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>>results as of 17:20

(FPÖ/Center-right) Norbert Hofer 36.7%
(Greens) Van der Bellen 19.7%
(Liberals/ "Independent") Griss 18.8%
(SPÖ/Left wing) Hundstorfer 11.2%
(cuckservative) Khol 11.2%
(independent meme candidate) Lugner 2.4%

Votes counted:


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Happening confirmed
I'm glad you guys seem to be setting such a good example. I hope Germany follows
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Well done, Mountainbros. Well done.
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thread theme


What a faggot.
The polls were bs.
What a shock.



ui, den Hundstorfer sein Spruch wirkt schon ab, Da Lugner fallt auseinander.
You guys really should take in some refugees though
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Erst Österreich, dann Deutschland.
Kratky der PR Experte. hahahahahaha herzlichen Glückwünsch
Holy shit, wasn't he predicted to have only like 22% while the Green idiot had like 25?
What a time to be alive
Suisse are mountainbros, not Austria
Vienna isnt even counted yet....

will there be a second round if noone gets 50% or how does it work in austria?
that guy is absolute comedy gold
Here you go
>Lugner salty af
mein sides
to be honest we're more alike than either of us would like to admit mang
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From the old thread
The dots on the very right are the actual results
Who do we want to win? Sorry for being an uneducated burger.

I'd assume FPÖ.
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This is a good result and all, but in a month SPÖ, Green and Griss voters will probably get together and vote against Hofer.
lol wut
I totally missed that there are votes today.

I didnt even receive a Wahlkarte.

Feels fucking bad desu, Hofer would have swinged my vote. At least he is the leading candidate.
>Vienna LOVES FPÖ.
Second round
Vorarlberg confirmed for cucks
So how far right is FPÖ? Are they just the typical EU cucks or will they fix Austria?
sad but true i guess
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Which one is the good guy?
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Looks like the big cities haven't been counted
at least bavaria and maybe saxony, come on.

the one winning
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>Dutch elections next year
>mfw PVV has been leading the polls for almost a year now despite the media trying to blast them at every opportunity

Are you implying they dont?
Vienna is full of leftists and cucks
The nazi Hofer of course
They are not right at all. They're best described as center-left.
However, if you listen to the mainstream media they are literally the NSDAP.
>19,7% Greens

What the fuck are you guys doing?
Have you learned nothing from us?
Anti-immigration, all you need to know is that our media calls them """far-right"""
I voted Khol but it's not like the president will really do anything.
may 22nd next vote
Elect this man into office so we can close the Balkan route and build a wall!
Oh rise, Europe, rise!
We turn our hopes up to the skies!
Oh rise, Europe, rise!
Upon your wings our dreams will fly.
not a happening then, like where can he get the remaining 14% ?
White is the colour for Griss
Oida, schleich di
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Landslide victory for white race. Now don't screw it up Austria.
People voting against the Green loony, and lower turnout as some people don't bother voting
I don't think every Independant is necessarily in favour of the Greens.
>52% think the country went downhill
the fire is rising so hard
On that note, is it possible to go vote without a Wahlkarte, but with regular driving license or other identification cards?

Can I vote tomorrow or did I already miss my chance today?
Will there be a Stichwahl I can at least participate in?

I really want to do my part in assblasting lefty liberals in my College.
Strache came a close 2nd in the last vienna election. Was smart of him not to run for president and let hofer do it.
>52% of Austrians said the state went downhill in the last couple of years
>Being suprised when the establishment gets rekt in the election
What do they do, shitvote? haha

Figures, if you support borders you're basically a Nazi in Europe.

I'm so tired of democracy. Nothing will change and the Left will just continue to destroy Europe slowly. It's changing here too; the parasites have taken hold and slowly devouring us from the inside.

will the FPO guy have better chances with the green guy being second or the liberal guy being second? Cuz it seems like 2nd place is not decided yet.

CAPTCHA: Select all images with a shed.
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Keked hard and checked
so glad the austrians finally wake up and stop voting for the red and black shits
jesus fuck
congratulations, neighbors
>Nationalist verse Green cuckold in the run off

Wew lad what a fucking match up

Will he win?
The president is a representative figure, not an acting one. Why do you prefer a blue-collar worker who probably can't speak English to a diginified academic?
Heut kannst nimma wählen. Stichwahl is am 22.5.

It always starts in Austria, it always ends in Germany. Oh well, on to the next chapter I guess!
>live in graz
>not one single Hofer adveritsment that has not been defaced with nazi slurs or crudely drawn hitler moustaches.
ANTIFA getting desperate.
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Count Rudl is not pleased all his minions failed
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of course not

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I'm ready, let's have some fun.
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the butthurt liberals on facebook
everyone that didn't vote hofer will vote vdb or griss, so no
The Green according to austrians ITT
He still has power and can decide a lot of critical things. Hofer can speak english and wont die of age in office.
so basically he can't win the next round right? all the butthurt liberal faggots are going to vote green
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This is fucking neat. Fucking green cunts blown the fuck out.
i never use a wahlkarte, always just my passport
how are you two alike if you aren't even close to each other?

Brauch ich da eine Wahlkarte oder kann ich mit normalem Ausweis dort wählen gehen?

Bin nämlich bei meinem Nebenwohnsitz also werde ich wsl keine Wahlkarte per Post hierher bekommen.
>dignified academic
>got buttasted over identitare bewegung protest

thread theme; https://youtu.be/vaBG1gEv7dc

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reisepass, führerschein etc. reicht
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Occasional reminder that leftists skew polls.

Pic related Israeli 2015 election polls and result. Right wing parties red, left wing blue. Main contest was Likud vs Labor/Hatnua (united under new party).

20-22 to 30 for Likud, 20-30% error? Bullshit.

Danke, werde dann zur Stichwahl gehen.
eh... not sure.
I mean the fucking reds are gonna vote for VDB no question, but I for example voted for Griss and I'm gonna vote for Hofer next time.

With the green party it's like this: You either love them and vote for them no matter what, or you really really fucking hate them.

I guess that might break their back.
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Can the green win against him?
You are not allowed to post pornography here.
This is my country.

Lads, we are talking our country back! Let's go! No more Islamists, no more hijab, no more fucking green socialist shitters!

Probably because no one likes to admit voting right wing for fear of being a RACISM. I hope it's the same in Bongland in the EU referendum
Weiß aba net ob du am Nebenwohnsitz wählen kannst, ich hab mir die Wahlkarte online auf der Bundeswebsite bestellt, wird dann per Post eingeschrieben zugestellt.
So ziemlich das bequemste
Sascha Lobo seems a bit salty
>all these dumb kids in the background
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Germany Austria.jpg
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Just came here.
Austrian election happening.
Is the Right Wing soon be Death Squadders winning there?
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inb4 everyone unites against hofer
>hundstorfer in front of Khol

This is actually surprising. Hundstorfer is like the archetype of the red office clerk.
Never worked a day in his life in private economy and all the shit he did was majorly influenced by the fact that he is part of the socialdemocrats.

It's like voting for a corpse at this point.

An unsympathetic one at that.

Sofar Slazburg, Graz and Vienna havent been counted at 67% of votes cast.

At this point Id say Van der Bellen will win.

The map is at the bottom

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>speib mich an
the establishment loses all pretense of political interests when it comes down to left or right, France has shown that, where the FN was gimped by the good old trick.
Nix wird eingeschrieben. Meine ist nicht angekommen.
>Can the green win against him?
Yes. But with this result, it is a lot less likely.

They polled the Green Shill Socialist at 27% before this election and Hofer at 24%. Now it is 37% Hofer and 19% Green Shill Socialist.

And the polls before were 50-50 Hofer and VdB in a runoff. So go figure what this means...
I look forward to paying Austria a visit against next year!

Glad you're getting rid of the fruit loops.
it is going to happen, you know it
I hate that faggot.
Beyond the FPO thing, how surprising is it that the two mainstream big parties got <25% together?

>sounds like "coal"
>has a black color

Well then....
Why is there a fucking woman
So how does this work? What position are they being elected for? There are runoff elections?
>went out for dinner and drinks
>people talking about the vote
>turkish friend of a friend is there
>he tells us he is voting FPÖ
>the resident leftist's head implodes

Political correctness. Ask yourself why you had Dilma?
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>reading comments on standard.at


Danke für die Info. Werd es gleich mal beantragen.
Fuck, the ÖVP shill says "it's a landslide, and the population is becoming radicalized and extreme and that is bad". WTF? WTF are these people thinking insulting 37% of the people?
:DDDDD giggle
>Einer von uns
>Ich komme aus der Wirtschaft
>Ich halte die Frauenquote in meinem Büro ein

The vampire is a fucking joke
>has a female President
They got 11 measly percent of the vote. They're grabbing for straws.
why are leftists so fucking disgusting no matter where they come from?
Presidential, if no candidate gets >50% on the first round there's a runoff between the top two candidates.

Care to translate some?
lets say the green guy wins in the 2nd round, will he try to cuck the CZE and SVK out of our nuclear energy again like the greens kept trying to do in the 90s ?

Also looks like he just tasted a piece of shit.
Ask the poor smelly niggers from Rio de Janeiro and northeast
Hello Peter :DDDD

Becuase if you look at the geographical distribution, youll see that its City vs. Land.
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leftist tears meanwhile
>"eww austria, feel embarressed"
>"I just made a steak, but I'm not hungry anymore. a sad day for austria"
>"i feel so ashamed for austria right now..."
>I look forward to paying Austria a visit against next year!
>Glad you're getting rid of the fruit loops.

Not yet, lad, not yet. 4 weeks to go. Now we really need to get Hofer over the line. If he gets 50%+, we will have taken back our country! It can finally happen, the Socialist State Media then cannot any more say the FPÖ is just some fringe Nazis, because that would insult the majority of the people.
>mein ganzer Bezirk ist blau

stolz uezs
They all belong under the Reich's flags.
ÖVP (cuckservatives)

is currently crying about its losses on television

"how could this happen"
"we need to rethink our strategy"
"there is political radicalization"
What nobody really thinks about-the government partys together got 20% of the votes. This just calls for re election
Nah, everyone could see it coming. The population is deeply dissatisfied with their politics (migration, taxes, handling of banking scandals, ...) and they chose candidates that were old, without charisma and utterly unconvincing.
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So how much butthurt can i expect in tomorrows Lügenpresse?
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Can you feel it boys?
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What does this mean for australia?

will anything significant habben?
Because that is how the left reacts when democracy doesn't work in their favor.

It is clearly because the majority of the country suddenly became radicalised extremist racists, and not because the left utterly shat the bed in the last few decades.

The left really needs to learn what a meritocracy is these days.
kangoroo genocide imminent.
>the Socialist State Media then cannot any more say the FPÖ is just some fringe Nazis

Yes they can.
See recent French regional elections.
Holy fucking shit GET IN
What does this mean? Did they win the presidency, or are there more rounds they must win?
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Yes- Austria is a major player in the Refugee crisis and may veto TTIP.
>What does this mean for australia?
>will anything significant habben?

We have lots of refugees coming to Australia via the sea. So it is important to have a based president in order to send them all back. Only Aussies can shag kangaroos, we do not want Afghans shagging our kangaroos and camels.
>everybody who didnt vote for Hofer will vote for VDB
No. Hofer needs 15% to take the lead. Dont tell me that out of all the other voters not even 15 % would vote for Hofer.
Oh fugg, Machen Oesterreich wieder gross
I'd not eat a lot of breakfast because you'll have to dig through all those deliciously salty tears.
Its the beginning of white people rising up against EU shit politics. Just a first step in a long struggle that's ahead of us.
Now we need PVV, FN, DF, SD and UKIP to all do well too.
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>Even though we are afraid we must do the right choice etc etc
>We have to show solidarity etc etc

>>"sounds a lot like the slogans that evidently did not work"

that interviewer is great
>he thinks the Austrian press cares about insulting native Austrians

Aside from kronen zeitung and maybe die presse the Austrian media is totally shit.

Just lol at those self hating cucks.
Second round run off between the top two candidates
They are only winning because of fear!!!!!!111!!
Its always the same
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The time to rethink strategy was a decade ago.
Now is the time to clean out desks, leave the keys, turn off the lights and go home.
No sympathy.
Under competent leadership not a single rapefie would have made it across the border in the first place.
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Already happened, went for a walk today and didn't see a single one :(
not at all, nobody actually likes these cucks and they are only relevant because old farts that voted them the last 40 years keep voting no matter what, but their voters are really old now and are starting to die, they will keep shrinking and they barley have any good young politicians, especially the socialists their young guys are fucked in the head and should join the Greens.

Refutschis wellkam
>current year
>still mixing up Austria and Australia
It's basically all butthurt bullshit like
"I'm leaving the country" and literally "too many dumb right wing men"

The usual.
Hang on, what kind of voting system do you lads have I don't want a repeat of the French elections.
>dignified academic
>muh appeal to authority

No one cares that Sascha is a no-mark academic, m'Magister

>Fight the man! Except when it's our guy, then The Man is good! He is a professional and has a title!
>No. Hofer needs 15% to take the lead. Dont tell me that out of all the other voters not even 15 % would vote for Hofer.

Hofer might just get 38% at the end of the day in the first vote.

And Griss voters and Khol voters and Lugner voters do not all vote for VdB, the majority of those hate the Green socialist.
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Post some highlights.
>proximity swissfags voting for the jew
merely a coincidence!
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>mfw doing the same thing
this guy is 500% mad
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Guys I'm really dismayed by these results, I mean... sure, okay... a few Austrian teen girls were raped... okay? I admit it. A few Austrians were beaten and robbed by asylum seekers but... is it really worth becoming fascist backwards fuckheads over?

I mean c'mon... IT'S 2016. How can you guys even consider voting non-progressive parties? It's not their faults they didn't do anything! They had a rough life but surely if we take the time to integrate them into society they'll be useful citizens, especially the next generation of Syrian-Austrian children! They are... after all... THE FUTURE.
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>ÖVP crying on television
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he's amazing
>when 89% of austrians are against you, you obviously weren't competent

Where are they going to go when most of Europe turns to the right?

President =/ Chancellor

Its a meaningless position. Ceremonial, like the USVP.
>Hofer might just get 38% at the end of the day

He will be lucky if he gets 30 % after Vienna nad other cities are counted
Were they talking about the migrants?
I said I voted Khol, I don't care about that greasy hippie.
"diese Frage stellt sich heute nicht"

"ich hab sie gerade gestellt"

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>tfw none of the butthurt is in english, so I can't read it

Someone translate pls
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CAPS, Schwuchtel.

Link to interview?
Delicious leftist tears.

Belarus has electricity?
It's a sign for things to come.
I feel like Strache, that walking meme, is dragging the FPÖ down. Hofer looks far more trustworthy.
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> AfD gets 24%
> that just means that 76% support merkel!

This guy >>71922195 said it all pretty much.
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The process is already underway friend

Learn Deutsch nigga, it's pretty easy.
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>being nazis

Why does australia hate innocent refugees so much. Come one guys, it's women and children, and you're going to keep them out??
It is going to be a wild ride.
In our local news:

Yesterday, the day before the election, a woman, a 21-year old university student was raped in a train station in Vienna by three men. The suspects are asylum seekers from Afghanistan. They are between the ages 16 and 19.

No wonder the right is winning.
Go back to bed John.
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>we are the 11%

Lel my family over there all voted spö stupid cucks. My friends in Austria all voted FPÖ :)
wtf is a "klubob frau"?? pls explain adolf

Nope. Its the same like in the US. Provinces vote for Republicans and Cities vote Democrat.
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>He will be lucky if he gets 30 % after Vienna nad other cities are counted

It doesn't work like this. They factored Vienna into the whole thing. Hofer has 50%+ in more than half of Austria already.
Party Chair Woman
>Beign one year behind CURRENT YEAR
What happened to this guy lads?

that's just a tragic isolated incident tho
I guess it'll be Sweden tier. Like that one paper who posted a black fron page saying "Yesterday, X thousand swedes voted SD"
More data: VdB almost certain for being Hofer's opponent on May 22nd.
VdB in der Stichwahl, Hofer hat gerade die Wahl gewonnen.
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Heil Hitler well done Austria bros.

Will it take another Austrian to save Europe?

Does he want to get out of the EU?
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Will this have any impact on Parliamentary elections?
Was this Lugner chap having a stroke while they took his photo
VdB up to 21,1%

Hofer down to 35,5%

66% of votes counted.
Hofer vs. VdB
Exactly. That's why there was another tragic isolated incident in Graz as well :D
>More data: VdB almost certain for being Hofer's opponent on May 22nd.

Yep, and prediction markets have already gone based towards Hofer with Hofer now leading VdB in the predicitons to become president.
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MAY 22

For fuck's sake. How many times do I have to explain this to anglos?


Were in the EU forever.
Good, very good!
Can they stop giving these dumb cunts show time?

>hurr I will now relentlessly shittalk the opposition while promiting the candidate of my own party with absolutely no thought or added insights
Why are women in politics?

Why does Lugner look like he slapped on a bad toupee?
What the pepe is a Klubobfrau?
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What's this election for? Is it a two round deal like France's elections or FPTP? Is it happening?

This >>71922620
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Think he had a severe stroke / heart attack years ago but nobody seemed to care and they still put him on TV all the time and laugh at him

Pretty sad desu
Ive always been in favor of

Unfortunately we have blasted gender equality
Who are these idiots who vote Green?

Why the fuck are they popular in parts of Vorarlberg, of all places?
well he probably did
Two round presidential elections

>Und für alle nicht in Österreich lebenden Menschen: Mehr als 36% hat gerade der FPÖ-Kandidat in der ersten Runde der Bundespräsidentenwahlen bekommen. Er ist deutschnationaler Burschenschafter, sagt "das wir noch sehen werden, was alles in der Flüchtlingspolitik möglich ist", wenn er Präsident ist

Rapefugees BTFO
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hes a billionare and he assfucks teenies all day, he has no time to fix his hair
One part of it is that Vorarlberg didn't get hit by the refugee crisis like in other areas (Styria, Salzburg, Vienna in particualr)
Completely forgot that the Team Stronach still exists
>Why the fuck are they popular in parts of Vorarlberg, of all places?
The places with the least immigrants have the most leftist white voters. In the uk the leftist shitholes are Scotland and London, the whitest and least white parts.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 74

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