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/fog/ - Fallout General
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Thread replies: 255
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Skellington Edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV
post waifus

i played and liked fallout 4
You're all just pretending to like Piper 'cause you're after Nat's ass.
I'm on to you guys.
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>no ammo weight mod
>can't get rid of that fucking dog and drifter corpse outside sanctuary
>no fix for the broken weapon swap hotkeys

c'mon guys
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9 you fucking idiot.
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I wanna watch Danse walk out of a vat of hot goo, naked!
>can't fix the broken bridge or houses missing roofs
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>not random diseased smelly freshly dead trash you can plant your seed in during downtime
>not eating pieces of the corpse later on after marinating in your essence
why do you fallout? go to steam and pick one of the waifu japanese games there
>no ammo weight mod
Just exercise some RP self-discipline and not take thousands of rounds with you where ever you go.
I might wanna make it spookier but is this what you want trainwiz, I am not much of a sketch artist
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>tfw almost bought into the hype and bought FO4

I came close, the settlements and power armor and Nick trying to chase down the mysterious stranger made me think the game was gonna be good. But then I saw all the other shit like how the dialogue doesn't give you many choices and most of the quests seem to be go to X area and shoot the raiders, and they just keep respawning forever so you don't have any impact on the world.

I can't even be smug about this, I wanted FO4 to be good and was hoping they'd take cues from New Vegas, but they've gone back and even brought back things Vegas cut out like % based speech checks.
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>I shitpost on /fog/
Wait, how do you get those clothes? I need it.
Daily publuic service announcement to never give your companions a fat man or missile launcher.
I do this now, but it should still be a part of the game. New Vegas had it as part of the hardcore setting, why did they get rid of all that great shit and put in this shitty survival difficulty instead
Why can't we fuck Daisy.

Fuck you Todd.
Or grenades.
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less train, more rollercoaster. It's an underground Vault themed rollercoaster.
Fallout 4 is not worth playing until we get a fully fleshed out RobCo Certified mod that lets you build and modify your robo-buddies piece by piece like the power armor customization interface, but improved.

The only way I can enjoy the game is if my customized Protectron army is doing my fighting for me while I swing a wrench at them for repairs.
>Literally worthless than the ammo used to bring it down the Legendary Alpha Deathclaw it was on

Fucking hate this russian roulette loot system. Only its a gun with 50 champs, and 49 of them are filled with shit with flesh eating maggots in it instead of bullets and the last one is like getting a blowjob from Sarah Jay.
what is the single most overpowered and versatile legendary affix in FO4?

I mean affixes like "does X bleeding damage" and "does X radiation damage" doesn't affect robot enemies? They don't fucking have blood and aren't biological so why radiation shouldn't hurt them right?

So is the "does X exploding damage around target" the best affix?
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someone send me some help

I was on that siderurgic place and dropped some shit to that metal furnance to see what happens, then tgm and went inside. The character went up in flame but after some time the flame and that weird skin dissapeared, but now I have this shit.
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player.additem 0012B91D
Curie is best waifu in the game
Piper is worst
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Pre-war: >>12338259

Listen up newfag, we know you're fresh off /v/

In the next thread you make, put the previous thread at the bottom
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I need a mod with SS uniforms.
Oh alright, so it's supposed to be some vault tech shit right? Just a bunch of carts and no locomotive in front?
>not building watertight metal roof superstructures around unscrappable houses to block out wind and rain
Is there any legendary prefixes that would make the flamethrower not shit?
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Forgot my image like a shit head
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this is what I see when bend
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>doesn't look anything like her
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So i'm playing the original fallout and i'm enjoying the fuck out of it and I haven't even gotten past the first vault you visit but I have one question. Does this game save to the steam cloud or is all the progress i'm making on my current computer going to get deleted when I go back to my original computer?
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When I still had hope, I left those ruined houses thinking that the settlers would eventually repair them.
Why the fuck would Vault-tec make a fucking underground amusement park.
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>see a vertibird doing circles around an area
>I like to stick around because there's about a 70% chance the dumb fucks will crash it and I can collect the loot
>they land
>a knight and two scribes jump out with a dog
>"oh cool, they have dogs"
>run up to it
>it's wearing fucking goggles

To be fair ammo is really fucking expensive and all the NPCs twitch and move like they've done nothing but drink coffee since the bombs drop.

I've never had more than 600 rounds, more often than not I have to keep scavaging new weapons multiple times in a single battle just to take advantage of what ever ammo I've looted.
>Start with .45
>Run out, find .38
>Loot pipe rifle, burn though all .38, throw away pipe rifle
>5 shotgun shells, unload them with a sawn off and throw that away
>found some .45 and the cycle continues
Actually feels pretty cool desu.
>does X exploding damage around target
seems pretty good yeah, especially on a shotgun.

near misses still fuck bitches up.
i took the general outfit for my nora but gave her the colonial duster. Wondering if I should switch.
Also the WW2 mod on Nexus, but I think the textures look better in this one.
meant for
>Enemies twitch and move like they've done nothing but drink coffee since the bombs drop.
This is a good thing, literally the fucking golden rule of a fire fight is "KEEP MOVING, DON'T GET FLANKED IDIOT, MOVING TARGETS ARE HARD TO HIT"
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i doubt if it was updated to support steam saves.
They didn't, they signed a deal with Maxwell Entertainment that allowed for the use of their brand and its likeness in the creation of an indoor vault-themed rollercoaster in Maxwell's World's Americana-themed part of the park.
Fucking duh.
Completely true, that's why soldiers are constantly running about in the open.
Much better than them zigzagging in place out of cover while shooting out you. People who downplay how much better the combat is in FO4 are delusional.
>ammo weight mod
Maybe when there is a mod for NPCs to have limited ammo and restock with nearby ammo caches so you have incentive to kill them fast or miss out on loot.
>"does X bleeding damage" [...] doesn't affect robot enemies?
It does. NOTHING in the game has resistance to bleeding damage. Explosive damage can be resisted but it's still OP enough to not matter and it's instant damage unlike bleeding.
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Just email yourself the save files.
>using the steam cloud
Because it's Nat wearing Piper's hat.
More like just a normal rollercoaster. It was a ride, but since everything is now haunted as shit, it's all twisted and malevolent. But not train themed, just more of a normal coaster in vault colors.
me too

>see settlers hammering on walls and shit.
>think if i keep enough scrap in the workbench they'll eventually patch up shit.
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Post V E R T I B I R D S
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Hey baby doll, what can The King do for ya
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This is the fate that the Brotherhood deserves.
I'll have Things That Don't Happen for 100 Alex.
Just click on the dead bodies and type disable in console. Save before because it's finnicky and sometimes you can delete something unintentionally.
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>want to rid the commons of these ghoulish mutant synthetic abominations
>curie is Heresy
>piper is a heretic
Damn it Beth, why no qt BOS waifu that would relish the though of wiping the commonwealth clean of these beasts?
>Much better than them zigzagging in place out of cover while shooting out you.
Because that's exactly what I see hostile NPCs doing in my game.
Can I kick those dumbfuck named-NPCs out of Sanctuary? No matter what I assign them to they spend most of their time hammering at the same fucking wall.
Idk, it felt like that early on, but once I figured out that picking up enemy guns strips all the ammo out of the mag, I was fucking drowning in every kind of ammo.

I like managing my weight and shaving off every pound I can before missions, and it seems like it'd be a simple mod to make. It isn't anything I can't live without, but I'm just surprised no one's made one yet.

>everyone's too busy perfecting their nude/waifu mods
If you enjoyed STALKER the RP elements are about as much as that. Gunplay is really good but there needs to be more weapons IMO. 90 hours in to my first playthrough and I'm still enjoying it.
well that's just fucking stupid.

it's like fire elementals in WoW are damaged by fire spells from mages and shaman

but radiation heal feral ghouls correct?

so why the logical inconsistency here?

srsly wtf are these guys doing
hey i'm doing my first run of fallout 1

what are the useless skills or fun builds
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>do 1 int run
>finally get idiot savant
>hear that laugh for the first time
>mfw I realize I will be hearing that nearly constantly, especially when building
go full points in survivalist and repair
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Says who? Vault-tec already merchandises out the ass.
cait is cute
Resistances used to matter on WoW but then you had stuff like different flavors of mages and shaman being useless.
>getting flanked
How are they going to get flanked in narrow corridors that go one way or cramped streets that go only one way because trash walls and chained doors?
>Post V E R T I B I R D S
>doesn't actually post a vertibird.

Silly anon vertibirds are large burning hulks of metal that fall out of the sky randomly.
not to be confused with the smaller burning hulks of metal falling from the sky.
those are the brotherhood of steal.
Oh that's nice. I recall seeing it but I thought that it only included fatigues.
I don't know, them letting a walt-disney clone pay them to use their brand for some stuff doesn't seem too far-fetchd
Energy weapons are late game/require knowledge to find.
>gunplay is better
<3 this meme
And she likes it when you cleanse the commonwealth.
.38, .308, and 10mm is incredibly easy to find even on Survival, I had to install a mod to decrease ammo drops. Now I know why streamers used pipe pistol all the time
How do I make it twisted?
>gunplay isn't better
even better meme
[It Ain't Me Starts Playing]
>not using the "'it just works' - Todd" sound replacer
>New Vegas has good gunplay
Obsidrones everyone
It really isn't.
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How do i become snaek?
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>get up this morning to play F4
>been playing it a lot in the past 2 days
>load Steam
>Steam asks me if I want to download F4
>I can't play F4 because Steam thinks it's not downloaded

What the heck? Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Rustier, more broken down, can't tell if it's got a jaw but if it doesn't have one give it one.
Looks good otherwise though.
>in Glowing Sea
>legendary scorpion shows up
>hides underground all day
>try to walk away to lure it out,it's still stuck underground
>have to jetpack up and Bethesda Bomb it for it to come out

and it dropped a penetrating missile launcher,fuck you game
is ricochet worth it?
I really need help. I can't go to a early back up and I can't see clearly when I bend.

What can I do? Is there any way to remove it? Like, click myself on 3rd person and enter any command?
thank you based anon, I stopped counting the times I've tossed those two rotting fucks into the river
It definitely is. Gunplay in F3 and NV were garbage and the animations were trash.
For absolutely no reason Bethesda stripped ammos ability to have weight as an object value entirely instead of just making them 0 weight. It''s impossible to give ammo weight without GECK and probably FO4SE, because it'd require a script to count ammo and then add weight to you with null objects
I'd agree, but the twitching and constant movement doesn't seem to be intentional, it's more the result of NPCs constantly cycling through animations.
>Stop behind cover
>Turn left
>No, wait, turn right
>Poke head ou- no actually reload weapon
And that all happens in like the space of 2 seconds...
The damage mechanics are really fucking weird and probably not intentional.
Open that link and check the part about the plasma shotgun.
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who out patrolling with the lads here?
No matter what i can't get any more settlers in my place, i have 7 including all my old companions. 2 settlers can't run a huge farm.

better than the homogenization that is current WoW right now.
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I want to make my second character melee focused with that *teleports behind you* vats perk (9 in agility if I'm correct). Should I also use that as an opportunity to make my first survival difficulty run, or could that fuck me over?
So, how do companions do with the syringer?
Oh hey, it's that comic with the halfling and her sulty mother. Do you have a link to it? I bookmarked it but then accidentally deleted it, and then kind of forgot about it. For a sex comic it was actually pretty fun to read.

It didn't.
And FO4 is garbage as well.
ah, well that explains it then. I thought it would be as simple as changing the weight, but Beth fucks shit up again

I love this game, but god damn I wish developers would take the good features and popular mods from previous games and think about them when making the next.
Check the wiki page for the steelworks, last I checked there's a note for exactly the retarded thing you did and how to fix it.
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I'm gonna get her clean and purge her into an honest woman.
She's also the closest thing to a raider companion who's strung out
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it just werks
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Flying pirate ship are better
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> spend hours making a base in starlight drive-in

> find Covenant a few days later
You're gonna go through walls and shit
>you can play institute as a completely good guy
>when you reclaim synths and ask why they were running they basically say "I don't know, I just wanted to"
>the synths that actually have free will are the ones the Institute has already put into the world for whatever reason, like Danse
>loads of scientists express discomfort with the current management of the Institute and the synth project, and several support you as director even soon after you get the position
>there's a quest to win over the dissenters
>you can reconcile the Minutemen and the Institute
>even to the extent of telling an Institute scientist who talks shit about your soldiers to fuck off because they're good men
And all this time I let myself be rused into a snafu by /fog/ and honestly believed the Institute was irreconcilably evil or at least irreconcilably retarded. There's clear outs for them to be redeemed under your management.

not feeling so bad for siding with them for the power armour anymore
The main team at Bethesda stepped out for a moment and an intern snuck into the office and made this quest. That's why it's so much better than everything else.
It's really fucking powerful and you will trivialize survival difficulty, once you get your build together.

But getting to that point will be tough, use guns early on and sneak like a motherfucker. Maybe do some settlement building for early XP.
Good taste
shit taste
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Post settlements.
That was a case literally of "we should probably put at least (1) skill check somewhere in the game..."
Can always hit the google search button next to the image or are your fingers too fat for that.
We don't want our players feeling alienated with content that utilizes alternative skill sets.
Wait, does that synergize with the PER9 perk as well? The one that allows you to target enemies through walls in vats?
So should I run it wiht Survival difficulty as well?
Yeah but .38 and 10mm sucks, you burn through it all the second a "Psycho Raider" or some shit pops up.
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Elder God tier:
Nick Valentine, Piper, Hancock

Top bro tier:
Deacon, Paladin Danse, Codsworth

More like cutie tier:

Meh tier:
Cait, Dogmeat


This man is an enemy of your quest log tier:
Preston Garvey

You wouldn't even notice if they weren't here tier:
Courser lad, Strong
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>Todd's face when he finds out someone was turning his shooter into more of an rpg then it was before
because AI for video games isn't as good as RI for actual people m8.
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Fighting a mirelurk queen at level 9 with a knife wasn't ideal

It's fucking bullshit how the baby mirelurks she spawns detect you for every enemy so you can't wipe them and then sneak attack her
>Elder God
More like Meh Tier.
Swap Piper with MacCready, then it'll be correct.
>not top bro tier
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Look, I get that her ass is phenomenal, and I romanced her too, but as a companion Piper is mid-tier at best
Its supposed to be rust and seat padding leaking out. Also a bunch of seat heads are missing . Fuck drawing rust
>half the posts are in or talking about nazi clothes
ebin job waifufags
I did you fat sperglord, it only turns up 4chan. I wouldn't waste my time asking you if it only took a google image search.
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>Gunplay is really good but there needs to be more weapons IMO
I wholeheartedly agree, but in terms of gameplay it feels like the weapons vary a lot more than in 3 or NV despite the actual selection of base weapons being much smaller. Every rifle in NV functioned basically the same, but even though there's only like three in 4 they all feel different, and of course the modification system is much more complex (even if top-tier mods usually don't allow for much customisation, since they're usually one mod of each type that does all the best stuff the other mods do if you have gun nut/science 3 or 4).

Weapon balance is also in need of work. I prefer the look and feel of the .50 sniper so I still use it, but the .308 combat sniper is clearly superior and uses the inferior ammo that the hunting rifle uses before you upgrade it to a .50 sniper, which is stupid. Not to mention how much rarer .308 actually is than .50.
Should i not be playing this on normal? I'm a noob so i thought it would make sense. But maybe it would feel more satisfying, and i could get better legendary gear.
infinite jetpack when
Your trash Nora OC isn't a "waifu".
Kill yourself.
>Romance Piper, Cait, Curie
>Befriend Nick, Deacon
And now I literally don't care about any of the other companions. What do? I'm thinking of just going back to traveling with Dogmeat.
Yeah, that's pretty close to what I imagined.
The Combat Rifle is literally just the combat shotgun. There are literally 5 guns in this entire game
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Reminder that they walk among us. We can never truly be safe.

what a suprise, its shit
Anyone got issues with John Hancock dying when being sent to settlements? None of companions have had that issue. So far I've found his corpse:

>inside the player house at spectacle island
>died in fight with Maxson
>when console codes were used on Maxson to disable the Brotherhood of Steel, he fell down dead upon exiting the Prydwen
>died outside Diamond city on ater being told to go to Red Rocket Truck Stop
>Corpse found when being left at Red Rocket then fast travelling back there
>at Prydwen he was not considered a companion (ie. Talk replaced Command)

Still invincible in Combat. No other companion has these issues.
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>Curie is Nora
Resident retard detected.
>Lawful Good Cocksworth
>bro tier
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>you can't pickpocket Maxson
>piper knocks down an enemy
>shoot him into the air with my explosive submachine gun
>idiot savage procs
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>People are only putting Piper into the top tier because of her ass
baka desu senpai.
Good, I will have a model ready, rigged but untextured (don't know how texture swill be handled in the new iteration) by christmas after exams. I'll send it to your email or something
Wow what a playa..
I agree with this list 100%. Good work, anon.
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Completely accurate and unbiased description of all factions:

>muh synths

Brotherhood of Steel
>muh synths

>muh synths

>muhnother mission for you general
>generic female character
>makes zim want to post plain looking woman with regular characteristics
in this day and age, "normal" basically means what "easy" used to mean. It's for candy crush players who've never even played an fps but decided to check this game out because of the hype.

"hard" is normal difficulty, very hard is hard.
>If you do this you will become a permanent enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel

Any quests I should do before I go through with this?
There needs to be more than just a pipe gun for early game weapons. I'd like to see a 9mm gun that can be made into various forms, which would be like the .38 but higher capacity and rate of fire with lower range and accuracy. Additionally, more 5.56 guns please and maybe 7.62x39 for some commie guns.
>Pirate ship
Nigga I will rape you
>not red/ginger hair
>not bald

You had one job anon.
Is this reddit or reddit modding central.
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Considering how fast these threads are moving and how many posters are obviously tourists from reddit, it's no surprise.
How effective is the shadowed mod on armor?

Trying to be sneaky.
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Is there any real purpose to wild versions of crops?

They can't be planted, I'm never going to eat them, and they aren't used in any crafting recipes I know of. They only seem to be good for selling. Does a magazine unlock recipes with them?

I get the feeling like you were supposed to be able to plant them and that's why every crop has two versions of itself.

it's not psycho mantis fuck you
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I actually got a good legendary drop early into a save

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He's one of those anti-waifu faggots who's really a closeted waifufag, only bitter because they're unable to actually make a good looking character.
Still absolutely astonishing how fucking retarded and hypocritical this fedora is.
He probably meant generic as in, big tits/ass, etc. But he's still reddit tier faglord
where are my curie fapfics written entirely in french
I know right? Who'd have thunk that a major AAA casual game getting released wouldn't attract all the brain dead retards from reddit over to here.
Oh no, people post things you don't like :^(
thanks, my firend
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>USS Constitution is a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy, named by President George Washington after the Constitution of the United States of America. Launched in 1797, Constitution was one of six original frigates authorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794 and the third constructed. Joshua Humphreys designed the frigates to be the young Navy's capital ships, and so Constitution and her sisters were larger and more heavily armed and built than standard frigates of the period. The Constitution was built in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts, at Edmund Hartt's shipyard. Her first duties with the newly formed U.S. Navy were to provide protection for American merchant shipping during the Quasi-War with France and to defeat the Barbary pirates in the First Barbary War.
>Constitution is most famous for her actions during the War of 1812 against the United Kingdom, when she captured numerous merchant ships and defeated five British warships: HMS Guerriere, Java, Pictou, Cyane, and Levant. The battle with Guerriere earned her the nickname of "Old Ironsides" and public adoration that has repeatedly saved her from scrapping. She continued to serve as flagship in the Mediterranean and African squadrons, and circled the world in the 1840s. During the American Civil War, she served as a training ship for the United States Naval Academy. She carried US artwork and industrial displays to the Paris Exposition of 1878.
>People think she's a filthy pirate ship
My shipfu is pure
>looks like mantis
>not mantis

So what exactly is your shit tier waifu meant to be?
Fuck YOU.
You say that like I implied otherwise.
I like Piper for her personality and voice
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Just made Hangman useful
for heavy pieces, ultra-light upgrade will help you sneak better than shadowed will.

but I remember having a set of light shadowed combat armor early game, I could literally walk right under a raider's nose and he'd never know my blade was already inside him.
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>over 130 hours in FO4
>this is my third character
>always got engrossed in exploration, side quests, base building and so on
>decide to finally start the main quest on my third character
>I been to the glowing sea before
>but now I have a mission
>pool all my resources
>upgrade my power armor I found a little bit ago at the best of my armorer3/science3 abilities
>35 cores
>2k .45 ammo
>overseer's guardian
>also have a backup 5.56 auto rifle with 20% chance to cripple legs with 1k ammo
Mary? What does "Mary" mean?
Did you mean Marry, smart guy?
Anyways, Marry and fuck Preston, kill everyone else. At least Preston knows his shit, has a hole, and isn't annoying as fuck.
>can't fuck Nat in front of a tied up Piper


Shota mantis companion when?
Kill Preston
Marry Nat
Fuck Codsworth
The perks are boring. Make better perks.

>Swatter - Allows you to hit grenades in a straight line with a 2handed melee weapon. At rank 2 the grenades do damage equivalent to your melee weapon's power attack on direct hit. At rank 3 the grenades also explode on impact

>Catapult (new capstone), your artillery strikes are replaced with robot packages. You get better robots with higher ranks
Free for the taking
Pipe guns
10mm pistol
44 revolver
double barrel shotgun
submachine gun
hunting rifle
assault rifle
combat rifle / shotgun

Even if I'm really generous, leave out energy weapons, explosive weapons, the deliverer, the minigun, and count all pipe gun variants as one gun, you're still wrong.

In all seriousness I did the Brotherhood up to the point of no return before turning coat, and given that it's already been firmly established that some synths simply do have free will and sentience, and how he treats Danse, they seem like the irreconcilably evil faction. Maybe there's some kind of redemption after the point of no return, since the Institute only stops looking pants-on-head retarded past that point as well, but I can't see how.
Another reason is that fucking hell the pipe gun enemies are everywhere and really kill the fun of higher level fights. They should be spawning with assault rifles or submachine guns and hunting rifles post level 15-20.
the bacon narwhals at midnight

wink wink
It's just a character wearing a gas mask why are you having such a hard time with this?
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Continuing the building of my lighthouse. Unfortunately only 3 people have turned up in a week...
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time to factory reset this brat
Nice blog
Psycho Mantis?
You're that ninja...
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You're extending those relay towers, right anon?
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No point if it doesn't come wit dem feet.

>Looks like mantis
>spergs when mentioned
>b-but why are u having a hard time.

The epitome of autism.
There are only two options: pro Synthstitute or anti Synthstitute.

The Director says it while gazing out from the MIT ruins: if you're not with us you're against us. The other factions fall into that.
Kill Preston
Marry Codsworth
Fuck Nat
Her voice is the worst part about her though. The line of dialogue she says when you switch out Dogmeat for her made me want to take a gatling laser to her face.
>newfag has no idea who's responding to who
autism posts
So does the minuteman faction expand beyond the castle?
Did you just say nerd?
The combat rifle is the combat shotgun
Hunting Rifle is the assualt rifle
Pipe guns are all one gun.
Literally 7 guns.
Do they do anything? I set up one and got a couple new stations on my radio but they were too quiet to really understand. I'd activate more if they boosted those signals.
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Why would you Marry codsworth when you can Marry Nat and still fuck her.
>people talk about the game in the general
Go away, nigger.
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>Have a bunch of good food
>End up eating the junk food I have anyway
Just like real life ;_;
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Is there a cap on rad resistance or should I stick with explosive resistance?
Wakey wakey Blue.
Marry Nat
Start fucking Nat when she turns 15
Deactivate Codsworth if he judges me
I know Preston can handle some eccentricity given the previous General.
I was just sarcastically agreeing with you senpai.
That's a disaster considering NPCs can't into stairs.

You're supposed to walk around and search out the source of the signal. As you get closer, it will get clearer.

They don't do anything besides that though.
help how do i reduce the ridiculous jowls every character I make has
>I like my pistols like my company, high caliber!....talkin 'bout you blue
How can you not dig that?
Really? Cause i will be using light armor

What happens when I lose a settlement due to unhappiness? Can I just do a radiant quest and get it back?

Can I lose the Castle? It's sitting at 7% because I dont give a shit about the southern side of the map right now.
>piper follows me perfectly all level fucking up stealth
>disappears when I need her to carry something
Because he's great at housework and bad at fucking.

I dont remember subscribing to this blog post
how do you get the enclave logo?
Just wait for the realistic needs mod.
>All junk food lasts forever
>That healthy mutton chops becomes spoiled meat in a day
There's a difference between talking about interesting things within the game and blogging about personal shit that nobody cares about. I suppose exaggerating my response is necessary when you're this bootyblasted though.
This is a blog thread
People blogging about their waifus
People blogging about their guns
People blogging about hating the game they cant stop playing

Welcome to 4chan.
>calling people newfags
>Fallout 4 is his first Fallout game.
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