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This is the link pill You take the pink pill and you become gay
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This is the link pill
You take the pink pill and you become gay
Just like that all your desire for women of breeding are gone
So does all your sexual problems
You take this pill and you immediately become more reletable and fun, you are cute now and people are more friendly, welcoming and predisposed to like you
You can find friends more easily too if you want to that is
And easy sex even if you are not Chad
This is the only chance you get to take the pink pill
If you take it there is no going back
Do you take it?
Say no and tell you to fuck off back to >>>/lgbt/
Hey, no is a totally valid answer :)
Don't you even consider it for a second tho :p literally everyone would be glad to need you become gay :p even people that don't even know you :)
What if you're already gay?
>link pill

Man, if I could be Link, it would be fucking great
Then you already took it friend :)
Will my disown me?
i'd have to think about it Tbh
but in the end i probably wouldn't take it
i'm unlikeable enough without the stigma of homosexuality following me around
What if you only take half?
I don't think it's possible to disown someone for being gay:) you can just dispute it :p
There is no stigma anymore :) Chad would literally beat anyone who dared to mess with you :p
Not to mention you can get a head start in any career :)
Your family would forgive any thing you did because you were gay and it was hard for you to accept it :)
You could even justify that neet gap: p
Or get help for your depression :)
If you are lurking and haven't answered yet think about it:)
No more loneliness :) or rejection :) doesn't it warm your heart a little bit:p admit it there is no downside to being gay is it :)
There is no taking half the pill:(
Do you desire to be gay but still be attracted to women:) why :p
Think about it then :) but its not that different :p those sexy long smooth legs :) men can have them :p men can have round buncy asses too :p
No. I would not. Also people may be forced to be accept gays, but not everybody really thinks that way. Personally I do not mind because I consider myself flawed, and I consider gays to be flawed as well so we can be equals but I do not respect you for being gay. Why would I? If you want to get on your knees and suck a cock as a man, okay, well thats kind of sad but I am too. But its not optimal.
Men can give warm hugs :) men can give soft kisses :) men can love you anon :p they can make you laugh and think :) they can make you cry believe me :p
Well that's just you tho :( luckily I can turn off 4 Chan at any point and head outside :) to a world where everyone iisaccepting of me :p
You can go on Facebook and get tons of support too :)
I challenge you to read all my posts and think of a better answer :p
No. I prefer to be alone, then.
You may be thinking its the same thing :( the game is rigged anyways :( get people want gay Chad too :( but that's not true at all :) there are not only chads and thinks :p there are tons of different preferences out there :)
Why is that :p are you that hateful:( how would being gay change your life at all :p
I prefer dying virging but fighting against my strugles than be a weak minded faggot
>weak minded faggot
You are weak minded already then :( you just can't see it :(
I don't hate gays. But I would hate myself if I become one. So no.
A good answer. Worthy of respect.
Why would you tho :( I'm tired of this one line responses :( please tell me why would you hate yourself :)
This is what I think :) I think given the chance most men would take the pink pill :p the ones that wouldn't just have misconceptions :( so I want to talk to anyone who wouldn't take this pill :)
It goes against nature, against God, against my own wishes of finding a woman, and I think it is disgusting.
Are you Kevin Spacey's character from Moon? Because uh I don't think the "robot" thing is meant to be taken literally.
As I said I would be friendly if I met you outside I just think its sad. I would not hold it against you or feel superior.
It doesn't go against nature at all anon, there have been gay men all through history :) there is no reason not need for every men to breed :p one would say its more important for someone to be happy these days :p
It doesn't even go against God unless you are direclty quoting the bible :) you can fulfill most of the rules with a man most religious leaders and even the pope agrees
How is it disgusting in any place but your mind :,(
I don't know what any of that is friend :) it sounds interesting tho:p if you consider yourself a robot you could consider this a ticket to normiehood too :)
>against nature
Homosexual behavior has been observed in many animal species.
However, it's a fallacy to assume that just because something is "natural" or "unnatural" that it's "good" or "bad".
>against God
Man-made concept or, at the very least, extremely misunderstood and misinterpreted being. Also, "God's" values are the same as yours.
>against my own wishes of finding a woman
Genetics and social conditioning, anon. OP is offering you a hypothetical situation in which any desire to reproduce is out of the equation.
I don't understand why you consider it sad if all the parties are happy Bout it tho :p
Please friends this is not a place for fighting :( saying no is a perfectly valid response :)
You could even think of this as a chance to erase your past if you want to :)
I'm gay, can I take the green pill to become straight?

Being gay isn't that great for a robot
The natural order of things is that men must be with a woman. The fact that some men from all ages were gay doesn't mean their behavior is right.
If happiness for you means being gay, good for you. But that's not for me.
And yes I refer to those bible quotes.
Sucking dick, taking a cock in the ass or any other sexual related act with a man is disgusting for me.
To clarify my opinion further, this is only my point of view on the subject, if anyone else wants to be gay is their choice, good for them if it makes them happy, but is not for me.
:) you belong in a gas chamber :p
>becoming a degenerate
>not passing down your lineage
>dying of HIV

Why the fuck would I want this again?
I understand what you are trying to say, and I disagree.
In this hypothetical scenario I would refuse this pill. And I gave my reasoning for that choice above.
Being gay is just what you make of it :) if if isn't that great I'm sorry but it must be your fault :( there are tons of gay people enjoying themselves out there ,:p
Also, I might consider this if it meant becoming a cute girl.
I'm sorry I can't change your views on accepting people then :( I can't argue with someone who takes words in a book as law :p
You could become a cute boy instead :)
No thats fucking gay. Get lost faggot.
I wish you were brace enough to have a serious discussion with me :)

K meant brave anon :) I wish you could be brave :p
I can't say unless I was really given that chance.

I think I had a crush on a boy once though, so there might be no need.
I appreciate you being sincere anon:) did you read all my posts :p they may change your mind :p
girls are cute if a little scary
That's odd, I understood that you proposed an hypothetical scenario were upon choice any anon could take a pill that turned him into a gay. Which I refused as stated before. If you wanted to discuss about accepting gays this is not the way to do it.
However I will say that I would not bully, insult, offend or harm a gay on the real life. They made their choice, I will not tell them what to do. Live and let live.
Boys can be cute too :) believe me :p
If you stop thinking about phisical traits a boy can be as cute :p he can love you just as much definitely :p
How can yoh accept someone when you say you would hate to be like him based on something so arbitrary
No thanks. I don't care if he acts like a fairy or if he loves me, I don't like blokes.
For me is quite simple.
I don't want to be one of them, but I will not attack you in any way if that's the life you have to experience.
I didn't mention acting girly at all anon :( that's not what being cute means :( a perfectly manly boy can hold your hand :( it wouldn't make him girly at all :) ilhe can do this because he has feelings for you :p how is that not cure :)
But that makes no sense at all anon :p its like racist people who wouldn't let their teenage daughter date a jew :)
That doesn't make sense for you, but it does for me.
Is called respect. I make my choice, you make yours, I don't interfere with you, and you do the same.
In that hypothetical case, my daughter can do anything she wants when she lives in her own house and pays her bills. But as long as she stays in my house and I pay for her stuff, she will act as I command. I am her father, after all.
So anyone has any non religious reason why he wouldn't take they pill :)
There are no wrong answers :) but there is definitely wrong reasonings:) nobody tried to disrespect you here :p I'm inviting you to think of a better reason that just no :p
Now that we reached this point :) what if I told you the only thing stoping you from taking this pill isfear :p what are you afraid of anon :)
I already said it. I choose to reject it.
Even if I exclude the quotes of the great book, I don't want to. I don't need to. I am not curious. I find it disgusting. I prefer to continue as I am.
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Posting first image in this thread
nah im not a faggot
No. It'd be more of a loss for me to lose attraction to the girl I like than a gain in getting superficial attraction from strangers. I wouldn't mind being attracted to both if the former isn't compromised.
For me a weak minded is someone that becomes anything to fit in and doesn't have the value of being authentic
I'm pathetic because I wouldn't take it, but only because I wouldn't want people to think I was pretending to be straight my whole life.
Ok here is the thing:) the whole truth just for you :p anyone straight would take the pill :) because they are secure about their sexuality and they know that it wouldn't change anything at all:p except a bunch of things I promised that are lies :p like being accepted and rich :)
Anyone insecure wouldn't take this pill because the only reason not to take it is fear :)
Anyone who dobut it is honest at least :)
You my friend are honest and you dobut your sexuality less than the people who dotn want to admit they are afraid to be gay,:)
I told everyone I am a sociopath :) I was manipulating you all along :)
Doesn't matter at all because the only reason I made this thread was to tell my friend I was gay without being able to tell him:)
And I did at the end :p I don't care about anything you post about me now because he promised to never read this board again :p
A few changes means fucking guys?
There's literally no reason to not take the pill. Trust me, I'm gay. I'd probably be an incel loser if I was straight.
I just took it my friend :) I just took it in front of my best friend :p I even asked him to introduce me to hot guys :)

what about the link pill?
I can burry it in my asshole and you can fish it with your dick ;)
>You take this pill and you immediately become more relatable and fun, you are cute now and people are more friendly, welcoming and predisposed to like you
>You can find friends more easily too if you want to that is
I'm already gay but I would like to have this, can I take the pill anyway?

There's more to this pill than just an orientation swap, as it pretty much promises a better life. Being gay definitely has its advantages but it's far from a guaranteed perfect life on its own, and there's plenty of people who will hate you for it.
Get out, OP, you degenerate normalfag.
I'd rather stay asexual, thanks
It's a scam dummy of course being openly gay doesn't mean any of this. I sweetened the deal so much that only a person afraid of being gay, terrified of being gay would say no
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