. Fallout 4 is their the most stable game so far
Needless to say there are a few bugs, but the only serious one I've heard is that max melee perk doesn't do what it says, but I don't know if its true
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Means you're a filthy fucking casual.
Steam hours include menu idle hours.
reloading saves and shit don't count toward in game time but do in steam time + menu time and shit
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Reporting in
>you will never come home from a hard day of cleansing the commonwealth of abominations and lick curies qt feet
>"z-zis ees most intriguing Monsieur"

Why even live?
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>Hey Cait?
>Why does my pip boy always tick when we have sex?
>"Beats me."
>And why do you insist we fuck in the dark?
>"It's more romantic?"
>Well you see, I saw this medical terminal on the Prydwin...
>"Yeah, like those gobs know what they're on about."
>Really, they do. And anyways it said that ghouls have this disease that passes on to their partne-
>"OH! Hey Hancock! Hold up a minute! I had some...Uh...Questions about Goodneighbor!"
>God damn it get back here Cait!
>not just running up to him then double tapping bash to trip him to the ground and then shooting him in the face

Also you should really remap your power attack/bash/grenade key to M3, LAlt is such a stupid place to put it
There's some quest bugs and Mosignor Plaza apparently corrupts saves

Much more stable than their last few releases (and New Vegas which was their groundwork), I've had only 2 CTD's and both were caused by me abusing console commands

And 1 case of weird loading

Still loads of minor bugs tho
>nicest possible character
>Ironside's Hat

I've seen through your ruse, Synth.
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>have most of the settlements
>endless supply of fertilizer
>endless supply of jet

>power suit with jetpack

There is nothing better then flying around a 4 story building killing raiders on and jumping around freely getting kills while airborne.

pic related; a weapon i dont use because it's over kill.
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nth for Assaultrons
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I dont need saving.jpg
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step it up senpai
You can literally ask proctor Quinlan if he's saddened because that research from the institute is gone, he says he's happy it was all purged.
>endless fertilizer
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curie where she belongs
What does the attack dog perk do? My dog already grabs people and holds them without it
I think it's a combo of the VA who sounds like he's having a chat over coffee and the dissonance of you being the general and doing all the work whilst he stays in a town you've already set up to be defended.

He might be better as a companion but I ain't ever gonna use him
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how do?

is the only way to get ballistic weave by completely siding with railroad? or can I get it by siding with them a little bit but still going back to bos/minutement?
Hey Bethesda either go whole hog with the animal crossing/minecraft thing or don't do it at all. Seriously this is such a half baked feature and you're telling me you had 7 years to make this game?

what perk is that to show enemy weaknesses? (not able to currently check)
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The fuck was the deal with Dunwich Borers

I read every terminal but I don't get why there was a sunken shrine filled with ghouls that were clearly the management -- why is it implied that they were intentionally digging there the whole time? What did they hope to find? What connection does Khrev's Tooth have with the Krevhbekni or however the fuck it was spelled in Point Lookout? WHY do these Dunwich-related artifacts all seem to cause ghoulification without fail? Just what the fuck IS the deal with this cult and what slice of Cthulhu mythos is it referencing?/spoiler]

Also as much as I love the weapon I hate its visual design. I can't be alone in this.
He probably just wanted to turn his willy into a glow stick for the nightclubs, the absolute madman!
At rank one it increases hit % in VATS. At Rank 2 it has a chance % to cripple the limb, and at rank III it has a chance % to cause bleeding.
I want a mod that does the following:

-1x damage both ways
-.25 normal loot amount
-Hunger/Thirst/Sleep with hard penalties (AKA -25%, -50%, -75% to stats based on condition rather than just -1 or -2 because of how the new system works. If you have 10 STR, being hungry would be 7.5 STR, famished 5 STR, starving 2.5 STR. Hunger would apply to strength and agility. Thirst would apply to endurance and charisma. Sleep would apply to intelligence and perception.
-Strips magic from guns & restores ammo types and ammo crafting
-Stimpak overdose
-Legendary enemies now give aura bonuses to allied NPCs, and legendary loot is no longer magic. Instead you have a chance to find an uncommon piece of loot leveled above you, or more resources such as ammo, caps, and chems.
-Institute weapons explode if you try to loot them, or explode upon the death of the synth using them ala X-COM. Also, they're more powerful weapons. You can obtain one of your own at some point, or you can sink into robotics and disable a synth to be able to take the gun from it.
they cause ghoulification due to the radiation they tend to emit
Can i keep saving the game before completing a quest and reloading until i trigger idiot savant?
but anon he gives you that hat when you complete the quest and visit him on the top of that building
I honestly don't know. Hugo was weird as well, he was obviously affected by something but I couldn't tell what. The sword itself?
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Not really, seeing as his dialogue eventually progresses to him telling you how seriously he was contemplating suicide before you came along.

Something like "if you had left after you killed those raiders at the museum, I might've just offed myself soon after anyway".
Steam counts all time with the game open
Fallout doesn't count reloads or pause time

Plus time is unique to that character
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>no assaultron beam gun
Think it's the Perception 4 perk.
Every part of the game feels like it's just half of it.

Half the gear
half the weapons
half the size
half the factions
half the assed story
half the building
Oh, and if you break a limb, a medx will allow continued movement at normal rate, but if you don't actually fix it and try to run, you'll bleed out.
i spent like 30 minutes trying to clear that place yesterday

fuck gunners and their invisible assultrons
>all this waifutalk because there's no replay value at all in this game

ayy l m a o
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all my settlements are linked to sanctuary, and i always have fertilizer because of that, I'm sitting at 364 jet and 125 jet fuel
i think the cows produce it; i wish i knew how to get more than two cows peer settlement tho.
>haytham kenway in fallout

who has the best waifu in /fog/?mai and honeyvanity?
>tap alt to power attack as i walk around to hit him
>it throws a grenade at him, the lack of getting hit with a power attack causes him to retain the ability to be alive and hit me in the face with his gun

This happens a lot to me, I leave grenades unequipped now and only equip them when I'm about to use them
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Sometimes, just sometimes, the wasteland can be peaceful.
Answer pl0x.
In the last thread someone mentioned a mod that increases the damage of pipe weapons a little for those people who want to use them later on in the game.

I've been looking on the websites I know of but can't seem to find any mods that do this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
My personal theory is that there is some kind of maybe magic maybe mundane thing going on with a Lovecraftian deity whose influence is felt through radiation.

The Cult of Atom got their religion mixed up in this, that's why they're all fanatical murderous cultists now rather than wacky harmless wierdoes.

It's also why the swampfolk of Point Lookout were so damn powerful, some kind of psuedo supernatural mutation going on here.

There's some kind of enormous highly radioactive metal statue buried in solid rock at the very bottom of that mine, probably some kind of Lovecraftian idol.

Also Mirelurk Queens are now essentially minor Eldritch Abominations and the Kings are full on Deep Ones with their eggs placed in shrines by human cultists.

As for the sword, personally I never use it, it's evil.

Well, I did use it once when I tried to murder Marcy Long in a fit of rage, but her insufferable bitch aura was too powerful even for that dread blade and it proved useless.
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>tfw on my agi/stealth character I did just leave after killing the raiders.
If I go to Sanctuary now will he be dead in one of the houses?
does sanctuary have some way of producing fertilizer?
How do you even link settlements?
Anyone? I want to punch stuff.
Who /honor & steel/ here?
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I kind of find BoS annoying now, they look like a bunch of racist and act retarded towards Danse.

It's either them or the Minutemen, too bad the minutemen have no solid quests at all.
>want to browse through /fog/
>accidentally go to /tesg/
I literally couldn't see a difference for a whole fucking minute.

This game sucks ass. Waifufags should go and kill themselves.
I suppose so. Always feels pretty good when VATS shows me blasting some raider or ghoul in my tricorn battle-hat.

At what point are they supposed to become useless?

I'm around level 40 and my custom pipe rifle is still my go-to gun for almost all of the engagements I get into.
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I want to marry Tandi!
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Power armor intimidation factor mod when?
Me me! Ad victorum, onii-chan.
Because they're crazy people, only crazy people get involved with religion, and only really crazy people make their own based on shit they find lying around.

I got the LT's hat, even after he told me I could use his room with all the stuff I wasn't allowed to touch in.
I kind of wanted his hat so I could look all majestical for five minutes before I took it off.
Is Jetpack mod for power armor worth it?
if they have cows i think, which i have no idea how they spawn in settlements
>go into workshop mode
>click settler
>it gives you a few options
>click q for set supply line
>send them all to your mainbase

and it links that settlements supplies with the one you send em to.

>tfw dont know how to cancel supply lines
>Dressing your wife's facsimile in the armor of the man who murdered her
Anon what are you doing
>carried around the elvis painting for hours thinking it would somehow come in handy
kill me
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Same, anon.
I'm level 20 and my custom pipe revolver rifle literally cannot get any better and is not as good as shit i'm finding on raiders.

So fuck knows how you're happy with yours unless it is full-auto and got bleeding or explosive or some shit.
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How do you get Danse out of his power armor?

After I finished my player house I just turned on the radio, sat down and looked out the window for ten minutes while listening to the rain outside.

It was very comfy.
>implying his marriage wasn't a charade
When there is a mod to make it not cost AP.
Yes. More so than the rest.

Sometimes you can skip areas with it.
>lick curies asshole
>you know zat is unsanitary r-right
Oh well shit.
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Is there anything in the Fallout lore about how other places outside the US are?
Rolling this for my next playthru after F4
I actually gave mine to Vincent. And I was startled after doing the Memory Den. Was 90% certain the armour was the cause.
You should check out this mod.


Cleans all the dirt off that uniform and fixes it up a bit. Maybe less realistic but I prefer not having mud splattered all over my awesome battle coat.
>I kind of wanted his hat so I could look all majestical for five minutes before I took it off.
You get the hat if you go visit him at the new building they've crashed onto
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wew lads
There already is a mod to make it not cost AP.
Though it still doesn't allow endless flying.
No and it's important because americans just do not give the slightest shit about the rest of the world.

I'm not saying that as an insult, that's basically canon in the fallout universe. There's not a single person alive even wondering what's happening outside of america.
I guess Piper gets to the Cloud district often.
Pic related perk (Local Leader / CHA 6) is a pre-requirement.

>>tfw dont know how to cancel supply lines

Just assign them to another job, it automatically cancel every ongoing assignment. Their name still remain Provisioner though.
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>tfw prayers have finally been answered

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Definitely should've been more minor factions. I mean New Vegas only had 4 major groups as well, but they were 4 major groups independent of 'your' faction (Yes Man/Minutemen). But while NV had the Followers, Kings, Powder Gangers, Khans, Boomers, etc., FO4 has really nothing substantial in the way of other groups. There's the Gunners but they only seem to be of any non-combat relevance in holotapes and terminals. There's the Atom Cats but they only matter for one quest. There's the folks at Vault 81 but they ultimately don't matter much, and even Diamond City, when you do eventually get them allied with your faction post-MQ it's not even mentioned by anyone important.

Even the generic raiders in New Vegas, the Fiends, had some backstory and non-aggressive parts, like in Vault 3. The Vipers and Jackals were pretty bad by comparison but at least they had a reason to be there.

It's just like, where are the other groups?

I don't know, but some companions certainly will just up and die on you, like Cait if you take too long with her personal quest.
U.K. is supposedly more fucked than the U.S. is

I think Raul said some stuff about Mexico I think but I'm not sure.
I gave Grognak's a go but it definitely seemed weaker than Kremvh's Tooth. I started up as a sneaky pistol build but since I found the X01 and actually started using power armour for the first time since Concord, I've been enjoying sprinting into crowds of enemies using Kremvh's Tooth and lopping limbs off left right and centre. I'm hoping to find a decent sort of legendary machete so I can reattach the sacrificial blade to that and get legendary bonuses on top of the double-enchantment.
Europe and the Middle East were completely fucked even before the nukes and implied to already be lawless hellholes, just not irradiated lawless hellholes yet.

China is an unknown quantity, there were troops on the ground during the nuclear war. Wouldn't it be a twist to have power armored american ghouls still terrorizing the post-nuclear Chinese townsolk?

Australia is probably Mad Max considering all the shoutouts.
I would assume ghoul infested lands, since there werent really vaults outside of the United States.
Literally shit.
>it's called jetpack
>it propels you by releasing the brahmin fumes of the drug
>runs off of fusion cores and not jet

can anyone explain this to me
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Reminder that this is the best ending for the Brotherhood of Steel.
That ponce Allistair Tenpenny came from Britian to the Capital Wasteland to seek his fortune, that implies Europe is pretty much fucked.

I would like to see a Fallout set somewhere else though.
It is weaker. Kremvh's Tooth is the strongest melee weapon. Super sledge does more damage but it's way slower.
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ok people i'm bored of my last character put 10 in luck and it didnt pay out.

im going to make a new character different build and play style you guys decide.

first respond is what i will do

what to look like what to skill into how to play
by default in going to get good lock picking and hacking skills other then that someone decide
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What's so evil about it?

It's just a sword with a Star Trek blade attached. You can attach the doofy blade to literally any machete, and make a different weapon with similar effects while the original Tooth becomes a regular machete.

I named my Legendary "Backscratcher".
Well honestly why wonder that when you've got super mutants, Caesar's Legion, radiated water, deathclaws, cazadors, and raiders to worry about.

And if you're part of the lucky few that don't have to worry about that stuff then you're probably drinking yourself into a stupor and blowing caps at the Vegas Strip
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>you came to the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker
How bad is Bloody Mess in FO4? I always avoided taking it in New Vegas and FO3 because, after you blew someone up, there was a fair chance that you wouldn't be able to loot their bodies. Got burned by that one too many times. Is it better this time around?
It's mostly because the 1950s retro-future thing would really only be the case in ruined America.

It's a really big part of the feel of the setting and if you went to someplace else then it wouldn't feel like that anymore, because that flavor was pretty unique to America.

That said I'd like to hear something about the rest of the world, and there's no reason why we couldn't wander a bit, considering that nobody would care about the borders of countries that stopped existing 200 years ago.
Yes if you really want to
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Sure they do.

Yes, we all look pretty shitty when we age. What point are you trying to make?
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I've just gotten fallout 2 for steam, what was the patch that fixed most of the problems, bugs and glitches with the game?

or is that patch already included in the steam version?
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Well DC is surely fucked now, if only Maxson hadn't blown his load bringing everyone over to Massachusetts.

Speaking of, where did the Brotherhood get all the T-60 suits they're using in 4? Obviously it's an invention of Bethesda, but is there any explanation given in-game as to why no one is wearing t-45 or t-51 anymore? Did they find another sort of Operation Anchorage-esque bunker with thousands of them in storage?
>Just want to play a lone wanderer character with no allegiance or responsibilities
>1 hour into the game Minutefags take over Sanctuary and give me a quest I can't get rid of regardless of how many times I tell them no
>Now there will always be 5 infants asking for help in Sanctuary

What's even the point of having a dialogue wheel if every option does the exact same fucking thing

Do the minutemen have a 'theme'?
Switzerland is probably unchanged, all things considered.
Sweet, a G-Man paranormal activity hunter who bunks at the Dino D with his faithful cyber dog.
Thanks for the tip. I'd like to get him in X-01 when I get it but I'm not sure if it's worth it from a gameplay standpoint.
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Lovecraftian horror wouldn't really fit that well into fallout anyway in my opinion.
In my experience the Ripper does more damage than the Kremvh's Tooth, even a vanilla one
My nan still looks pretty hot
>Cait approves of helping the Brotherhood of Steel.
>Cait approves of stopping the Institute.
>Cait disapproves of helping the Minutemen.
>Cait disapproves of helping the Railroad.
I assume whatever plays at Fort Independence and, sometimes, your other settlements is the Minutemen theme.
Nice picture of the underground

Oh wait, it's your digital characters arse.
>Piper shoots him down
She's the best, anon. Don't fret, she'd never cheat on you unlike SOME waifus...
They probably begin to handcraft them according to schematics that they acquired.
Since the BoS is back to their old ways does that mean the Outcasts re-integrated back with them?
maybe all the dumb songs they play on their radio station that no one listens to
Can your caravans get sacked? Is there a reason to make actual supply chains rather than sending caravans directly to your main base?
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I'd get some unofficial patches. The GOG forums has a useful mod page you might be interested in looking at.
I wonder how Canada is
Does Fallout 4 have more weapons than 3 or less?
You live to be an old mother fucker in the wasteland see how well you age.

>not growing old with your waifu

shaking my head to be honest senpai
the pics hot
fuck everywhere else
If you side with the BoS, you learn from some random Scribes that Maxson did reconcile and reintegrate the Outcasts.
>2015 after birth of our lord-saviour Jesus Christ
>Destroying BoS

ur a fagit
It's a Lovecraftian cult's sacrificial blade.

I just didn't want to use it, it felt wrong for my shining heroic character in my Minuteman General's coat to use that sword.

Besides I'm far too in love with the flaming katana.
Psychojet fiend

Max out chemist ASAP, use automatic weapons, get scrounger to fuel your automatic weapon rampages, get strength purely for the hip-fire accuracy. Now you run through entire buildings in slow motion with an 80 round magazine assault rifle blasting everyone in the face in style. Kind of hard early on, but once you actually start getting decent automatic weapons it gets ridiculous.
/cunt & flop/
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Don't think I've had a single problem so far when it comes to looting anyone after they've exploded.
would u fug a bacon
Here's the link
Apparently Ingram is capable of making Power Armor.
Canada was annexed by the U.S. during the war, so they were probably hit hard by the nukes as well.
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A little bit more, and a lot of weapon mods. Shame about the chinese assault rifle.
Depends on how you count it.

Individual names like 'Combat Rifle'

Or ever single role that rifle could fill, in multiple calibers, ranging from sniper rifle to battle rifle to assault rifle to SMG.
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Are there any really good knuckles?

As much as I like power fists I have the desire to play a more low-tech boxer.
Europe was basically megacity one before the nukes even fell

China supposedly got wiped off the map
IIRC alliances mean both SA and Africa also got bombed
yeah its called "NOTHING TO REPORT"
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thanks man

by the way, history and world building wise, is fallout 4 like 3 or closer to the originals?
They probably don't have the resources to create an assembly line but I wouldn't be shocked if they have some sort of artisan system where they forge individual suits of power armor for their paladins.
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are you feeling lucky punk

I am
kinda cool tho
But would the nukes have effected the northern part where almost no one lives? I'd think be sided the cold it wouldn't be nearly as bad there
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>Can't have an assaultron as a companion

What was the name of that trader one?
It's sad that Beth didn't really incorporate anything good about NV into FO4.

Honestly I think they're just in a different business and they have different demographics. NV was clearly gunning for the more hardcore western RPG fans by giving choices and dialogue so much more weight even for non speech/low charisma characters. FO3 and FO4 are just trying to strike a nice medium between the casual crowd and fans of the series, and I think it does a pretty alright job of it. If I wanted another NV, I'll wait for Obsidian to get their hands on it.
KLEO from Goodneighbor.
Oh, boy. You don't even know the half of what's coming. And you better get used to the 4-YES dialogues and pre-made situations shoved down in your throat as well, there will be plenty of them.
Does your haunted park mod have mascots running around? You know, costumes that have come to life and are out to kill you? I want to have a pipe wrench fight with Evil Fallout Boy.
Can Danse's armour break while he's in it? Like, does it ever need repairing?
In terms of world-building, it's closer to FO3.

Both FO3 and FO4 go with the 'design the world as though it's five years after the apocalypse, not two-hundred' route of world design.
It only gibs people like 5% of the time and the knockback on their gibs is minimal.
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Fuck you Piper.webm
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Hard to believe considering they didn't do that with t-51 suits and t-60 just didn't exist prior to 4's writing.

It's not fixable or anything but I still think calling this 't-60' a t-48 or something would've been a better move. The general look and design of it is obviously iterating on the t-45 rather than the t-51 and now makes the Western Brotherhood look ill-equipped by comparison because the East has better power armor than they do at this point.

Strange to suggest that t-51 was used in Anchorage, annexed Canada, at Mariposa, and basically everywhere, but for some reason in Sanctuary they use t-60. You could say it was a division of use between military and crowd control purposes, but why the fuck would the crowd control power armor be more powerful than the military-use one?
It triggers way less but the damage buff is good

No issues looting the dead
>playing on mid/high because mid/high gpu/CPU
>set it on ultra
>literally same fps

why this
Lads, if I connect up A-B and B-C with trade routes, will A-C share resources?
tell me it doesn't go as full retard as 3 does
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>power armored american ghouls still terrorizing the post-nuclear Chinese townsolk
feral ghouls in power armor
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>KLEO as a comp
>summon her by shouting "Like a Goodneighbor, KLEO is there!"
Definitely too clean, needs at least a minor amount of rust and dirt, even if it wasn't the wasteland he's a dog they roll in rotting corpses and shit for fun. Also, those textured circle kind of things look really weird, like someone spent about 30 seconds with a large circular paintbrush tool clicking around on it.

It's closer to New Vegas in world building, and closer to 3 in world design.

Don't confuse the two, anon.
That's the plan, yes. Non-miniboss ride enemies are things like park mascots, clown ghouls and park workers, or other deranged guests whose souls were claimed by the park
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Why can't I block off this door Todd
You shouldn't have pissed her off.

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why is there nothing on par with maxsons coat?
ive been wearing it since i finished the story, nothing looks as good.
mods will fix it
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Which male companion is the chillest and most capable? I need a good partner for breeki.

>but why the fuck would the crowd control power armor be more powerful than the military-use one?

Because Bethesda doesn't like stuff that isn't theirs.
There's about 5 unarmed weps

off the top of my head

only pfist and deathclaw (and unarmed in power armour) are good lategame unless you get a real good legendary affix

So ironically power armour is your best bet for just punching stuff to death

Shame because unarmed has the best kill animations
>Carbon fibre / future octagon material bolts

yee nah
They likely discovered a new cache, or at least one instance of T-60. Perhaps it's their own method of branding the power armor that they make using their own equipment, their own branding if you will.
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>Date Piper they said
>It'll be fun they said
you can hack them
I disagree with the other anon. There are well taken care of settlements like Covenant and even a surviving vault that's still being maintained. The game explains why the commonwealth isn't as developed as the west coast and it's mainly due to institute meddling as they were getting their shit together and the raiders come from the minutemen group falling apart.


>most capable

Codsworth shreds fools and can wear hats
Because the ancient engine and incompetent developer combo never really worked so far, plus the lack of optimization and the forced new features left very little room for improvements when it comes to visuals or performance.

It should be.
Cheers, just saw some retard on here with radial supply lines from each settlement and was wondering whether I goofed.
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KLEO made me uncomfortable in my pants despite her masculine voice.

It's weird because I had a think for Dr. Dala too.

I think there's just a thing I have for feminine robots with vaguely androgynous, husky but sensual voices.

Assaultrons fall under legitimately sexy chassis though -- I'm wondering why they have such a feminine shape. Was the US military just being cheeky?

In other news did anyone find themselves forced to fight that fucking Legendary Deathclaw on the rooftop of that innocuous building at a low level after encountering nothing but low-level raiders on the way up

What the FUCK was that about.

I can't believe I took that fucking thing out for a goddamn legendary rolling pin.
I get the same FPS on low and ultra: 20-60+, depending on where I am. Even with the godrays and volumetric lighting turned off. No idea. It's a fucking roller-coaster.

Really disappointed she isn't a romanceable companion. She seems like she'd be possessive.
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Because Maxson is the hero that the Commonwealth deserves
I just got a Relentless Gauss Rifle. Playing a VATS build. Does VATS use the full damage of the Gauss Rifle? Do I need other guns anymore?
Nigga that's like

You trip and your gun goes off in your mouth, but ricochets off a filling, curing that tooth ache you've had for months, and eventually bouncing back into Vault 111 where it dislodges the frozen bullet in your wife's neck and brings her back to life in time to tell you she had always secretly wished Shaun would just be an old man already so she could get those breast implants and move someplace tropical with yo lucky ass, lucky niggaaa
I would make the assumption that t-60 was for occupational use, rather than straight up putting down riots, etc.
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>Minutemen: Help the citizens of commonwealth so that they can help each other in the future!
>BoS: Kill all synths, no exceptions! Even the ones that try to help us!
>Tumblroad: Save all synths, no exceptions! Even the ones that try to kill us!
>Institute: Replace all humanity with synths to save humanity!

So what happened to all those people from before the release who taunted streamers for joining the minutemen?
Needs a remodel. Just looks like you have bandit shit with a BoS coat of paint
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What you said about the T-60 suddenly being more advanced and now really common is why I hate it.

Oh I like using it in the game but I despise its existence in the fluff, it should have been T-48 like you said.

At worst it seems like some kind of cynical attempt to replace the iconic face of the franchise with their iconic visual design of power armor, as the helmets are almost identical.

Though personally my headcanon to explain it is the same as why the US Army seems to have had five different service rifles and three different combat armor designs.

Every single contractor was working full bore to feed the war effort, hence lots of different designs.

T-60 was a redesign of the T-45 using everything they'd learned from the T-51 because they didn't want to lose out on all the suits and spare parts they had for the older models and wanted something with part commonality that was on par with their super suit.

Still would prefer it to have lower stats than the T-51 though.
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>save danse
>shittalk maxson
>he still promotes me to paladin
ok, also how is his beard so gray when he's fucking 20?
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