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Austria Presidential Elections
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Commence operation uncuckening!
FPÖ has a real chance to win this thing!

Polls and an outline of all the parties for us please, as is tradition
Im going to vote in a few minutes.

Its going to be fun because the strongest candidates are from fringe parties. One from the green/extreme liberal party, one independant former judge, and one from the right wing/libertarian party.

However it is a given that the election wont be over today, since there is no way any candidate will get over 50 percent.
Define "real".

I am afraid Austria is cucked as well. They will vote for a green party shill as president, who will invite 10 million Afghans "for the lulz".

No idea how legit the site is but as you can see, the three leading candidates all have circa 20 percent. Gonna be a tight one.
>ongoing migrant crisis
>Austria voting for the fucking GREENS

I'm starting to think Europe desperately wants to be BLACKED
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Voted for our lord and savior.
Cucks at derstandard.at are already butthurt.
There will be another election between the two leading men from todays election. Which will be the green guy and the right wing guy. It is still prettypen who will win in the end.
Holy shit its really happening.

Do you guys have the two tourne system or is it first past the post?
It's a two turn system unless one candidate gets more than 50%
Which is not going to happen this year
To me, he is the perfect right wing candidate. He has all. the right opinions and policies, while looking and acting so unthreatening. Pulling in the normie vote.
All banter and memeing aside, what are the chances FPÖ wins?
Id say 50/50
Not bad. The right wing parties always get a few percent more than in the polls, and Hofer was always only 2-3% after VDB.
Uhhh guys ? How are these extreme right?

achieve an effective migration policy
Migration is one of the key challenges for Europe. In order to continue to benefit from the migration,
we must ensure that it works and perform real reforms. We live in a global village. The
People leave their homelands in search of a new home. We want a society that prides itself on its democratic traditions and open to other cultures, through which they feel enriched.

Learning together is to have the same rights and obligations.
strengthen Europe's role in the world
A strong Europe is the best guarantee for a better future. We want a Europe with a global vision. A Europe which points the way, that also fulfills its obligations. We want to strengthen relations with our partner countries. We support the reform of the United Nations and call for international disarmament.

We want Europe to work on the eradication of poverty in the world out. That's our global agenda for Europe.
>Cucks at derstandard.at are already butthurt.
I am there at standard.at as well. Give em hardcore Hofer material! As in Hofer Forever!
Thats the point. EVER PARTY in austria is too leftist. Honestly i dont like the fpö but im going to vote fpö until the rest starts moving to the right.
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Guys, just so you know, Hofer packs a Glock 17. And he specifically said this is "because of all the illegal migrants that came to Austria recently".

He also wants to ban the hijab, says we are witnessing a "Muslim invasion", wants to strip away citizenship for Islamists, wants borders closed, the military to regain strength, harsher asylum laws, deporation laws actually being applied correctly, no more welfare for non-Austrians etc.

This man is BASED. But I fear his chances aren't that high after all, because half of Austria is cucked.
I'm reading about them now and they seem pretty based desu.

Their candidate walks around parliament with a Glock because he is worried of immigrants and he wants them all off social welfare.
They are not. They are for small amounts of merit based immigration.
In the west, the media paints everyone who wants something else than unlimited immigration as LITERALLY HITLER.

nah i dont feel like going outside today
The president has next to no power so it doesnt matter
It does. While I dont think that VDB would really go through with not accepting an FPÖ led government, it sends a strong message to the parties. The ÖVP has little choice than to move more to the right, or they will lose everything.

Time to dispel rumors:

the election cycle today is effectively meaningless.

The outcome is practically written and the real "election" (democratic fraud by the establishment) will come next month when Hofer and Van der Bellen face off in "1v1" elimination election.

That being said I did my duty and put my X on Hofer.
>The president has next to no power so it doesnt matter

Where does this BS meme come from?

The Austrian president has fucking a lot of power. Like massively.

Just because the reds and blacks who were president since 1945 never used their powers, doesn't mean the BP hasn't a shitload of real, political power.

Just as an example: the BP can fucking just say no to TTIP and there is nothing Europe could do about it. Similarly, last year in September when the migrant crisis hit, the BP could have deployed the military to the border, and even got the militia mobilized, plus dismissed the government and called for new elections, unless the whole shitty mess had been dealt with right away.
Ya, but Griss has a chance to become second place, which would kick Hofer out the race.
I never knew we had this many Austrians on /pol/
>The outcome is practically written
No it is not.

While VdB vs Hofer is most likely, given that polls were seriously wrong in the past in Austria, there are two other potential outcomes, which could seriously shake up everything:

VdB vs. Griss, which at least means we could get rid of VdB, but would then have a cucked Griss in power.

or even Griss vs. Hofer, which is still entirely possible.
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Implying the ÖVP isn't already losing everything save St. Pölten.
The President of Austria is elected today. He is less important than the Parliament, but has a lot of formal and informal political power he can use to influence the Parliament.
The current Parliament consists of the two traditional Austrian parties, ÖVP and SPÖ, but is largely unpopular, thus the most popular Presidential candidates are backed by the opposition.

Alexander van the Bellen, 24-30% - "independent" Green-supported candidate, Economy Professor. Pro-European, against closed border, not an active SJW, but rather Refugee-friendly.
Norbert Hofer, 22-28% - /pol/ candidate, from the right-wing FPÖ that gained a lot of popularity during the refugee crisis. Is likely to take the initiative against the "flood of refugees", the European Union and TTIP.
Irmgard Griss, 20-25% - independent candidate without political experience, pro-refugees, somewhat anti-establishment, popular amongst the educated and wealthy.

The others don't really matter, they're either fun candidates or establishment shills that everyone is tired seeing.

There will be a second round with the two strongest candidates in a month.

Every Austrian reading this: stand up and go voting for FPÖ NOW! Don't lean back and watch, every vote matters!
>mfw part Austrian

Please save my homeland, anons
>I never knew we had this many Austrians on /pol/

This is the most important European election since, I don't know, many years. If Hofer wins this, the EU will be fucked for 6 years and Austria will become the spearhead in the Fortress Europe initiative.
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Hofer will reunit Germania under one banner

We come out of our holes and proxies whenever the fatherland is in need of our duty.


>making the second round


She roped her chances of that by saying that "Austria can take another 90,000 migrants without issue".


>then have a cucked Griss in power.

Doesn't sound like anything too terrible. The people who have been elected for decades rarely used all their presidential powers. I suppose the state visit to Iran might be a little weird since she'll have to wear a headscarf.
>He is less important than the Parliament, but has a lot of formal and informal political power
Who writes such shit?

This is just not true. This is merely a political historical thing which was caused by who was president.

The Austrian president has similar powers to the French president, not kidding.
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Austria only needs one man
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>Greens could win

what the fuck, Austria?
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>dreifache Nummern geprüft

a woman was raped by 3 afghan teens last week or two weeks ago, this will work in favor for fpo
I'm guessing a lot of people are going to vote for Griss because she has a vagina and it's the current year. See also Hillary Clinton.
I'm reading that the Supreme Court lady is also deeply conservative and is popular among the public.

Seems like Austria wants to go to the right, why is this leftist Green cuck doing well?
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His wife is a bunny. Compared to other wife material of Austrian politicians, she truly stands out (not Melania Trump material, but still better than Michelle Obama).
The Jews, anon. The Jews
All the candidates clearly state they won't use their powers to such an extent that they block the Parliament.

Parliament > President in Austria.
She has the woman and independent bonus. Also she will rope in votes from the ÖVP who are dissatisfied, but wont vote FPÖ because... Nazi I guess
Every time I open an Austrian online newspaper, there's something about Ficky Ficky.
>I'm reading that the Supreme Court lady is also deeply conservative and is popular among the public.

She is cucked. She said it is a-ok that another 100,000 illegal Islamists come to Austria this year and that would still not be an emergency situation.

I hate her with a passion. Her voice is also damn annoying.
He is the only asshole people know. He was head of the green party for decades. And he kinda seems like a kindly old man.
Gotta go fullfill my duty to vote for Hofer, pic will follow
Question to Austrians: how comes the FPÖ has 35% in Parliament polls, yet the FPÖ Presidential candidate has far less?
at least it gets to the news in austria, in your country it just gets swiped under the carpet.

A week ago a tough one to call, but I believe the brutal gang rape in Vienna just 2 days ago (as well as other recent incidents in Graz and Salzburg) may have tipped the balance. Even a leftist paper like Der Standard had literally 1000s of furious online postings, despite heavy censorship and deletions. There are people saying: I'm lefty-liberal and never thought it would come to this, but this shit has to stop; I have a daughter and I'm voting F.

The basic mood in the country has drastically changed. Yesterday a Viennese cab driver who had just been robbed mowed down the robber with his cab, breaking his skull. Legally, a classic case of excessive self defense - and everyone's openly like: give the guy a fucking medal. Dissenters got redvoted into oblivion. Even a year ago this would have been unthinkable on a leftist forum to such a massive extent.

The "antifascist" dams are breaking.
>All the candidates clearly state they won't use their powers to such an extent that they block the Parliament.

It has nothing to do with "blocking the Parliament". it has all to do with things like TTIP or influencing a new government's coalition program, which the president, if he wants to, can influence massively.

VdB even said he would never ever appoint a government with the FPÖ as part of it. That is a massive opposition to the parliament and democracy.

The BP is the head of the executive. And as such, he can do a shitload, even if the parliament can do its own shit with laws separately.
I wonder why they publish it. In germany such crime would be limited to the local newspaper with the attacker background not mentioned.

You still have some good media besides "der Standart" Bilderberg jewish.
Krone is pretty conservative.

Don't forget to vote! Good luck. All patriots in europe watch you.
That's not the case.
It's just that Germany is gigantic territory-wise, and local events - rapes are always local events - don't make it into the national newspapers.

We had a fucking shooting in the midst of Munich by refugees. It was all over Munich newspapers, yet my friends in Frankfurt knew nothing about it.
Because the President is seen more like a diplomatic, ribbon cutting office.
Its more based on sympathy towards the candidates than a government election.
How can she be in favour of open immigration and be deeply conservative.

Conservative means being against change. Import ten thousands of
Muslims and you are going to start seeing some damn drastic changes going on.
>shooting in munich

what the fuck, i live in salzburg and i didnt even hear that.

and yes, a lot of shit DOES go unreported in the news, even in austria. you cant deny that, there were several articles of german cops admitting they were told to shut up about immigrants and keep it on the low.

My mom voted Griss cuz vagina power.

>I don't have the energy to explain why this was the wrong choice


>de facto NEOS

pls VdB tried the "independent" meme and everyone caught him out on it.
>all this shit going down and im in the dark

welche zeitung liesst du?
I wonder how bad reality is. We only get a glimpse of what is going on. At least they do not censor everything that is going on.

If only twitter and facebook censorship would not be that efficient. There is lots of material that gets surpressed and deleted.
They manipulate viewcounters and votes for videos. Jailtime and home searches if you post anything anti refugee politics.
Damn, Hofer's daughter will be damn fine in 2-3 years.

He seems to be a nice daddy. Said if his daughter does hashish, she is going to be grounded!

I believe this will be a massive scandal sooner or later, they are really keeping us in the dark about it all. Its gotta leek sometime, or someone will talk eventually. i hope
Osterreich fur immer! wurstsemmel, kommisar rex, mozart, glock, steyr mannlicher.

Alle von euch sollen fur Hofer stimme.
He also said that he won't send her to a public school or a swimming pool in Vienna, b/o obvious reasons.
Do the right thing little Germany
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>Do the right thing little Germany
Fuck off, Saupreiss. Calling the great Austrian Empire "little Germany" is an insult. Germany has been the cancer of Europe for too long.

We need a new, strong Bavarian-Austrian-Swiss-South Tyrol federal state and an end to German cucked "refugees welcome" SJW tyranny.
>great Austrian empire
>not even 10 million people

Its 2016 come on
why are Austrians the saltiest most anti-American posters in general

what did we ever do to you besides defeating you in both world wars?
big enough to protect your borders
>great Austrian Empire
Dreaming of the glorious past.

Bavaria is doing good. They have the only real police force. In other states the police is scared and tolerates small crime.
>>great Austrian empire
>>not even 10 million people
>Its 2016 come on

8.5 million + 12.5 million Bavaria + 6 million Swiss Germans + 0.5 million South Tyrol = 27.5 million. And a massive GDP due to these regions all being rich and productive.

The Rest of Germany would be a cucked 69 million welfare shithole in comparison.

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
>what did we ever do to you besides defeating you in both world wars?

Americans are generally hated by Austrians because Americans could uncuck Europe, but instead they get cucked themselves.
problem is that VdB is the Mainstream candidate and when it comes down to him or Hofer, VdB will most likely win

it doesn't really matter because we're not voting for a dictator like the amerikeks, but just a representative office, and even a green goon is better than a nigger
what are you talking about, they are the ones who cucked us in the first place.
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i see what you're saying but i notice with Austrians the hate is so much more intense than other countries but maybe it's just me

You declared war on us after your allies shed American blood on American soil for literally no reason. you cucked yourself.
that's what you believe? lurk more newfag.
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Isn't the Austrian president just a figurehead without any actual power like in pretty much every European country with the exception of maybe France? It's because anyone who is directly personally elected by the people to serve the nation is a threat to "parliamentary democracy" (=not democracy)

So just another totally worthless election. /thread
When do we get the results?

Also are there any exit poll streams in English?
Is FPÖ Strache?
Every Austrian that hasn't had this exact sight before his eyes today: STAND UP AND VOTE SHITPOSTING WONT CHANGE ANYTHING VOTING WILL

i must be getting meme'd
Der Kandidat ist Hofer, das ist auch gut so.
He has some actual power but it was commonly never used and its a big statement from the people, it could trigger a new election of the parliament, where the fpö leads in every poll
>i see what you're saying but i notice with Austrians the hate is so much more intense than other countries but maybe it's just me

Austrians are generally less politically correct. Austria has connections to Eastern Europe which are all anti-PC. This is a big difference to Germany, which are PC world champions, while Italians and French don't care about anyone except themselves... and the Brits think America is still a British colony.
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>believes voting will change things in a country where all the mass media is controlled by the establishment

FPÖ it is then
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mfw FPÖ forms military allegiance with AfD and retakes Constantinople.
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Back from voting with family, thats another 5 votes for Hofer.


Kinda yeah, best case Hofer declares new elections and we get his Party for chancelor party though.
Also, hes Pro-guns and hasguns, so, fuck it I want him as Pres.

Furthermore: better then another "Hey guise, what Pokemon/Beer/Toiletpaper/Pony is Redpilled? I say BudLightFluttershycoozychu"
Look an the polls, then talk again. Anti-establishment candidates are the only ones that stand a chance. A guy that wants to block TTIP is second place.
Reality-check: Kurier online poll

Irmgard Griss 23.47 %
Norbert Hofer 33.67 %
Rudolf Hundstorfer 5.51 %
Andreas Khol 4.08 %
Richard Lugner 3.27 %
Alexander Van der Bellen 30.00 %


Go there and vote for our lord and savior Hofer
>Germany, which are PC world champions
Germany YES!

let's go, Hofer must win!

The lefty derstandard.at is usually a good starting point. Even if the news is censored and the reporting lopsided, within 1 min someone will call them out in the forum or get a local link through to SN, Kl. Ztg. or whereever. To some extent they have been whipped into shape by their own forum; they have to be extra careful about every detail; they have used every trick in the book to control their forum and it backfired. Some of their journalists have started to abandon the p.c. line.

mfw the forum of a Jewish-owned leftist rag is now our /pol/
Doesn't mean much, sadly. Old people votes matter a lot, they don't get accounted for online.
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>Back from voting with family, thats another 5 votes for Hofer.
BS, your cucked sister voted for VdB. I could see it in her eyes.
is it a sign that Germany will uncuck it or become cucked even more? I'm confused.
Should I start learning german?
I should've used Google, my bad.
I like Strache. Hopefully you guys make it.
The latter. There's only this direction in Germany.
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Jokes on you, I dont have any sisters, only brothers
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The Eternal Babyboomer strikes again

Forgive me, I could not convince my family to not vote VdB.
Is it true that no other political party will form a coalition with AfD?
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Germany lol.png
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Cant argue with Quints
That's not even a meme.
Old people voting out of habit are a HUGE factor benefitting the establishment parties.
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There's zero chance of VdB not winning.

Funnily enough they may be what destroys the EU too, cause in the UK its old folks giving BREXIT campaign a boost.

And young voters are too retarded to actually go vote. Thats why the scottish independence thing failed, young folks were their mainsupporters.

Now with the BREXIT campaign its exactly the other way round.
When do we get results Mr Latvia?
>not checking with a swastika
you had 1 job
I want to go to Russia!!!
5 and a half hours until the first projections. However, there are voting cards (around 500,000) which won't be counted until Monday so things might still change
>There's zero chance of VdB not winning.
Not according to betting odds.

It will be about 70-30 for VdB in odds against Hofer. So Hofer still got a 30% chance, that is about the chance that Brexit happens.
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5 Cunts and half a shitpost away, mate
>When do we get results Mr Latvia?
The polls in Riga close in 5 1/2 hours. Then President Vejonis will announce the results.
I love you Austria
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>Not according to betting odds.
I wish we in Lithuania would be as uncucked as Latvia.
There is one village in Austria that truly captures what Austria is all about.
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He has to win!!
but just the fact that even the youth votes hofer is amazing. and trust me, the biggest right wingers in this country are old people
wir sind stolz auf dich
Because what you see as salty anti american shitposting is just a cautionary voice telling you that you are not as hot as you think you are, not as strong as you think you are, not as rich as you think you are and that your global rule could end, not in a generation, but in one year.
>adding that much salt
Hofer beat paraplegia just to kick Bellen's ass

If cynicism could be measured as an export product then Austria would beat all other nations by wide margins.

for more info


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im sending every rape article to my sister whose a huge sjw but cant stand sexual assault.
shes all for the lovely refugees but i know im fucking with her mind when giving her all the evidence against them. so she decided to abstain from voting, which is somewhat a win for me. you should do the same
But i love America and I WANT them to make it.

Im gegensatz zu euch. Gott strafe deutschland.

You have 88 in your name and most letters of the führer's first name. The meme god has spoken!
Friendly reminder that VdB will win and /pol/ will be wrong as always
Hoid amoy die gosch

Sadly, also all letters of fiki-fiki..
>the biggest right wingers in this country are old people
And yet they still vote SPÖVP because "hurr durr that's what we always did"
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If the finals will be Hofer vs Bellen, you'll have a clear answer whether your country wants Ficky Ficky or not.

If yes - so be it.

But I doubt that.
>whether your country wants Ficky Ficky or not.
A lot of Austrians want Ficki ficki. There is the Praterstern for a reason.
I feel like we are just below the peak of the mountaintop. AfD, PWÖ, FN, SD.

But instead of having these glorious parties, we are going to lose out by 3 or 4% to Greens and others.

And then everything will be taken from our fingertips. The now-burning fire that had been a simmer for so long extinguished.
>If the finals will be Hofer vs Bellen, you'll have a clear answer whether your country wants Ficky Ficky or not.
...jesus christ m8
Godspeed Austria, it's time to curbstomp the cucks
huh, wouldn't have even noticed

nice dubs btw

Fuck America.

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Whom did he vote for, m8ies?

Here you have a page that at least try to summarize all local news media happenings regarding the migrants in germany. But even that is less than half of what actually happens since most refugees are just let go by the police and nothing reported.

For Austria!
So, who's done their part to make the Federal President great again?

Just came back from voting, didn't even have to queue because Erstkommunion was right next to it. I bet the owner of the restaurant that is typically used as a polling station around here is fuming.
I did my part just came back from voting Norbert Hofer, please guys get out vote or else you have no right to complain later if it ends up being the Green Cockroach.

Not voting = voting Green.
I hate people that vote for fucking Hofer.
He has not the slightest chance to win this. Everyone and their dog will vote against him in the "Stichwahl" and VDB will be our new retarded Grüßaugust.

Every non liberal should have voted for Griss.
Votes for Hofer/Khol are lost (aka the same as just voting VDB)
the nose looks rather displeased
>vote UKIP, get Labour
There's no poll that reinforces your vision of Hofer standing no chance in the showdown.

It's to extremes against each other. You could also argue that everyone will vote against Bellen, as a Green President during the Asylum crisis isn't everybody's cup of tea.

>give up our one true chance for voting a meme president

nah man.

All in or all out.

Adolf Hitler volunteered for being a messenger in WW1 with a mortality of >70%.

Gott mit uns!
Griss wants to take in 90k more migrants
Fuck her
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i don't think that our people will vote for VdB and "RefugeesWelcome".

The only reason that VdB is able to be the leader in the polls is because the other voters are split between Griss, Kohl, Hofer and Hundsdorfer.
Will be so funny when you get BTFO.
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>reminds me of pic related

damn I write the hardest X known to man on that
Austrian /pol/iticians... GO OUT AND VOTE FOR HOFER!

Your country needs you, Europa needs you!
If you will be happy in case Bellen wins because you won some childish bet, we have nothing more to talk about.
This is what we call a cuckservative.
>is less than half
They don't report rapes to "protect the victim". 50% is an unrealistic estimate. I know the link but twitter has censorship. And it is only one person collecting the incidents.

She can not read every article. And sometimes its only a sidenote in a small local newspaper if there was an attempted child rape and the preperator was set free. And they often don't publish a descripiton of the suspect because PC.
Da gibts wirklich Idioten, die den Scheißdreck wirklich glauben. Unglaublich.

Man wählt für die Person, die man auch als BP haben will.
Go and suck Ahmeds cock.

If you like refugess that much, you should move to syria.
Großdeutschesreich when?
Why would I be happy? It's just funny how you think Hofer has a chance when he (sadly) doesn't. Just being realist.

Incredible argument.
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Lefties Circlejerk in derstandard.at now.
>be eternal Anglo
>prevent Großdeutschland
>ask when Großdeutschland comes
>Will be so funny when you get BTFO.

Get real and read actual polls, idiot.

There is a reason why polls suggest a head-to-head with a slight VdB favor.

46% of Austrians think a green President would be a disaster, only 40% say the same for a blue President. Or in other words, Hofer just needs another 4% who think VdB would be a disaster.

You believe the cucked left Lügenpresse and Staatsfunk too much.
> Trying to have an intellectual debate on /pol/
> Being THAT new
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It would be a realist position if the polls were in your favor.

In fact, 46% of Austrians have a negative opinion of the Green Party, only 40% of the FPÖ.
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You sound like a kid who isn't allowed to vote anyways. Would you like to know where your "realist" opinions belong?


Anschluss Pt. 2

get ready for the release trailer movie script in 2025.


>when he (sadly) doesn't.

Lots of people I've spoken to agree that since VdB tried that "Heimat" advertising stunt that he seriously eroded his supporter base.


>Or in other words, Hofer just needs another 4% who think VdB would be a disaster.

Shouldn't be too hard.

The FPÖ just needs to hit the right spots with an advertising / shilling campaign.


>doppelte Nummern geprüft

kek wills it
I'm Scottish faggot, the eternal anglo is my enemy too.
Die versuchen zu Teilen. Genauso wird momentan versucht zwischen die AfD einen Keil zu treiben. So zerstört man Opposition.

Eine andere Methode des entzuges der finanziellen Mittel ohne echte Rechtsgrundlage hat bei der AfD aufgrund von Parteispenden nicht gewirkt. Aber zB Vlaams Belang in Belgien wurde damit erfolgreich zerstört.
True blue Heroes. I am proud of you Aussies
Look at these pictures. This is Austria. This is worth dying for and fighting for against the Islamic ISIS invasion and welfare cucks.

We can take our country back!

Where is that poll from?
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>tfw Hitler was never able to build up Führerstadt Linz into the cultural center of Germania

feels bad man
>Bei der zur Zeit wahrscheinlichsten Variante für die Stichwahl hätte Alexander Van der Bellen gegenüber Norbert Hofer mit 52 Prozent zu 48 Prozent knapp die Nase vorn.
Uhm, okay?

Voted Hofer, the fire rises ehuehueu
>Austria is a low-res country
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>I am now griss missile
Fuck off.
Will he make animu real?
He and Strache will find a way
Was Deine Aussage, das Abstimmen für Hofer würde sich nicht lohnen, völlig widerlegt. Würden auch nur paar Promille der Bellen-Wähler so denken, gewinnt Hofer.
The president can trigger a reelection of the national parlament, letting the people finally exchange Merkels cucktoy to based Strache.
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Make Austria HD again
>Was Deine Aussage, das Abstimmen für Hofer würde sich nicht lohnen,
Where did I state that?
Dieses Triplett.
Hofer confirmed president due to meme magic.
Hundreds of women are raped by shitskins and they carry out major terrorists strikes in Europe, people are still to cucked to care.
Is it the same place in different angles or do all the churches look the same?
Nicht wortwörtlich, aber Du verbreitest eine defätistische Stimmung, die nicht angemessen ist. Nie hatte ein Kandidat, der offen gegen EU, TTIP und Einwanderung ist, so große Chancen.
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It's happening trips, confirm this
Many were taken at the same place but not all
Okay thanks for admitting to making up statements which I never said or implied.

I guess we'll just have to leave it at that because this obviously won't lead anywhere.

>. Nie hatte ein Kandidat, der offen gegen EU, TTIP und Einwanderung ist, so große Chancen.
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Man tut sein bestes.
>Is it the same place in different angles or do all the churches look the same?
Same one, different angles. For some strange reason, Google comes up with Hallstatt 8 times in Google image search when typing "beautiful Austria".

pic related is Austria too...
It's the same place, but many churches have that look to them.

We actually have a baroque church where I live, which means lots of onion domes, fat babies with angel wings and lots of bling on the inside.

It's ok, but I prefer the more simplistic and reduced style of modern churches.
VdB: "Der dritte Platz wäre ein sehr undankbarer"
You get what you deserve
>der Lugner steht tatsächlich zur Wahl
Der Absolute Irre.
Are you okay there bud?
We're running a ten (10) percent deficit at the moment
The eternal anglo is holding our economy up
Also dont call them the enemy because Thatcher was a stupid old hag who only cared about London.
If youre for independence thats fine, but dont call the people we conquered the world with the enemy
Atm theyre the only chance we have not to get enriched by Merkel & Sturgeon.
>presidential election
isn't the president appointed in Austria?
>Many were taken at the same place but not all
I have been to that island a shitton of times. You can swim from Fürberg there, takes 20-25 minutes. It is the Oxeninsel... as kids we called it the "Schlangeninsel" because there were a few water snakes close to it.

Man, I love Wolfgangsee. A pity they fucking destroyed the cool road down to Fürberg by creating this massive shit faggot new road.
Das ist nicht Deutschland. Der österreichische Präsident hat Vollmächte bishin zur Entlassung des Parlaments.
Go lick Merkel's vagina
voting hofer = voting green

it's unbelievable how delusional these people are.
>isn't the president appointed in Austria?
No, the Austrian president is actually very powerful, a cross-over of the French president and Weimar Republic president and is voted into power by the people and cannot be disposed... except via a referendum.

The reason he never used his powers after 1945 was because the person elected was always either a socialist or a conservative, and never one of the non-mainstream parties.
50/50 in the first part.
Next to nothing in the second part.
Well, if there is a new 17-old rapist everday like it has been for the last few days that might chance.
Otherwise the racism card will make it impossible for him to win.
The chancellor is appointed by the president, not the other way round. And since there is a real chance of a right-wing victory, this election could have far-reaching consequences for the ongoing migration crisis.
Ich glaube nicht, dass er das tun wird. Aber stelle dir einmal vor, wie die cucks in der Regierung zittern werden vor dieser Möglichkeit.
Dont you lads have a chance to win this if a few more enrichments happen between now and the second election?
Damn now that you said "Schlangeninsel" I recall stepping on one as a kid while climbing out of the water to get on the Island.
Wolfgangsee is just great!
>You shouldn't vote for Hofer, because you would be voting VdB!
>You should vote VdB instead, because then you are voting for Hofer!

Yeah, right
Slim chance but there were new enrichments basically everyday for some time so maybe.
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Does Norbert Hofer really have a chance?
Den Nationalrat kann er eh nur auf Antrag der Bundesregierung auflösen.
Yes in the first election.
Basically no in the second.
Talk is talk, how likely is it that Austrians will deploy machine guns, not pointing at their own people to protect the Bilberberg meeting from nosy reporters for a change, but at the border against criminal shitskins who rape their women - also rutlessly deporting the ones who already forced their way in and breeding like the cockroaches they are.
I say it's 0, Hofer or not.
Merkel kaut sicherlich gerade Fingernägel.

Wenn Österreich dichtmacht, hat das längerfristige Folgen.
>Den Nationalrat kann er eh nur auf Antrag der Bundesregierung auflösen.
Und die Bundesregierung kann er selbst ernennen... und der Nationalrat braucht ah weile bis er ein Mistrauensvotum durchführt.

Das B-VG weiss schon warum was so geregelt ist wie es geregelt ist. Der BP hat massive Macht.
Falls Hofer Präsident wird, gibts Neuwahlen, weil dann die Koalition implodiert. Es hat aber keinen Sinn, sich hier eine "Machtergreifung" hinzufantasieren, die nicht passieren wird.
>Does Norbert Hofer really have a chance?
Yes, chances are about 70-30 for VdB in the run-off elections, but 30% are still better than Trump has against Clinton.

>Basically no in the second.
BS. All polls, prediction markets and betting markets suggest Hofer has a chance in the run-off election, he just isn't the frontrunner.
Hes the Austrian "literally Hitler" guy right?
So how much do you think it will take for Austrian normies to ignore the media?
Ach bitte, Merkel findet es voll geil, dass wir und die Balkanstaaten ihr die Grenzsicherung abnehmen. So kann sie weiterhin ihr moralinsaures Geschwätz ablassen, ohne ihr Gesicht zu verlieren.
*Wir schaffen das
>Merkel kaut sicherlich gerade Fingernägel.
>Wenn Österreich dichtmacht, hat das längerfristige Folgen.
Merkel hat gerade gestern oder vorgestern Italien gewarnt, dass wenn Italien seine Grenzen nicht richtig sichert, dann macht Österreich den Brenner zu....

Was geschieht mit der Koalition im Falle eines grünen Präsidenten?

Bellen steht für TTIP und offene Grenzen. Die Koalition weiß, dass beides ihnen stimmen kostet.
Dies, auf die Frage was denn jetzt passiert wenn die Flüchtlinge über Italien kommen hat sie ja erst letzten gesagt "Dann macht Österreich den Brenner dicht" Die dumme Hure lässt uns die Drecksarbeit machen und beschwert sich dann wahrscheinlich auch noch.
>Hes the Austrian "literally Hitler" guy right?
No, he is actually quite moderate. He is a LOT less right wing than e.g. Trump or even Cameron.

>So how much do you think it will take for Austrian normies to ignore the media?
33% of Austrians currently say they would vote FPÖ in an election. That is massive compared to what the "mainstream" parties get. Also, 58% want a FPÖ-ÖVP government instead of the current coalition.

Hofer can win, he is just not the frontrunner against VdB.
Dann passiert erst ein mal gar nichts. Oder die Koalition bricht auseinander, weil beide "Großparteien" ihre Verluste bis zur nächsten Nationalratswahl limitieren wollen. Sowohl Rot als auch Schwarz schielen auf die Blauen als potentielle Koalitionspartner.

You give an Austrian person some news stories about rapes and nigger crimes and many of them will be mentally prepared to awaken.

The Austrian people are naive, just like the Germans. Break their naivete and you can harvest power.


>Die Koalition weiß, dass beides ihnen stimmen kostet.

In the election cycle. They will pass TTIP anyway.

See our now retired interior minister how that worked out, when you lie to people.


>securing its border
>not using machine guns and landmines

not happening

Every day 5000 of the enemy is landing on Italian shores. Your television lies to you, that "500 drowned" and "how tragic" that is. The television doesn't mention that the other 90% of the daily invading force has landed safely and is preparing to march on Europe.

We are at war. I don't care if the enemy loses 10% of its forces in transit, I am glad that it does.
>Also, 58% want a FPÖ-ÖVP government instead of the current coalition.
Wasn't it 58% who want FPÖ in government, no matter what coalition? I'd rather want FPÖ-SPÖ with massive butthurt from the socialist youth.
Den Grenzschutz übernimmt allerdings eher die Türkei als Österreich. Und Hofer drohte, den Türkei-Deal zu kippen.

Zudem ist die politische Landschaft in Deutschland ein Abbild von der in Österreich. Auch hier verliert eine schwarz-rot Regierungskoalition stimmen an grüne und blaue Parteien, nur nicht in diesem Ausmaß.
no. the right party has some potential (currently hovering around 30%) but not more.

was also visible in the vienna and upper austrian election. so hofer may be even first in this round (though i don't believe it) approx. 30% of the vote and vdb something like 25, griss > 20% and the other jokers somewhere between 10 and 20 and in the second round vdb will still win with a clear margin.

VDB against griss would be a lot less clear because vdb would get the SPÖ vote but not ÖVP and FPÖ.

so for a leftie:
TO sum up:
VDB voters: VDB > SPÖ > Griss > Khol > Hofer
Hofer voters: Hofer > Khol > Griss > SPÖ > VDB
Griss voters: Griss > VDB > Khol > SPÖ > Hofer
Khol voters: Khol > Griss > VDB = Hofer > SPÖ
SPÖ voters: SPÖ > VDB > Hofer > Griss > Khol

as you can see if only hofer and vdb remain vdb wins.
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