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Is multiculturalism a race or a culture thing? I'm a white
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Is multiculturalism a race or a culture thing?

I'm a white guy and I hate islam, illegals, and nigger culture but I have met minorities who act white and have been in the military. Should we view white acting minorities as enemies?
That face has to be the most autistic image of a human ever.
not in civil society

Maybe in the event of a war.
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Discrimination isn't the tool of the wise, but of the lazy. If you're having a hard time to make up your mind about something, it's what a smart man does.

To just say that everyone is crap because they share some random trait with other people isn't some high level thinking shit. It's not a "mind-hack"
>Mind hack
>when you meet someone new treat them just like other people that remind you of them, it's always true.
They shouldn't be your personal enemies, but unfortunately usually they're opponents. I have a Persian friend for example, who insists on calling himself white, acts white and is very smart. Yet he still votes democrat, even though if he were actually white, he would know how terrible of a decision that is. In the end he's not white and his political views reflect that.
No, but it is an important survival skill.

"All snakes aren't poisonous, thats discrimination, I'll play with this one"

"White people pls help".
education level thing
multiculturalism doesn't work but a multi-ethnic one with a dominate culture does
Go ahead.
The dominance must be coincidental or else there is a Stalin / Napoleon / Big Brother lurking.
>Everyone is gud if juin milidary
Why are all Americans so degenerate
it has to also assimilate and purge the impurities of lesser cultures.
The world was already beautiful and multicultural, then when cultural faggots came they started mixing all cultures to satisfy their need to meet other cultures without moving their huge asses away from the couch.

The world was like a huge palete full of different colors and tones, and now, thanks to these fuckers it's broken. Like when a kid tries to make rainbow colored ink and just ends making a gross, ugly and disgusting gray paste that isn't only repulsive to the eyes but also it's useless to make something nice
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