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>2001: A Space Odyssey is not too long >Literally takes
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>2001: A Space Odyssey is not too long
>Literally takes 3 minutes to fade from black and start
Have you fallen for the 2001: A Space Odyssey meme?
The black at the start is an integral part of the film
Sorry about your poor attention span. May I recommend something more to your liking? Perhaps something by Michael Bay?
It represents the darkness before the universe or something
my favorite movie is koyaanisqatsi now what friend
you're looking at the obelisk
Everything is intentional, Stanley Kubrick is smarter than you.
the deactivation of hal 9000 is the most embarrassing "sad" scene i've ever watched
>mfw realizing it represents both and also the unknown

pic related: no longer have a face
apex pleb
you're the one falling for memes
>this passes for a counterpoint on /tv/

What happened to this place?
memes happened
It's a contrast to the opening act. We see HAL slowly devolve from a sophisticated artificial intelligence to a mere machine only capable of repeating what it is told. It's sad because humanity created him, and is also responsible for him malfunctioning. HAL isn't inherently evil, only trying to adhere to the mission protocol as best he can, but he can't go against his fundamental programming.

>tldr: you're a pleb
man unscrews twenty processors individually while robot sings a nursery rhyme in an ironically unhappy tone like the trailer for a shitty horror movie
Babby's First Experimental Film
2001: A Space Odyssey is a great pleb filter.

Anyone who says they like it is a fucking retard trying to look smart.
Honestly I don't even know how people who find 2001 boring manage to go on this board and talk about movies.There are just so many other movies that are more slower paced than 2001 that you just couldn't be very film-literate.

2001 is a well paced movie, and it goes by quickly for me. It never felt longer or shorter than it had to be.
lol is this your first day on /tv/? it's the worst board on 4chan along with /pol/
the most pretentious film Ive ever seen
then you should watch michael bay instead ha ha stupid xD
what's pretentious about it?
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for a start how about the 25 minutes of flashing lights towards the end, the world's first youtube poop
So you don't even know what pretentious means?
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>it is one of the most mainstream movies ever but since it has the flashing lights i can look smart for liking it
have i made it obvious enough now
Eh, plenty of people (read: me) like 2001 if nothing for the fact for it's place in Sci Fi/Space movie history, but there are sooooo many fucking try hards that pretend to cum just from watching it. Differentiate the two by asking:

>Why do you like it?
>posts a perfectly reasonable interpretation of the film

M8 I don't think you know how to understand things.
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Didn't care much for 2001, sure it had some SUPERB scenes with great direction, and some really creative and beautiful sets but I think it's overrated. Also Eyes wide shut, didn't care too much for it either - think it's his worst film tbqh
> HAL asks Dave about "rumors about something being dug up on the Moon" and questions the strange things about their mission.

> later when Dave is deactivating HAL the NASA video starts and tells Dave the real mission objective was only known by HAL

Kubrick isnt the perfectionist you think he is.
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It's called an overture. Lots of films from back then started with one.
They probably include them in releases now for the sake of authenticity, same with intermissions.
Why are you judging him for the dialogue when the film focuses on cinematography? Much of the film has no dialogue at all. The dialogue in Stalker isn't amazing either but if you trashed the film on that alone you would be rightly laughed at.
i wrote the reason over the snip idiot
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