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Did /tv/ enjoy the film of the year?
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Did /tv/ enjoy the film of the year?
dude i have dad issues lmao
fuck off imdbcore
I bet you enjoy the flicks of Paul W. S. Anderson.
just watch ET and Close Encounters again

Ben Nichols is the best young director. Dude is a cut above most everyone inside and out of Hollywood. Though I liked Mud and Shotgun Stories better, this was still great. It's a shame he doesn't get more attention as a filmmaker because he actually makes great fucking films.
It would have been way better if the big third-act reveal wasn't a wholesale ripoff of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
>Ben Nichols

The ending was shit, all the buildings that appeared didn't even look futuristic at all. Why would you want to "go home" to that, it was shit.
The entire movie is about a kid dying of cancer.
fuck the fuck off.
stop trying to find meaning in this fucking turd.
This was one of those movies that could have taken on so much more life if the focus had just been shifted a bit. I enjoyed it, but think of what we could have had if it had picked up and followed the PoV of his trooper buddy.
>implying they were supposed to be from the future
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Agreed, but Take Shelter is his best one by far imo
Such a shit ending. Total anti climax. No subtlety or ambiguity at all.
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>The film follows the courtship and marriage of Mildred Jeter, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man. They are arrested and sentenced to prison in Virginia in 1958, because their interracial marriage violates the state's anti-miscegenation laws. Exiled to Washington DC, they sue the state of Virginia in a series of proceedings leading to the Supreme Court's unanimous decision in Loving v. Virginia, which holds that laws prohibiting interracial marriage are unconstitutional.
I liked that the story unfolded slowly. Felt like the movie knew how to play it's cards close to it's chest and didn't give away it's hand too quickly.

But despite the fact that the pacing impressed me I didn't really enjoy watching it. I kind of just shrug my shoulders to this movie.
A mature E.T. Not recomended for capeshit nerds.
>A mature E.T.
do you mean boring, sterille, lifeless and wonderless version of ET?
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