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What does /tg/ think of Guild ball?
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What does /tg/ think of Guild ball?
Probably the best small-scale game I've played, but fuck if I can find anyone to play it with.
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60 KB, 673x696
>Mfw my night has 6 full pitches regularly
*Guild ball night
>haven't fucked up yet/10
Slowly becoming one of my favorite game systems, what teams do we all play?
My FLGS has been getting into it. I dropped some cash on the Masons, since they seemed neat.

The DNA of its illegitimate dad, Warmahordes is pretty obvious.
Getting into Hunters, but currently Morticians.

Still have no fucking clue how to play them after a year
Morts, everyone else a shit.
Movement and MP shenanigans. Use Obulous as often as you can, Scalpel kinda sucks.
Wouldn't happen to be in MD or VA or DC would it? I've heard good things and it looks to finally be the light hearted, not as much a money sink miniatures game I would be interested in.
Yeah, what are you supposed to do with Scalpel? She just seems so meandering with no purpose.
you do know that shitposting is a bannable offense right?
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