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Who is going to kill him? A dragon?
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File: Gregor-Clegane.jpg (296 KB, 2100x1181) Image search: [Google]
296 KB, 2100x1181
Who is going to kill him? A dragon?
le strong, independent sand snek will

>select all images with mountains
bad poosy
Sandor, GET HYPE
His brother, retard.

Not like it's a secret anymore.

Knowing D&D, yes.

Or something heavy will drop and crush him.
>Implying he will not be one of the Others

He will survive (sorta), deal with it
how do we even know he's strong desu

maybe he's just a bloated zombie
>This design features no white
>This design allows the eyes to be visible through the helm

Who else was disappointed?
File: stannispro.jpg (10 KB, 472x461) Image search: [Google]
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He's clearly going to be strong.

You'll see it when Cersei chooses violence. He'll b e built up as unstoppable until Sandor shows.
He's a mountain version that cannot tire or feel pain, and fights on instinct, of course he's strong. You probably need magic fire to take him down, like valyrian blades.
A peasant with an arquebus.

Knife to the spine
how mad would you be if the sand snakes kills him?
then the scene cuts to Sandors corpse?
Technically he's already dead.

I think it'll be his brother or a dragon, yeah.
Why can't you retards stay in your general you begged and sobbed for to come back?
File: GET_HYPE.png (933 KB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
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What if his brother IS a dragon?
His brother. By which I mean Stannis, since it's obviously King Robert's head stitched to The Mountain's body.
robert's head would be a spooky skeleton at this point, not a recently deceased just starting to rot head
It's a visual medium. You can't just say he's an undead zombie monstrosity.
You can allude to it.

A monstrous, powerful figure draped in white with a mysterious helm with thin eye slits would look so so better and that shit would still be implied to dumbass normies once he's introduced by Qyburn.

Why specifically was the Mountain able to be 'rescued', why could this not be done for anyone else? He's still human, he's taken a vow of silence he knows who he is fighting for etc, so there's still sentience there. Why not do this for say, the Kings that die prematurely?
because it's frowned upon and pretty sure Qyburn can't keep pumping out fresh zombies like it's nothing
I got the impression this was fresh territory for Qyburn. If he hadn't been convicted and banned from doing such shit he probably would have made a similar discovery years ago.
So has the episode been leaked yet? Since in some places its already been broadcast, righ
File: Master Blaster.jpg (136 KB, 763x1200) Image search: [Google]
Master Blaster.jpg
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What did he do with the dwarfs head?
Oberyn Martell killed him like two years ago m8

The vow of silence is probably more likely because he can't speak. While there is some "sentience" in him because he can take orders and he knows who his "master" is, I doubt there is any sapience left, that is the ability to have judgement or reason. He's just a shell taking orders. That is why even if Qyburn did reveal this "discovery" it would never be accepted by the public, especially not with religious fanatic groups on the rise.
the armours looked so much better back then
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