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should really do christmas shopping edition
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>tfw the great country is no more
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Good morning robots~

How are you today?

I ended up overdosing last night and I'm in a really good mood today~ My heart hurts again though.

Hope you all have a great day!
anyone else excited for a day of parliament on iplayer?

personally im feeling a libertarian approach on this whole syria debate, i dont think it's our fight to get involved in at all. let the countries who it affects most sort it out.

i also think the un should be playing a larger role, otherwise what's the point in having it at all

ideally any refugees are sent back once the war is over
overdosing on what?
G'morning lads. You alright?
It was only Ibuprofen~
Terrible. I have to go to a conference in an hour titled: Recognizing your Strengths.

Hope the bus explodes on the way.
>haven't showered in 4 days

Do I sleep and shower when I wake up, or shower then go to sleep?
You are fucking disgusting,do you think the shit you write is inducing condolence or something? I just feel utterly disgusted
>want to be comfy in bed with tea, crumpets and parliament
>hyped all week
>got called in for work

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>at school, be like 13
>some girl is attention seeking, showing everyone her scars in her wrist
>trying to focus on work, she starts showing them to me "anon are you as depressed as me? Seriously it's really bad look how hard my life is I'm middle class and have abundant food and shelter and dad buys me everything I'm so troubled blah blah"
>not even listening, just mention she's got to cut the other way if she wants to do it properly
>try and carry on with work, she starts yelling at me and making a scene in class
>teacher comes over and sends me out, the girl talks to her and says something about me bullying her because a close family member died and she tried to take her own life (what the fuck) and I abused her because of it
>go to headmaster, get detention for a week
>the close family member was a fucking gerbil

I hate attention seeking suicide fuckers. Either kill yourself or fail an attempt and don't mention it. MURR DURR MY LIFE SO HORRIBLE XD I TRY AND LE KILL MYSELF does nothing but bring up "oh for fuck sake" feelings in me
who /hatechristmas/ here?
morning lads. whats the plan today?
(A) Christmas
(B) Christmas?
(X) Hate Christmas
(Y) Sarcastic
Shitpost for a bit then have a panic attack in work and hide in the toilets for an hour punching the wall.
>all answers are a variation of "yes" to lead you to a quest to clear an area of elves (reskinned raiders) to recover a part santa needs, reward is a named modified PC that's less powerful than the one you already have and 12 good boy points, which is equal to about one pack of painkillers
I'm not even mad at him. I just feel seriously disgusted. Not in a meme way you fucking faggot I mean literally.
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Get me up to date with the poleboo situation lads
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Lads I'm extremely bored, quick, name me some good Android games
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handsome guy checking in

rate me ;)
8 weeks in prison, he'll be out in 3 on license
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>tfw feeling pretty good about myself and my appearance until I get a shitty haircut that makes me look like a creep with a massive face
I've genuinely forgotten what he got knicked for
>Tfw gf's sister and her friends are here already


Seriously I was about to have a wank now there's a bunch of 13 year olds causing a ruckus outside the bedroom door.
>/britfeel/ now well over a year old
>haven't missed a single day on here

another year wasted lads
Literally none family
should be thankful 2bh, you can slowly give it up this way
That's just called commitment mate. It's always important to be able to dedicate yourself to something life and stick with it. Well done, here's to many more to come!
>give up wanking

Literally why would anyone want to do that ever
It eats away at my soul and desire to better myself. Just sick of it now
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got the day off lads, i've booked off every weds up to christmas office closure so i have little two-day weeks :)

was gonna get haircut but ive got a headache and would rather not shower, dress and go outside on my day off so i'll probably play fallout 4

cat just kneaded on my legs and flopped down to sleep, good omen
fap when youre horny, not just when your bored
Really? I love wanking it makes me feel great.
>cat just kneaded on my legs and flopped down to sleep, good omen

That sounds super comfy

What do you work as? Do you only do 3 days a week? That is lucky I wish I had a 3 a day week job. My old job was 6 days a week so I quit because it was too much and now I am NEET.
just got up cos carpet cleaners coming, gonna be trapped in my room all day.
also got telephone interview with my adviser at 11:30.

just enjoying the last few minutes of peace.

gonna be a shit day desu.
Has anyone got any experience of threatening to leave a job? Have they told you to piss off or offered to pay you more to try and keep you?
i edit books and manage other little editors who are younger. and no, i have regular 5 day weeks but by booking off my wednesdays i've made myself some bite-size little 2-day weeks. most people take 3-day weekends with holiday left over at end of year, but i find that just makes the week you return to more daunting.
no experience but id only ever do it if i'd been accepted for another job elsewhere, otherwise you could end up 2 years into dole thinking what a cunt you were
have some breakfast, do some clothes washing, get ready and then head into town
>tfw long term gf and child
>tfw I wanna fuck a trap hard
>tfw on train to work checking traps on chan

There is no face!
Obviously, I'm thinking of applying for other shit but it'll be hard to stay motivated at my current place when I'm perpetually in the "I'm leaving" mentality. Even though I haven't found anything else yet.
Well I was looking forward to a wank but now these skiving school children won't stfu outside my bedroom door REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i know how you feel, i really couldnt be fucked to interview for other jobs and actually go for one whilst burned out and angry at my current job... in the end i burned out, spilled my spaghetti to the boss and went part time for a month. im better now
>Having a kid, job and long term girlfriend
>Still posting on britfeel


This isn't even a normies out thing, I have a girlfriend too, but you are literally living a normal adult life.
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call the police on them lad
At least they seem integrated/interested in being British desu
It depends what job you goti.

>Brother is programmer
>works for a finance company
>get paid shit wages compared to most programming jobs
>organised all the programmers to threaten to quit if they don't get pay rises
>goes to ask management for pay rise
>they say no
>tells rest of the programmers
>they all agree they'll hand their notices in at end of the day
>one of the middle managers over hears thsi and reports it to the main managers
>brother gets called into office at end of the day
>50% pay rises all round

But if you work at like Tesco or some low paying relatively unskilled job I'm sure they wouldn't give a fuck as they'll expect to have high staff turnover anyway.
Hopefully I can find something new before I get to that point.
I'm in something quite specific and highly skilled so I don't think they'd want me to go, never can be sure.

It doesn't really matter, even if they did offer me a pay rise I'd probably leave, I just want to do something different.

>programming in the finance industry

my condolences to your brother
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>want to return my 300quid bike cause it's too fucking rainy and shit to learn how to use it, plus homocidal taxi and delivery drivers
>already 35 days, so I'm at the mercy of the return policy(unused)
>manager(?) literally looked at it for 5 seconds then was like, ok, then refunded me everything

Fuck that was easy, he didn't even attempt to fight or make it difficult, now that's good customer service.

Getting myself an A5 lux micro scooter from razor now for 70quid.

Gonna be sanic fast on the pavement, and this time I'll be the one fucking shit up if something bad happens.
I know~
I genuinely feel horrible about it now. I shouldn't have done it at all.

Being locked in your room sounds quite comfy as long as you've got something to do~
Try and have a good day lad
birthday boy today lads, only had one birthday wish so far and that was a text from my mum hopefully thats the last of it. just plan on spending it with my britfeel pals tbqh
Girlfriend was manager if a charity shop, honestly one of the worst jobs in the world since you have the headache of being manager except the people you manage aren't paid so they have literally no reason to listen to you and will just do whatever they fuck they want, so it's impossible to get a store going in any direction

She was just getting overwhelmed by job centre and parole people forced on her who are literally rapists and thieves so she said she was going to quit, they offered to raise her wage from 8 an hour to 12

She kept it and she's made a lot of changes, like banning job centre people (surprisingly the parole people work a lot harder) and out cctv everywhere

I hate the fucking concept of voultenteering anyway it's a shitty system for literally everyone involved
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>he doesn't know how to ride a bike
>he's getting an autistic scooter instead

embarrassed for you mate
>not getting an Oxelo Town 7 for the exact same price
>not listening to the guy whose been riding a scooter to work for a year now

Okay bro enjoy your bumpy ride
>tfw paki
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oxelo 7s arent autistic mate its an efficient way to town travel to work
Oh my fucking days more 13 year olds have just arrived. This is where Garry Glitter would end up if he blew himself up in the name of Allah. Unfortunately for me I fucking hate children.

Wait what the fuck now there are men's voices just entered the house... better not be fucking pakis
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>scooters aren't autistic mate
do you live in a doss house? why do people just enter and leave at their own will?
you're trying too hard to fit in
If getting to work in a cheap, fast and efficient manner is autistic then I'll be autistic.

Enjoy spending an hour sat on the peasant wagon paying 50 a month for the privilege.
I'm the guy who lives in his gf's mum's house. She has a 13 year old sister who apparently never goes to school and brings her friend's round every day.
I have a car Tbh
Obviously you don't live or work in a city then because

>parking in any major city
no, I live in a sleepy english village

a bike is so much less autistic than a scooter, I can't believe you don't know how to ride a bike that is so pathetic
Get one of those segway skateboards instead
this t.b.h

I hate pakis as much as the next guy but at least they're making the effort to be there and wear the gear unlike most people who would probably just sit at home and have a wank.
I'm not that guy, I do know how to ride a bike but prefer to ride a scooter because shit loads of cyclists get hit on the on which I ride to work. I like riding bikes for fun but hate riding on main roads.

how is it any different? Does it handle bumps/roads better?

I can easily cancel my order at halfords and just ge tthe oxelo.
might buy some new clothes today lads
Lads I wet the bed this morning, need help.

Was having a dream where some paki was trying to sell me a solid gold toilet and asked if I wanted to test drive it. I said yes and started dream pissing, then realised I was reality pissing and woke up. I didn't unleash a full bladders worth but it was still quite a bit of piss.

How do I clean piss out of a mattress? I've never done this before.
The Oxelo Town 7 is the only scooter I've seen with front and fear suspension which makes a much smoother ride if you are going long distances over potentially bumpy/cracked pavement.

If you were just riding in a car park or skate park with really nice flat concrete it would be fine, but for streets I really think you'll want the suspension.
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>schoolgirls downstairs
>can't wank

Sounds like a risky wank to me, those are the best kind of wanks.
get help from your mum
11:30 Y U NO RING?
Woudln't be a problem if they were that far away. They hang out outside her bedroom which is directly outside of my bedroom.

I managed to have a wank anyway but haven't been able to go wash my hand. I think they have moved to the living room so going to make a run for the shower. Wish me luck.
11:31 Fuck I got a tension headache
>not inviting them in for neet sex
How do they make advent calendar chocolate taste different from all other kinds of chocolate?
check I got the year right.....

>the effort to be there
Where is there?
With the background and the camera there I assume they're at some sort of sporting event.

They're also waving flags and taking pictures of something with their phones so with my Sherlock powers of deduction I think they're watching a British athlete compete.
i dont know but i notice it too
Fuck.... its over and done with.. im free kinda.

he realised he couldn't do anything for me.
passed my details onto some home visitor for people with agoraphobia.
dunno if i should make a bigass kielbasa flatbread or grilled halloumi flatbread.

fuck, life is so complicated.
Just got a shirt from Primark lads, that shop is fucking savage.

Can't move anywhere because there are a legion of middle age women standing on the spot doing fuck all or moving at 1mph. Had to wait behind a line of 10 of them at the checkout since each one had bought 10 pieces of clothing and had to chat to the cashier. Seeing them spend an extra minute each fumbling with their purse made my blood boil.

Why can't they just be like blokes, know what they want, get in get out. It's Primark not a fucking day out.
Bro you're going for agoraphobia? That's funny, brilliant and also ballsy as fuck. Do you think you're going to be able to pull it off?

I would love to get them with agoraphobia and just be able to sit in my house collecting neetbux and playing vidya for the rest of my life.
I am the thread killer..

where is everyone?
Anyone here any good at chemistry?

If you have a molecule with several different atoms, is the emission spectrum of that just the spectra from each of the constituent elements, plus a few peaks in between because of rotational/vibrational energies?

It's surprising how little I can find about this on tinternet
What shirt did you get
Bbb...but I am.
Haven't been out since I was 18.
I'm 32 now.
Not really into video games but yea its a neets dream I guess.
would be nice to have some sex tho. and not have everyone look at me like im a failure.

>buying shirts from Primark
>any year

I only go to Primark if I need some emergency socks or some shit. It is a scary place. Full of dregs. I do like to see the slutty chav bitches in there though.
Happy birthday mate, treat your self to a tesco all day breakky
Do you live with your parents or have your own place?

And mate you are not a failure anyone who tries to judge you is clearly jealous, they would do the exact same if they had the talent to pull it off but they don't so instead they're stuck at Tesco until they keel over and die.

How do you go about getting diagnosed?
Some shitty thick burgundy one.
I'm on ESA for agoraphobia and I don't have it.

I did leave the house like 20 times in the space of 7 years though, but that's because I had no friends or job or anything
leave the country this sunday for a week lads, not been on a plane for about 3 years and im getting a bit anxious. starting to regret this break away tbH
Where you off to?
If youve got a spare 1200 lying around, do youself a solid and slam it in a help to buy isa up to 4% AER.
with my parents, but its quite large house so I don't really see them except to get food.

basically you go to your gp and say I think I have a problem, I haven't been out for 6months, im too nervous, always need someone with me to feel safe, have panic attacks, get hot and sweaty.
cant sleep, feel sick before you have to go out.

they give you a 6month sick note, then you can apply for esa or whatever.

but every 12 months you have to go through the atos assessment, and you most always fail unless you have experience.

you also have to go for therapy and stuff, you cant actually do nothing. you just get longer time between having to do stuff as you would on job seekers.

probably still better than having to look for work every week when there is non.

I don't get disability pay, im not rich.
>Haven't been out since I was 18.
>I'm 32 now.
Genuinely curious here, if you don't play video games, how do you fill your days?

Don't you get bored? what does your average day consist of?

Guess I'd just like some tips for when I have to stay in all day, waiting for a delivery/repair guy etc, I get so bored.
>but every 12 months

that depends

First time I was on it, they gave me 2 years. Second time they gave me 3 years. Third time it changed to ESA or whatever it's called, and put me in the support group. I'm not my 3rd year of that, and I'm surprised I haven't been called back yet. Hopefully they've forgot I exist, but I doubt it.

>you also have to go for therapy and stuff, you cant actually do nothing

Not really. I haven't been to doctors in 6 years and never even touched therapy. I told them the pills started making me have panic attacks in the 1 place I feel safe so I don't trust them anymore.
>slutty chav bitches

This guy knows what's up
im not actually in the support group yet.
keep meaning to change it over but its a lot of effort for someone as avoidant as me.
it was harder before the internet.
I went from thing to thing.
initially sat watching a lot of television.
but I had creative hobbies, was into music for a while.
these days im never bored with so much information out there.
but I would like to be normal again, just doing stuff I enjoy so I don't want to kill myself everyday like most wagekeks.
>half a year ago try tinder, over actively using it every day for a week I got a single match
>got a gf through other means, been together 6 months
>taking a dump, realise I still have tinder on my phone yesterday
>same picture, same profile same everything as before
>give it a go because why not, do a single day of matching
>come back to day
>12 matches, 5 of whom already sent a first message

Oh come the fuck on. Are chicks physic or something?
that's sods law, it only happens when youre not looking.
I didn't change it over. It did it after my last review automatically. Confused the hell out of me, because before, they'd send me a letter saying I'll continue being awarded my income support, and then a date of my next review

Last letter was "You're in support group" and that was about it. No dates or anything
> it only happens when youre not looking.

This has to be the the most retarded normie platitude in existence

Cut it out
Fuck lads, just woke up AGAIN. Exam in 7 days now.

Seriously fuck this.
Don't get the bonus until you buy a house though, and I'm planning on living with mummy forever.
>no milk or bread in

mr kiplings apple pie, packet of crisps and some chocolate for breakfast then
Don't do this it is literally a terrible idea for all but a small minority of people.

If you get a help to buy ISA you can't pay into any other cash ISA.

If you pay in the initial 1200 deposit then pay in 200 a month every month from here on out you are looking at over four years until you actually reach the maximum of 12k. At which point you need to be ready to buy a house with either that as your entire deposit or the rest of your deposit elsewhere.

The problem with this is you need to know you are going to buy a house in exactly 4-5 years to make it worthwhile.


You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

The other issue I have with it is that if you start saving now to buy a house in 4 years time, house prices are going to have gone up so much, as well as price rises with inflation, the 3k the government will give you is going to be pretty irrelevant by today's standards. If they let you pay up to 1k a month in to get you there quicker it would be helpful, by 200 a month and 4 years waiting is a joke.

Not to mention the fact that interest rates will absolutely rise in the next 5 years, this means two things

1. As we said above house prices and inflation are going to keep going up, add to this the inevitable rise of interest rates meaning mortgages are going to be a lot more expensive and what you learn is that if you are going to buy a house, if there is anyway you scrape a deposit together in the short term it will be a lot more beneficial than waiting 4 years to top this ISA up

2.You can't pay into cash ISAs with this ISA. I know as of the new year basically no one is going to be a tax payer, but tax or not banks and building societies always offer higher rates on their ISAs due to the invest rules and limits on them. At the moment you can get 1.5% on a variable rate instant access ISA so if you top that up to the limit in your first year you are looking at over 200 quid in cash you can actually hold, and with interest rates sure to rise the amount you will be earning each year will also increase, meaning over the course of four years you are going to have nearly as much in cash as the money the government would give you should you choose to buy a property.

It seems like a good idea on paper but the fact that you can only pay in 200 a month means that it would take so long to save up and then you would have to be ready to get the house immediately or the money is siting their gaining no interest.

Just save into normal instant access ISAs and wait for interest rates to go up.
Every single one of your of ancestors all had offspring for 4 billion years and it ends with you.
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Good afternoon robots!

What are you doing?

I've got to go to the library since I have exams coming up which I've barely prepared for~
Might do something for waifu wednesday as well.

>tfw almost posted a lewd picture of waifu
eating, asda pasta salad and scotch eggs.

how did you wipe anus lastnight?
Couldn't care less. I'd get a vasectomy if I ever found myself in a position to be married anyway.
i just realized how shit it is to be here
cya faggots
Sounds comfy anon!

I ended up using some kitchen roll~

My normie flatmates never buy toilet paper for some reason. One of them had to use the cardboard tubes from the toilet paper because there was nothing else available kek~
They were all keks desu fuck having kids and living the wageslave life. We are the final generation because we are the best.


Gunna go play some Burnout 3 now lads

>tesco breakfast
>not having a subway 2x 6 inch melter on flat bread with double cheese, double sausage, double bacon and double egg and orange juice

Oh well, too late now it's past 11am.
I thought I'd used up my last chance with therapy but they're giving me one more go.

Don't really want to do it, but it took 8 months to get an appointment last time.
And I'm not that committed to helping myself. I'd rather just ignore my problems indefinitely.
>eating Subway

Proper pleb tier food that is
if you're not going to listen to them, stop wasting their time
there are people that actually want help

it's 99% garbage, but that breakfast meal is actually pretty good.

You can't really fuck up flat bread, sausages, cheese, eggs and bacon.
Alright lads going to go get some beers soon for a bit of a day drinking sesh

I have a good tactic now for buying booze. When I go in during the day I always pick up a few other items like a pizza and some crisps and stuff so it just looks like I am having lunch or having a party or something, and I only buy a small amount of beers, like a 6 pack of cans or some little friendly pack like that. Then I'll drink those throughout the day and will finish about 5-6pm at which point I will go to the larger supermarket where I will buy a large crate of beers to last me through the night and the following day. When you go in the larger supermarket they don't recognise you as easy and think you are just someone buying some beers after work or something.

The good thing about this plan is that it sorts you for booze over the course of two days, so I won't need to go back to get the day time beers again until Friday. Although often on Friday I go straight to large supermarket and buy a big crate even in the day no one minds because it is Friday so they think you are having a party.

This way I only need to go to the small supermarket 1 or 2 times a week so they don't suspect anything at all.
Basically this then

I think you should try and let them help you anon~
Unfortunately, you can't ignore your problems indefinitely. You might as well make the most out of this opportunity

Nice one lad~

I do the same thing where I have elaborate methods to avoid the shop staff's judgement.

>muh redneck beer culture

No wonder the UK is leading obesity next to mexico.
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its the wednesday off lad here, fell asleep with the cat for hours, now groggy and confused and half the day is gone. that's more like it.
Do you see /amerifatfeel/ at the top of the thread? No? Now get out.
fuerteventura mate, my old man lives over there
At least you had a nice cuddly nap with your kitty I bet she really enjoyed it.
But they have qualified sandwich artists who make sandwiches just for me
Can you tell me the lotto numbers for next week while you're over there?
>(surprisingly the parole people work a lot harder)
Not really surprising, you're not going to fuck around if your freedom is at stake.
two from the top and the rest from the bottom
i been there with my parents on holiday as a kid, bought fake pokemon shiny pack from one of those africans selling tat on blankets
I've just discovered the miracle that is Gaviscon. First day in months I haven't felt like killing myself because of acid reflux. Don't know why I never tried it before.
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You think anyone gives a fuck about what time of day, or how many beers you buy at whatever time of day?

You sound narcissistic, strangers don't care about you, or your drinking habits.
gaviscon is amazing, it works different to regular tums cos of the alginic acid. i used to swig a little from the liquid bottle after every meal lol, like some 50s grandad with low-grade cancer

I volunteered at some place that had dole scum doing mandatory service, they were fucking terrible.
>You think anyone gives a fuck about what time of day, or how many beers you buy at whatever time of day?

They literally do mate. If they didn't then stigmas wouldn't exist, would they?

Anyhow I'm back now with my beers. The beers were only 4.50 but I ended up spending over 11 quid in total with the extra items to make it look legit. I dressed up really nice as well though so they didn't suspect a thing. They're probably sat there now thinking 'What a pleasant man, I wonder who he is having lunch with. I hope he has a nice day'.

Get in lads!! Let's get drunk!!
>trial shift in a 4 star hotel starts at 6pm

fuck I'm scared, if they had a restaurant it would be easy, but I'll either be in the bar or the lounge.

I'm not gonna be a bartender but that shit is still way out of my element.

I need a job, I'm at my last 2600 shekels and JSA ends on january.
working in a hotel sounds quite comfy anon
I know a kiddie who works in a hotel doing bar/lounge/restaurant stuff and he isn't the kind of person I ever thought would be good at it so must be easier than you think. Just try to relax and have a good time whenever I go to a hotel I like it when the staff are all clearly friends with each other and have a nice time with the punters.
whenever i go to a hotel i like the member of staff to give me a friendly, welcoming blowjob

I've only worked in restaurants at hotel.

I only drink when with friends(and it's just vodka+orange juice) so I know jack shit about your autistic lager ale and beers and bar stuff. Well technically I do since all these rednecks from devon kept pestering me about it but that was months ago.


It's comfy when you're used to it, I loved my old hotel job but living in devon made me want to kill myself.
I guess ill just go back to bed then, no point on existing.
22nd of December is the shortest day of the year
22nd December confirmed for manlet
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>They're probably sat there now thinking 'What a pleasant man, I wonder who he is having lunch with
They're not thinking jack shit about you. Damn dude, how can you think so much of yourself.

Is that what helps you get through your miserable life? thinking random strangers at the supermarket actually give two fucks about your drinking habits?
>Is that what helps you get through your miserable life? thinking random strangers at the supermarket actually give two fucks about your drinking habits?

No... drinking helps e get through my miserable life. I thought that much would be obvious?
daylets, when will they learn?
Why is the thread so quiet this afternoon. i'm getting lonely.
threadly reminder that my dad could beat up your dad
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>throat swollen up
>hurts to swallow
>haven't been able to sleep
Doctor said i should just keep taking paracetamol and wait for it to go away.
come around and play video games at my house then
i doubt it, my dad has a a moustache
that's nice, but my dad could still beat up your dad

nothing person kid

just the way it is i'm afraid
>Paracetamol for a swollen throat
>the NHS

Seriously how hard is it to qualify to be an NHS doctor? Do you just have to pay for Med School and they let you in regardless of whether or not you showed up passed the first day?

Take ibuprofen, it will relieve the swelling which will reduce the pain and isn't as bad for you as paracetamol. Also get some of those expensive lozenges they are the shit.
been a real lazy fuck today lads
What is the psychological explanation for so many kids saying this to each other and getting really passionate about it?
i don't know but i'm sure some anon will reply with to you with some bullshit answer they made up
That's the best kind of answer.
What are these expensive lozenges?
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>drinking the milk of another animal as adult
tip top kek
>my football team beat your football team
>my country beat your country

Basic tribal mentality.
Don't think so m8, my dad was a UFC fighter he used to train with Anderson Silva in the states and kicked his arse in training, Anderson Silva was scared of my dad.

My old man could have easily won the middleweight title, but he decided to be the CEO of a household named company instead.
aww that's cute

but my dad could still beat up your dad

it's just that black and white
I used to have this autistic friend. He was a short, fat manlet. He dropped out of college at 17 to play WOW and was perpetually unemployed. When we were 19 he got into Football Manager and told me he decided he wants to become a professional footballer. I said to him 'but you've never kicked a ball in your life' and he told me that 19 is a good age to get into football if you want to be professional because on his game the players start getting a lot better once they reach 19 and 20 years old. Then he would run up and down the street every day saying he was getting fit for football.

Eventually he went training for a Sunday team and told me they said he was the best player there but they said he can't play with them this season because they already registered their team but if he comes back next year they can. My cousin happened to play for the team and I asked him about it, in his words my friend was 'the worst football player he's ever seen' and after the first week of training rang the manager and said he broke his foot so couldn't play anymore.

Moral of the story is it's never too late to chase your dreams lads.
I can't remember the name of the brand but they sell them in pharmcies, they come in a packet like a pill pack with the metallic foil inside a cardboard box.

Just go to pharmacies and look for the most expensive lozenges hey're about 6 quid.
take your lactose intolerance elsewhere, autismo
should we shot all pakis on the assumption that they have been radicalised
Alright Frail Bone McGee
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There isn't really any point in letting them continue living to be perfectly honest and at the end of the day, we need to use our bombs on somebody.
>what are most cabbages
they contain more calcium than milk
I could beat up my dad and i'm auschwitz mode
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>He'd rather eat cabbage than drink milk
because i am against the raping of cows and genocide of male calves
Some pics 8 in total I think. Three weeks is long enough to castrate someone! What prison anyone?
fuck off hippie, I bet you stink of dog shit and big spray
>depriving the animal kingdom from their food source
>eating burps: the food
checked btw senpai
yeah but why our dads, bit random isn't it

shoot all the chavs and southern rednecks first as they actually kill the economy, or the pajeets since they stink up the place.
paki detected
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Merocaine mate
Thats what I buy anyway.

As men, our father is our primary male role model. Or he used to be, before leftism destroyed the concept of the family
Do you lads know how I can get ahold of legit as possible LSD in this country?

I need to trip like fuck, I've been reading up on it and it seems it is a rites of passage kind of thing that would be really good for my mental health.
>I've been reading up on it and it seems it is a rites of passage kind of thing that would be really good for my mental health.

Only fedora wearing waster faggots say that.
There's Muslim guy he's Bangladeshi and he fucking hates Pakis, he's always going on about how he can't stand doing business with them, they never pay etc and are just dirty bastards.

He comes into my workplace to get his Indian restaurant menus printed. I get along good with him, he's alright.

Anyway, I think he might have been radicalised at his mosque, he's been talking weird shit lately and has grown out his beard, he was always clean shaven.

If you saw him you would think he looks like the stereotypical jihadi
Nah desu back in the day incredibly smart people experimented with substances. Coleridge wrote most of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner after fucking himself up on opiates. Not saying I'd go that far. But I've looked up a lot of shit about it and it seems to indicate that most people have a positive experience with tripping when it's done right, and it can change you for the better.

Ive been trying to better myself for years but my shit mental health keeps holding me back. Trying to break that down with Hypnotherapy atm but it's not working.
Kinda, but can get crazy. Google ir spectrometry, there's shifting, peaks can get bigger smaller etc.
Did he tell you you're aright and not to come to work tomorrow?
i have this Columbian friend who has that Aztec jungle people heritage and when he turned 18 his parents took him to this place with this Shaman in the woods. Loads of people go there and they drink they psychedelic liquid then everyone trips for like 14 hours. He started going there a lot and made good friends with the Shaman tripping with him, he said he was really wise.

He stopped going eventually but it sounded like a good time.
I know this isn't /fit/ but it happened in UK and made me lol

>at gym
>doing routine
>some fat guy loads up 80kg on the bar
>this should be interesting
>doesn't ask for a spot even though I'm like 2 metres away
>take a rest break to watch
>struggles to get it off the rack
>down to his chest
>back up
>goes for second rep
>dros the bar straight on his fucking face
>immediately thought to laugh but I run over to help the poor guy out
>lift the weight off him
>blood gushing from his nose
>already 2 visible black eyes
>I call over the first aider
>he goes to a+e
>on the way out my bro shouts "lightweight baby"

2bh I do feel sorry for him but wtf was he thinking
normally I would call bullshit on stuff like this but my mate was once telling me the same thing, he'd read about all these blokes who went and drank this liquid, tripped like fuck and then saw the world more clearly or some shit and became successful businessmen
can you give me a story on poleaboo are the posts about him just memes
newbie pls dont bully
Can't get her off my mind lads. I haven't had to deal with these feels for awhile, what do I do? I'm trying to be sober for at least few days so that's out.
Aztecs weren't anywhere near Colombia, and they certainly weren't jungle people

Incas were closer, but even then, they weren't Colombian and also, were not jungle people
get drunk as fuck and then threaten her, girls like it when you take control
Alright mate I haven't got my degree in ancient South American bloodlines yet so for the sake of argument we'll just call them The Gentlemen Who Lived in South America Before The Spanish Arrived.
Dadanon here. Daily reminder to not get someone pregnant. I'm in my wagekuk job after 3 hours sleep as the baby was up all night unwell.

Kill me
Why didn't you make her get rid of it? How are you supposed to live the NEETgod life with a kid you've gotta pay for?
Quick britfeel survey about NEETdom

Are you NEET?

If yes have you ever had a job?

If no have you been NEET before and would you like to go NEET again?

Finally do you prefer the NEET lifestyle or the wageslave lifestyle? Pros and Cons of each?
Yes right now but going back to uni in january


prefer neet lifestyle some days but also ache for normiedom

NEET is good if you're not relying on JSA, don't have to pay for rent or food and family / friends don't put you down for being unemployed.

Also depends on your expenses.
>Are you NEET?
>If no have you been NEET before and would you like to go NEET again?
>Finally do you prefer the NEET lifestyle or the wageslave lifestyle? Pros and Cons of each?

NEET Pros: lots of free time
NEET Cons: no money, boredom
>tfw no advent calendar

completely forgot this year
How long do you lads plan to live?

I am 23 now, I don't think the ride can go on much past 30. I've basically given up on life already so just enjoying a nice downhill stroll until I get the very bottom and kill myself. Although knowing my luck I will probably die in a car crash or catch cancer first.

Whose up for vigilante justice lads?
I told myself I'd force myself to live until I was like 30-35, then take a good long look at my life and ask myself if I want to continue beyond that point.
21 is still somewhat young. I can still give myself a chance to turn things around.
My story is well documented. One night stand. Dna confirms baby is mine

Put something on the end of it lads

if things carry on the way they are right now then probably next november.

I wouldn't like to live past 30 unless I've found some kind of comfy career to settle into by then.
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>tfw normie teacher just brought forward the date of presentation by a week
>planned what I was going to do each day to finish it in time
>now it's ruined
>barely done anything


I'm really not sure~
Sometimes I feel like ending it now and other times I have no intention of an heroing. I imagine that if my situation worsens or at the very least doesn't improve I might do it in a few years~ But I think deep down I am a very optimistic person so I can't really give a definitive answer. It really depends on how the next few years play out~
Sad to hear you've given up on life though anon. I know it's hard to tell now but things can certainly get better!
how old are you tildeanon?
Come to the Bath Christmas market and SWanons. I'll sort you out a free glass of mulled wine on the house.
I'm 19 right now~
Cancelled on a date with a girl who was really excited to hang out with me so I can go to the arcade with my mates. Have I made a mistake?
>I know it's hard to tell now but things can certainly get better!

You're on /britfeel/ mate. This place is good because of it's brutal truth and honesty. There is no need for that self serving feel good bullshit here.
didnt even realize arcades still existed tbqh familia, if theres 2p slots in the arcade then you have made no mistake

na man, bitches are dime a dozen.
What a pup. I can't believe it has been 4 years since I was 19. Feels like I still am.
>tfw 9 years
Only arcade near me is Hollywood Bowl and every time I've been it has been full of pikeys challenging you to fight for your families honour. Then if you win tickets on the machines you only need to save up 1,000 to win 10g pack of Haribo.
Probably intimidated, were there a bunch of big guys in there?

I remember this one guy that tried to do a 50kg squat (fuck all) and he collapsed backward with the barbell and it ricocheted and hit the back of his head. He seemed ok but i didn't see him again. Pretty scarey tbqh.

With January coming you're going to see this a hell of a lot more.
It isn't bullshit

Anyone can improve their life even if it's just by doing little things that seem completely insignificant at first~
It depends on the person's willpower and determination. I know all too well how hopeless robothood can feel but I know that if I really try hard I can make something of myself and become a happier person. It's very difficult to imagine something like that especially in my current situation but I am adamant that it's possible~
I know I can change my life if I find the courage and the willpower to do so. And I know every other anon here can do it too~
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There is but I usually spend all my time on the Wangan Midnight 3 machine
Definitely didn't make a mistake

>tfw no arcade near me
>somehow neighbour dog over the fence heard it and started barking
coincidence proably
Do you ever think about all the people you used to talk to anons?

The random guy from runescape you'd chat to every night?

The guys from that chat room?

The cute girl from school on MSN you never had the nerve to ask out?

I do
>he quit runescape
I never used to talk to people online
Not really tbqh, I only spoke to a few people who were worth the effort and we've kept in contact ever since.
Did you go on Jeremy Kyle?
That's the worst I've been to, Bath was claustrophobic before they put those stupid huts in.
>be like 13 or 14
>cam wank every night with this girl from the girls school
>never actually meet irl
>like, fap every day with her
>fast forward 7 years
>work gets a new manager
>she fucking walks in
>we both look at each other like oh, then oooh then, oh fuck.
>awkward like 5 minute talk I had with her since I had to explain the job to her (I'm also a manager) and show her around
>not a word has been said, but we both know it's awkward as fuck
>she's married now, I've been in a relationship for a year
>you could cut the sexual tension with a knife every fucking day at work

Might just quit lads
MSN used to be GOAT, fuck Kikebook for ruining it.
That's top 2bh lad, is she a looker?
No, it is bullshit.

I've done the gym thing, I've done the gf thing. I still want to kill myself.

I have no talents or skills at anything. The only thing I am fit for is wageslaving away in some retail job until I die. The only passion I ever had in life was wanting to be able to play my guitar and sing good, after 10 years at it I'm still abundantly terrible. And I know you can't have everything you want, so I packed in my dream of being an in my bedroom Kurt Cobain and took up wageslaving.

Wageslaving was fine until I realised that was total bollocks too. It is fine for all of my (former) friends because they are all middle class kiddies living in nicer neighborhoods with rich parents. For them it ain't no thing but a chicken wing to go wageslaving for 7 quid an hour everyday then return to their comfy home. I on the other hand had the misfortune of being born in a shitty council estate without rich parents, so my dream shifted from being able to sing to being able to not live in a fucking shit hole where I literally have to fight chavs on a weekly basis on my walk home from fucking work.

But you know what it turns out like? If you earn 7 quid and hour even if you do save up enough money to own a home it is going to be in the same chav infested shithole you grew up in without a rich mummy and daddy to help you.

So then I said fuck it and gave up. There is no way out of this situation. Would I be happy wageslaving if I could live in a nice middle class neighbourhood with rich parents? Yes, I would. Can I go back in time to be a sperm in a rich man's testicle? No, I can not. So no, it is not going to get fucking better.

I'm not a pessimist I'm just realistic
>when the girl you fancied nudged you
>that nudge and knock sound

I miss old Internet
or you could fuck her
Does she know you wanked to her?
Yup. She's got fucking hot, way hotter than when we where teens. About 5'9, thin, tanned, long brown hair down to her arse, deep blue eyes, still got them small but perky tits, and as far as I remember puffy nips

Fuuuuug nostalgia is rushing over me
I'm 20 and I already feel dead inside. I can't believe how fucked up this world is tbqf

I hope I can feel happy again once before I die, which I think will probably be sooner than I'd think. Doubt I'll make it to 30 somehow.
We wanked to each other, completely naked like awkward teens did over MSN camera

That's why it's fucking awkward now like 7 years later
Gary Neville now Valencia head coach, going to miss him on Sky.

Good for you normie.
Just make sure you don't shout her name out while you're with your missus eh lad?
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